Online Dating During the Pandemic – What’s Changed?


Are you single and looking? If you were hoping for a new love connection at the start of the year, the pandemic might have flipped your plans upside down. Even daters who say they avoid long-distance relationships like the plague…well, ended up having to cope with the barrier of sheltering in place and social distancing due to the pandemic.


In short, COVID-19 halted our love lives. Or did it? To find this out, the team at Sitejabber analyzed thousands of online dating reviews and published a study on the current state of online dating. Here are a few of their top findings you should know.

1. Online dating takes it to the next level

At the onset of the pandemic, online dating activity took a downturn. However, the drop in the number of online daters was short-lived, and by July 2020, people flocked to online dating. Not only were previous users hopping on dating platforms, but new users too. Sitejabber found a 27% overall increase in online dating reports compared to pre-pandemic 2019.


Another interesting stat occurs late into the year – online dating surged in September, when dating reports spiked by 118% compared to the beginning of 2020. Despite social distancing orders and sheltering in place, the loneliness of the pandemic sure motivated many singles!

2. International dating takes a break

Those looking for love internationally put their plans on hold last year. Reports of dating out of the country decreased by 21%. Perhaps travel bans and quarantine had something to do with it?

3. Sliding in the DM’s

Are you the type to text first?

If you’ve ever used a dating app, you know that most platforms allow you to match with potential connections by liking different profiles. Typically, you can only text each other once you’ve matched. And during the pandemic, women are taking the initiative.

According to Sitejabber and AI dating platform Hily, women are 5x more likely to text first. That’s an increase from 7% before the pandemic, to 40% now!

4.The loneliest states

If you live in California, you likely know someone who found their partner online (or maybe it’s you!). California is the number one state in the U.S. to report online dating. And even though international dating dropped during the pandemic, Californians actually ramped it up, reporting dating internationally 77% more.


While most of the U.S.’s online daters live in California, other states saw significant surges of online dating during COVID-19. Reports of online dating skyrocketed by 167% in the state of Washington, followed by Massachusetts, Arizona, Georgia and New Jersey. For these states, the pandemic contributed to a new culture of online dating.

5. Finding love in a hopeless place

How is the modern dater feeling during these unprecedented times? Unfortunately, negative online dating experiences increased by 12%. States like Massachusetts, Georgia, Nevada, Missouri and Michigan reported the highest frequency of negative experiences.


Despite all that, several states made the best of it. Many satisfied daters live in Washington, Illinois, Arizona, New York and New Jersey, sharing the highest frequency of positive online experiences.


How do you feel about dating during the pandemic? If you want to learn more about the latest dating trends, things to watch out for and how scammers are targeting online daters, check out the full study on Sitejabber.

Why Online Dating Will Continue to Bloom Long After Covid-19 Disappears.

There are always some industries that do well in times of strife. A year into the coronavirus when it was declared a global health emergency by the WHO, we see that food delivery companies, grocery chains, video communications companies, Netflix and, of course, Amazon are flourishing during this social and economic upheaval. If you take something like Zoom: nobody could have known that the relatively-niche video streaming platform would become such an important part of our lives within the space of a few months.

But one of the early ‘winners’ (and we want to use that term respectfully) of the pandemic was the online dating industry. Within days of the first lockdown last March, dating apps, which were already growing in popularity (albeit, there were some signs of online dating fatigue), saw unprecedented surges in new registrations. Pretty soon, they became part of the new normal in dating, as people adjusted to finding love and connections in a time when physical contact was not always possible.

Will online dating flourish if Covid disappears? 

And yet, can we muse about what happens after? Experts have warned that Covid is something we might have to live with for years, but the success of vaccines suggests that we should return to some semblance of normality. The movie theaterswill open again, as will the bars, clubs, coffee shops and restaurants. For some, it might be a welcome relief to pursue the traditional ways of dating again. But others might have been bitten by the online dating bug. Most experts predict that online dating will continue to grow (but not as quickly) through 2021 and 2022, with new registrations plateauing around 2023.

Last spring, we saw an initial surge in the use of dating apps. With big players like Match and Tinder seeing double-digit growth by the end of the year. However, there were some interesting details within those figures. At first younger people flocked to using dating apps when the pandemic initially struck. Whereas the increase in older users didn’t happen until later in the year. That tells us that younger people were keen to jump on board and move dating to the virtual world. Older folks were a bit more hesitant, but they came around after a few months.


Daters have had to learn patience

Younger and older people generally operate in different spheres of the online dating world. Younger people are more likely to embrace casual interactions. An option like Flirt, which you can see a review of when you check out this URL, is geared towards those looking no-strings connections. It’s based on physical attraction and flirting rather than traditional matchmaking criteria. Older people, generally speaking, usually gravitate towards those that are, let’s say, a little less geared towards casual hookups.

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6 Socially Distanced Doggy Date Ideas To Bring You Closer Together

Can a doggy date break the dating ice? After months of isolation due to Covid-19 restrictions, you may be ready to jumpstart your dating life. Although the pandemic isn’t over, there are still ways to date while practicing social distancing. Your four-legged friend could be a great excuse to set up a doggy date with the special guy you’ve had your eye on.


Bringing your furry friend along on a socially distanced dog date is a great way to get out of the house and meet new people. If you’re getting to know a fellow dog owner, why not suggest a doggy date as a way to break the ice?


Going on a socially distanced doggy date will allow you to be socially responsible and maintain an active social life. Without further ado, here are our six socially distanced doggy date ideas.


1. Stroll on the Beach

There aren’t many things more romantic than a stroll on the beach, and your dog will love it too. If you’re lucky enough to live near the beach, going on a socially distanced doggy date at the beach is a perfect way to get to know somebody new.


Beaches have always been a favorite date location, so why not take advantage of it during Covid-19 times. The beach is one of the most dog-friendly dates you can go on. An uncrowded beach will give you miles of shoreline to stroll while getting to know your date.


You’ll get to watch your pups playing in the waves while you take a long romantic stroll. Look for a pet-friendly beach before you set out on your socially distanced doggy date. Your dog will be able to run along the shore, meet new dog friends while you and your date enjoy the sounds of the ocean in the background.


Be sure to bring enough fresh water and food for your dog during the doggy date. Doggy toys such as balls or toys will ensure your dog is well-entertained during the date.


2. Watch the Sunset Together

If you’re not lucky enough to live near the beach, don’t despair, a sunset doggy date is one of the most socially distanced dates around. There aren’t many things in life more romantic than a date at sunset.


Since this is a doggy date, you’ll want to choose a dog-friendly spot to watch the sunset with your love interest. If you want a view of the sunset unobscured by houses, pollution, and tall buildings, look for dog-friendly parks on the western outskirts of your city.


Maybe your city has a scenic overlook that would be a romantic spot for you, your date, plus your best furry friends. Another romantic option if you live in a big city is watching the sunset from a building’s rooftop. Many big cities have rooftop dog parts with fantastic views of the skyline. Why not take advantage of the location to set up a romantic doggy date rendezvous.


A socially distanced sunset date will allow you to enjoy a little romance while your pup gets to have fun in the great outdoors.


3. Early Morning Run Together

Is your pooch an early riser? How about your date? If you and your date enjoy fitness, an early morning run could be your ideal date. Running in the morning will allow you to enjoy the fresh cool air, and if you get up early enough, you may catch the sunrise.


Be sure to choose a large park where you and your date can run with your dogs without worry. If you don’t know your date well, you want to be sure you’re running in a well-trafficked area early in the morning. Once you’ve got those details ironed out, you’ll be able to enjoy a romantic run while getting to know more about your date.


As a bonus exercise is an excellent relationship tonic, according to science. By going out for a run with your date, you may be laying the foundation for many years of romantic bliss. Plus, your pup will have a great time getting to know your date’s furry friend. It doesn’t get any better than that!

4. A Nature Hike

Another date idea that your pup will love is a nature hike. Socially distanced dates such as hikes require minimum advanced preparation and give you many opportunities to get to know your love interest. To get started with this date idea, look up pet-friendly nature trails in your area.


You and your date’s dog will love exploring nature together, and being out in nature with your date will bring the two of you closer together. You’ll want to find dog-friendly trails in your area. Check out AllTrails and REI Hiking project to help you find the ideal dog-friendly hiking trail for your socially distanced doggy date.


Since your nature hike will probably take you off the beaten path and last for a few hours, be sure to bring water for you and your pets. A good rule of thumb is to bring more water than you think you’ll need. Your dog may get hungry during the hike, so be sure to bring some doggy snacks. Also, check the temperature before heading out. Heat affects our furry friends more than it affects us.


5. A Dog Date Picnic

If you live in a temperate climate, picnics are an excellent idea for socially distanced dates with your furry friends. You could combine this date with one of the activities above or plan the entire date around a picnic. To get started, you’ll want to locate a dog-friendly park to ensure your pup enjoys the date as much as you.


To make the most of this socially distanced date, be sure to bring plenty of toys to keep your dog entertained. Be sure you and your date bring your own blankets to sit on at a safe social distance. If you’re planning to hang out with your date for a few hours, bring pillows or lawn chairs to be sure you’re comfortable.


Using disposable utensils is a must to minimize the risk of cross-contamination. Hand sanitizer is also a must during social distance dates like picnics. And again, remember Don’t to bring food for the dogs, so they don’t spend the entire date begging for you and your date’s food.

6. An Outdoor Movie Night

Dinner and a movie is a typical romantic date idea made difficult during Covid-19. Going on a socially distanced outdoor movie date is an excellent alternative to the traditional movie night. Many parks offer free outdoor movie nights featuring big screens and projectors.


Most parks are pet-friendly, so Fido will likely be welcome at the park’s outdoor movie night. Like going on a picnic at the park, you’ll want to bring along a blanket and pillows, so you’re comfortable throughout the movie.


Your dogs may get restless during the movie, so be sure to bring along some toys in case they want to get up and play. Check out your local park’s calendar for dog-friendly events. Parks often offer free movies in the spring and summer months. Don’t forget to bring the popcorn!

Doggy Date Final Thoughts

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, doggy friendly social distance dates are still possible; they just require a little creativity. A doggy date is a great way to share your love for dogs with your date while getting to know them better. Outdoor dates are the safest way to enjoy a socially distanced doggy date, and they’re a lot of fun too.


From picnics to strolls on the beach, a socially distanced doggy date can be incredibly romantic. As a bonus, a lot of these dates will allow you and your pup to get in some physical exercise too. There’s no need to put your love life entirely on hold during the pandemic.


By taking the right precautions, you can have a great date while staying safe too. Whichever date idea you choose, be sure to bring along hand sanitizer and maintain a safe distance from your partner.


About The Author

Guest Post Author Mark is the owner of – You probably guessed from the name, this site is all about making sure your pup gets the most delicious, nutritious meals without the fuss!

I Went on a Covidate: Here’s How it Went

And The book title is “Love in the Time of Cholera,” but it’s hard to not reimagine it for the 21st century.  Love in the Time of COVID, am I right? It was hard enough to find a special spark when we weren’t afraid to be around each other with our faces exposed.

I personally do miss kissing boys in cocktail bars while drinking old fashions, accompanied only by the flickering light of a nearby candle.

Those days are long gone and the only old fashions I’m drinking are solo and in bed with a battery-operated candle. Safety first.

I waitress at a restaurant in downtown Manhattan where every so often a man at my table will ask me for my number. Sometimes I’m flattered, sometimes appalled; it all usually depends on how they go about it, as well as their etiquette during dinner. I’ve dated a few guys I met while working in the past, but none of them really last. The flirtation on my side usually boils down to admittedly entertaining myself throughout the evening’s conundrum of 86s and asshole guests.

Any of these flirtations usually boil down to somewhere in between an unanswered text message and a maximum of a three-week relationship that could have definitely been capped at two weeks had I trusted my instincts.

In the time of COVID, the ante has been upped by mandatory face coverings for all employees. Listen, I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the game of flirting with a mask on, using only my eyes to lure them in and get them to ask me out without ever having seen my face. It’s amazing. A few months ago I swore I had met Carrie Underwood’s husband’s twin. I simultaneously took an order at a table across the room while making eyes at him, which lead to him following me to the computer in order to get my number. Unfortunately, the head chef walked past as I was entering my digits in his phone and screamed, “Get it, Kaitlyn!” across the restaurant.

He texted me, and I answered in my Uber home, despite his initial text saying that I was a wonderful waitress (Tip #1: if you’re attempting to pick up your waitress, never compliment her waitressing skills. She doesn’t want to be a good waitress and she definitely doesn’t want to hear about how she’s a good waitress. Chances are she’s some type of artist that loathes her survival job, so get outta here with your waitressing compliments). He asked when I’d be available in the upcoming week to “grab a bite,” and I told him we’d have to wait until I got my schedule – when what I really meant was I need time to figure out a way to say,

“Um there’s a pandemic, and I actually like my lungs working at full capacity, so can we take a socially distanced walk instead?”

The next day I texted him to strike up casual conversation, and my “Happy Sunday! You a football fan?” text was left unanswered, so my problems were solved. This event is what led me to be even more impressed by my most recent approach.

I had a table of six guys that had been making jokes with me on and off all night. And I usually hate serving tables of men, because, well, men, but this was a fun, harmless group. I was standing in the far corner of the dining room as they began to make their exit. One of them started approaching me, and I felt an instant glitter of excitement.

“Hey, I know everything is complicated right now with COVID, so I’m just going to give you my number and you can decide what to do with it.”

I know that my shock showed in my response. “Oh! Thank you,” I said as I took the small, folded up paper from his hand while doing my best to show him I appreciated his approach. He nodded and walked off into the night.

I was absolutely touched that he even acknowledged that things are undoubtedly complicated right now. If dating in New York was difficult before, which it was, it’s now ten-fold. Hell, one hundred-fold. Ya can’t just go kissing strangers and drinking gin and tonics like ya used to. Like many other things this year, what used to be hard just got harder. I always felt like most dates were a waste of time, but now I’m risking my life for them, too? How bout just get me a petri dish for my eggs because I’m going to need several more years to figure this shit out. Count me out and Amazon Prime me a cat to start my collection with.

I admit he put me under a spell with his genuine approach, and I couldn’t help but shoot him a text (obviously after waiting the preliminary 24 hours just to make him sweat). I know, I know, I’m part of the problem… So I’ve heard.

Any who, we texted for a day or so before he made his advance: “Usually I’d engage in some more witty text banter, but I’m going to be more forward because I’m leaving the city for Thanksgiving. Any chance you’re free for a drink tomorrow or Tuesday?”

Ugh. Well, that was a fun day of socially distanced flirting but here’s where it ends, I told myself.  My response was honest but very blunt. “To be honest, I’m not really hanging out with people unless it’s outside and with a mask on,” I said, expecting to get some sort of attempt at persuasion back or just a total lack of interest. That’s why when he responded by being totally understanding and “down to play by my rules,” I couldn’t help but perk up.

With his work schedule and mine combined, along with the pressure of the upcoming holiday and constraints of the pandemic, we had an 11:00 a.m. coffee date in Washington Square Park in 26-degree weather. As fate would have it, it was the coldest day of the year so far. He still had not seen my face and I was attempting to wear lipstick under my mask, but I was becoming less confident as I walked to meet him and my snot ran into my KN95 from the blustery temps. Sexy.

We grabbed a coffee and walked to the park, carefully picking a bench in the sunlight to keep us a little warm. I knew as soon as I pulled my mask down to take a sip of my oat latte he was going to see my face for the first time, so I made a joke as I turned my head and wiped my snot on the back of my glove. We shared a bench but kept our masks on as we got to know each other.

It was honestly really refreshing to sit across from someone in the light of day and without the help of alcohol or the distraction of physical attraction. It was nice to know that this is as far as it would go for a while. There was no pressure to end the date with a kiss and certainly no shot at more than that.

We got approached by homeless men asking for money a few times, but only one offered a magic show. He was wearing a mask so we accepted. During his routine, he got a tiny bit too close to me and my date must’ve seen me lean back ever so slightly. He kindly asked the man to take back up a bit. It may seem like a small gesture but it went a hell of a long way in my book. I felt like someone other than myself was looking out for me, which is something that has barely happened this year.

In the past 10 grueling months I’ve lost some friends because of their irresponsible response to the virus. I’ve also grown closer and came to appreciate the friends that share my values.

The magician’s trick somehow revealed that I was 28 and he was 26 which was alarming to me. My general rule is to not look twice at any man under thirty. It is 2020, though, and I’ve had to break some old rules as well as come up with some new ones, so what the hell.

He also revealed that when he said he was going home for Thanksgiving (to Tampa) he would be staying there through the New Year, followed by a trip to the Grand Canyon for some hiking in early January. Our conversation continued for well over an hour before deciding to go for a stroll, which led to a pop-up shop, which led to picking up his lunch from Cava, and then dropping him off at his apartment on Houston.

He asked permission to hug me, which I surprised myself by allowing, and we said our goodbyes. “I don’t know how this works, but I had a really good time and I’d like to do it again?” “Same,” I responded while we both laughed at the uncertainty of it all.

On the hunt for new martini glasses, I slipped into Crate and Barrel. He had texted me before I even left the store and our witty text banter continued until the second week of December. And he must have sensed my uncertainty in what we were doing and ended things with me before I could do it with him. He sent me a full screen sized text message about his workload, the holidays, and the uncertainty of his return to New York anytime soon. And he said he’d text me when he gets back to the city, and I said the next cappuccino is on me.

I feel like I won’t hear from him again, and if I do, the cappuccino would have to be just a friendly cappuccino. I didn’t really feel a spark and felt like I couldn’t get past the age difference. That doesn’t negate how touched I was by his manners and respect to my boundaries. I really appreciated his genuine interest in getting to know me and make me feel safe. Funny enough, this was just four days over my average three-week relationship, so the end came right on schedule.

Regardless of the fact that our tryst didn’t end in either of us being swept off our feet, there is much to be learned from this experience.

Don’t be afraid to set boundaries: If someone is truly interested in you they will be willing to act within the confines of your comfort zone. If they’re not willing, they’re not worth it. If you’re getting involved with someone romantically it is crucial that you can be open about what you’re comfortable with.

That means with COVID and literally everything else. Boundaries are healthy, but you have to be willing to own them and speak them into existence. It may mean you lose some people, but those that stay truly respect you.

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About The Author

Kaitlyn-Renee Urban is an actor and writer with a passion for highlighting feminism in the arts. She hosts an IGTV show (coming January 2021) called “What We Know Now” centered around supporting local, women-run businesses while picking their brains for advice they’d give their younger selves. She lives in New York City, but it’s easier to find her on Instagram.

Should You Be Dating Right Now? How COVID Affects New Relationships

If you’ve been living the single life during this pandemic, you’re probably itching for COVID-19 to end, whenever that may be. With no more impromptu dates, lets-get-coffees, meeting strangers at bars or nights out on the town, how will modern dating continue? Are you making eyes at the cute boy you met in the produce aisle? Are you considering hibernation until this pandemic sees its end?

Don’t fret. Life will go on. While dating may look different, it’s certainly not canceled forever. In this modern age, and with some help from pleasant weather, there’s a lot to be said for keeping your love life active, even during a pandemic.

Give Dating Apps a Try

Not everybody is a dating app kind of person, but this pandemic dries up many social options where singles can normally meet in person. Even if you’ve never tried the apps before, they’re pretty much the ultimate solution to meeting people without leaving your home. While they might not be your first choice during regular times, you can hop on and try them out to take care of the initial step of meeting someone.

Know Their Stances

It’s important to take precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19 by protecting yourself and those around you. If you’re concerned about whether it’s safe to date during the pandemic, you probably agree.

Unfortunately, some people would rather live in the dark. Just like you don’t want to hang around with someone who might be spreading the virus, you probably don’t want to spend time with a person careless enough not to wear a mask or practice social distancing. Ask about their precautions and proceed accordingly — even if that means you float them a cyber-kiss goodbye.

Date Night

Picture this: You’re on the app, and you meet a brand-new honey. This person is amazing, and you can’t wait to meet them and get to know each other a little more. Where do you go, and how do you do it safely? While you can always keep texting or chatting, you might want a “real date” if things get a bit more serious. Thankfully, there are many socially distanced dates you can try out:

Hit an outdoor yoga class together.

Go on a bike ride.

Take a socially distanced hike.

Consider a fun outing like stand-up paddleboarding.

Host your date via video chat and have a glass of wine together.

Take a walk in the park.

Have a stoop date or picnic with snacks to enjoy.

Your date will depend on your comfort level with the person and the world at large. If you or your crush is immunocompromised, keeping things digital is probably the best option until you get a bit more serious. However, if your state is green and you’re healthy and responsible, you can try a socially distanced date in person.

What About a Casual Relationship?

This is one of the big questions on everybody’s mind. The answer, ultimately, depends on you. If you have a casual sexual partner and the two of you would like to become socially monogamous” for safety reasons, that could be a great solution for taking care of business safely.

However, casual hookups probably aren’t the best idea at the moment if you’re into fooling around with strangers or multiple partners. When the goal is to limit contact with others as much as possible, getting together with anyone you please might be a health and safety hazard.

When it comes to new, more romantic relationships, things might have to get a bit more serious and practical. Determining whether to have sex — or even kiss for that matter — means the acceptance of that person into your close circle. By definition, sexual contact breaks social distancing, and you need to make sure you’re ready for it.

Put Yourself Out There

This pandemic doesn’t have to mean the end of your love life. Dating might be a bit different, and it requires a little extra effort and planning, but it’s possible. Your match is out there, and it’s OK to start looking. Who knows? You could even meet your special someone by reaching for the apples in the grocery store — just make sure you both wash your hands.

About The Author
Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.
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