The World’s a Little Blurry – Billie Eilish’s Rise to Stardom

Billie Eilish, a 19-year-old pop superstar, recently released a movie/documentary called The World’s a Little Blurry. This film documents her life starting from her first hit at age 14 and how her career only skyrocketed from there. She tackles topics like mental health, physical health, relationships, family, and so much more in the 2.5-hour special.

Not only do we see a sneak peek into her life, but the life of teenage stardom as a whole.

Billie was born in California and grew up in an intensely musical household. Both of her parents were musicians, as well as her brother, Finneas, who helps create her music. Her first song, Ocean Eyes, hit the radio in 2016 and the rest of her music soon followed. Since then, she produced a full album in 2019 called When We All Fall Asleep, Where do We Go?, which features hits like Bad Guy, xanny, and i love you. Her music is known around the world and she acts as a role model to fans everywhere.

What does stardom look like for her?

It’s not as glamorous as we think. In the documentary, we see the intense hours, rigorous training, and taxing tours. We see her grow up, get her driver’s license, watch her fall in love, go through a breakup, see how she got injured on tour… Just because she’s a musical sensation, doesn’t mean she hasn’t gone through the typical teenage things.

Coming from someone who is significantly older than her, her story is still incredibly inspiring.

I’ll admit, I even teared up during the movie. Why? We see stardom take a toll on such a young person. It’s sad, it’s frustrating, it’s infuriating, but, in the end, it’s encouraging. We also see how her family has affected who she is both as a person and as a musician. Within the first few minutes, Billie accredits her success to her family. With supportive parents and a creative brother, we see the positive energy she shares with her family.

Family has been an element of her success throughout her whole life and music career, and it shows the importance of a positive family dynamic.

We also see the physical issues that Billie has to face. Born with Tourette’s Syndrome, Billie shows her struggles with that in relation to her career. We see her go through a “tic attack” which is related to the stress and exhaustion that she faces.

Another element of Billie’s story is her relationship and breakup.

In the movie, we’re introduced to Billie’s now ex-boyfriend, Brandon Adams (stage name 7:AMP). Their budding relationship is shown through phone calls and meet-ups behind the scenes and, eventually, the couple separates due to a difference in what they wanted in the long run. Even though breakups are nothing new, it’s hard to see this happen to a young girl who is thrown in the middle of a very evasive lifestyle. It makes us hurt for her even more.

Another powerful thing we see in Billie’s movie is the physical toll that this lifestyle takes on her.

When touring, she goes through multiple injuries, especially torn ligaments in her leg from her contagious energy and dancing on stage. We see her go through physical therapy and braces and casts. But, despite all of that, Billie still brings her energy and wants to give her fans the best performance that she possibly can.

So, what’s next for her?

After multiple Grammy nominations and wins, Billie continues to make music for the pop world and it’s crazy to think that her career is really just getting started. Her new song, Therefore I Am, has hit the radios and is already known worldwide. I have no doubt that we’ll continue to be blown away by her incredible talent for making music and touching lives.

Watch Billie’s movie exclusively on AppleTV+.

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Why Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo Has Been #1 on the Billboard Charts

In the song “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo, she speaks of how her ex left her for his new “blonde girl.” She sings about the heartbreak that he put her through because she can not understand how he left her and how he is happy in his new relationship. 

There is a lot of speculation saying that the song is about Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett’s relationship because certain lyrics from the song make fans think that the song is specifically about him. Personally, I just love the song, but one aspect makes the song more dramatic and heartfelt. Because it is about Joshua Bassett. And they were publicly known to be best friends or in a relationship. He has since moved on and is in a new relationship.

I have been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo when she first started releasing music.

I think that she is incredibly talented, especially for only being 17 years old. It amazes and inspires me that she writes her own music and that she sings with so much emotion. When she sings, she is so vulnerable and specific that it makes it easier for the audience to connect and feel her pain.

I have never been in a relationship, but her song makes me feel like I have been through a breakup.

Also, I understand that she is an actress, but her emotions are so raw, so it makes her music more sensitive to the audience. She is unbelievably talented and I think that she has a big career ahead of her because she only has about three songs out and two of her three songs have been on the Billboard charts.

In the behind-the-scenes for the music video, “Driver’s License,” Rodrigo explains how she was able to use her own ideas to help make the music video the way she wanted. This goes to show just how talented she is now that the music video has over 79 million views and over 4 million likes.

Rodrigo implemented a lot of her ideas in the music to make the song more relatable and honest with her audience.

She explains how, in one clip, she uses “projections as a way to signify the memories that keep running through her head as she’s going through a heartbreak” (Rodrigo). I think that the visuals that she used for the music video were so creative because not only did she sing how she felt, but she also projected the thoughts that were running through her mind. I think she did an amazing job connecting with the audience because she was so vulnerable.

It is no surprise that the song has remained number one for weeks.

Furthermore, using the projections of her thoughts, she explained how she wanted to “capture the feeling of teenage heartbreak in the suburbs which has kind of been [her] experience” (Rodrigo). 

I think that songs are always more successful when they actually tell a meaningful story because music can be a way for the audience to release their feelings of emotion. Therefore, I think that Olivia Rodrigo did an amazing job with the song and music video for “Driver’s License” because she wrote the song with so much emotion and passion which is impressive – especially for her young time. 

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About the Author

Genesis Lee-Smith is an 18-year-old college freshman. She loves writing and seeing what other people enjoy writing about. Writing is important to Genesis because she believes it is a great way for people to connect, inspire others, educate, and give advice.

20 Building Block Songs For The Ultimate Self-Care Playlist

If any ladies out there are like me then you have a playlist for literally every event and emotion you may have. The first step for building an amazing playlist is figuring out which emotion or feeling you want to cater to. For myself, one of my favorite playlists is my self-care playlist titled “Rainy Days.”

This leads me to step two which is naming your playlist. This is all yours and just for you so have fun with it! What you name your playlist can be something generic and simple or you can put some thought into it and come up with something unique. When I think of my perfect self-care day, I think of a rainy day, there’s something about a rainy day that is just so relaxing to me. Hence the title “Rainy Days.”

Step three of building your playlist is finding your vibe. Each song on this playlist has some sort of special meaning to me, as well as keeping a similar tone throughout the playlist. Here are the top 20 must-have songs for your self-care playlist:

  1. Issues – Julia Michaels

This song speaks for itself… we’ve all got our own issues going on, I mean come on, we’re only human.

    2. I’m so tired… – Lauv & Troye Sivan

    3. Paris in the Rain – Lauv

    4. Dog Days Are Over – Florence + the Machine

The dog days are over baby girl, It’s time for a new beginning so get up and go after it!

    5. Fast Car – Boyce Avenue

    6. Shine – Benjamin Francis Leftwich

This song is just so pure, it truly tells us about true love… honestly you won’t be able to help but smile when you hear this song. I PROMISE!

    7. 1234 – Feist

   8. Come On Get Higher – Matt Nathanson

   9. You And I – Ingrid Michaelson

  10.  Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson

Just picture it! You wake up and look outside and you can see and hear the rainfall outside, perfect weather for a self-care day. You hear this song and make your favorite cup of coffee… BLISS! 

  11.  New Soul – Yael Naim

  12.  I Want You to Know – Megan Nicole & Madilyn Bailey

  13.  Heart Break – Lady A

Girl you are so strong, you may have been hurt by someone who didn’t see or appreciate your true worth but you are coming back stronger than ever. You know you deserve the world and you won’t settle, so while you wait for the right one “Sleep like a queen in the California king” that you are in.

  14.  Queens Don’t – RaeLynn

This one doesn’t need an explanation. Girl, you are a QUEEN!

  15.  Beautiful – Bazzi

  16.  Bubbly – Colbie Caillat

  17. Can’t Blame a Girl for Trying – Sabrina Carpenter

  18. Fight Song – Rachel Platten 

You may have been knocked down three or four times but you’re going to get up five. You are a fighter…

  19.  Postcards – James Blunt

  20. Don’t Give Up On Me – Andy Grammer

Not only is this song an instant confident booster but the serotonin that is released when jamming out to this song is UNBELIEVABLE!

Now, these are just the basic building blocks of any self-care playlist, there are so many more hits you could add! The second and final step of building your amazing playlist is to have fun with it, and truly make it your own! 

Note From The Author:

Hey ladies and gents! I would love to see what y’all’s self-care playlists look like, feel free to share your playlists on your Instagram story and tag me! @Ashley_Lee_Lee this way I can personally take a peek at them!

About The Author:

Ashley Denton is a creative artist whose mediums include music, theater, dance, and creative writing. This girl thrives on coffee, adventure, and exploration. Ashley has been writing professionally for five years and editing for four. Ashley is also one of Puckermob’s newest editors. 

5 Reasons Why you Should Buy a Musical Instrument

A musical instrument is the most possessed asset for most people in the music career, as well those who look forward to starting. This is for the simple reason that it allows them to make music without borrowing or renting one.

Music, on the other hand, has several benefits. It is itself therapy for the brain and body’ it improves brain function, reduces stress and anxiety, and also provides relief for some illnesses such as cancer. In addition, it enhances social skills and instills a sense of accomplishment, achievement, and purpose.

If you have to procrastinate on buying a musical instrument for you or your child, here are 5 reasons why you should buy one.


1.      It allows you to improve your singing when recording music

If you want to improve on your singing, playing a musical instrument such as the guitar or piano can help you in a great way. Remember that playing an instrument complements your singing.

For instance, if you want to record music audio, you can add an audio system which to make it perfect needs an audio interface. In addition, accompany your singing with a musical instrument to help you create and arrange harmonies much better. You can then use free VST plugins to mix the sounds better and create new ones too. Additionally, exploring new musical horizons often involves finding the right tools, and for guitar enthusiasts, seeking out Suhr guitar dealers can open doors to exceptional instruments. It’s not just about playing; the choice of instrument can profoundly shape your musical journey.

2.      Playing a musical instrument improves your brain functionality

Playing a musical instrument while singing improves is equivalent to a brain workout that improves its functionality in the following ways:

·        You improve your coordination skills- This is because it combines a number of senses: vision when reading the notes, hearing, and touching as you play the musical instrument. You also need to add a rhythm to the music, which improves your motor skills.

·        You utilize both sides of the brain, which improves your memory.

·        As you read the notes, recognize them and turn them to music, you work out your cognitive, comprehension, and reading skills.

·        It improves your math skills, as you have to subconsciously count the notes and rhythms.

·        It triggers the production of the feel-good hormones that promote happiness in your life.

3.      It helps alleviate illnessesStudies have shown that music has a calming effect on the body and mind.

It has been widely used to relieve anxiety associated with illnesses such as cancer. It is also known to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Music therapy has proven to be a successful form of treating depression and other mental illnesses.

How is all this possible?

·        When you are playing music, it becomes your focus for the moment. That way you are able to forget the day’s troubles or any stressful situation you might be dealing with.

·        As you compose and sing, you get to express your emotions. It becomes a way of emptying your worries.

·        Music helps you connect with other people, which reduces the chances of isolation. Feeling isolated can be a stress trigger by itself.

4.      It creates a sense of achievement

Learning how to play a musical instrument is not an easy thing. You will fail at times and feel frustrated. When you overcome the challenges and finally nail it, there is an overwhelming sense of achievement. You feel proud of yourself and gain the confidence needed to tackle life’s challenges.

5.      It allows you to enhance your social skills

Learning to play a musical instrument is a journey that gives you an opportunity to learn several social skills.

·        At a point or the other, you might join a music group. Interacting with your bandmates improves your relational skills. You also learn about team building and leadership skills.

·        Playing for a crowd improves your confidence and you learn how to express yourself.

·        No one learns to play a musical instrument in a day. You will be required to put in time and effort as well as be patient as you perfect the art. This instills in you the importance of hard work and time management. You also learn how to persevere, be patient, and disciplined.

·        Composing a song, putting the rhythm and beats as well as adding your personality for that complete feel of owning a song improves your creativity.

·        Maintaining your musical instrument is also a part of your music journey. This instills into you a sense of responsibility.


Playing a musical instrument is a healthy hobby to pick up. It is an active activity that allows you to engage both your body and mind, bringing health benefits to you. Sure, you can borrow or rent a musical instrument, but nothing beats owning your own.


Getting the Most From the Music You Love: 8 Tips

It can sometimes feel like you can’t squeeze any more out of your favorite songs. Fortunately, that isnt the case. With a little creativity, you can refresh your top tracks and artists. 

How? Here’s a look at eight tips to get the most from the music you love.


1. Hit Replay More Than Once

Your favorite artist recently released a new album. But when you listen, you’re surprised to realize you’re not a fan. This experience may happen because they’ve tried a new sound or collaborated with different musicians. In any case, your brain has a negative response to things you’ve never encountered before. The mere-exposure effect applies to music, too.

Try to listen to songs and albums more than once. They’ll likely grow on you — and if they don’t, you can always say you tried.


2. Create a Better Environment

Did you know your senses can affect how you listen to music? It’s tough to focus on various notes and keys within a song when your eyes and ears aren’t focused. An effort to create a better environment should make your favorite artists sound better. If you want to dig deeper into your playlists, it’s smart to look for a quiet and dark space. This way, you won’t be distracted by your senses.

You may even pick up on a few elements you’ve never noticed before.


3. Upgrade Stereos and Other Gear

If you’re an avid music listener, it’s necessary to have a proper setup. From record players to wireless headphones, you’ll want to explore your options. This equipment doesn’t have to be expensive, either. For example, you could spend $100 to install new car speakers. As long as you install your system correctly you’ll be able to hear your music like you’ve never experienced.

You can consider other equipment, too.


4. Research Each Song’s Lyrics

It’s not always clear what a singer says on any given track. There are also occasions when you may not understand a reference or meaning. A song’s lyrics can supply further insight into your favorite artist’s intentions when they made a specific song or album. A website like Genius details lyrics alongside explanations to give you a better look at various tracks. 

As a result, it’s much easier to grasp those tricky concepts.


5. Jump Into Recommended Artists

A streaming platform like Spotify or Apple Music can introduce you to new artists. These apps will make recommendations based on your history. Therefore, you’ll be able to discover new songs and albums. On Spotify, you can search your favorite musician or band to find a section called “Fans Also Like.” This portion shows artists you may also want to explore.

For example, you’ll see suggestions for The Animals, Janis Joplin and The Doors when searching for The Rolling Stones. These ideas can help you learn more about a person or group. As aresult, you can expand your musical horizons.

6. Explore Different Curated Playlists

You shouldn’t be afraid to open your mind to new music. Like recommended artists, your streaming platform probably offers curated playlists. These collections have a more personal aspect to them since they reflect your favorites. For instance, you may love Taylor Swift and Maroon 5. Spotify’s “Unwind 00s” playlist will likely show up on your homepage because you listen to them.

These playlists contain songs from your most played artists. Plus, they offer similar tracks you may or may not like. As a result, you can comfortably explore different sounds.

7. Look for a Live Version

There’s a reason why musicians perform live. It’s a more intimate chance for them to display their raw talent to their fans. This experience gives you an insightful look at your favorite songs. There’s a reason why John Mayer’s “Free Fallin'” cover has 98 million views on YouTube. If you’ve never seen a specific singer or band’s concert, you should look into their live performances.

8. Use Several Media Platforms

You don’t have to pay for Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal — but you shouldn’t limit yourself to one platform, either. There are several other websites and apps that offer a different approach. From Youtube to SoundCloud to Bandcamp, you can create a greater experience when you use multiple resources. You may discover a remix or cover that you wouldn’t have found if you didn’t look on another service.

Consider These Tricks for a New Look at Your Favorite Artists

Your listening experience doesn’t have to be singular. In fact, you should take steps to broaden your musical tastes. This way, you can better enjoy your favorite songs and albums. Elements like curated playlists, sound systems and different environments make a significant difference.

6 Tips for Learning Your Traditional Language through Music

There a lot of different ways to learn your traditional language. You may enroll yourself to different review centers or you may opt to get your personal tutors as well. However, one of the best ways to learn such language is through music.

Music is in one way or another company in daily lives of every human being. It is undoubtedly a part already of human existence. You could hear songs and tracks played daily through radios, and different gadgets and take music lessons from experts. Music has a lot offer such as feelings, emotions, and learnings. Every lyrics and words make you feel of things and understand more of your surroundings.

Furthermore, music teaches us different ways on how to use and understand languages. Here are some tips for you to better learn your traditional language through music:

1. Choose the right songs according to your language

The primary step in learning the language you want to learn is to choose first the appropriate song. If English is the language you want to master, then choose an English song. Take note as well of the content and the intent of the song itself. Better are the basic yet meaningful songs that contain useful phrases and are common to society’s knowledge. Be very careful in picking the appropriate songs for these are the basis of your first learning the language.

2. Go to the right place to find songs

You may find songs through different platforms online and offline. You may watch music videos and lyrics videos of your chosen tracks on YouTube. The site offers lots of videos that may help you achieve your goals of learning.In addition, you may download the Spotify application on your smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. This application is helpful because it contains almost all of the songs produced out in the market. You may scan and scroll through albums, artists, charts, and podcasts using this application.

For guidance and further knowledge of the music industry, tips, and charts – Musicskanner is the most useful tool you could use. The site has incredible contents that assist readers and listeners concerning anything about music.

3. Study the lyrics and vocabulary

The purpose of picking the songs is actually because of the lyrics. Through the lyrics, you could inherit a lot of learnings when it comes to language. These lyrics are the most important because these are the usual words people use for daily conversations. You further enhance your capability of learning and mastering traditional languages, thus, it also widens your grammar and vocabulary of the language.

Lyrics of songs are actually just the words used in communicating with others. To further comprehend it, you may look and search online and through books for the meaning of each words and sentences.

4. Sing along

Most of the time, when you get to know with a certain song you tend to memorize the lyrics. This also helps building the thorough comprehension of the real meaning behind those words and language. Singing along with the music helps you to infuse yourself more into the language because it’s as if you are using the language already that you are trying to learn and master. You get to be more fluent and straightforward by singing along with the music.

5. Believe you can do it

One of the most important things to remember is that you must believe in yourself that you are capable of learning the language. Once you already immerse yourself with music that obtains the language you want to learn, use it. Converse with others using what you learned and believe in yourself that you will succeed in achieving your goal. Exercise what you learn and apply on a daily basis so that you will be trained.

6. Find new music that builds on top of what you’ve learned

After you already apply what you learned on the first or second song of your choice, look for another song for you to learn. Much better if the new song is about a new topic so that your knowledge and understanding of the language does not rely alone on certain topics only. Again, you may look for songs through the platforms given above.

Learning your traditional language or even a new one indeed takes time and effort, and rest assured that with music on your side, you will learn quickly and effectively.

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.

27 Tweets About The Jonas Brothers Reunion That’ll Make Your Preteen Soul Scream

If you’ve been living under a rock today and have yet to hear the news, allow us the honor of telling you the Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting! Cue high-pitched screams and fainting.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones overwhelmed by this information. Twitter users are reverting to their days of J-14 Magazine and cannot wait to see what the iconic trio has in store.

ICYMI: The Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting and will be dropping all-new music starting tomorrow.

Our preteen souls are feeling like this right about now:

And Twitter cannot deal with all of the emotions…




























h/t BuzzFeed

Ariana Grande Fans Are Actually Trying To Convince People To Boycott ‘7 Rings’

Ariana Grande has had a pretty successful year so far. From the release of chart-topping ‘Thank U, Next’ to ‘7 Rings’, the 25-year-old is having no trouble making a name for herself in the music industry.

It might surprise you, though, that Grande fans are currently boycotting her second number one hit, ‘7 Rings’. But don’t worry it’s all for a good cause.

It’s no secret that Ariana Grande has been killin’ it lately.

The 25-year-old superstar snagged her first number one single in the US with popular breakup anthem, ‘Thank U, Next’.

And in a matter of months, she scored another top spot with hit track ‘7 Rings’ which has been sitting at number one for three weeks.

So, we were a little surprised to find out that fans have been hell-bent on boycotting the song.

At first, we assumed there was some political motivation, but it turns out that fans are actually trying to help Grande break a record.

According to Billboard, only 33 songs have spent their first week on the chart at number one and only a handful of stars are listed twice including Ariana Grande.

If Grande can score a third first-week chart-topper, she’ll be the first artist in history to do so.

Hence, the boycott. Fans are hoping that by skipping ‘7 Rings’, Grande can break the record.

And they’re pretty serious about it.

Of course, it wasn’t long before Grande caught wind of the boycott but she had a good sense of humor about it.

And now we wait until next week to see if it actually worked.

h/t BuzzFeed

21 Throwback Songs That Explain Why You’re Such A Damn Pervert

Growing up, there are some songs that are so true to our youth, that at the time—we didn’t realize how perverted they were. Now, as adults looking back, we realize how dirty some of the lyrics we were singing at age 13 really are. Looking back, I have no idea how I got away listening to these jams—but, nonetheless, they are jams. And, to be honest, it may be the reason I’m a huge, giant pervert. Face it—you know you’re guilty of this, too. Just take a look at these lyircs, y’all. My Lord.

1. My Neck, My Back by Khia

2. Wait (The Whisper Song) by The Yin Yang Twins

3. My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas

4. Milkshake by Kelis

5. I’m A Slave 4 U by Britney Spears

6. Dirrty by Christina Aguilera

7. Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang

8. Smack That by Akon

9. I’m In Love With A Stripper by T-Pain

10. Thong Song by Sisqo

11. Peaches & Cream by 112

12. Magic Stick by Lil’ Kim and 50 Cent

13. Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls

14. What’s Your Fantasy by Ludacris

15. Candy Shop by 50 Cent

16. Dip It Low by Christina Milian

17. Lollipop by Lil Wayne

18. Goodies by Ciara

19. Just A Lil’ Bit by 50 Cent

20. Hot In Herre by Nelly

21. Love Game by Lady Gaga

Ariana Grande Sampled *NSYNC On Her New Album And I Can’t Even Handle It

Ariana Grande dropped a brand new album on Friday and since its release, people have been losing their mind over and over again. First of all, this powerhouse dropped two albums with incredible songs in less than a year—talk about talent. Not only did she drop a bomb album—she did it with no features. That’s right, all of the songs are sung by Ms. Grande herself. But, while there are no features, there are tons of mentions/inferences of people on this album.

The album, according to Grande, is the first thing she worked on after her split with Pete Davidson and the loss of her ex, Mac Miller. Her previous album, Sweetener, was filled with “I’m madly in love” type songs, all hinting at her romance and new engagement to Davidson. But, this album is more of a “I’m independent” and “I’m single and looking at myself, hard.” This album is almost like a look inside of Grande’s soul—post-breakups.

Let’s see—we have Ghostin’, which everyone swears is about Mac Miller and Pete Davidson, and the reason Grande dumped her fiancé after the death of her ex.

Others say that Bloodline is about Pete Davidson—an entire song that says sorry I didn’t want to marry you but get over it.

We already know she shouts out all of her exes on Thank U, Next—it’s not news. But, what we were shocked to see was some of the little gifts Grande gave us throughout the album. On one track, NASA, Neil Armstong’s famous speech is referenced and drag queen Shangela Laquifa Wadley is featured saying “one small step for woman, one giant leap for womankind.”

Grande’s nonna is also featured on Bloodline saying “Because I’m trying to do the best I can, and they can’t find something to satisfy me. Look.”

And, fans love Grande’s best friend, Doug Middlebrook, on the beginning of In My Head leaving Grande a very personal voicemail saying:

But, the biggest surprise of all came when Grande not only dropped an album but also another music video on Friday—for Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored.

Not only is the song a bop, but, it also samples a boyband you haven’t heard in years—*NSYNC. That’s right, Grande sings the lyrics to Makes Me Ill, with her own Grande twist. And, she absolutely snatched my wig when I heard it. Twitter cannot get enough.

Grande is coming for the crown, y’all.

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