I May Be A Lot, But I Promise You I Am Worth It.

I’m a lot, I know…

You see, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last before I go to bed. I think about you often throughout the day and wonder what you are doing, and what you are thinking about because a guy as smart and funny as yourself must have something interesting on his mind. I also am thinking about how lucky I am to call you mine. I can be clingy and overbearing I will admit and sometimes I feel like I may be blowing up your phone when I am not with you but the truth is, once we part our ways I miss you instantly and I wonder and hope you are missing me too.

Truth is, I can’t make plans with you soon enough… knowing that we have a “set date” or we have “plans” is what helps me hold on and know that I AM going to be seeing you again.

That sounds dramatic and clingy and maybe a bit stalker-ish I know…I promise I’m not a stalker!

Now that you know a few of these things, I think it’s time I tell you how I became this way. No, I wasn’t always like this, I was unconsciously made this way. Yes, I know we joke about my ex’s but in reality, they took a toll on me.

You see, the first one slept with my “best friend” and got her pregnant. The second told me I wouldn’t have anything to worry about that she was just a friend but failed to tell me that they were FWB in the past and slept with her the night he called things off. The third … The third hit me like a truck. This one was long-distance but we made it work somehow for over a year. It wasn’t until the end that I realized all the manipulation and emotional abuse that was set on to me. That relationship was full of ultimatums, changes, and sacrifices that I WOULD have to make to be able to be with him.

This relationship was the one that made me question and change everything… my hair, my style, my room… Everything.

After a bit of time, I eventually healed and I was able to move on, I met someone. This one lasted for about a year… he was older and more mature. He promised me the world, but never followed through on any of those promises… After some time, it was back-sided compliments and mind games, If I didn’t agree with something he said or did, as well, as if I “did something wrong” it was the silent treatment until I drove myself crazy trying to figure out what I did to make him upset. Nothing I did was good enough. I could work my ass off and it still wasn’t enough until he finally had enough and just left… he had no more use for me and just left.

I swore I was done after that, and then you came along.

Yes, then you came along and you changed the game. You are always there and you are always reliable, you are strong and steady. You have turned into my rock, my safe place. When I am having a panic attack or when I am just having a bad day you are the one I want and the one I want to be with. Once I am with you all of my worries melt away…

Cheesy I know, but it’s true.

I feel all the things, and I feel them deeply and love so hard…

I know I may be a lot and I know I may be overbearing sometimes. I just want to say thank you for your patience and for loving me through it all, thank you for loving me for being me. I promise to make it worth it, I promise to love you with my whole heart each and every day.

Thank you for being so amazing.


About The Author:

Ashley Denton is a creative artist whose mediums include music, theater, dance, and creative writing. This girl thrives on coffee, adventure, and exploration. Ashley has been writing professionally for five years and editing for four. Ashley is also one of Puckermob’s newest editors. 


Why Travelling With The New Boyfriend Can Reveal Your Compatibility.

If I can offer any piece of advice to a new couple, it would be to travel together early on in your relationship.

My reason behind this is simple, you learn who they truly are very fast on a trip. Maybe it is the small little traits and habits that they have. Or behaviors that help you determine who they morally as a person. I recently went on a vacation with my new boyfriend and I can honestly say it was the best thing for our relationship!

It’s really funny actually the little things you pick up on when you are alone together for a long period of time. Like what side he lays on to fall asleep, how they like their coffee, and learning that they absolutely love it when you rub their back in the morning and adore it when you help them pick out an outfit to wear.

If you were to ask me the important part of a relationship is the little things.

If a large portion of the little things don’t match up or go together how are you supposed to piece together the big things in a relationship?

My boyfriend and I went to Florida for a vacation! While we were there we did an array of different things. One of the first things we did was go shopping at the outlet centers in Orlando. Working in retail I saw this to be the perfect time to see what kind of “shopper” he was. Trust me if you work retail you know exactly what I’m talking about! and just as I was expecting he was the best kind of shopper you could hope for. He’s very conscious of sale associates. And he is (of course) one of the most well-mannered man (trust me they are hard to come across!)

Of course, when you are vacationing in Florida you are going to frequent the beach! There are two types of people when it comes to the beach. Those who are not the biggest fan of the beach and those who run to the water and throw themselves into it! I am the one who throws myself into the water! My boyfriend on the other hand… not too much. In his defense he cant because of a medical condition but he so badly wants too, so he gets a free pass on that one!

When on vacation if you are super lucky it wont rain at all, but nine times out of ten that doesn’t happen. We were not that 10 percent. We had a few rainy days where we were stuck in the house. Thankfully we had shopping and Netflix! One day we just stayed inside and found a show we both wanted to see and it became “our show” we cuddled and watched the show all day! It was amazing! We learned how the other liked to be cuddled. This is actually a very important and intimate part of a relationship.

This trip really brought us together.

We learned a lot about each other on this trip. And it could have either made us or broken us and we made it!

To The Real Life Prince Charming…

To the one who opens all the doors for me.

To the one who pours me a glass of wine every night after I get out of work without even asking.

To the one who plans the dates.

To the one who makes me feel safe every time you are around.

To the one who can always make me smile…

You know, I didn’t even know that you still existed, I swore you only lived in fairy tales but I was defiantly wrong.

Prince Charming’s are still a thing! I mean obviously… You found me, didn’t you? It’s weird to me, I wasn’t looking for you. I was finally ok with being on my own, I was doing my own thing and then you came along, and you started making me happy… and making me laugh and giving me the “butterfly” feeling then suddenly it all made sense. I had finally found him. The prince charming to my fairytail.

First of all, I would like to say thank you. thank you for treating me like I am the only girl in the world, I truly do feel like a princess when I am with you. I feel lucky to say that because I know not a lot of ladies do get to say that.

I’d also like to say thank you for allowing me to let my guard down, with you I feel safe.

I know I can trust you and that feels really weird to say that but for me, it’s the first time I can say that and actually mean it. There is a lot to be said if you can make me feel safe not just physically but mentally as well…

I have learned a lot from you in the short time that we have been together so far. One thing I have learned is that passion can grow, it can grow more and more each day. I see this in all that you do. In your love for cooking, your love of golf, your appreciation of your friends and your family but in most of all your passion for me. You, my friend, are a real-life prince charming and I will forever be grateful for you.



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