To the Guy Who Claimed I Was ‘The One’, Our Future is Cancelled

If you would’ve asked me back then who I thought I would be with for the rest of my life, hands down I would have never second-guessed my answer.

If you would have told me that same day that the man I thought was meant for me, and I was meant for, would cheat on me with his awful ex, I would have told you that you were crazy.


We used to spend all day doing everything together, cooking, studying, taking naps, trying new food, new wines, everything. I would never have thought that when I left my classes early and took that 4-hour drive to surprise you that I would see what I saw. That I would find the two of you in our bed, in our apartment.


I would never have thought that you would try to fix your mistake by proposing to me, begging me to stay because you messed up and you knew it. I would never have thought that someone I could love with all my heart would do something so terrible to me. That I would even witness the entire scene.


I definitely would never have believed that you would try to make me stay with you after what you did.


You claimed I was the one and only girl for you, but you had no problem going out with her and seeing a movie, and then dinner, and then hooking up with her.You had no problem hooking up with her in our apartment. In our bed.


A better man would have had the decency to do that in her apartment. Hell, a better man wouldn’t have done it at all. You could have had the decency to end it with me. And you could have had the balls to tell me I wasn’t what you wanted anymore.


You told me I was the one and only, so why did you do something like that to me? To us?We talked about everything; kids, marriage, buying a house together. I helped you through school, financially and emotionally. Did she do that?


And the funny part is, after years you still try to see what I am doing. You still want to know if I miss you. I’ll clear it up for you. I don’t miss you, and I don’t love you anymore.


I stopped loving you the day I saw you with her. Knowing that I wasn’t what you wanted, wasn’t enough for you, made me realize how much of a fool I was for believing that I was the girl for you.


I hope that in the future you find the girl who really is meant for you, that she helps you through everything, finding a job now that you are done with school, buying and fixing up a house. Everything.


There were highs and lows in our relationship, but the lowest is what you did. 

I hope that you realize that no girl or woman deserves to see what you let me see. And I hope that one day you realize how much you messed up, and never repeat history.

I hope that you realize I would have given you the world and then some.

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