It’s almost spring, and you know what that means: GAME! OF! THRONES! I mean, yes, also flowers and nice weather and the molting of the puffer jacket you’ve been wearing since November. But mostly I’m just excited about Game of Thrones, which will be returning to HBO on April 14.
To get you even more psyched than you probably already are, HBO dropped the first official trailer for the show’s eighth season, and it features all your faves, except if your faves are the White Walkers because they don’t show any of those yet.
But we’ve got just about everyone else.
Arya’s in the trailer a lot.
And Sansa.
There’s a very quick shot of Bran and Samwell.
Bad bitch Cersei Lannister.
Her brother Tyrion.
And, of course, the hottest incestuous duo in the kingdom, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. And the dragons!
People are obviously psyyyyyyched.
Arya Stark herself (Maisie Williams) tweeted the trailer and wrote, “BITCH AM FICKING CRYING OMH MY GOD SO EXCITE D.” Yup, that’s pretty clear. BITCH AM FICKING CRYING OMH MY GOD SO EXCITE D😭😭😭😭
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) March 5, 2019
Within minutes, GoT was trending on Twitter. People shared jokes, their favorite gifs, and some theories on what all’s gonna happen in the FINAL SEASON.
GOT fans:
— Grace Haley (@gracephaley) March 5, 2019
I was in the middle of performing life-saving surgery but ok
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) March 5, 2019
No love for this.
I am upset.
— Tamoor Hussain (@tamoorh) March 5, 2019
Jaime Lannister: "I promised to fight for the living & i intend to keep that promise."Me:
— maria (@m_lmequer) March 5, 2019
So this is what they call "break the internet" #GameOfThrones
— Red, the blood of angry men! (@elliotmind) March 5, 2019
If anything happens to Arya, Jon, Dany and Bran…
— zahhhhh (@eunjinxna) March 5, 2019
Pregnant and guzzling wine don't mix. You know what that means! 🍷#GameOfThrones
— Charlie Schneider (@AwesomEmergency) March 5, 2019
if this scene isn’t dany comforting jon after he finds out he’s a targaryen, i don’t know what it is #GameOfThrones
— zoya 🥀 (@zoyadin27) March 5, 2019