Essential Online Dating Safety Tips for Women

More and more people are choosing to look for their partners online instead of in person, and for good reason! Meeting people IRL can be time-consuming, tricky, and uncomfortable. Bars and clubs are crowded, workplace romances are not encouraged, and going out there on your own can be dangerous, especially for a woman. With online dating, you can meet and connect with people from the comfort of your own home and on your own time. The beauty of online dating is that the control is finally in your hands, and it’s much easier to find someone you click with!

However, not everything is always sunny-side-up when it comes to online dating. While it can be fun and exciting, the internet can be a scary place. If you’re not careful, it can be pretty easy to get taken advantage of, scammed, or lied to. To make sure you stay safe while you find your happily ever after, there are a couple of things you need to know first. Here’s a list of tips and tricks on everything from dating sites to pre-date etiquette! Learn how to put your best foot forward and stay safe, while you dip your toes into online dating!

Find the right site

A common mistake that many people make is choosing to use the wrong dating sites. Depending on what kind of experience you’re looking for, there’s bound to be a site out there that will cater to you. If you’re looking for casual anonymity, go for dating sites that are secure and don’t require any personal information. If you want a more modern, personable experience go for apps like Tinder, Bumble, or OkCupid. If you have a preference there are sites that cater to specific religious or sexual orientations!

By checking out recommendations, you can better understand which platforms are likely to meet your needs and preferences. Additionally, you can read reviews and compare features to determine which dating app or website fits you best. Many resources like OnlineForLove list the best dating sites for young people with details about the average users, pros, and cons. Reading reviews will increase your chances of finding a compatible partner and enjoying a pleasant dating experience.


Do a little digging

Although excessive cyber-stalking is frowned upon, a little online digging never hurt anyone! If you’re found someone you want to meet IRL, it’s important to do a little background check on them before the date. Look them up on social media, or even other dating sites to get a closer look. This is a great way to spot any red flags, check to see if they’re a catfish, or simply make sure that you like what you see!

Hold the personal info

Whether you’ve been talking to the person for 2 weeks or 2 years, your personal information is yours to give away when you feel comfortable. When you’re creating your dating profile or talking to someone, don’t feel pressured into giving away anything too personal. Your phone number, where you live and work, and what gym you go to are all things that can harm you if told to the wrong person. To keep things safe, be cautious with who you share your private info with.

Call or video chat before you meet

Before you go to meet someone face to face, it’s important to do it through a screen first. Video chatting or a good old-fashioned phone call is a good call for a few reasons. This is a great way to make sure that you’re not being catfished and that they really are who they say they are. It’s also a good way to check your chemistry together before you meet and to see if you like the sound of their voice or laugh. After the pandemic, there truly shouldn’t be any excuses as to why you can’t video call or phone call someone.

Meet in a public place

While the thought of meeting with your online crush on a secluded beach does seem romantic, it’s not very safe. The first rule of internet dating is to meet in a public setting. For the first couple of dates, opt for a restaurant, a coffee shop, or a local park. Any place that has a good crowd is a great location should you feel uncomfortable or need to make a quick escape. Public places also make it easy for a trusted family member or friend to be present to help you out should you get into anything you don’t want to.

Skip the carpool

Once you’ve planned a date with someone from the internet, it’s important to get there on your own. Take the bus, uber, get a friend to drive you, or drive there yourself. As a woman, it can be very dangerous to accept a carpool invite from your date. What if you don’t like the person, or the date goes horribly wrong? To avoid any awkward rides home, and to stay safe, make sure you’ve got your own transport sorted. You don’t need to rely on anyone to get back home, especially not someone from the internet!

Know when it’s time to go

The last tip on this list for online dating is to know when it’s time to leave. As a woman, it’s easy to think that you need to put up with uncomfortable situations while you’re on a date. You need to break this cycle and learn how to respect yourself and your time. If the date isn’t going well, if things are too awkward, or you’re getting some creepy vibes, remember you can leave whenever you want. You don’t owe anyone anything, no matter how long you’ve been talking, or how much they paid for dinner.

So there you have it! Now you’re ready to experience the world of online dating in a safe and fun way! A good online dating experience starts with the right dating site. Look for sites that offer exactly what you want, and get to chatting! Make sure to keep your profile fun, and to leave out any personal information until you’re sure you can trust the person you’re talking to. When you find someone you like, don’t be afraid to do a little digging to be on the safe side. Make sure to schedule a phone call or a video call before you meet to avoid getting catfished!

When planning your eventual date, be sure to do it somewhere public and to plan an escape route should things turn sour. Maybe have a friend or a family member on hand to help bail you out of any awkward or uncomfortable situations. Be a strong and independent woman and skip the carpool to your date. Lastly, remember to value your time and know when it’s time to leave. Have some fun with it and remember to stay safe and cautious when meeting your next tinder date!

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Why Online Dating Will Continue to Bloom Long After Covid-19 Disappears.

There are always some industries that do well in times of strife. A year into the coronavirus when it was declared a global health emergency by the WHO, we see that food delivery companies, grocery chains, video communications companies, Netflix and, of course, Amazon are flourishing during this social and economic upheaval. If you take something like Zoom: nobody could have known that the relatively-niche video streaming platform would become such an important part of our lives within the space of a few months.

But one of the early ‘winners’ (and we want to use that term respectfully) of the pandemic was the online dating industry. Within days of the first lockdown last March, dating apps, which were already growing in popularity (albeit, there were some signs of online dating fatigue), saw unprecedented surges in new registrations. Pretty soon, they became part of the new normal in dating, as people adjusted to finding love and connections in a time when physical contact was not always possible.

Will online dating flourish if Covid disappears? 

And yet, can we muse about what happens after? Experts have warned that Covid is something we might have to live with for years, but the success of vaccines suggests that we should return to some semblance of normality. The movie theaterswill open again, as will the bars, clubs, coffee shops and restaurants. For some, it might be a welcome relief to pursue the traditional ways of dating again. But others might have been bitten by the online dating bug. Most experts predict that online dating will continue to grow (but not as quickly) through 2021 and 2022, with new registrations plateauing around 2023.

Last spring, we saw an initial surge in the use of dating apps. With big players like Match and Tinder seeing double-digit growth by the end of the year. However, there were some interesting details within those figures. At first younger people flocked to using dating apps when the pandemic initially struck. Whereas the increase in older users didn’t happen until later in the year. That tells us that younger people were keen to jump on board and move dating to the virtual world. Older folks were a bit more hesitant, but they came around after a few months.


Daters have had to learn patience

Younger and older people generally operate in different spheres of the online dating world. Younger people are more likely to embrace casual interactions. An option like Flirt, which you can see a review of when you check out this URL, is geared towards those looking no-strings connections. It’s based on physical attraction and flirting rather than traditional matchmaking criteria. Older people, generally speaking, usually gravitate towards those that are, let’s say, a little less geared towards casual hookups.

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