To the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with,
I’ve been thinking about you a lot. You haunt my dreams, you are in my thoughts, and you are the definition of my biggest nightmare. I have sat here many of times thinking about how I am letting you consume my thoughts.
I always had a feeling about you, I used to see little things on social media that hinted to me that something was going on between you and him. I resisted all the tricks to spy and catch him cheating. The worst part is, I was right the whole time about you.
I see so many other articles thanking a ‘girl’ like you. But I possibly could never in a million years say thank you to you. You ruined me, and you almost ruined my relationship. You did not win, you did not destroy my relationship, and you did not come out on ‘top’.
You tried telling me I deserved better, that I should leave him you even had the courage to say WE deserve better than him. How could you ever think that me and you were on the same level. You knew about me, you weren’t naive. You tried to get him to leave me for you, you tried to pursue your own relationship with someone already in one.
You sat there and tried to be with someone who was texting me telling me he loves me. You saw me posts photos with him, and write things to you and you were okay with knowing you were doing that to me?
I know what you’re thinking, why would you stay with him after he cheated on you? You didn’t win either. I stayed with him because sometimes people make mistakes, sometimes people do the wrong things and I’m giving him another chance. I don’t think you are the only person to blame for this, he did the deed as well.
But you’re another girl who did this to someone else, you were okay with him cheating on his girlfriend when she had no idea 1,200 miles away. The only reason I do thank you, I learned not to be naive. I learned that girls like you do not care about girls like me. And I do thank you for that. I hope you one day find someone of your own, and that you never do this to another girl. I’m a stronger person because of this, so I guess I do thank you in a way.
Sincerely, the girl you made stronger.