A Thank You to My Best Friend Who Will Forever Be By My Side


When we’re young, friendship is all about convenience.


We hang out with the people in our classes, on our teams, on our blocks.


We are constantly with them. We laugh, cry, and grow with them.


But, then, in almost the blink of an eye, you’re graduating and going your separate ways to different colleges and different towns.


You start to have your first experiences apart from one another. Your life timelines aren’t so perfectly matched anymore.


And, this is when the true test starts. And, it also comes with a harsh reality.

Bestie, I Hope One Day You Can See Yourself The Way I See You

Dear bestie, BFF, my person, twisted sister, etc..


You’re anything but ordinary.


You have this incredible strength that I’ve never known anyone, except you, to have. When you’re faced with the toughest obstacles, they don’t shake you. They strengthen you.


You have this personality that is different from everyone. You’re crazy in a way that makes me laugh and even though I question what you do daily, I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world.

To the Girl Who Used to Be My Best Friend, I’m Sorry I Let You Down

If there were four words that explained us, they would be “attached at the hip.” 


You were the girl I could honestly call my ride or die, my sister, my true partner in crime. You were and always will be my best friend. And now, it hurts so bad to not have you in my life, to not be able to talk to you about anything and everything like we used to. I know people change, and I have accepted that fact, the only thing that I could not wrap my head around is one simple question. Why? Why did we grow apart? What caused two people who were practically inseparable to fall out? Two people, who were together so much people would get us mixed up to not talk anymore? 

Maybe this isn’t your reason, it is very possible that I am just trying to rationalize the fact that we grew apart by blaming myself and the toxic relationship that I was in. Maybe for you, our friendship ending has some other reason, but for me, this is why and I want to say I’m truly sorry.



We were inseparable, we had our whole lives planned out–– you and me together, forever. We planned on moving out together, getting our first apartment together, starting our lives supporting each other every step of the way. We had absolutely no intentions of separating, at least at first we didn’t.

We had made a promise to each other that as best friends we would never leave each other, we would never forget each other, and we would always be there for one another.

This Is How I Plan to Make it Up to You, Bestie

I know there have been several occasions that I have fallen short as a friend. And, I know that I have fallen short a lot for you recently.


We were always there for each other, but somewhere along the way, I got so lost in my own stuff that I stopped being there for you. And, for that, I am so sorry.


But, somehow, you still never gave up on me. Even when we would make plans and I would flake out, you would forgive me and move on.


Even when I literally had nothing to offer in terms of friendship, you still stayed.


I don’t know what made you decide that I was worth it, but I am so glad you did. 


And, I promise that I will learn from my mistakes because you deserve the kind of friendship you have always given me.


I promise that I will step out of the haze of my own thoughts to reach out for you. Because, you’ve been going through so much too, and I didn’t even know about it. And, that is my own fault.


44 Things Only Your Best Friend Can Tell You

A best friend is nothing if not honest. Sometimes brutally so. It is the holy duty of a best friend to be gentle but firm when judging your atrocious dating/fashion/life choices, and to be real when asking you for ridiculous favors that you wouldn’t do for anyone else.

But you love your BFF more than anything in this world, and there are certain things they can say to you that no one else ever could:

  1. He’s never gonna text you back.
  2. I need you to come to this event that you will not enjoy, because I don’t want to be alone there.
  3. You need to put on deodorant.
  4. You can’t pull off that outfit.
  5. I will find you an outfit that you can pull off.
  6. He’s a f*ccboi and you know it.
  7. That hairstyle is not ideal for your head shape.
  8. Stop whining and quit your job already.
  9. You need to take down that unflattering picture of me immediately.
  10. You need to take down that unflattering picture of yourself immediately.
  11. You need to make an effort to stop dating sociopaths.
  12. No more drinks for you tonight.
  13. That’s not a good idea for a tattoo.
  14. know that you’re not “just friends” with your ex.
  15. Can I send you a pic of the weird thing on my foot?
  16. Your diet is too extreme and you need to eat real food.
  17. You need to CALM DOWN.
  18. You need to be MORE EXCITED.
  19. I don’t know who this famous person is, and you need to tell me so I don’t embarrass myself.
  20. Wait, I need to tell you about this highly disturbing sex dream I had last night!
  21. He’s not that cute and I don’t know why you’re into him.
  22. Aaaaand you just turned into your mother.
  23. I know you’re on a diet, but you need to eat this pizza with me because I’m sad.
  24. You need another drink.
  25. Your friend is a total civilian, but I’m going to try to be nice to her for you.
  27. Ok, I’m sending you our text history so you can help me compose my next text, this is SERIOUS.
  28. What’s the third day of your period like?
  29. Does this look normal?
  30. What’s that one thing I like?
  31. I know you think you’re a Rachel, but really you’re a Phoebe.
  32. You have just crossed the line from Facebook stalking to actual stalking.
  33. Go like my new profile pic.
  34. I just saw my ex, and now you have to leave this party with me.
  35. You’re being dramatic. That’s my thing.
  36. I’m not letting you look up his new girlfriend.
  37. Stop being an idiot, you’re obviously beautiful.
  38. I know it’s 3am, but do you want to come over to my place for mac and cheese?
  39. Your texting is weird.
  40. Oh I told this guy you’re my girlfriend, hope that’s ok.
  41. You need to sleep.
  42. You need to get up earlier.
  43. Your social media presence is concerning.
  44. That’s a terrible idea. Let’s do it.
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