The Sacred Bond Between Gay Men and Straight Women

Long, long, long ago an ancient pact was made that bound gay men and straight women in friendship. It has triumphed throughout the decades and it’s a truly extraordinary and unique connection.

We’re meant to help each other, build each other up and dance together– a lot. We complement each other.


Straight women need gay men to be completely honest with us. 


Who else is going to tell you that your new sunglasses make you look like a 90’s mom and NOT in the cool way?

For some reason when it comes from them, you don’t feel insulted, but appreciative that you have such an honest friend.

We would be honest with them too, but honestly they dress great on their own and don’t really need us for anything except moral support.


There is no competition.


When you’re out for coffee you may both notice a universally attractive guy and slyly smile at each other and raise your eyebrows in a seductive manner, but when it comes to the guys you date, you’re just after different things.

He’s after gay guys and you’re after straight guys, but even beyond that you probably have vastly different tastes in men. It always works out that way in the mysterious way of the ancient bond.


Co parenting In a Lesbian Relationship With a Ex Girlfriend

We all wonder in relationships if we are ever going to find our fairy tale ending. But what if there is a child involved? And even more still,  what if it is a ex lover that is still in the picture?


Co parenting in a lesbian relationship is the same as co parenting in a straight relationship. And there will always be complications when dealing with a former lover.  Here are things you will need to both accept and consider if you are to move forward in this type of relationship. One that has complicated layers.


Accept her relationship with an ex who’s a co parent.

And it is very hard to accept that of our new partners. Knowing that they used to be in love with past lovers and now to be friends with them. And these children may be in the picture due to adoption, and/or child-rearing or perhaps additional stepchildren are involved.  Your new lover may need to talk to a former love frequently about the child.

Either way, your role is to support her, not to intervene between their parenting.

Because nobody wants a new lover to barge in and act as another mother figure.


Is this an ideal relationship to be in for you?

Well, that depends on you and the many circumstances. Is your partner and her ex strictly co parenting? Are they friends? And do they still love each other? Are you okay with knowing that they will speak and see each other often? Because only you can decide how you want your short term and long term relationships to be. And if you are okay with it, then go ahead.

While relationships like these have many hurdles, there is also a potential for a rewarding relationship if you can stay the course and be mature about the circumstances. 


Let There Be Pride And Let It Begin With Me.

Editors Note: This post was originally published in 2016, Show Pride this month and every month, because Love is love.


October 1, 2016

The first time my friends and I have ever gone to a Pride event.

As a straight, white, female I guess you could say I’m privileged, or spoiled, and I guess, to an extent, you’d be correct.


I was fortunate enough to grow up with a mother who let me think for myself and form my own thoughts and opinions on the world, and one thing I’m a supporter of is the LGBT community/movement.


In my mind, Love is love, and everyone is deserving of love and acceptance.


This is what my first experience of Pride was like….


Pride has to be the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed.


To me, it seems like all of the evil that has happened this year, in the LGBT community, and beyond, never happened. Even if only for a moment in time, everyone was so friendly and excepting.


It’s truly a beautiful thing for people from all walks of life to come together and support the LGBT community.


No one fought anyone, no one said anything negative to anyone.


It’s like I was in a whole other world. Since I don’t go to that area of town ever, I was a little apprehensive, but that was immediately lifted once the events began. Everyone was friendly.


It really made my heart so happy to know that so many people do support the LGBT community. That as a city, community, state, we can learn to come together and support love and acceptance. It’s a beautiful thing when people can be in a place of peace and be who they are and who they were meant to be.


Everyone should experience pride at least once in their life.

Let there be love, and let it begin with me.

This Tweet About A Straight Girl Hooking Up With A Lesbian Will Confirm That You’re Wasting Your Time With All These Men

Lesbians have better sex than straight girls. The screen caps in the viral tweet below exemplify the truth of the statement, though it is important to note it is actually one of scientific fact rather than opinion.

Consistently, women who sleep with women report higher levels of sexual satisfaction—regardless of age, race, geography—than do women who sleep with men. Consider these statistics: A 2014 study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that lesbians orgasmed 75% of the time during sex, compared with 61% for heterosexual women (the sexual orientation of men, unsurprisingly, had no effect on their orgasm rate.)

A significantly larger study of Americans conducted last year by the Kinsey Institute found the same trends, though with a more alarming disparity; Lesbians reported orgasming 86% of the time during sex, whereas that number was a low 65% for women (again, men, regardless of orientation, said they orgasmed 95% of the time.)

Is it harder for a woman to fake an orgasm when with another woman, than when with a man? Certainly. But lesbians also know what a clitoris is and how to work it—a statement that, depressingly, does not seem to always apply to their male counterparts.


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