9 Things You Should Know Before Moving In With Your Boyfriend

Sometimes in long-term relationships, there comes a point where a couple discusses taking that next step from “just dating” to “moving in together.” While it seems like a natural progression in any relationship, it’s actually a huge step to take as a couple. Sure, you may think it’s not such a big deal when the two of you spend every other night at each other’s own apartments anyway, but sleeping at someone’s apartment and actually sharing an apartment together are completely different things – trust me. While moving in may seem like an adorable and magical idea – playing “house” always makes every girl excited and happy – it’s a big f*cking deal, especially if there are things you’re unsure about or questions you don’t exactly have the answers to.

1. Make sure it’s something you both want to do.

Everyone feels as though it’s natural to move in together when you are a long term couple and you’re a certain age (in your mid-20’s/early-30’s). And, while it is a normal step to take in many relationships, you want to make sure that you and your partner are both happy and comfortable with the idea of living together. If one person is more into it and the other isn’t ready – don’t f*cking do it. You both need to be ready to take this step together because if one person isn’t ready, resentment will grow and your relationship will suffer because of it. I know a lot of couples who broke up after moving in together because they just weren’t ready or at that stage in their relationship to do so.

2. Make sure you’re doing it for the same reasons.

If you’re moving in with someone because you want to build a life with them, but they’re moving in with you because it’s financially convenient for them – it’s going to create tension. Make sure you discuss your intentions before you move in together. Make sure that you’re both on the same page and understand what living together really means. It’s not the same as just dating someone and staying over their apartment, you two are no cohabitating which means what’s yours is theirs and vice versa. You don’t want to have false expectations and hope and create conflict because you were both unclear of what you want.

3. Talk about finances, no matter how weird it may get.

When you move in with someone, your finances are now up front and important in your relationship. Most people will tell you not to discuss money with your partner unless you’re married, but, if you’re living together – everything matters in terms of money. And, it’s more than just rent. You’re going to paying for rent together, electric, cable, internet, food, furniture – everything you want to put in this apartment will be both of yours, not just yours or theirs. If your partner is financially irresponsible, that’s a big consideration you need to weigh before moving in. If you make more than your partner, that’s also something to think about. You don’t ever want to be stuck paying for 90% of the things in your apartment and your partner mooches off of your financial well-being, you’ll begin to get angry and resentful and will end up blowing up on them about it. The best thing you can do is discuss how to split things and make a schedule for things such as laundry, groceries and other necessities.

5 Things No One Tells You About Moving In With Your Significant Other

From sharing expenses to always having someone who loves and supports you by your side, living with your partner can have plenty of benefits for both of your lives. And considering the financial and emotional hardships we were forced to endure during the coronavirus pandemic, more couples are now moving in together than ever. However, not everyone might be aware of all the implications of such an important step. Living with your partner represents a significant new chapter in your lives, which is why you should think about all possible aspects before finally deciding to take the leap.


To that end, here are some important things no one will tell you about moving in with your partner you should take into consideration:


1. Your reasons for moving in should be clear

Before making such a big step, it might be wise to consider your reasons for wanting to move in with your partner first. When it comes to younger couples living in larger cities, most of them decide to move in together primarily in an effort to save on rent, especially after the economic uncertainty of the pandemic, only to later realize that they weren’t quite ready to take their relationship to that level.

To prevent such an occurrence, it might be a good idea to consider your motivations, especially if you’re in quite a fresh relationship. If you know your partner, as well as their friends and family, very well, if you already have some shared routines established, if you feel fully comfortable with your significant other, and if you truly want to invest in a relationship with them, then moving in together is the only logical next step.


2. Your finances have to be openly discussed

Having a conversation about finances in advance is another aspect of moving in together that shouldn’t be overlooked, as it’s vital for your shared future. So, start by talking to your partner about your budget for the move itself, and then decide how you would like to pay the rent, monthly bills, as well as any other shared daily expenses.

It might also be wise to talk about combining (or not combining) your incomes, as well as possibly opting for savings together, or even investments you’d like to make in your new home. Don’t forget to have a conversation about the general way in which you budget and spend your salaries either, as coming to an agreement on spending habits might help prevent any future money issues and arguments.


3. Professional help will be necessary for the move

Once you’ve found an ideal place and talked things over with your partner, the next step would be to finally move in together. However, considering all the challenging aspects of moving for the first time, such as careful planning and organization, you might require the help of professionals who will take care of these stressful tasks for you, while being mindful of the safety implications of the current pandemic situation.


This becomes especially important when moving to a more distant location, as doing your research and hiring a reliable long distance moving service might be the only way to ensure the safe transportation of your items. What’s more, having professionals who can not only move your belongings, but also help to pack and carry any essentials, will undoubtedly relieve some of the moving day stress, allowing both you and your partner to feel more positive about the entire experience.


4. The overall look of your home should be talked about

After you’ve managed to seamlessly move in thanks to professional help, the next chapter of your life begins. Now is the ideal time to start talking to your partner about how you imagine the life in your home to look like, from the interior decor to the food you eat, and even the way you will celebrate future holidays.

Don’t be afraid to go into the smaller details either, such as tackling the issue of taking the shoes off at the entrance or deciding how often you will deep clean your home. Agreeing on these aspects isn’t only important for a harmonious relationship, but also for your health and wellbeing, especially during such an uncertain time as the pandemic.


5. You must have a conversation about future expectations

The final aspect to consider might be the most important of all, and that is the future of your relationship. Is getting married and having children one of your priorities? Do you have a good healthcare and support plan set in place in case the pandemic affects you and your partner?


Discussing your future expectations and a potential timeline for your relationship is incredibly important. This will allow you to make compromises, come to certain conclusions, and create a clearer picture of your future, allowing you to be on the same page when starting a new life together.


While the process of moving in with your partner for the first time might be filled with unexpected circumstances, the tips mentioned above will allow you to prepare ahead of time, and turn your move into a smooth and pleasant experience.

What To Do Before Moving In Together: Couples Checklist

Moving in together with your significant other is a huge milestone in your relationship that comes with a number of perks. If you have been living a far distance from each other, you get to save on commute expenses and time. You also get to have more quality time with each other, not forgetting splitting household expenses, rent, and chores.

With all these benefits, however, you are not guaranteed a smooth sail ahead. It sure is an exciting phase in your life, but without proper planning and thinking it through, it can easily lead to a disastrous heartbreak in the future.

Before moving in together, ensure that you sit down together and go through this checklist.


1. Discuss the why

Owing to the current financial situation, most couples move in together for financial benefits. The idea of combining your finances to move to a nicer place is often too appealing to turn down. However, just because moving in together makes money sense, it should not be the only reason that makes you decide to live together.

Ultimately, the major reason for moving in together should be based on bettering your relationship. You may be planning to get married soon and decide to move into your dream home before the wedding. Just be sure to discuss the why before making the decision so that you are sure you are both on the same page.


2. Decide the location and household items

When you decide to move in together, you can opt to move to where your partner lives, or your partner can move into your house, or you can decide to move into a new house. Ensure that you come to a conclusion of the best move for both of you.

However, before you get to that conclusion, take an audit of the household items each one of you has. You, obviously, will have some items in duplicate. You will need to decide what stays, what to donate, sell, or throw away. In addition, you get to realize the items that you currently don’t have and might need in your new home. Furthermore, household items can also include adding various features that will help you organize your items. For example, you can get some ready to assemble cabinets and implement them in your kitchen, for your jars, recipe books, and other things you personally need in your kitchen.

Pro tip: You can save a lot of money if you decide to repair some broken items instead of buying brand new ones. In the case of a refrigerator, thermostat, and HVAC system, for instance, you can find more sustainable alternatives that will upgrade your household in a more sustainable way. Through your household suit, deciding to upgrade your house with automation devices is definitely worth the investment for a more secure, comfortable, and sustainable living space with your partner.

The most important thing is to ensure that all your items fit in your house of choice and that you don’t go way beyond your budget. Make sure that the money invested is well spent on items with long-term value. If you are looking for transportation to move items from your old place to a new one, consider a van from Lewisham movers instead of a truck to assure your items are well protected during transport.

3. Decide on sharing obligations

A household has a lot that goes in on a daily basis. When living alone, you don’t need to be reminded of the things you are supposed to do since it is all on you. When you are the two of you, however, there is that expectation of the other person to chip in on the chores, house expenses, and other financial matters. As part of sharing a living space, there are additional responsibilities, such as managing utility bills. These include contacting local electric companies and using PA electric suppliers rates comparison tools are crucial to making well-informed decisions that align with your financial goals, energy needs, and environmental values.

Ensure that you lay everything on the table before you move in together. Discuss the financial status of each of you. This is the point you open up of any debt or other financial obligations like helping your family and the like. Discuss how you are going to split up the house expenses and chores. Chores can be a hassle for anybody, but it is important that you equally distribute chores, such as cleaning, between each-other. If you both lead very hectic lives, and your budget allows, you can hire a cleaning services provider, such as Optimal – a cleaning company in Zurich, or other providers local to where you are.

Don’t forget to discuss what each expects from the other in every sense of the word. That would include how you solve conflicts, how to combine your cultures, and how you want your home to feel like, décor, theme colors, and the like.

4. Plan the move

After planning out the details, decide on how you are going to do the move. If you’ve been having a long-distance relationship, and you will be needing to move for a long-distance as well, you might need to hire an interstate moving company. If just across town, you can save a lot if you decide to do the move yourselves. If you’re in California, you can contact Boxbee to rent reusable plastic moving boxes that are delivered right to your door. All you need to do is pack your belongings, unpack them at your new place, and then Boxbee will pick up your empty moving boxes. It’s that simple!


Even after agreeing on everything, there is still room that some things might not work out as you expect them to. Move-in with an open mind and ready to compromise. Accept that things might change and be prepared to accommodate any change that comes your way. You might disagree on a few things at the beginning, but you will learn what each other wants as time goes.

Making Room For Your Things (And Romance) When Moving In Together

Ready to make room for your things and romance? You two have made it to the next stage in your relationship.You are moving in together. Congratulations! That is a big step and an exciting time for you both. Moving into a new house together is one of the many stages in a relationship that can be extremely stressful. Most of the menial tasks are usually left until the last minute. And we are always so busy in our daily lives, that we can easily forget the importance of this first move as a couple.

With good planning and organizing, moving in together can become both fun and memorable. Here are some tips to make your move to your first home together, sweeter, easier and more efficient.

Take inventory and discuss your vision together

Remember, this is going to be HOME to you both. So Making room for your things is important. And your memories and things will now share the same space with his. In order to do everything in a correct and organized way, make a list of the tasks you need to do before moving in.

It is important to figure out your aesthetic as a couple, so you have a clear vision of how, when, and where you want things to be placed. Start with a cohesive idea of how you want your home space to be handled, managed, and organized. Discuss what works and what doesn’t. And be generous with each other. Agree to keep his favorite chair that you loathe. And in return, ask for some extra room in the shared closet. Winning!

Prioritize Your Things

What are the more important items that each of you want to bring into your shared home?

After all, not everything is going to fit into your dual aesthetic vision. So figure out what is sentimental and what is functional. And you may have duplicate items that you no longer need or have room for. So plan on having a garage sale of everything you definitely won’t keep and use that money on something convenient for your new home.

If there is no budget for buying one of the major necessities, renting furniture can also be a good, and affordable option. For furniture rentals for larger items consider rental options from sofa shop online or other furniture rental stores.

Consider your appliances before moving them in

There is no point in moving a major appliance if it’s not going to suit your new home. If you are moving into an area with a dryer climate you may want to consider getting an air cooler vs ac. Since air coolers are less likely to dry the air and offer better quality air by pulling fresh air from the outside.

One Closet for Two Lovers

One of the things that attracted you to your lover (and now roommate) was his cool sense of style. Support each other and make room for your things for each other, even in the closet. Use containers and modular storage options in order to allow maximum use of the closet space the best way possible.

Go through your closet

You can create extra closet space for your partner by taking out the off-season clothing. Or include some of those, I will wear one day items but never do, in your garage sale.

Make sharing a closet sexy

Sharing a closet is an intimate experience, so have fun with it by showcasing your favorite slips and sexy dresses so your partner can see them whenever he goes into get his work or gym clothes.

You can leave little love notes by his side of the closet. Write out what the two of you will do when you are back in the bedroom that evening….

These small but loving actions will go a long way in making your partner feel at home and will help strengthen your relationship.

Inventory, check. Onto moving supplies

Now that you know what you are taking with you, its time to get your moving supplies figured out. Create a list which includes the number of boxes that you will need. Be sure to itemize other supplies, such as duct tape, newspaper, labels, markers, and any special materials needed to protect the most delicate and fragile objects (bubble wrap, cardboard, foam rubber, among others).

Remember to label each of the boxes with the content inside, so it will be easier to recognize them and place them in the place of the house where they belong or in the space they have chosen.

Try to divide up tasks, but do them together. As menial as these tasks may be, they are time for you to spend together. Break open the wine and have some fun with it.

Now, to pack everything!

Move in an orderly fashion

The big move is here. And before you actually move try getting everything in position. For example, put all the boxes and suitcases with clothes, along with those of shoes, books, cosmetics, etc. Put everything that will go into each room together, so it is easier to unpack.

Try to pack and wrap objects such as pictures and mirrors very carefully, wrap them with a sheet or blanket, in addition to placing rigid and flattened cardboard. Seal them with adhesive or insulating tape.

It is worth mentioning that it is not advisable to put too much into a single box, so take that into consideration, especially when you are packing books or other heavy items.

It’s the little things 

Also, pay close attention and care with the smallest objects and belongings, as they have greater potential to be lost or forgotten, even when wrapped or packed. Therefore, we advise you to wrap these in a distinct box, which is striking or different from the others so you can easily recognize it.

Packing the big tech stuff 

Be careful with all appliances, screens, or televisions, and with computers or PCs, If possible, try moving them in their original packaging. Otherwise, cover them with thick blankets, pillows and use strong ties to keep them in place.

Maintain control with an inventory list

Manage your inventory. You can create a list from a digital format, or on a sheet of paper,  List the content that each box has and where they should be placed in the new home. This will help you quickly find what you want or need.

Hire Experts in Moving Services

Moving can be stressful. And you may not want to take on the burden of the actual move after already making the emotional commitment to move in together and whittle down your belongings.

In short, there is no better way to do things than leaving them to experts. A complete moving service will know how to pack your belongings, and have all of the necessary materials. Hiring a moving services will save you time, as well as physical and mental wear. In addition, they have the experience to assemble the furniture!

Whether you hire a mover or you move yourself, use these tips to make it organized and efficient.

Enjoy Each Other

Once moved in, you can have a romantic dinner for two, as long as you followed our moving advice and remembered which boxes contain the pot and pans. And don’t forget to christen each room, lovers!

4 Things Every Girl Should Know Before Moving In With Her Boyfriend

So, you’ve made that all-important decision with him. You’ve been seeing each other for a while and everything seems to be working perfectly. It is only logical that mutual cohabitation is your preferred next step as you want to spend more time together. It’s a fun and weird experience, but can be fulfilling for two people who care about each other.

Girls need to be mentally and physically prepared to have a dude around all the time. However, there are things you really must know beforehand. Some of the things are more or less cliché; like sharing the bathroom and having to deal with the open toilet seat. ?

Here are five important things every girl should know or do when moving out with her boyfriend.

1. It’s Worth It So Long as You Are Both in On It

You love him so much that you want to come home and cuddle every day. Sounds awesome right?  Well, unlike girls, dudes tend to be hesitant and may take time to get comfortable with the idea of cohabiting. Moving in together is more or less like being married so don’t pressure him.

That said, if you both want it so badly, then you should know that it’s the best decision you will ever make. Living together will not only cement your love but you will get to know each other on a deeper level. Guys tend to hide a lot when you are out there dating. Living together means coming home and spending entire evenings and nights together.

2. Choose the Apartment Together

Don’t make the mistake of letting him choose the apartment alone or choosing one on your own. Guys have different, and sometimes weird tastes in interior design and location. He might want an apartment near the local pub or gym. You don’t want him to spend the whole evening lifting weights knowing he can walk home at 10 PM right?

Make a point of searching for the new apartment together and agree on one that suits both of you. If you want to really put yourself out there with him, go someplace kind of exotic (I love Madrid!) and find a place to rent for an extended stay. You can find rooms to rent in Madrid long-term online and choose one that you know is great for both of you. Madrid is a beautiful place with lots of things and places to go so make the right choice!

3. Say Goodbye to Privacy

There is not much privacy available when sharing a room with a dude. They just like budging in anytime and anywhere. No, don’t even think the bathroom is safe either, prepare to have him around there at the worst moment especially on the first few days or weeks, or forever…

If you are the kind who keeps some dark secrets; you know, like that sex toy you’ve been hiding all your life. You love having your good time in the bathroom or just prefer to explore the house in your birth suit on those lazy weekends. I know a lot of girls who live like this; it won’t be the same with a dude around.

4. Be Ready to Disagree- Like for Real

It’s usually all rosy and smooth when you are living apart and going out for movies and dates. You might disagree but not to the extent that it becomes a fight. Living together is a different ball game. Be prepared to have big disagreements that would lead to arguments and fights. Simple things like misplaced towels or a tv show could spoil an entire evening.

Final Words

Congratulations for deciding to move in together with him. Don’t let any fear to put doubts in your mind. This is the best move you will ever make in your relationship. Please Make it work, will you?

One Person Perfectly Described What Happens After You Lose The ‘Butterflies’ In A Relationship

If you’re ever been in a long-term relationship, you’d know first-hand that they are a lot of work. When you first meet someone, you’re happy, giddy, excited to get to know them and see where your relationship goes. As you progress in your relationship – transitioning from casual dating to a real relationship, a lot of things change. Long gone are the days where you blush, get embarrassed or nervous in front of your significant other – and instead, you reach a peak comfort zone with them. While this is never a bad thing – all long-term relationships should aspire to reach this place – some people are always worrisome when the “butterflies” and “Honeymoon stage” comes to an end.

People are always looking for ways to bring back that “excitement and spark” in their relationships, instead of feeling comfortable or happy with where their relationships are moving. Take it from someone who has been here – who is here – in their life. Once you reach new stages in your relationship – meeting your partner’s family, moving in together, traveling together – your relationship in itself will inevitably change. You reach a new level of commitment and often times, that means the excitement won’t always be there every single day. That’s not to say that it’s gone forever – it’s just not there every waking moment of your life together.

Sure, some days you’ll be excited to see your partner after work or school, other days, you’ll both be exhausted and barely speak because all you want to do is go to bed. It’s natural – it’s not a red flag, it’s nothing to worry about. It took me a very long time to learn this truth.

One person on Tumblr perfectly summed up the truth behind reaching this point in long-term relationships – and, it could not be truer.

Honestly – preach. I needed to read this – to fully understand and appreciate this chapter in my relationship and, I’m sure other people do, too.

12 Things Only Couples Who Live Together Fully Understand About Each Other

Living With Your Partner

Moving In Together

The moment you start living with your partner, things begin to shift. New knowledge presents itself to you, whether you’re looking for it or not. Before you take the plunge, be prepared for previously hidden personality traits and behaviors to become clear to you.

Here are 12 things you’ll learn about your partner, but only after you start sharing a living space:

Sleep habits

Particularly if you’re a light sleeper, you’ll discover their movements throughout the night. Do they get up at 2am, slide back into bed at 4am, and then oversleep? Do they take two hours to fall asleep? Take note of how their sleep habits affect you, and find ways to keep yourself on a schedule that works well.

Family relationships

All of sudden, relationships become clearer. You’ll take note of the number of times their parents call every day, and how many times they call their grandparents. Even if you try not to pay attention to the details, you’ll see how much other depend on them, and vice versa. And do they have to jump out of bed to help a cousin change a flat tire? Do they call their grandmother for her famous chicken pot pie recipe?

Noise levels

You’ll find out how loudly they play music (using Sonos speakers),  talk on the phone, and hit silverware against their teeth. This could lead to purchases like noise-cancelling headphones for you, or wireless headsets for them. If you’re sensitive to sound and you’re sharing a small space, you’ll need to find ways to work around it.


You want to believe you’re in a relationship with an honest person, but you’re sure to discover the truth beneath the lies you, or other people, were sold. Do they tell their siblings they’re bogged down with work when they’re playing video games? And do they avoid conflict, engagements, and explanations by take the easy route of delivery a quick, convenient lie? You may begin to question the personality of your partner.

Addictions and obsessions

There are a lot of things you don’t find out about people’s daily activities unless you live with them. Either they try to hide them, or you notice one or two things and think they’re casual. Do they have an alcoholic beverage every night? And do they brush their hair three times before leaving the house?

Do all of the items in the linen closet have to be folded a certain way, facing a certain direction? Are there rigid, unspoken rules about the way things are arranged in the house? Does everything have to be a certain color? Ask yourself if you can live with these things as they aren’t likely to go anywhere.

Time management

You will, without a doubt, be impacted by the way they manage their time. Are you always late because they wait for the last minute to start getting ready? Are they always fighting to catch up on work?

Do you have to steer clear of them when they have a project deadline coming up because it just has to be done two weeks ahead of time? Time is a limited resources, and it should not be squandered.

Work ethic

People often lead you to believe they’re laidback when they’re not, or hardworking when their not. Living with them is the only way to really get to the truth. Do they spring out of bed at five o’clock to get a headstart? Do they hit “snooze” ten times, and end up rushing around at eight o’clock in an attempt to get to work by nine?

How much work do they bring home every night? Do they put in a lot of hours on the weekend to make up for shortcomings all week? It’s a good idea to pay attention to their work-life balance, and gently nudge them as needed to keep them and your relationship strong.

Eating habits

The way your partner eats can impact the way you nourish yourself. It can be less appealing to prepare three full meals if they only eat one or two. If they only like chicken when it’s fried, you may have baked chicken much less frequently.

Do they snack a lot? How does that impact your shopping list and budget? Find ways to meet both of your needs without either of you being disadvantaged.


Unfortunately, you don’t get the real deal until you’re living with them. Where do the dirty clothes go? How long do they let dirty dishes sit in the sink? Are you always stuck cleaning the toilet bowl?

Who does all the sweeping and mopping? If they spill something, how long do they take to clean up the mess? When they clean up, are things really clean? If you’re facing this kind of issue, you need to tackle it early in the game. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to address and remedy.

Fiscal responsibility

You may not have access to their bank account, but you’ll have a pretty good view of spending habits. Are new clothes coming through the door frequently. How often do they want to order in? Are the bills being paid on time? Do they constantly have to go to the ATM to get more cash? Make mental notes and assess these things before you decide to open a joint bank account.

Kitchen skills

You’ll quickly learn what they’re capable of doing in the kitchen. Finally, you’ll see if they really make that pot roast last year, or if it was a special delivery from their grandmother. If you notice the skills aren’t quite where they need to be, suggest you take a cooking class together, or watch more cooking shows and hope they pick up a few tricks.

Health issues

This would not otherwise be obvious, but living together gives you a full view of your partner’s health. Are they coughing all through the night? Do they seem regular enough? How many vitamins do they take? Are there lots of prescription medications in the cabinet?

Learning How To Live With Your Partner Takes Time

As you learn these things about your partner, you may be struck by the urge to run for the hills. Remember to breathe, communicate openly, but carefully, and think things through.

Things aren’t always what they seem, and you probably know that by now. Keep in mind that they’re learning a few things about you too, and it’s not all unicorns and glitter. Be open to the experience, and enjoy the journey together.

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