5 Signs You’re a Unicorn Person Who Everybody Loves

Ok, so not everyone in the world is actually going to like you, we all know that. But there are people out there whose luminous hearts attract others like magnets.

We don’t try to, it just happens. And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re one of us and:

1. You don’t have a mean bone in your body, honestly.

If people have a problem with you, it’s probably because of a mistake you made rather than you being a terrible person.

2. You try to dislike those who aren’t on good terms with your besties, but you can’t get past the fact that “they haven’t done me wrong.”

3. You’re not acting nice because you’re afraid people won’t like you otherwise.

This is just who you are.

4. You’re constantly being told you’re easy to talk to.

Sometimes people are thrown off by how easily they let you in. You listen well and are incredibly trustworthy, and it shows.

5. People tell you that you’re different from most people they’ve met but they can’t quite figure out why.

6. You can make friends anywhere!

In an elevator, a bar bathroom, a grocery store, you name it.

7. You feel humbled by your ability to accept people for who they are and not their past.

8. Your intuitive instinct helps you uncover the real person behind the masks people tend to put on.

9. You have high emotional intelligence.

You watch and listen intently and are able to detect a person’s emotional state fairly easily. If you really know someone, you can tell when something is off and you know how to use that information appropriately.

10. You know how to fake your way through small talk like the pro you are.

11. Others constantly confuse your kindness with a romantic interest.

“No, I don’t want to go home with you – I was just being nice. I know that’s hard to find these days but c’mon.”

12. When someone gets close enough to open up to you but doesn’t stick around long enough to create any sort of friendship, you feel hurt and used.

13. When heavy stuff is dropped on you, you take a while to process it.

14. You can be a little naive about others and their motives.

15. No matter what, you love who you are.

You love being open, letting people in, and making an impact on their lives because you know they won’t forget about you.

9 Signs You’re The Grumpy Nice Girl

We’ve all got that one friend who is super sweetShe treats everyone with kindness and respect, and you rarely-to-never hear her participate in gossip. She’s a nice girl, but, every so often, she lets something out and she isn’t as nice as you’d thought. Everyone gasped in shock when you all heard her swear for the first time in high school.

1. You never, ever swear. But when you do, everyone hears it.

You stub your toe. Normally you can just handle it and let out a polite little “ow!??? But you’ve had a long, tiring day and that loud “FUCK??? slips through your lips before you could catch yourself. Your friends and any passerby look up at you in shock and disbelief. Most of the time, you’re too nice to swear. But not today.

2. You always speak highly of others and look for the good in all people. Until you don’t.

You’re a natural sweetheart, a totally innocent Cady Heron at the beginning of Mean Girls. But when someone deserves it, and I mean really deserves it, like you can’t find a reasonable justification for why they’re such a horrible person, you’ll call it as you see it. Everyone’s a little astonished that you didn’t say something kind or nice like you normally do. When you talk badly about someone, they seriously deserve it.

3. Every so often, you roll your eyes behind someone’s back. This sends your friends into a fit of shock and laughter.

You just could not resist. Again, you’ll only let your inner grumpiness out if it’s necessary. Sometimes people are just too full of themselves and you gotta take their ego down a few notches. And come on, a little eye-roll is harmless. You’re still charming and nice and adorable, just with a hint of grumpy. 

4. You rarely complain…but sometimes you just need to vent about how much everything and everyone sucks.

As the nice girl, you don’t like to subjugate your friends to your heavy emotions and moods. For the most part, you can deal with your problems on your own and your friends see you as a stable rock that they can depend on. But there are days when you really need to yell about your stupid boss and stupid professor and stupid assignments, not to mention the stupid mean asshole on the way home who let the door slam in your face instead of holding it open. 

5. Normally you’re calm and sweet, but when something pisses you off, you let it out.

Yes, life is usually frustrating and slow, and not many people cooperate when you need them to. Usually, you stand by and let it pass because you know that other people are probably having a bad day. You’re usually empathetic and patient. but there’s only so much you can take until you decide that you’re going to devise a plot to destroy the world and all of the annoying humans. 

6. You’re always there for your friends, but sometimes they need a little tough love.

As the nice girl, you’re the shoulder to cry on. You’re the one who always coddles your friends and reminds them how amazing they are. But sometimes they’re just too much. They’re being a little too ridiculous and you won’t tolerate their nonsense. Some wise words from your inner grumpy cat do the trick.  

7. When you meet new people, it’s only natural for you to be polite and happy and kind. With your best friends, you let your inner grumpy cat out.

It’s almost impossible to tell when you’re being fake nice because 99% of the time you’re truly genuinely nice. But if someone rubs you the wrong way, you wait until they’re gone to release your claws. And your friends are totally shocked because they certainly did not see that coming. 

8. Your nice manners and genuine optimism are mistaken for sarcasm. But when you actually use sarcasm, people think that you’re just really nice.

Being ultra nice is a blessing in disguise. Everyone knows you as the innocent nice girl. But only your real friends have seen the grumpy side underneath all of the niceness. So while you have to reassure others that you’re being honest and not sarcastic, when you’re actually sarcastic people think that you’re just being nice. It’s a win-win, you can secretly be a grumpy cat.   

9. You’ll always go out of your way for your friends. But when the nice girl takes it too far, you throw them some well-deserved side-eye.

Nice people are underestimated. You quite observant, and know how to throw shade. But you only get shady when it’s totally warranted. And it means a lot more coming from you because you don’t throw shade around on the reg. Side-eye from you shouldn’t be taken lightly, you’re telling your friend that she needs an attitude adjustment.  



What You Need to Know About the Nice Girl Who’s Unbelievably Tough

The nice girl who’s unbelievably tough is a rare breed. She has a sweet, gentle heart but she also has thick skin and knows how to protect her nice nature.

She’s extremely authentic and lives life embracing her vulnerability without giving a shit about what people think of her. Because she can be a nice girl but she won’t let anyone step all over her.

1. She’s the type of person that will make you feel like you can tell her everything.

You just gravitate towards her because she inspires kindness but also respect. You’ll trust her immediately after you meet her because you can sense she’s an honest, genuine soul that knows how to live her truth. You’ll never regret trusting her.

2. She’s tough but not conceited, just because she’s nice by nature doesn’t make her feel like she’s better than anyone else.

She treats everyone equally unless you try to take advantage of her good intentions, then she’ll call you out on it and won’t let you get away with it.

3. She takes pride in being nice, so she won’t let anyone into her world unless they’re accepting and respectful of her nature.

She knows how to say no, loud and clear, so don’t think that being a sweet soul prevents her from speaking her mind.

4. She doesn’t have a problem saying that she’s sorry when she has made a mistake.

She’s nice, not perfect but she’s tough enough to take ownership of her actions, even when her choices are not the best Because she knows her intentions are pure and she will never hurt anyone intentionally.

5. She doesn’t have a problem communicating her emotions.

She’s been hurt multiple times, so she prefers to speak up and put everything on the table in order to avoid any miscommunications or confusions.

6. She knows what she wants and she’s determined, so she won’t put up with mind games in any shape or form.

She’s the type of person you want to have in your life because she’s loyal, honest, sweet, kind and the type to take a bullet for you if she ever welcomes you into her heart.

If you come across someone like her, do everything you can to hold on to her. You’ll be grateful to have someone in your life you can rely on unconditionally.

Because the nice girl who’s unbelievably tough makes the best friend, lover and overall trustworthy person you want to have in your life forever.

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77 Quotes That The Grumpy Nice Girl Can Relate To

If you’re having “one of those days,” this is for you. Whether you’re having a rough time at work, you’re feeling down, or your day is feeling a little bit dull, you can definitely use a smile. So here are some quotes will totally get you, your dry sarcasm, and your love of coffee.

Grab a fresh cup and you’ll be giggling in no time!


1. “Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered…‘who ties your shoelaces for you?’


2. “The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake.”


3. “I love it when the coffee kicks in and I realize what an adorable badass I’m going to be today.”


4. “So it turns out that being an adult is mostly just googling how to do stuff.”


5. “Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”


6. “Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.”


7. “Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.”


8. “An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough.”


9. “Please kindly go away, I’m introverting.”


10. “There’s no need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.”


11. “Trust me you can dance.” – Vodka


12. “Some days you eat salads and go to the gym. Some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put pants on. It’s called balance.”


13. “Sorry, I can’t go to work tomorrow. I fractured my motivation.”


14. “I don’t get drunk. I just get less classy and more fun.”


15. “If I were a bird, I know who’d I shit on.”

45 Things Only People Who Are “Too Nice” Can Relate To

If I got a dollar for every time someone told me I’m “too nice,” I don’t think I need to work a day in my life. If I got a dollar for every time someone said or did something mean to me, my kids wouldn’t have to work either. Most of the time, people don’t like me when they first meet me. And I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t bother me, because it really does. They fail to understand the kind gestures, the acts of community service, the selfless giving, without ever wanting to take isn’t an act.

We live in a world that tries to teach us to be selfish and to look out for ourselves. But the world overly kind people live in, completely contradicts those beliefs. We enter this world actually believing we can be the ones to change it. We see all the bad out there, and we see opportunity. We aren’t saints and we don’t see ourselves the way people may see us. We are constantly looking at others and looking for the good in them. But the life of someone who is born with this type of quality comes bearing harsh judgment, criticism, and, ironically, a lot of unkindness. It is the people who are the kindest and most compassionate who have a story that made them that way.

  1. It’s not an act; we genuinely care about others (even strangers).
  2. And we aren’t fake, so stop telling us we are.
  3. We aren’t naïve – we’ve probably seen more unkindness than you have.
  4. We know when people are taking advantage of us, but we want to believe in goodness.
  5. We are tired of people telling us stop trying so hard because it is who we are.
  6. A “thank you” is all we expect in return.
  7. Global issues and human suffering really hurt us.
  8. People aren’t going to like us, and it makes us try harder.
  9. We know people can be assholes, but those people aren’t gonna turn us into one.
  10. We appreciate kind gestures more than anyone in the world.
  11. We don’t need to change and we are tired of people telling us to.
  12. Even if we have few enemies, we would never say anything bad about them.
  13. We try very hard to never utter unkind words, because we know how powerful words are.
  14. We are first to defend the underdog.
  15. We know good always overcomes evil.
  16. Doing things for others actually makes us feel great.
  17. The meanest, most accurate thing people can say about us is that we are too nice.
  18. Nice guys finish last.” We know it’s true.
  19. Intentional unkindness or selective kindness isn’t something we understand.
  20. Being nice to people we don’t like isn’t fake, it’s maturity.
  21. We cry more than we’d like to admit.
  22. Knowing people will remember us for the way we make them feel about themselves is knowledge we use to our advantage.
  23. Being told we have poor judgment, but we know with enough time, we can find good in everyone.
  24. We don’t judge others, but rather try and understand them.
  25. We have flaws we obsess over.
  26. We get really excited when we meet someone as nice as us, because it’s rare.
  27. If people talk behind our backs, everyone else thinks they are crazy.
  28. We give too many second chances even if we get burnt.
  29. We are the most reliable friend.
  30. We believe lies, because we are always honest.
  31. We may have insecurities, but the one thing we are most confident about is who we are and how we treat people.
  32. We apologize too often, because we probably don’t hear “sorry” enough.
  33. We will always first blame ourselves, even if someone has done us wrong.
  34. We’re not just being nice to get attention.
  35. When we say or do something and it hurts someone, we never forget, and the guilt lives with us for years.
  36. We have never heard our name and the word “mean” in the same sentence.
  37. The greatest compliment we receive is being the nicest person people know.
  38. We have an army of people ready to defend our honor.
  39. Rejecting people is not easy for us, because we see it often.
  40. We really do have the best intentions, even if we mess up.
  41. We are more compassionate than the average person.
  42. Eventually even the people who didn’t like us come around, and later become our biggest fans.
  43. Our best friends know everything about us, and know all of these things to be completely true.
  44. People remember us, even if we go years without seeing one another.
  45. And in a world that tries to make us cold, just know we are never going to change our ways.
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