10 Signs You’re Way Too Good For The Person You’re Dating

Your friends tell you, your parents tell you—sh*t, even their friends say something to you about it. There comes a time in some relationships where everyone starts telling you that you’re way too good for the person you’re dating. While I’m never one to say that you should believe when people tell you things about your relationship when they’re not involved in it—there are some key moments in your life where people are doing you more good than harm. If you’re constantly fighting with yourself to decide if the person you are with is “good” for you, there may be a bigger picture problem that you’re ignoring completely.


If you’re the one who is constantly going out of your way, giving 100% when they give maybe 45%, the one reaching out, the one making plans, the one who calls/texts first – there could be a very, very big reason. You may just be too good for the person you’re currently dating.


1. The people who know you best think you deserve better.

While you may not want to believe everything other people say about your own, personal life – the people who know you best are only going to want what’s best for you. If they’re telling you that you deserve better, finding reasons for you to leave the person you’re with – there could be a very good reason for it. They want you to be happy and also want you to be treated the way in which you deserve. Maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee of the reality of things, no matter how much you love someone, they may not be the best person for you.



2. The person you’re with is jealous, insecure or always picking fights.

If you’re the type of person who allows your significant other to have freedom and independence, but they don’t reciprocate, it’s a big red flag. Jealousy and insecurity at times can be something to manage and work on in a relationship, but if someone is unwilling to change, you can’t force them. You can’t be allowing someone to have their freedom but be forbidden to do things, say things or wear things that you want at someone else’s expense. Don’t let someone stomp all over you, who you are and what you bring to the table.


15 Signs You Have A Piece of S**t Boyfriend

What you think is love, may not be that at all. We all know what it’s like to be blinded by someone we’re completely head-over-heels for. But, when we snap out of the cloud of bliss we’ve been living in for so long and look at the bigger picture, as it turns out, we may be dating a piece of shit.


1. He doesn’t support you or your dreams.

He makes you feel like you’re childish or unrealistic for having high aspirations and big goals. Instead of helping you achieve them, he breaks you down.

2. He goes days without texting or calling you.

If you’re not the one to initiate a conversation with him, you may not hear from him at all.

3. He doesn’t pay for you nearly enough.

Being in the real world can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay for everything you two do together. If he’s not paying for at least half (or more, really) he’s not doing his part.

4. He doesn’t believe in compromise. 

When you have disagreements, it’s important to know when to meet in the middle and work on things. But, if it’s his way, or the highway, it’s not going to work.

5. He doesn’t like any of your friends.

And he won’t let you forget it. He’s constantly belittling them and talking badly about them whenever they come up in conversation. Even worse, he refuses to hangout with them entirely.

6. He neglects your needs.

Just because they aren’t his needs, does not make them less important. Relationships are 50/50.

7. He doesn’t make you feel wanted.

If you’re dating someone who doesn’t want you back, that’s not love, that’s worship.

I Am Slowly Learning To Lose Control

I am slowly learning to lose control.

I feel myself slipping, releasing my grip on everything that seems to give me power, falling without rescue. The descent is a dizzying whirlwind, an undying headache, a pervasive sense of anxiety that will never subside. But, in my plummet to the ground, lightyears away from the expectations that stifle me, I feel liberated, leaving me with a jittery excitement to discover my destiny.

I am slowly learning to let the universe lead me. Instead of brazenly thrusting myself into the life of my dreams, I am leaving my fate to the capricious will of the stars. I understand that the powers that be know the marks on my soul far more deeply than I know myself. They will let go of what’s not meant to be before I fully understand their plan, but I will allow them gustily open and close the doors of opportunity, steering me in whichever direction they desire. I will let the universe cradle me, rock me, hold me up to my fate as I float through life, uninhibited by my lust for control.

I am slowly learning that what will be, will be. I am willing myself to make peace with what I cannot control, to accept what I cannot change. I am vehemently attempting to see the beauty in the consequences of the decisions the world makes for me, swaying to fit the transient whim of life itself. The samba of c’est la vie enchants the beating of my heart; the chaconne of que sera, sera enraptures the rhythm of my soul. I will dance to life’s tempo alone as it consumes me, leading me through destiny’s music, rocking me to fate’s beat.

I am slowly learning to take life as it comes, to let each day wash over me like the fresh morning dew. I am gradually discovering that each hour is sacred in its lack of expectations, each moment is precious in its absence of control. The days, in their infinite beauty, carry me through life, gently lifting me above my burdens, whispering to me to relinquish my worries. I am discovering that once I allow each day of my life to lift me, hoisting me above the heavens, I no longer suffer under their suffocating weight. In meandering from one day to the next without prospect, without plan, without control, I am light, airy, high, free.

I am slowly learning to lose control, to allow the universe to take ahold of my dreams, to surrender what no longer serves me. I am slowly shedding the burden of expectation as I let fate steer me. I may not fully understand the glyphs written in the stars, dictating my path, but I am choosing to cave to their whim, allowing destiny to consume me as I sway through each day; unbridled, unburdened, and unformed.

This article originally appeared on Thought Catalog.

Bestie, I Promise that Your Heart Will Get Past This

You thought you were going to love him forever, but he broke your heart and broke your spirit. I want you to know I feel what you’re going through and I know it’s not easy.

I know right now that it seems that you won’t get back on your feet and that you could never love again and as your best friend it’s my job to remind you that you will.

You will feel happiness again. Because your happiness doesn’t depend on him and there is so much more to fulfill your heart and make you smile and laugh hard.

You will trust again. Because you have a warrior spirit and what you’re going through is making you wiser and stronger.

You will love again. Because your heart is worth finding true love.

But the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. I’m here to walk alongside you to pick up the pieces he left behind. I’m here to cheer you no matter how long it takes you to get back on your feet and pick up the pieces of your broken heart.

As your life starts to move on without him it will be difficult but I know you and I know you’re strong and that you can do it. You’ll slowly start to realize that somehow life is much better without him. It’s much better without the arguments, the tears and the pain.

You know, as well as I, that he doesn’t deserve you. Even though I know you won’t admit it right now. I know you’ll admit it soon because I know in my heart that you’re able to put the painful past behind.

You’re beautiful and perfect. You deserve the world and it’s my job to never let you settle for any less.

Here’s to the future, new beginnings, and a new found happiness.

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