I’m Sorry #MeToo, But I Don’t Owe Anyone My Story

In the wake of the #MeToo Movement and survivors coming forward with their stories, there are a lot of emotions that come to light for me, as an assault survivor. While I support all victims and survivors and their stories, respect their decision to speak up and be part of a movement, and, disclose information in the way they see fit—for me, the movement has shed light on victims in a way that, I feel, uses them.

When I was 16-years-old, I was assaulted by someone who I was casually dating. The grasp of his hand wrapped around my wrists while I struggled to gasp for air outside fo his mouth on mine, his body pinned up against mine in the passenger seat while I tried to escape his hold on me—they all play in my mind like a black and white, silent movie. The screams I let out, weigh in the back of my mind. His hot breath creeps down my neck. I relive memories and moments of that night every single time I read a hashtag, a list, a story about #MeToo.

More often than not, women are speaking up about their own assault stories. To those who feel comfort and peace speaking up and coming forward, becoming part of a hashtag and part of a movement—that’s their own decision.

For me, personally and for my own story—I don’t feel that becoming part of a hashtag campaign will bring me peace. I don’t want sympathy, I don’t want “sorry,” and, I don’t want to hear people telling me how I should cope.

My problem that comes with the #MeToo movement is that so often, people become desensitized to stories of abuse. The more we see them, the more that we normalize them. The same thing happens with violence on the news—the more we see it, the more we hear it, the more we expect it. Speaking up brings awareness, sure, but speaking up also makes it seem that it’s normal for this to happen to young women, who are impressionable and fragile—young and naive.

When people share this hashtag online, they have no idea how it can trigger a reaction—how the words can bring back memories that haunt us, ones we have tried for far too long to hide in the back of our minds—locked away, tucked under a box, with a lock and a key we threw out years ago. Not everyone wants to speak about their abuse, not everyone wants to share their stories. And, forcing individuals to speak up—telling them they should “share their story so we can show that toxic masculinity needs to end,” it’s an unfair pressure to put on assault survivors.

I’m not saying that people who are apart of the #MeToo movement are wrong—in fact, I commend their strength and honesty, their decision to speak out. What I am saying is that just because someone shares their story, does not mean I need to share mine. While many celebrities and advocates hope to have a “chain reaction,” where countless women speak up and share their story—for some of us, we just don’t want to.

Victims do not owe anyone their stories. And, it’s time we respect this.

So Pete Davidson And Kate Beckinsale Are Definitely A Thing

Their relationship has been rumored for a minute now, but new pictures of Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale totally making out Sunday at a Rangers game prove that there’s definitely something going on with the pair.


To recap a bit: Pete and Kate were seen being very flirty back in January at a Golden Globes afterparty and they ended up leaving together. Then they were spotted holding hands at a show after Pete performed stand-up.

Also, Kate has apparently been clapping back at anyone who comments on this rumored relationship on her Insta.

Instagram: Kate Beckinsale
Instagram: Kate Beckinsale

As for Pete’s ex-fiancée Ariana Grande, she reportedly said that she thinks the whole thing is “SO CUTE!

And here, courtesy of Twitter, are some pictures of the new couple (??).

How sweet do they look together?

Answer: very, very sweet.

The pair showed up together at Madison Square Garden just hours after being spotted together outside this week’s SNL afterparty.

One person who might not have been super-into it at the time was Queer Eye’s resident chef, Antoni Porowski.

The pictures of him sitting beside them are wonderfully meme-able, though.

h/t: BuzzFeed, @ChicksInTheOff

20 Things You Only Understand If You Love Spending Time Alone

There are two kinds of people in this world—those who love to be surrounded by people all of the time, whether they are out, home, or on the go, and those who love being alone in their silence, solitude, and bed. Not to say that one person is better than the other, but they are total polar opposites. Some people love human contact, others despise it. And, there are just somethings you totally understand if you’re a “me, myself, and I” person.

1. Being alone means there is absolutely zero judgment at all. Zero. None. Negative none.

2. You can walk around without pants on and not have to worry about a damn thing.

3. You can eat whatever you want, at any time of day, and have no one to tell you otherwise. Ice cream for breakfast? Bring on the damn sprinkles.

4. You have a list of excuses that you run through on a regular basis to get out of plans with people you really don’t want to do—like, your mom needs help moving, your sister needs you to babysit the kids, your super is coming to fix the kitchen sink.

5. Ordering food for one is way cheaper than ordering for two-three and having to figure out how to split the Seamless/Postmates bill.

6. You know vegging out on the couch with your show to binge watch with some wine is way better than having to go to a club and rub up against sweaty and annoying strangers who keep touching you without your permission.

7. There is no pleasure quite like lighting a candle in your bedroom and snuggling under the covers with a good book.

8. Relationships are hard to get into because your personal time is more precious than anything else you can imagine.

9. And, the worst thing you can deal with is dating someone who wants to be with you or see you on an everyday basis. No thank you.

10. You don’t understand why people feel the need to text all day, every day. Having time away from the rest of the world is special.

11. People think that you’re a weirdo or a loner because you’re not always out doing something with other people.

12. But, in reality, you are constantly doing something—just solo.

13. Traveling alone is one of your all-time dreams. And, you have no problem going to a new country all by yourself.

14. You think that people who need to go with someone everywhere (including running errands, or going to the hair salon, or even traveling) are crazy and dependent.

15. People always say you’re the most independent person they’ve ever met.

16. You always people-watch and study body language when you’re out, thinking about their stories and where they come from.

17. You don’t understand why people hate eating by themselves.

18. People never worry about you if they haven’t heard from you in a while because they know you’re always around, just under the radar.

19. The only person you’d ever consider spending your life with is someone who is just as independent as you are because you cannot imagine having to do everything with someone else tied to your side all of the time.

20. You wouldn’t trade your alone time in for anything in the world—except, maybe, a million dollars.

Pete Davidson Ripped Apart A Fan For Making A Mac Miller Joke At His Show

Comedian Pete Davidson was working on some new material at the South Orange Performing Arts Center in NJ on Monday night when one of his fans tried to make a joke of rapper Mac Miller’s death. Let’s just say it did not go well for the fan.

Miller was found dead at the age of 26 on September 7 in his California home. His death was ruled an accidental overdose of fentanyl, cocaine, and alcohol, according to People.

The late Miller had dated Ariana Grande before she dated Pete Davidson, and his death seems to have played a factor in her and Davidson’s breakup, at least if you go by the lyrics to her song “Ghostin.”

So it was in really, really bad taste when, after Davidson began a joke with “My friend died in my apartment,” someone in the audience clearly yelled out “Mac Miller,” according to audio obtained by TMZ.

Right after the dude yelled it out, Davidson asked, “Jesus Christ, who’s that guy?” He then said, “We’re getting him out. Point out the guy who’s a f*ckface.” He completely stopped the set and waited for the crowd to out the guy so security could remove him, saying, “I’ll wait. I will wait. I will not continue until that guy’s gone.”

“I’ll leave, so if you want the show to continue, call out the person who did it,” he said. He also asked that the venue give the guy his money back because he didn’t want it.

“I don’t deal with that sh*t at my show,” he said, later adding, “I have to deal with that enough.”

In recent weeks, Davidson has been spotted with Kate Beckinsale, so maybe that’s a thing? People reported that the pair were together first at Netflix’s Golden Globes afterparty and then they were spotted holding hands leaving the West Hollywood, CA, venue Largo at the Coronet after Pete Davidson had done a set.

You can check out the full audio of Davidson kicking the fan out here.

h/t: People and TMZ

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