My Lisp Is Sexy My Lisp Is Cute My Lisp Is A Pain In The Assth

I’ve heard it all: my lisp is sexy, my lisp is cute, my lisp is unique…

Actually, my lisp is a pain-in-the-ass. It gets in the way, puts me in awkward situations, and generally stands to make me alone and miserable for the rest of my life.


However…in spite of all of this, I can’t help but admit that my lisp certainly makes life much more interesting and colorful. So at the end of the day, I can’t help but to fall in love and begrudgingly accept this special little part of me.


In honor of my speech impediment, here’s to my lisp and all the little quirks it brings into my life.


The struggle is real when there’s an “S” involved.

Whether it’s a phone call or a simple conversation amongst friends, if I have to articulate a particularly S-peppered phrase, I’m going to sound like a belligerent dumb-ass.


My tongue gets all fuzzy and none of my consonants are fully formed. My words fall into a slippery tangle from my lips like a spout of running water. (Even that sentence was hard to read. I couldn’t imagine saying it out loud.)

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