To The Real Life Prince Charming…

To the one who opens all the doors for me.

To the one who pours me a glass of wine every night after I get out of work without even asking.

To the one who plans the dates.

To the one who makes me feel safe every time you are around.

To the one who can always make me smile…

You know, I didn’t even know that you still existed, I swore you only lived in fairy tales but I was defiantly wrong.

Prince Charming’s are still a thing! I mean obviously… You found me, didn’t you? It’s weird to me, I wasn’t looking for you. I was finally ok with being on my own, I was doing my own thing and then you came along, and you started making me happy… and making me laugh and giving me the “butterfly” feeling then suddenly it all made sense. I had finally found him. The prince charming to my fairytail.

First of all, I would like to say thank you. thank you for treating me like I am the only girl in the world, I truly do feel like a princess when I am with you. I feel lucky to say that because I know not a lot of ladies do get to say that.

I’d also like to say thank you for allowing me to let my guard down, with you I feel safe.

I know I can trust you and that feels really weird to say that but for me, it’s the first time I can say that and actually mean it. There is a lot to be said if you can make me feel safe not just physically but mentally as well…

I have learned a lot from you in the short time that we have been together so far. One thing I have learned is that passion can grow, it can grow more and more each day. I see this in all that you do. In your love for cooking, your love of golf, your appreciation of your friends and your family but in most of all your passion for me. You, my friend, are a real-life prince charming and I will forever be grateful for you.



I Might Not Love You Perfectly, but I Promise I’ll Give You My Whole Heart

I need you to know that I’m going to love you with all of me.

I wish I knew all the right things to say and when to say something and when not to. I can’t give you answers for things I can’t explain, nor can I promise you’ll always like what I have to say.

I can’t promise you that we won’t argue or anger each other to the point where being in each other’s presence infuriates us. I can’t promise you that I won’t raise my voice or that sometimes I won’t deserve you raising yours.

There’s no guarantee that I won’t be needy or selfish or whiny. I might nag you constantly. I can’t promise that I’ll always be appropriate, or ladylike either. But I’ll try my best.

I can’t tell you that this will be easy. More than likely, it won’t be. I’m difficult and I know it. I can’t promise to give you the world because it’s impossible.I can’t make all your dreams come true. I can’t answer your prayers as much as I wish I could.

A Love That Burns This Hot Is Bound to Scar Us for Life

Hot Love

When love burns hot, it can scar. The moment a past lover comes stumbling back into your life, accidentally or not, is fucking brutal. Especially when you were completely and totally in love with one another.

You spent countless lonely nights crying and screaming into your pillow. Your best friend spent so much time and energy slowly piecing back together every last part of your shattered heart.

Each and every time you took a night drive to clear your head, all you could see was his face. Your soul just kept pulling you down, deeper and deeper, into the memories you made with him.

Remember that moment of realization, when it washed over you that he was gone forever? The love burns hot it can scar.

It felt as though the shackle of pain that I had wrapped around my neck for so many years, fell clattering to the ground.

The gray shroud that loomed so darkly over all the once vibrant colors of the grass, ocean, sand, and trees just dissipated.

After all that wasted time you finally begin to live your life again. Just as you start to get used to life without him, he all-but-lands in your lap.

But you’re totally over the whole thing, right? Nope.

Everything comes flooding back; not always right away, but at some point.

When it does, that night drinking and catching up at the bar goes from being just fun to being a mess that leaves you crying or cussing him out for all the wrongs he’s done.

No matter how many apologies come out of his mouth, or the sincerity of each, you still hold on. He broke you the way no other could; how can anyone expect you to just let go of all that pain and hurt?

As much as you hate to admit it, there’s no extinguishing the flame that burns between you.  When love burns hot it can scar.

No matter what you go through or where you end up in life, you’ll be forever burned into each other’s hearts – a painful memory of a love lost.

My Mind Knows I Should Leave but My Heart Won’t Give Him Up

I’m finally at the point where I can confidently fake a pleasant, positive response when people ask how I’m doing. Some see the sadness hidden in my eyes and give me a knowing look, but most just move on.

Those people don’t know the pain you caused me. The ones that do despise you. They see how you’ve shattered me and recognize that I’ll never be the girl I was before I let you into my heart.

They held me as my body quivered when I had no tears left and heard my weakened whispers admitting how alone and defeated I was. They saw my body shrink as I struggled to move past everything.

They don’t understand why I still choose to let you in my life. Sometimes even I don’t know why I let you stay after you broke me the way you did.

It’s curious how a problem can be its own solution. On my roughest days, you’re still the only one who can calm me down and talk some sense into my stubborn head. 

I know you care about me. You’ve taken responsibility for your actions and I know that means a lot, but part of me will never understand how you treated me so horribly.

On the days where I find the tears streaming down my face, I have no problem angrily telling you how shitty of a person you are. While I do feel that way about you, I also still care for you. I still love you.

It’s been a long time since we sat in the same room and talked but late night text conversations still happen. 

You say it’s best that we keep our distance while things are fresh because you’re scared being close will bring too many feelings back for me.

Part of me knows that you’re just as scared that you’ll find yourself overwhelmed.

I know I’ll never be able to fully detach if I let you stick around in my life and heart, but maybe I don’t really want to quit what we’ve started.

Maybe this is just our pause, not a full stop.

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