PSA To All The Guys Out There, We Like Oral Too

Picture this, you’re with the most amazing man, he’s handsome, perfect body sculpted by God himself, and he’s got you all hot and bothered. You’re thinking to yourself, this is what I’ve been waiting for, a great guy to give you the big O.

You go down on him, you put all you’ve got, showing him you appreciate all the work he’s done to get to this moment, and he stops to passionately kiss you. And you lay back expecting him to return the favor.

And he doesn’t.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.

I don’t care how fantastic the sex is, it’ll never be more than just eh without him going down on you too.

I’m getting really tired of these boys who just expect for me to go down without even a little bit of returning the favor.

Like first off, I just went to town on you. Slobbing on the knob. Getting lock jaw. My neck hurts. And you can’t spend 5 minutes with your face in between my legs?

It’s just frustating. Now I’m over here thinking about those soft lips on my lips (and not the ones on my face) and not even enjoying myself because this is a problem.

I shaved for this. Made myself all baby bottom smooth and this dumb boy is neglecting my nether regions. Ugh.

Nope. Not anymore. I’m going on strike. If you can’t get me off with your mouth, I refuse to participate in oral too.

Let’s see how you like it. Hint, hint you won’t.

To my beautiful ladies, if he’s not going down on you during sex, refuse him the pleasure of you going down on him. Hopefully he’ll get the message and start writing stories with his tongue.

And to my future bae or some other man reading this, give us oral and we’ll never have to hold out on you.

26 Ladies Who Hate Receiving Oral Dish The Dirty Details About Why They Dislike It

Intimacy is an important part of any relationship and real intimacy relies on open communication. Once you’re comfortable enough with someone to tell them your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, that’s when you know you’ve got something good.

For instance, one partner may assume their counterpart enjoys oral when in fact it makes them uncomfortable and they’d rather avoid it altogether. This is a vital conversation to have.

Take it from these women who shared with Whisper the reasons why they strongly dislike receiving oral pleasure.

1. Some find it unsanitary.

2. Some people just don’t like it.

3. It doesn’t always feel good.

4. It causes a bad reaction for some.

5. It doesn’t bode well with someone who has OCD.

6. It’s something you can’t explain.

7. Prickly beards don’t feel good down there.

8. Maybe it’s an insecurity thing.

9. It’s not for everyone.

10. There was a bad first experience.

11. It can be uncomfortable.

12. It makes kissing taste different.

13. The other person might not enjoy it.

14. Some people just really hate it.

15. It’s awkward.

16. The excuse that always works.

17. All the awkwardness.

18. Regardless of the technique, it doesn’t feel good.

19. Some partners aren’t very good at it.

20. Again, not for everyone.

21. Guys aren’t always the best at it.

22. Each one is like a snowflake.

23. Some people are just givers.

24. It’s not weird.

25. All about preference.

26. Maybe it’s just not your kind of thing.

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