How to Stay Motivated When You’re Drained

Feeling drained and exhausted, with no creative juices flowing, burnt out but anxious about the important pressing duties you must complete; we have all gone through such situations, and we must confront them from time to time. You’re probably feeling the same way and seeking ways to rekindle your motivation and get you reenergized for work and life; well, look no further. Here are some ideas for staying motivated when you don’t feel like doing anything and are exhausted. Stay with us and regain that inspiration since these simple things may have a big impact on your mood.

1. Go For a Walk

Going on a walk and exercising your body offers several advantages for both your mental and physical well-being. It can help you restore lost motivation by reducing stress and refreshing your mind. You may listen to music while walking or simply enjoy the fresh air and nature’s beauty. Many studies have demonstrated that even a 15-minute walk improves people’s mood and energy. So put on your running shoes, leave your troubles at home, and go for a stroll in nature.

2. Listen to a Podcast

Company matters; those of us who have close friends feel inspired listening to their inspiring talks, and this can bring back some of your own lost motivation. But not all of us have those friends all of the time, and sometimes being alone is all we need. Therefore, listening to a good podcast can be a great way to enjoy some energizing and inspiring people talking and recharge our own lost energy. You can go for a walk while listening to the podcast, or simply grab a cup of hot tea and listen to a good podcast in the background. Following are some of our top recommendations:

• The High-Performance Podcast
• The Wellness Café
• The Daily Stoic
• Radiolab
• Anything Goes With Emma Chamberlain

And the good news is that you don’t need anything fancy to enjoy these amazing podcasts; all you need is a stable internet connection.

3. Take a Break

Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery, a trip somewhere new. So, take some money out of your pocket and go on that trip you’ve been planning for a long time. Going to new places and experiencing new and different environments will help your brain start thinking fresh and bring in some new ideas, restoring your creativity and motivation.

4. Read a Book

It is said that if you are stuck for ideas, read a book. There are many books that will allow you to consider the themes from your own point of view, which is like an exercise for your brain to get it back to being creative. So grab a book, head to that cozy little café, and get lost in the story. You will undoubtedly feel much better afterward. Here are some great books we recommend for you to read:

• Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
• Drive by Daniel Pink
• Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley
• You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
• Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven

5. Try Something New

If you’re tired of the same old routine and don’t think you can go on another day, take a break and try something new. It could be going to new places, meeting new people, or trying out new fun activities. Spend some time painting if painting or drawing fascinates you, or learn a new instrument if you want to. You don’t have to be perfect at your hobbies; all that matters is that you enjoy them and feel refreshed while doing them.

6. Declutter Your Space

Many people believe that a cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind. So, if you’ve been meaning to clean your room or closet, now is the time. Decluttering your space can have a significant positive impact on your mind. Seeing things around you in order will automatically signal your brain that things are under control, and you will feel less stressed and more refreshed. So clean your space, clear your devices of useless apps, and clean yourself by taking a relaxing bath to wash away that demotivation.

7. Do Nothing!

We understand that there are times when you are so drained and exhausted that the best thing to do is nothing at all. Sit alone with yourself and take a break from everything. Clear your mind and do whatever you want, whether it’s a nap or eating your favorite cheat food. Allowing yourself enough time to recover from the burnout will provide you with the motivation and energy you need to get back on track, and with more energy this time.

To Conclude,

We all have days when we feel exhausted and burned out from all of our daily responsibilities. Taking a break and doing something different can help you regain the motivation and inspiration needed to carry on with your life.


My Mind Is My Worst Enemy

As of today everything seemed normal, thoughts of a normal human would have, then realization happened. I was there thinking again, am I happy? Am I doing the right thing? And am I having a successful life? When do you realize you have a successful life?
When am I going to stop thinking that I deserve something better? And is this how I am going to live the rest of my life? Is my job worth the stress?

The moment of realization

Life happens as I think of all the things that I wish I would have in my life. Thoughts of unhappiness, and sadness barely make any space for the happiness I am supposed to experience. Yet I am trying to make an effort to succeed, to stop thinking I am not doing enough. And to stop comparing myself to others. So I keep going when I don’t even want to get up from bed.

Fighting my mind every second

​As time passes by, I keep catching myself losing track of my goals again; at least that’s what my mind wants me to believe. Beacause my mind keeps playing tricks on me, making me believe I am not doing what a successful person would do. And that I don’t have the right to take a break or sleep more. But at times, I see just how hard working I actually am. And I try to keep myself working towards my goal. I keep telling myself to stay focused and don’t punish myself for having a moment for just me.  However, my mind keeps making me believe a normal human being has no right to be tired, depressed, or feel sick.

Not only my mind but my family?

Then I realize it’s not only my mind that I need to fight. My family and even strangers make me doubt my abilities and ways to make things happen. They keep saying I can do better, and they keep asking why I never further my studies, and why don’t I start looking for another job? I feel overwhelmed by all of those questions, but I keep smiling as if they had the right to choose for me. And then I find myself lost again.

Enduring my reality to succeed

Is this how I am supposed to live? Because I keep having this thought, but I refuse to live like this, I AM working on myself. And I AM creating solutions. Because I am sure that this is my time to shine, I know I have a purpose in life and I know life is changing for good. Because life is showing me, little by little, that the wait was worth it, and that I have finally found my path. And this time, nothing will ever be the same.

Is destiny giving me signals?

Life is trying to tell me to hang in there. And to keep believing good stuff happens and miracles are real. Telling me that my mind played tricks on me all this time just to ensure that I am going to become the woman my young self would be proud of. Life is ever changing, like me, like my mind, my body and soul. This is THE time. Because THIS IS MY TIME.

About The Author

Maria De Leon is a peace searching, coffee lover with an International studies degree. She loves to write about personal experiences, real life scenarios, and all things memorable.

Cheer For Yourself Too

Many people ask me why I am so hard on myself. They say that I never see how hard I work, or how much I give to other people. I just realized they are so right. 


There can be someone who has been in the same or similar situation that I have been in, and I am at the front lines cheering them o because well, you go girl! But me no, I am not cheering myself on instead I am up criticizing my self. I am thinking of all the things I did not get done instead of thinking about all the things that I did accomplish in a day. I am thinking about how I should be working when I am relaxing because those six days a week that I work just are not enough. 


When someone asks me to do something that I know I do not have the time for I genuinely feel bad because I cannot do it for them. Forget making my life easier no I feel bad because I cannot take that burden off of someone else shoulders. So I am here to tell myself right here and right now. 


If You’re Feeling Stuck — It’s Time for a New Adventure

You Are Ready For Something New

There comes a time in your life when you realize things are changing…or maybe they already have.

And there comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book. 

The way we spend our time defines who we are.

You can either run the day or let the day run you. We all make time for what we feel is important in our lives. You can keep going long after you think you can’t. All we really have to do is decide what we want to do with the time that’s given to us.


Hindsight is 2020: The Twenty Ten Decade And How Women Prevailed

The Twenty Ten Decade:

Women prevailed in the twenty ten decade. Let’s take a ride back in our time machine. It’s now 2010 and according to the US Department of Labor, here are some quick stats on where women were.

Within the US there were 123 million women over the age of 16 years old, and just shy of 60 percent were in the work force. Of the total workforce, women were just shy of 50 percent.

At this time, it was projected that women would account for 51. 2 percent off the increase in labor growth from 2008-2018.

The top two jobs for women at this time were Secretaries, (admins) and nurses.

Fast Forward to 2019- and here is what we see

For the classes of 2016-2017 women earned more than half of the bachelor degrees (57.3), master degrees (59.4) and doctorate degrees (53.3) And over half in law and medicine. Women are now nearly half of the labor force.

In 2018 women held 51. 5 percent of all management occupations.

Despite these statistics, women are still earning 80 percent, 80 PERCENT!!! (read that again ladies, and get mad) of what men earn on average. And there are less women than men on boards. For example, in 2018 men held 76 percent of board seats of all S & P 500s, while women had a mere 24 percent, 24 PERCENT (Get mad again, ladies) with less than 7 percent  7 PERCENT !!! held by women of color (NOOOO ladies NOOOOO).

What does this info tell us?

While these are snippets of many data stats and analytics, it does tell us something. Women are expanding their career paths and are climbing the many corporate ladders, while entering more fields. However, the top positions and prominent board seats are still being occupied men, and by a large majority.

So what events took place in the last decade that were the cause or the ‘because’ of some of these progressive changes ? Women prevailed in the twenty ten decade. Here are 20 women related people or events that occurred in the twenty ten decade.

1. Fourth Wave Feminism Begins

The decade of 2010 brought a resurgence to the feminist movement, and terms like “mansplaining” and ‘manspreading” rode the coattails of the #MeToo Movement, which publicly brought down many media moguls for sexual misconduct in the workplace.

Women Rights Are Human Rights

With organizations like Planned Parenthood under attack pre and post election, more and more women are supporting other women, and advocating for global change.

2. The Women’s March

The second “The Donald” mentioned grabbing any of our mothers, daughters or sisters by the pussy, a new women solidarity movement began. And proudly our sons, boyfriends, brothers and husbands supported us and frowned upon the newly elected sexist president. A worldwide protest, the Women’s March has become an annual march in DC and around the globe. And it is a reminder to us women, how much further we have to go.

3. Kardashians

Social Media and reality television can create celebrity families. The Kardashians are living proof of that. While diverse in personalities, or lack thereof (you decide), they are willing to spend countless hours under social media scrutiny. Each of them have become household compliments and insults. And most importantly, have managed to build successful empires using their own sexuality to work for them and beating men at their own game. Like them or not, they have made an impact.

4. Hillary Clinton

Whether you voted for her or not, she was the first woman to almost become President and she won the popular vote too. With her nomination as the Democratic candidate, Hillary became the female catalyst and fall girl in 2016. Now, more women are running for President than ever before.

5. Greta Thunberg

Born in 2003, and from Sweden, Greta takes on climate change as if it’s her fight alone. She challenges adults on both sides of the aisle and on a global scale. In her speeches she seethes her distaste for their apparent lack of concern for her future and for generations to come. Here words, at sixteen have made an impact on children and adults. She is motivating everyone to clean up their act and to be part of the solution for climate change, a new climate reform. Go Greta Go!!

6. Wonder Woman

Female directed and first female led comic book action hero movie to truly gross at the box office (821.8 million to date). A triumph that is inspiring more female led super hero films, Captain Marvel, etc.

7. Ava DuVernay

She is the first (FIRST) women of color to direct a live action film with a budget of over 100 Million. Ava won the Directing award at Sundance for her second feature Middle Of Nowhere, becoming the first (another FIRST) black woman to win the award.

8. Kathryn Bigelow

An American producer, director and screenwriter, she was the first (FIRST) woman ever to win an academy award for best director for her film The Hurt Locker. Other films you may remember, Point Break (original), Detroit and Zero Dark Thirty, among others.

9. Michelle Obama

Since leaving the White House in 2017, Michelle is actively producing on Netflix and addressing various women’s issues. She has become the matron poster child of compassion and grace.

10. Simone Biles

The best gymnast to ever compete (male or female). Simone is so talented, they named three gymnastic moves after her. At the ripe age of 22, she continues to impress us while reminding us to also challenge ourselves.

11. The Entire US Women National Soccer Team

Not only did the US Womens Soccer Team show the boys how it is done, they also had so much fun doing it! An inspiration for all of us girls, young an old, that have competitive blood in our veins and the spirit of good sportsman (uh woman ship) too.

12. Christine Blasey Ford

Not all heroines where capes. Christine Blasey Ford, a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University in California felt it was her civic duty to step forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. She continues to fight off harassment and death threats and recently received an award of courage from The ACLU.

13. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The highest upset victory in the Democratic primaries. Ms AOC impressed everyone in 2018 winning the 14th congressional district in the Bronx. From bartender to congresswoman, Alexandria is showing young girls everywhere that you can be whatever you set your sites on.

14. Women And The Blue Wave

Women now hold 126 seats in congress which is 23.6 percent of all 535 members. That’s 25 women (25%) in the Senate, and 101 women, (23.2%) in the House Of Representatives.  Women on both sides of the aisle triumphed and more and more women of diversity have seats than ever before.

15. Beyonce

A decade of Beyonce and another defining decade of music. Beyonce uses her feminism soapbox to encourage men and women to succeed. And she promotes female strength through motherhood and femininity using independence every step of the way.

16. Frozen II

Oh yes, this little film. After we let it go, this sequel showed us that an animated movie about two sisters saving their kingdom- can be one of the highest grossing films of all time!  That’s right.

17. Mo’ne Davis

First girl to earn a win and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series History. A powerful girl, indeed!

18. First All Female SpaceWalk

Jessica Meir and Christina Koch took a stroll outside the International Space Station to replace a power controller. Their jaunt into space lasted  seven hours and seventeen minutes, reaching a new milestone as the first female spacewalk ever. Women were first admitted into the astronaut program in 1978, fyi.

19. Gita Gopinath

The First – (I say first) female to become chief economist of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Gita, is on leave from her professorship at Harvard University where she teaches International Studies And Economics with a focus on Macroeconomics. Yes!!!!!

20. Yolanda Renee King

At just ten years old (yes your heard me,10), Yolanda joined all 800,000 of us on Pennsylvania Ave for our March For Our Lives march for gun control. Channeling her grandfather, Martin Luther King. Jr. she told us this ” I have a dream that enough is enough”.

Happy New Years To Further Progress

To all of the girls out there with big dreams, and to the women out there reinventing themselves, cheers to 2020. Let us continue to support each other as we progress into the next decade and each decade to come.

The Best Quotes To Stay Optimistic During Tough Times

Best Quotes

Need to read the best quotes to stay optimistic? Let’s face it. Some days are just tough. For everyone. And as much as we want positive change to come to us swiftly, all good things come in time. When we experience these down phases, we count on our friends to cheer us up. By sending a positive message to a friend who is down, you can help keep them moving forward and thinking positive thoughts until that sweet upturn happens. So, for those in the downswing of life, here are some motivational quotes to keep you going.

Motivation Before Bed

This one is great for anyone anxious for the day ahead. “Fall asleep with nothing but love and forgiveness in your heart. What’s meant for you will be for you tomorrow and the day after. Trust the journey. Rest your soul.” This implies, that no matter what is troubling you, losing sleep over it won’t improve the situation. It can actually make things worse by causing stress which can then lead to illness. By letting the events turn out as they will, we accept that we do not possess control over every event and action. When we accept how little control we really have we are able to let go of some of the anxiety.

Picking Up The Pieces

“The woman you are didn’t happen overnight. Be proud of her.” It takes a lot of years to find yourself. And it is easy to get knocked down by some unfortunate turn of events. Remember that it took a lot of ups and downs to get you where you are today. And there will be more to come. Accepting that life is not always rosy is a step toward dealing with the bad times with a bit more grace. And it reminds us that we have handled bad situations in the past and that this new problem is just a solution away.

Knowing Who You Are

Sometimes we lose focus, and having our own personal mountain to climb may be all that is necessary to stay motivated and optimistic. “If it makes you happy it doesn’t have to make sense to others.” The quote does a great job of reminding us that we should live our lives for own personal happiness and not become who others expect us to become. Feeling good about your goals simply because they make you happy is more than enough.

So share, repost, comment, and stay motivated!

How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise in 7 Steps

You know you need to eat right and exercise to feel your best. But when the gym feels like a constant obligation – always at the back of your mind – it’s easy to lose momentum and quit before you even begin.

So how can you motivate yourself to get moving? You can trust in the power of positive thinking, but even the most optimistic people have their limits. Try these seven tips instead.

1. Remember That Fitness Is a Choice

Everyone has the same 1,440 minutes in a day, and you decide what to do with each second. You may not consciously make that choice — but you can when you practice awareness. Fit people don’t have more time than you do, but they often budget what they have more efficiently.

Instead of scrolling through social media when you have a 10-minute work break, get up and walk around the block. You’ll boost your productivity by getting oxygen-rich blood flowing to your brain. You’ll alleviate stress as well.

2. Make Your Workout Fun

Who says you have to plod on a treadmill like a hamster to get fit? Find something you adore doing! From yoga to spin, you can find a host of group fitness classes to try. You can even skip the gym membership and take boutique classes on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Did you just open your wallet to find nothing but mothballs? No problem! Dock your iPhone, put on your favorite jams and dance around the living room with your children. You can also get your groove on while you vigorously clean your house, getting two things done at once.

3. Give Yourself a Reward

Working out is its own reward, but sometimes you need more than endorphins to get you going. Treat yourself to a smoothie when you finish or unwind with an episode of your favorite TV show.

It’s okay to be a couch potato after you get your heart pumping.

4. Phone a Friend

It’s more difficult to skip the gym when you have to explain to someone else why you’re not showing up. Yes, sometimes you may get stuck working late, but do you need to finish that memo when you have other plans?

Sweating it up with a friend or two helps you commit to a regimen. It holds you accountable for showing up and entails negative consequences — a bummed-out friend — when you bail.

5. Try Something New

Are you stuck in the same old routine? No wonder you consider working out a chore and not something to look forward to. Even if you adore your regular Zumba instructor, take a HIIT or cardio kickboxing class now and again to mix things up.

Don’t confine yourself to either lifting weights or running. You have a range of options to choose from, regardless of your energy levels. If you’re a bit more reserved and contemplative, give tai chi a go.

6. Do a Little Retail Therapy

Buying yourself workout gear isn’t an indulgence — it’s an investment in your health. Plus, manufacturers have finally woken up and created clothing for every body shape and size. Purchase a new pair of leggings or sweet tank top you can’t wait to flex your biceps in.

Then, get dressed in your new gear. Simply donning your workout garb mentally prepares you for exertion. Remember that all of your hard work will pay off soon enough.

7. Reflect on All the Benefits

You know that exercise benefits your body. It improves your cardiovascular endurance and decreases your chance of heart attack and diabetes. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight and increase your mobility.

However, exercise offers more than physical benefits. Research shows working out boosts mental health as effectively as medications in some cases. Additionally, hitting the gym helps diffuse negative emotions. If you cherish your co-workers and don’t want to hit them with a steel chair, WWE-style, you can take your frustrations out on a punching bag worry-free.

Yes, You Can Motivate Yourself to Work Out

Getting yourself motivated to sweat it up proves tricky when you’re tired or feeling lazy. However, by following the tips above, you can improve your fitness and work past the mental blocks which have been keeping you back.


Author Bio:
Dylan Bartlett writes about fitness, health and similar topics on his site, Just a Regular Guide. Check it out for similar articles on exercise, or follow Dylan on Twitter @theregularguide for frequent updates!

40 Pick Me Up Quotes That’ll Remind You How Badass You Really Are


Some days we feel like we’re not measuring up, our lives seem bleak and our self-esteem non-existent. You don’t need to put on a fake smile and hide your struggles, what you need is the right words to reach your soul and remind you how badass you are, and how there’s nothing in this world that can bring you down. If you need a pick me up, these are the right quotes for you.

“Attitudes are contagious, make yours worth catching”

“Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for something amazing that’s meant to come”

“Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will definitely destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow”

“Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful”

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” – Karim Seddiki

“It’s not who you are what hold you back, it’s who you think you’re not” ab

“Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs

“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” – Stephen King

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” Henry Ford

“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.” – Steve Maraboli

“Learning to let go is not giving up! It is simply passing the burden to a better fighter, so you can fight another day. (God)” – Shannon L. Alder

“Nothing and no one can harm you unless you choose to allow it.” – Rene Gaudette

“Do you wish to take control of your life? Begin by focusing on steering the storm, rather than where the lightning strikes.” – Gary Hopkins

“Doubt is an obstacle to success, and success is how you control the doubt.” – Unarine Ramaru

“Everything is within your power, and your power is within you.” – Janice Trachtman

If You’re Feeling Lost in Life, Here’s How You Can Find Your Way

When You Are Feeling Lost

You are constantly facing several adversities in today’s world and sometimes you feel like you’ve lost your sense of purpose or that you don’t even know what your role in life is anymore.

When you feel that way, remember that your life matters more than you can possible imagine and in order to find yourself and achieve your highest potential, all you need is to find those things that’ll push you forward and keep you inspired in your life’s journey.

You can be a badass role model. There’s nothing like owning who you are and embracing your uniqueness. By doing so, you can give your best to others and serve as an example of committing to oneself.

There are different statuses you have in life; a daughter, a girlfriend, a wife, a mother,  a cousin, a friend among others. Many of of those relations will certainly be looking at you as a role model.

Be your very best so as to be able to give those who look up to you a good example to emulate and build upon.

You’re capable of such greatness. It is everyone’s dream to be associated with a success story. We all have a purpose and it’s up to you to find out what yours. That should be enough motivation to keep you going and thriving.

When you live life to the fullest you create your own success story. People will admire you for the sacrifices and effort you put in.

There’s always some room for improvement in your life. So go out there and become the change you want. All you need is the willingness to take charge and allow life to show you which path will fulfill you the most and will serve you better in what your ultimate goals are.

You can prove stereotypes wrong. Set yourself free from the bars that society has placed on women. Your driving force should be to attain freedom from these bars and show that women can go places with the right influence and opportunity.

There are still a number of retrospective stereotypes that exist. Some of these stereotypes are against women. You should try your best and prove them wrong.

This desire to go against the tide is a big driving force. You want to go out there and prove that women too can be badasses and can do anything like any other competent individual would.

Keep yourself motivated and kick ass at being who you are.

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