We all have those friends and family, who just don’t care about wearing clothes.
Maybe they are conceited and just like not having a shirt on. Maybe they just are so comfortable in their skin they don’t see a reason as to why they need clothes in the first place. They are the people, which embarrass you sometimes in public for carelessly not worrying about nudity. They have the mindset while we are all different, we have all seen ourselves naked so why is it a big deal if other people see us?
You never sleep with clothes on
Often times you have to lock your door, because people don’t like walking in on you as you sleep in only underwear. When you sleep without clothes on, you aren’t sweating, if ever you are cold there are blankets, there are no issues of clothes getting tangled in sheets. And if ever you are dating someone, they are the last to complain and accept you for who you are.
If clothes aren’t required, you aren’t wearing them
Beach towns you find the most appealing; those places where signs say, “no shoes, no shirt, no problem.”
Changing in front of people doesn’t bother you
Whether you have friends of the opposite sex around or friends of the same sex, if you need to change it doesn’t faze you doing it in front of them. At first they were a little shocked by it, but then they enter your house almost expecting you to be half naked 75% of the time.