If You’re Feeling Stuck — It’s Time for a New Adventure

You Are Ready For Something New

There comes a time in your life when you realize things are changing…or maybe they already have.

And there comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book. 

The way we spend our time defines who we are.

You can either run the day or let the day run you. We all make time for what we feel is important in our lives. You can keep going long after you think you can’t. All we really have to do is decide what we want to do with the time that’s given to us.


Social Distancing And The New Normal How To Get Perspective

Life Under Pandemic Lockdown

Let’s all take a deep breath, and just admit it. This Social Distancing thing, er um this physical distancing thing is depressing. And while we are all doing it for the greater good, it’s just not easy. Who doesn’t miss crowds? Hugs from friends, and attending a concert or movie? Taking the subway? Watching basketball during March Madness??

We leave every place like it’ the scene of a crime, with our gloves and sanitizer wipes. But at what point to we settle into this new normal? How do we get perspective?

The New Normal

So while we are in this new normal, we have to make some major adjustments. But let’s not be wasteful with the time that we have. Try and think of social distancing as an opportunity to learn some things. About yourself, who you are quarantining with, and perhaps taking a class or two online. And why not read a good book on being your best self? Let this time in isolation, be used for some personal discovery.

Reconnect With Friends And Family

Perhaps you never realized how much you missed a good old football game? And getting together with a friend and meeting up at a bar to watch the outcome together? Maybe it’s time to call that friend up and have a chat. Not just text, an actual phone call.

Mom and Dad get to hear your voice without that garbled “I am on the road” kind of chat. Sit down and check in with your loved ones.

Dressing Down Is The New Black

Got some fancy sweatpants? I do! And you know what? I am going to live in them. Now is the time to showcase your loungewear. (Around the house, anyway). And get super comfortable. Why not? Maybe even invest in lounge slippers. Chic!

At Home Spa

Face masks, yes. At home pedicures yes please! All of those I have been meaning to do scrubs, polishes and glows.. you glow girl, you glow.

Chat With Friends Online

I never do this, but hey let’s have an online chat with all our gal pals and toast to our next time together. Virtual hugs, real time giggles and carafes of wine.

At Home Projects

Officially no excuse.. just get those tasks done. Maybe even rearrange the place while you spring clean. So clean out those messy drawers, and get those mentionably, unmentionables organized. Even purchase some of those ultra domestic organizers. You’ll feel better when you feel accomplished.

Stream Your Workouts And Lose The Commute

You will feel so much better moving your body without having to drive to your workout. There are so many great fitness classes online. So pick your favorite and get moving.

Check Out Some Good Online Courses

Cooking, coding, calculus? No better time than now to get take that online course. Or perhaps learn a foreign language. I think it’s ok to talk to yourself in another language. Oui.. it is.


Whatever you decide to do with your time in quarantine, just do it with a kind heart and a positive mindset. This is a time to be grateful, and a time for a personal reset. -Be safe and stay healthy.






This is How You Live Your Best Life with Zero Regrets

I am not the person I was, and I am not yet the person I will become. The future is infinite so make memories, make mistakes, love, and learn from them with zero regrets.

Your past with love, friends, heartbreak, and pain changes you. You learn; and you grow; you love. The place where you are now is the place where you need to be.

The future is an open book and every day is a new chapter in the making. Once something has been read, it can be forgotten as you move along in the book, but it will forever be there. Even if you tear out the pages and set them on fire, they will still be there, even if only in ash.

10 Awesome Quotes to Guide You Throughout Life


Awesome Quotes To Get Through Those Rough Patches

I feel like we all have different perceptions of what quotes mean to us. We all need a little guidance and quotes to help us get through this crazy life. Here are 10 quotes that mean the most to me and why:


1. Good people are like candles; They burn themselves to give others light.

It’s important to be good to every person on this earth. For some reason… some people like to take the good and let it die. When the good people get taking advantage of, they get sick of the way they get treated and start acting like the people who made them sick of being the good person they were.


2. Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, and mirror what you admire.

We need to be how we would want others to be like to us. People ask me why I’m always so nice and why do I allow people to take advantage of me? Well, it’s because I am what I want people to be like to me. I have no control over if a person treats me with the same respect, but I know I will be able to say that I can look in the mirror and admire the character I have.

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