Remember that enthusiasm from a month ago? Is it still there?

We all know that feeling. The New Year is here and we are all at home, surrounded by our loved ones. Positive vibes are all around us with a sparkly and shiny warm atmosphere.  Your thoughts are ‘’I can do anything’’, ‘’I will be the best version of myself this year’’. We know you really meant what you said back then. We do.

But it seems like enthusiasm starts fading away gradually as you start coming back to reality. 

2020 was one of the most challenging years we’ve encountered and we were all going to go into 2021 with optimism but with a bit of anxiety as well. 2021 brought a completely new promise of a new beginning. Inspiration to live our life to the fullest, something that we couldn’t do during 2020.

There is still plenty of time for you to enjoy this year and to improve the quality of your life. Don’t be limited by time, in the end, you will just feel stuck. We want to help you feel motivated and refreshed all year long.

New year – still old me?

That is one of the biggest fears of everyone. Everything remains the same. Not better, not worse, just the plain old same. 

You are back to work, and January seems like it will never end. The pandemic is still here and it is hard to keep your levels of motivation up when the atmosphere feels so stale. You reverted back to the old you and old ways. And on top of that, the holidays seem so far away at this point.

Yet, we want to encourage you to continue thinking about that change and focus more on becoming the best version of yourself. If you are already feeling guilty for not sticking to that promise made a month ago – you are not alone.

January was to put simply – a trial month. It always has been. We all want to have more time to spend with our loved ones, we want to exercise more frequently, find a new hobby, travel more, cook healthier meals, stop smoking, or read more books. 

January was for gathering your strengths and understanding your weaknesses better. Time to be more introspective. So, if you are feeling guilty you will soon start to feel bad about the whole idea of changing anything. It’s the expectations that are ruining the whole deal.  

Changes don’t happen overnight. They are the result of consistent efforts. Did you know that it needs approximately 3 weeks for humans to change one habit? 

Why is this year different?

This year was different from most as even planet Earth decided it is time for ‘’New Year, New me’’. We welcomed a new era, unexpectedly.

We had different expectations of the roaring twenties coming back but what we got was getting stuck in the never ending status quo. Fearful, bombarded with different information, sometimes far away from your loved ones. And what 2021 brought to us is a hope that everything will turn out right eventually.  

What can we do?

Start by following the examples and we will evolve together into something divine.

Setting goals and setting a stage for growth

One of the things you should do first is to create long term and short term goals. It’s essential to get back to the basics now and then to remind yourself why this is important for you. The crucial aspect is that you don’t have to be in this all alone. During this era of social distancing, be sure to remain close to your loved ones. If you need support, don’t be afraid to ask. Give them comfort if they decide to follow your example. 

It is much easier when you know that you can get an understanding of your problems, no matter how small you think they seem to other people.

Your friends will be glad to help you become an ultimate version of yourself, enjoying watching you grow, inspiring everyone along the way.

Challenge yourself 

Getting out of your comfort zone seems a bit scary but it is great for you. That adrenaline rush you get afterward is simply priceless. Yet, this is easier said than done. The entire 2020 was like one giant comfort zone. So, for 2021 plan on it to be the complete opposite of that.

Again, it all depends on your goals. Some people want to learn a new skill, some people want to try individual sports (and would be great at it) or simply learn how to say no.

Wherever you are in that equation – don’t wait for someone else to take the first step. Hang up the phone to that toxic friend that is constantly complaining. Take one class of racquetball to get you moving and to see that cardio training is not always boring and monotonous. Tell people what is bothering you. Ask for that raise you earned. 

People are often stuck in the state of arrested development, thinking it is a normal part of being an adult. Life is so much more and it has so many amazing flavors to choose from. But it is you who will take the first step.


Be good to yourself

The most important thing is to be good to yourself. Not to spoil yourself, only to be good. Spoiling yourself is good as a short term motivation but embracing it for the long term leads you to even more problems. When setting goals, the only thing you need to realize is balance. You want to set achievable goals. If you set the bar too high, you will feel frustrated for not managing to reach it. In the end, you will have a feeling that the only person standing between you and your success is no one but yourself. If you set it too low, these small victories will not mean anything. 


It is important how you feel on the inside. 

Remember to exercise, drink 8 glasses of water per day, unplug your laptop and silence your phone 2 hours before you go to sleep, and prepare your own food. These are great basics to start with. Once you start you will feel more energized, more confident, stronger, feeling that you did something good, and also start raising a bar a bit more. Don’t let your expectations control your life and remember it is never too late to start fresh. 


Know who you are and know when to leave 

Remember to take your time, welcome positive changes, and leave all this baggage that is bothering you at the door. Ask yourself, “If I take a step back and look at my environment, how many things around me make me happy?” or “How many things remind me of hard times that I’ve had?” The only constant in our life is change. It is completely fine if you are not the person you were a few months ago.

Grasp onto life tightly, embrace this new year and a new opportunity to rethink what you are, and change everything to the very core.


About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

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