Twelve Takeaways From The Show Inventing Anna

If The Real Housewives taught us anything, it is that we love train wreck tv. Especially when it comes to entitled women battling it out in their households for neighborhood status. So it is not surprising that we find the same enjoyment watching businesses and their owners, and CEOS fail too. In comes TV shows such as We Crashed, the Woodstock love story gone wrong in a We Work spiral. And Super Pumped, the rise of ride share service Uber and the fall of its CEO Travis Kalanick.

But if you were thinking that creator Shonda Rhimes produced Inventing Anna, the journalistic perspective on Anna Delvey (played by Ozarks Julia Garner,) the Instagram-legendary heiress who conned New York elites and frauded investors was going to give you the same train wreck feels than you may wind up shocked to discover how much empathy you have for her. While Anna Delvey did some illegal things and crossed lines, my takeaways from her story are very sympathetic. Here are some thoughts I had after watching the show. (While avoiding most spoilers).

1.) FYRE with a Y? Is a dumb name. And a dumb idea.

2.) If she were a man, then she could have Ted Talked her way to VC money. Collateral not required.

3.) A business plan is not enough. It takes perseverance and several rounds of investments to make an idea truly happen.

4.) Everyone who claimed she hurt them capitalized on her doing exactly that. Writing books, articles and even her legal team became more famous because of her.

5.) Anna’s story is proof that exploitation makes money.

6.) If Anna had any financial backing…. oh the things she could have done!

7.) Anna was the poster child for chasing the American Dream.

8.) Generosity is not always reciprocal.

9.) Anna pushed the notion -You CAN fake it til you make it.

10.) Anna honestly had the brains and prowess to become a badass entrepreneur. However, she skipped the necessary steps to get there and her gender created added scrutiny.

11.) The most important thing that women can take away from this story is how far we have come. Women are VCs and they are controlling the female narrative now more than ever. Go getters like Anna do not have to hide behind their fathers imaginary trust in order to get ahead.

12.) Being well intentioned is not enough. Integrity in all aspects of life matters. While Anna lied, she also kept her pride in believing in her idea and that she was smart enough. She was absolutely smart enough.

Final Thoughts

Anna eventually watched the Netflix show about her. While she did earn money for the Netflix series she was initially hesitant to watch it. Through the looking glass, this Alice in Wonderland was able to see just how she was perceived and portrayed. She humbly revealed that she did not realize how abrasive she came across. She paid her dues in jail and has a new perspective. Saying as much. After her jail time she revealed that now that she has been through the criminal justice system, her past problems seem ridiculous in comparison.  I can only imagine that Anna is pleasantly surprised by how many fans she has.

Check out the show on Netflix– you will not be able to un binge this one.

Image by Netflix


Twenty Two Thoughts I Had While Binging Emily In Paris Season 1

Emily In Paris Season 1 was such a joy to watch. If you have not seen it yet, here is the scoop. Emily Cooper (played by Lily Collins) is a young marketing professional from Chicago. She has it all. A great job, a sweet boyfriend and a light and spirited attitude. She’s smart, pretty, funny and well, very curious. Her very cool boss lands a job at their Paris location and just like that, winds up pregnant and unable to take the job. Emily quickly jumps on the opportunity and unapologetically takes the gig for a year. Letting her boyfriend know as a sincere FYI. As it should be!

Emily cannot speak French, and has zero idea how the culture clash will affect her. But just like Alice handles Wonderland, Emily takes on Paris.

Here are nineteen thoughts I had while binging season 1 of Emily in Paris.

1.) First off, Paris. When can I go back? It is so romantic!  And can I please stay at the Hotel Costes 

2.) The colors? Emily wears such vibrant colors and I really need to stop buying so much black and grey.

3.) Many of her shoes are also brightly colored. I need some fuschia booties, stat!

4.) Parisian women over the age of 55 are all sophisticated and every dress has a leg revealing slit to it. Sylvie is so stylish!

5.) Lavender walls in an office and herringbone wooden floors? Yes please!

6.) I do miss a good french crepe. And it must be eaten while walking the Siene!

7.) They still smoke in Paris? Let it go!

8.) I think Emily is singlehandedly bringing back plum matte lipstick!

9.) Pale skin is gorgeous. Who needs a tan?

10.) A french boy who lives downstairs and is a chef? I can see why all the girls want him. And of course he is nice too. Gabriel equals Swoon!

11.) Houndstooth patterns look good on men and women in Paris. And in a multitude of colors!

12.) The beret, when worn correctly does not look touristy after all. I had no idea that was even possible!

13.) French food is the main reason to live in Paris. I can smell the herbs and French cuisine through the television. Must be paired with fine wine of course!

14.) Everyone needs a bestie. Especially Mindy — one that speaks Mandarin and can Karaoke.

15.) Should we all start wearing fancy dresses and booties everywhere? I think so!

16.) Emily has definitely moved on from her Chicago BF.

17.) Social Media is much more fun when Emily does it. I love her hashtags.

18.) How far is Normandy anyway? Thats a long distance relationship I would have tried to make work!

19.) Could Camille be any nicer..??

20.) I need this soundtrack! Poppy French Songs work!

21.) Everyone needs coworkers like Julian and Luke. Fun and they have your back!

22.) Umm Season 2 please — I must know what happens to Gabriel and Emily!

Emily In Paris Season 2 Resumes on Netflix on December 22nd. Here is the trailer.

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6 Lies We Tell Ourselves At the Start of the Weekend

The start of any weekend is always ripe with so much promise — possibilities of so many things to get accomplished. We head into the weekend telling ourselves that we’ll do them all or most, but deep down we know the simple truth: we’re liars.

1. We’ll clean the house.

Over the course of the week our rooms have a tendency to become strewn with old outfits and take out containers. It’s understandable, we lead busy lives. So the start of a weekend is that golden opportunity to clean up a little. 

We never do though, for a number excuses — hungover, tired, we’ll get it done next weekend, etc. Our place ends up looking like a polluted street and having a clean refrigerator has to wait another day (or year!).

2. We’ll go through and respond to all our emails. 

In this modern tech age, we have accounts on so many different websites. And apps, and they all continuously barrage us with a never ending stream of emails. 

Maybe we were interested in that website — at some point — or we’re just too lazy to unsubscribe from their email blasts;  But one thing is for sure — we don’t have enough time  to look through let alone even click on these emails.

Thus, our inboxes have become infected hives of unread and disregarded emails. The wide open weekend is perfect for clearing our tech house, but that would require clicking through them all. 

3. We’re going to be good to our livers.

The past few days or weekends have been lots of fun and games. And we’ll totally remember to detox. Often times we start the weekend telling ourselves we’re going to take it easy, but then we get that evening text from a friend, and we promise to only have one drink.

Fast forward six hours later to when we have somehow managed to get ourselves home, and now we’re foraging through our refrigerator like a starved zombie raccoon.

4. We’re going to be social. 

On the other hand — some weekends — we promise ourselves that we will actually go out and act like we have a social life. We reach out to people, but there’s nothing overly-enticing that’s going on, and that’s when it happens — the siren call. 

From our bedrooms we hear the alluring voice of Netflix, calling to us, and once our beds join in on the chorus we’re hooked. We grab the Nutella and a spoon, and dive under the welcoming sheets. So much for being social. 

5. We’re going to get a head start on that project.

Even if it’s a Friday night — and we just finished work or school for the week — we tell ourselves we should really start that project looming over our heads. Yes, we think, yes we will be productive, just after I watch this one episode, but then that episode turns into 10.

Then before we know it, the whole weekend has blown past us, and all we have to show for it is a hangover and a bruise on our arm that we can’t figure out where it came from. 

6. We’re going to see that one friend we’ve been meaning to see.

We all have one. That one friend that we really do love and care about, but can never seem to find the time to see. We promise ourselves that this is going to be the weekend for our grand reunion. 

Yet when push comes to shove, the plans don’t materialize, and we don’t see our friend. It was the thought that counted right? 


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10 Arrested Development Moments That Made Us Love the Bluths

If you’ve watched Arrested Development, you’ve seen the too-relatable family moments from the Bluth family. From arguments to critical parents to sibling rivalry, the Bluth’s have shown us that they’re like every other family – except there’s also a dad who committed treason, a father and a son both liking the same girl without knowing it, and a surprisingly-successful banana stand.

Arrested Development is laid out like a documentary, which is shown more during the last season or so. Much like The Office, there is no laughing track and the characters are much more casual on camera.

In that sense, the show is already leaps and bounds ahead of other sitcoms, if that’s the vibe you’re going for.

The show is TV14 for some language and innuendos here and there. That being said, it’s family-friendly for teens and up – which seems hard to find with truly hilarious comedies nowadays. It’s binge-worthy, good to have on in the background, and funny in a sometimes unfortunately-relatable sense.

It makes it seem like our “crazy” family might not be so crazy after all.

The show is available to stream with Netflix and Hulu subscriptions and is available to purchase on Vudu, Amazon Prime, and other online options. Whatever the price – I’ll tell you that it’s worth it. Arrested Development is the type of show that will have you crying laughing even after a 14-time watch through.

1. George started the 6 feet apart rule before COVID-19.

2. Their dancing may just be worse than ours.

3. They remind us that dating can be messy.

4. They (sometimes) admit their faults.

5. They understand that not everyone can be a good cook.

6. They go through bad self-esteem moments, too.

7. Dramatics can get the best of them.

8. Their poor financial skills and a little too relatable.

9. They can get caught in awkward moments.

10. Their depressed moments can get the best of them.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Classy and Badass, These Twelve Daphne Bridgerton quotes prove it.

If you haven’t heard the name Bridgerton in the last month, you must be living under a rock. A little harsh, I know but it’s true! Since airing on Netflix on December 25th it has climbed its way to number one on Netflix in over… get ready for this… 76 countries!

I know for a fact, that if Lady Whistledown was here to write she would agree that Miss Daphne Bridgerton is the baddest ishh in the land. Yes, she may seem sweet, poised, and petite but don’t be fooled. This girl can pack a punch with her personality, which for her sake is a godsent… I mean have you met her husband? Someone has to keep him on his toes considering her does the same to her.

Here are twelve quotes from the young lady herself, which I am sure will have you in awe of her boldness.

1. “It would be better if you refrain from thinking about me at all.”

2. “I’m aware of your reputation.”

3. “Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission.”

4. “Judging not, lest we too be judged.”

5. “I’m quite capable of doing more than you think.”

6. “Flawless or something.”

7. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

10. “I assure you, I am anything but interested in you.”

11. “You must not have sisters if you think most women are delicate and mild.”

12. “In a matter of days I am to be a dutchess and you are to be just as you are now, unmarried and untitled.”

Not only do these quotes prove Daphne to be a complete boss babe but they also show us that you can be a lady and stand your ground while having a mind of your own. It’s also a plus that these make for some very clever and classy Instagram captions!

About The Author:

Ashley Denton is a creative artist whose mediums include music, theater, dance, and creative writing. This girl thrives on coffee, adventure, and exploration. Ashley has been writing professionally for five years and editing for four. Ashley is also one of Puckermob’s newest editors. 


Alexis Rose: Why We Want Annie Murphy To Win An Emmy

First of all, I will start this post by tell all of you how I came to watch Schitts Creek in the first place. I was not familiar with the show and a girlfriend encouraged me to check it out. Sometimes binge watching comes naturally when you go in with no expectations.

I loved everything about the show. But what I noticed that I went in season after season because of one character, Alexis Rose.

First, let’s talk about her name,.. it reminds me of a character name that I would read about when I was a teenager in my Sweet Valley High novels. She was pretty, stylish, accessible, street smart and just naive enough to warm our hearts.

For those of you that have yet to watch the show, um what are you waiting for??

It is up for fifteen Emmy awards this year including Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose for Best Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series. And I am ready to watch the seasons all over again!

But before I do, here are some of my most fondest memories of Alexis Rose.. and I want to point out, I have only watched each season only once.. and over three months ago, so this is all from my memory, which is as genuine as it gets!  Alexis Rose is relatable to me because of these moments.

1. ) The beginning of the show it seemed like they were not entirely sure what to do with the character of Alexis Rose. Yes, she was the young spoiled rich girl, now stuck living in a motel with her family.  She immediately kisses Mutt who is the only hottie in town. He looks like he is permanently backpacking– yeah that kind of homeless hottie- and since her boyfriend is not coming to the rescue, that was a toxic relationship for sure, she pursues Mutt. Who is only good looking with a beard.. am I right ladies?/

2.) Whenever she addresses her brother, David — the tone that she uses is the perfect sibling slang- ewwww DayViddddd .. say it with me.

3.) She does this very shi shi thing where she cringes her eyes and wags her fingers to the person she is talking to in adoration.  You can tell it’s a rich girl thing. Like holding your hands down like paws as if you had a purse– channeling Paris Hilton or something.. I dunno but I loved it.

4.) She has partied with Saudi Princes and she can navigate Morocco, but a small town with one restaurant… ugh forget it.

5.) She has absolutely no job experience, but can tackle Instagram like noone else!

6.) She has mommy issues. Who wouldn’t being the daughter to a famous actress?

7.) She has a love hate relationship with Twyla Sands (Sarah Levy) who runs the only restaurant in town Cafe Tropical. Mainly because Twyla is so nice!!! Anyone else remember the scene when Alexis gives Twyla all of her clothes then realizes she gave her some things by mistake– that she um wants back?

8.) She is stylish and loves to accessorize, with hats! All hat girls rejoice!

9.) She sees how wonderful Ted is… awessss

10.) She is willing to work at a vets office even tho she has no comprehension of animals, how to care for them, the medical field, but she just jumps right in, scrubs and all.

11.) When her mean girlfriends come into town, she realizes just how much she has grown and matured. And how they are so not cool after all.

12.) She is perfectly stubborn and unique and she can escape the most inescapable escape room. She is the ultimate star of Schitts Creek because we got to see her evolve. I won’t throw any spoilers in here for the ending but I really thing Alexis Rose should have her own show, because I really want to see where she goes next!

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6 Shows On Netflix That Helped Me Find Myself

Crazy to think that not one but multiple television series have helped me find my way and find comfort in life. These series all individually have helped me through break ups, struggles with what am I doing with my life, and other problems. Hope you can find a new show to tune into on Netflix and maybe even help you with some life problems!

  1. One Tree Hill

This is a popular favorite T.V. show for many people of all ages, between Haley and Nathan’s beautiful love story, Brooke Davis’s ability to make you believe in yourself and strive to be the best version of yourself, Peyton’s art that gives you a meaning in life, or how strong Jamie is at age 7 and his ability to smile and be a kid even when he has been through hell. One Tree Hill is a T.V. show I have tuned into more than once and everytime I find a new comfort or hope in life. Brooke Davis you are my spirit animal.

2. Grey’s Anatomy

Yet another classic for many on Netflix or who tune into ABC on Thursday nights. Whether you are in love with Mcdreamy or MCsteamy, want to have the strength the many women on the show have, or even if your heart has broken 100+ times while watching there is always hope that SOMETHING good might happen. We all miss Grey and Yang’s twisted best friendship or Meredith and Mcdreamy’s amazing love story. Grey’s Anatomy has many many sad moments but gives you hope that you will get through the rough times.

3. Gilmore Girls 

The mother daughter relationship makes you jealous but still makes you want to call your mother and become best friends. Between all the relationships, Rory’s college, the fights that Rory and Lorelai had, and everything else in between you find a comfort and wish to live in the small town of Stars Hollow, take an adventure with Logan and the life or death brigade, and a craving for a coffee at Luke’s. With the new episodes out you can’t help but take a trip down memory lane and tune back into where it all started in season 1.

4. Army Wives

Army wives was a show I skipped over a few times before I eventually tuned into binge watch this amazing series that gives you hope, love, and courage. When I first saw the title on netflix I assumed the show was reality T.V. which has never been my thing, but once I clicked on the title I came to realize it wasn’t reality T.V. and started my binge. The show brings tears to your eyes more times than not, both happy and sad tears. It also gives you a full heart with the amount of love in the show. But importantly it gives you an understanding about what military families go through in their everyday lives. I give my heart to those who go through those struggles but also a huge THANK YOU to those who serve our country.

5. Gossip Girl 

Now if you are like me you read the Gossip Girls books when you were in middle school and once you found out the show was on netflix you binge watched the show. This show makes you fall in love with the upper east side life (or hate it depending on the day). You learn many lessons on friendships, family, and most importantly love. The hope that maybe the bad boy WILL indeed turn out to be the good guy.

6. Shameless

Last but definitely not least! The latest show I have found myself binge watching, Shameless. Between the comfort you find from the fact that those kids are making it after growing up in a shitty life style and having nothing. Lip goes to college, Fiona runs a restaurant, Carl heads to military school, and Ian getting a job as an EMT. They are overcoming all the struggles they had growing up and everything else. AND of course you can’t help but fall in love with Lip ;).

‘Friends’ Fans Spotted A Hilarious Filming Error You Probably Never Noticed

If you’re a die-hard Friends fan, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve seen the series hundreds and hundreds of times. You watch it when it’s on TV playing reruns, you throw it on Netflix in the background when you’re doing other stuff, you watch it when you have nothing better to put on—”I’ll be there for you,” is constantly coming out of your TV and your pores. But, no matter how many times you watch the series, there are some things that you just never pick up on because you’re just not looking for them.

As fans continue to re-watch the show in 2019, there are a ton of PC-flagged issues with the show—like tons of homophobia and transphobia. We get it—shows in the ’90s don’t always age well because we’ve all become much more woke. While people continue to drag a show that was created over 20 years ago—others have found little mistakes that have been made in filming (not writing).

This time around, the episode on trial is The One With The Screamer. True fans know this episode revolves around Pheobe chilling in Monica and Rachel’s apartment for days because she refuses to hang up on the phone company after they put her on hold.


The friends all go out to see a play that Joey is in, and, Rachel brings along a date (Ben Stiller) who ends up being a huge douchebag. Ross tries to point it out the entire time, but, they don’t realize until Stiller’s caught in Joey and Chandler’s apartment screaming at the duck and the chic.


If you look closely at the still shots from the original episode, you’ll see that there’s probably a good reason why Pheobe was on hold forever. A Reddit user pointed out that the phone happens to not be plugged into anything…at all.


There are about 4-5 ports in which the phone should be hooked up to a phone jack in order for it to make calls at all. And, before you ask, this is the ’90s—when you needed to have your phone hooked up to the jack in the wall in order for it to work. I remember because my mom used to ground my sisters and I by taking the plug with her to work so no one can use the phone at all.


So, basically, the producers and directors of this episode f*cked up big time. But, I’m sure if you watched every single episode of a TV show hundreds of times and paid attention to every little detail, you’d find hundreds and hundreds of mistakes made by the filmmakers. Who has time to pay attention to every single tiny detail like that?

h/t: Digital Spy.

Everything Coming To Netflix In February

Though January has felt like the never-ending month, we are finally approaching its conclusion which means Netflix will have a whole slew of new titles arriving in the next few days.

A handful of classic romcoms like Pretty in Pink will make their way onto the streaming service just in time for Valentine’s Day as well some rather dark Netflix originals including Velvet Buzzsaw.

Check out all of the titles available in February below and get ready for a month full of nonstop bingeing.

Most Anticipated Netflix Originals:

Russian Doll: Season 1 (2/1)

Velvet Buzzsaw (2/1)


About a Boy (2/1)
American Pie (2/1)
American Pie 2 (2/1)
American Wedding (2/1)
As Good as It Gets (2/1)
Billy Elliot (2/1)
Black Sea (2/16)
Dear Ex (2/1)
Disney’s Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2/3)
Dolphin Tale 2 (2/25)
El árbol de la sangre (2/8)
Final Destination (2/1)
Firebrand (2/22)
Hairspray (2/1)
High Flying Bird (2/8)
Hostel (2/1)
Jaws (2/1)
Jaws 2 (2/1)
Jaws 3 (2/1)
Jaws: The Revenge (2/1)
Little Women (2/11)
Our Idiot Brother (2/26)
Paddleton (2/22)
Paris Is Us (Paris est à nous) (2/22)
Personal Shopper (2/1)
Pretty in Pink (2/1)
Studio 54 (2/16)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2/16)
The Breaker Upperers (2/15)
The Drug King (2/21)
The Edge of Seventeen (2/1)
The Photographer of Mauthausen (2/22)
The Rebound (2/28)
The Soloist (2/6)
Yucatan (2/15)


Bordertown: Season 2 (2/2)
Chef’s Table: Volume 6 (2/22)
Dating Around (2/14)
Flavorful Origins: Chaoshan Cuisine (2/11)
Free Rein: Valentine’s Day (2/1)
GO! Vive a tu manera (2/22)
Jeopardy!: Collection 2 (2/28)
Ken Jeong: You Complete Me, Ho (2/14)
Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History (2/8)
Larry Charles’ Dangerous World of Comedy (2/15)
¡Nailed It! México (2/8)
One Day at a Time: Season 3 (2/8)
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj: Volume 2 (Streaming Sundays starting 2/10)
Ray Romano: Right Here, Around the Corner (2/5)
Rebellion: Season 2 (2/22)
ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke (2/8)
Romance is a Bonus Book (Streaming Sundays starting 2/2)
Russian Doll (2/1)
Siempre bruja (2/1)
Suburra: Season 2 (2/22)
The Big Family Cooking Showdown: Season 2 (2/22)
The Break: Season 2 (2/9)
The Dragon Prince: Season 2 (2/15)
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants: Season 2 (2/8)
The Umbrella Academy (2/15)
True: Happy Hearts Day (2/1)
Unauthorized Living (2/8)
Unsolved: Tupac & Biggie (2/27)
Workin’ Moms (2/22)

And here’s what’s leaving in February

Black Dynamite (2/1)
Bride of Chucky (2/1)
Cabin Fever (2/2)
Children of Men (2/1)
Clerks (2/1)
Disney’s Girl Meets World: Seasons 1-3 (2/19)
Disney’s The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2/1)
Ella Enchanted (2/1)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2/1)
Piranha (2/20)
Queer as Folk: Seasons 1-4 (2/1)
Queer as Folk: The Final Season (2/1)
Shaun of the Dead (2/1)
Sing (2/3)
The Big Lebowski (2/1)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2/1)
Woman in Gold (2/1)

Binge on, friends!

Why I Refuse To Watch Or Promote ’13 Reasons Why’

Recently, Netflix produced, aired, and renewed an original series called 13 Reasons Why based on a novel “Thirteen Reasons Why” by Jay Asher. The book and show both focus around a high school student named Hannah Baker, a suicidal teenager in high school who experienced immense bullying and torment while trying to live in a society that perpetuates such acts. The show revolves around Hannah’s decision to end her life and a boy she liked, Clay, and their dual narratives on her life and the life that continued after her death.

While the show had a dark, haunting message and plot-line, when Netflix debuted the series, it had a much larger and rapid “cult-like” following than that of the novel. The novel was one I had read in my youth, but one that most teens had strayed away from due to its dark message. Much like “Go Ask Alice,” and books of that nature, many students in my classes strayed away from dark novels and decided to read something more “light-hearted.”

Now that there is a TV series putting the novel’s narrative in the real, 3D world—it has taken off in ways the book never could. And, although Netflix is monetizing on the series immensely, it is one that I refuse to watch nor promote, although I was a fan of the novel it is based on.

Many people who watch the series are that of Hannah Baker – young, Millennials that may have struggled in ways Hannah has struggled herself. The intended audience for the show in the series’ promotion were those who could relate to Hannah Baker, who had felt the same torment and pain she had felt in the show.

While many shows that target youth and discuss suicide and mental health awareness can be dark and dangerous to produce, it so happens that the majority of them attempt to give a message of optimism and hope—or, try to give a storyline of help. 13 Reasons Why, in my eyes, fails to do so.

From studies by lead adolescent psychologists I have read over the last several weeks, after the series took off, calls into suicide hotlines had increased by a large percent. As well, teenagers who had experienced bullying and other tormenting behaviors from peers were now writing on blogs and chat lines on the Internet about “following in the steps of Hannah Baker,” and “leaving letters behind to those who had wronged them.”

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the third highest cause of death for those aged 15-24. Lead adolescent psychologists have authored dozens of studies on the effects of media on teenagers and have discovered that teenage suicide is contagious. According to Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz:

“Teenage suicide is contagious. We know for over three decades that when kids watch television where they depict a suicide, they’re more likely to attempt and they’re more likely to actually (kill themselves).”

While Netflix argues that the show “opens the dialogue on suicide and depression amongst youth,” and can “push people to be kind and show empathy and support,” several scenes within the show, according to researchers, promote the opposite. Instead, the show promotes the idea that Hannah’s peers looked at her suicide as a cry for attention rather than an illness and an alarming call for help. In turn, her suicide in the show is painted as a way to “get revenge” on those who have wronged her and for them to realize they had been cruel by her tragic death.

The show, in the end, glamorizes suicide in a way that is a huge trigger towards youth who are depressed and suicidal. Many teens who experience these mental health issues feel alone and discouraged – needing support and help. What they received from this show was a huge push to do the wrong thing.

The reason I can’t come to support this show isn’t just because of the glorification of suicide, but a bigger issue amongst society as a whole. With the Internet and media becoming so invasive into people’s lives, we’ve become desensitized to important and major issues amongst individuals.

Suicide, which is something that should never be made into a joke, has become something that people laugh about – for example, when Aaron Hernandez recently committed suicide in prison, it was only hours before I saw memes appear on the Internet about dropping him in fantasy football drafts.

The more often these kinds of TV shows, series and content appear within society, the further we become desensitized towards human beings.

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