22 Savage Instagram Captions Perfect For Throwing Shade

Instagram is really a fabulous app for millennial and it serves so many unique purposes. For starters, it is a great way to showcase the life you want to perceive yourself to be living and easily make others despise you for having what they don’t. The reality of it though is that what you perceive yourself to be on Instagram is just want you want people to think of you, not really who you are…but that’s a whole different story for later.


If you are going to fall into the flow of using Instagram to perceive yourself as something specific, then why not throw shade at all the people who did you wrong with a lovely caption and a photo that says, “nothing bothers me.” Captions are a perfect way to throw some shade via Instagram.

For Throwing Shade At The Boy Who Did You Wrong:

1. “Silly me, expecting too much from people again.” – Unknown


2. “Don’t come back when you realize that I’m rare.” – Genereux Philip


3. “Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back.” – Stephan Labossiere


4. “I gave your nickname to someone else.” – Drake


5. “All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” – Mae West


6. “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”  – John Lennon


7. “All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore.” – Drake


23 Savage Instagram Captions To Throw Shade When You’re Feeling Brand New

Instagram is really a fabulous app for millennial and it serves so many unique purposes. For starters, it is a great way to showcase the life you want to perceive yourself to be living and easily make others despise you for having what they don’t. The reality of it though is that what you perceive yourself to be on Instagram is just want you want people to think of you, not really who you are…but that’s a whole different story for later.

If you are going to fall into the flow of using Instagram to perceive yourself as something specific, then why not throw shade at all the people who did you wrong with a lovely caption and a photo that says, “nothing bothers me.” Captions are a perfect way to throw some shade via Instagram.

For Throwing Shade At The Boy Who Did You Wrong:

1. “Silly me, expecting too much from people again.” – Unknown

2. “Don’t come back when you realize that I’m rare.” – Genereux Philip

3. “Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back.” – Stephan Labossiere

4. “I gave your nickname to someone else.” – Drake

5. “All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” – Mae West

6. “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”  – John Lennon

7. “All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore.” – Drake

For Throwing Shade At The Girl That Stabbed You In The Back:

8. “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.” – Unknown

9. “I’m Angelina, you Jennifer. Come on (girl), you see where Brad at.” – Nicki Minaj

10. “If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the scissors.” – Unknown

11. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce your blocked and deleted. You may now kiss my *ss.” – Unknown

12. I don’t hold grudges, you just become irrelevant.” – Unknown

13. “Do it for the people who want to see you fail.” – Unknown

14. “Like I mean I don’t even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give up, it’s me, I win, you lose.” – Nicki Minaj

For Throwing Shade At The Haters:

15. “Here is my justification: I don’t have one.” – Eric Gibson

16. “The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.” – Criss Jami

17. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin

18. “Haters don’t really hate you, they hate themselves; because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.” –Yaria

19. “The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience. – Tom Hiddleston

20. “Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.” – Mae West

21. “When there are so many haters and negative things, I really don’t care.” – Kim Kardashian

22. “You’re going to have haters and you’re going to have lovers.”  – Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi

23. “You’re going to have hatersand you’re going to have lovers.”  – Bruno Mars

People Are Sharing The Pettiest Reasons They Swipe Left On Tinder And Honestly, Same

A few days ago, writer Beth McColl asked the Twitter community to list the pettiest reasons they swipe left on dating apps.

She also shared a couple of her own pet peeves, which included “loving job too much” and “sharing a name with a family member”—both undoubtedly petty but also fully understandable. McColl’s tweet brought forth dozens of responses from folks disgusted by everything from flip-flops to hiking pics to words like “doggo” and phrases like “fluent in sarcasm” in bio. Here are 31 of the most relatable:

1. Sharing a name with a family member:

2. Tongue-out selfies:

3. Loving ‘The Office’ as a personality trait:

4. Or working out as a personality trait:

5. Any mention of sarcasm:

6. Playing sports:

7. Fishing:

8. Hiking:

9. Rock climbing:

10. Having a Snapchat:

11. Spelling their name a certain way:

12. Sharing a name with an enemy:

13. Having a too-exciting life:

14. Having attending the School Of Hard Knocks:

15. Or the University Of Life:

16. Cowboy boots and hats:

17. Bad sunglasses:


18. Bad words:

19. Camo:


20. Burying the lede:

21. Any of this:

22. Former college athletes:

23. Harry Potter:

24. Star Wars:

25. Taking ones self not seriously enough:

26. “Too much makeup”

27. Any of these phrases:

28. Or these:

29. Orrrrr these:

30. Wacky faces in profile pics:


h/t BuzzFeed

Woman Gets The Sweetest Revenge On Co-Worker Who Told Everyone To Ignore Her Birthday

Birthdays are important to a lot of people, as they should be. They should be celebrated and there should be cupcakes and everyone should be nice to you on your birthday.

Unfortunately, that’s not always how the real world works. Like this woman who posted on Imgur about a petty co-worker who did something really almost unforgivably mean to her on her birthday.

The woman started her story by explaining how her one female co-worker always planned fun birthday parties and gifts for the staff.


But the day before her birthday, the woman posting (who is on Imgur as AppleDarling) said that a co-worker wished her a happy birthday since he thought she wasn’t coming in the following day. And why did he think that? Oh, just because the female co-worker told everyone that AppleDarling wasn’t coming in and that they didn’t need to do anything for her birthday.

People on Imgur weighed in with advice, telling her she should just bring her own cake or cupcakes and “be better than” the catty co-worker who tried to ruin her birthday.

So AppleDarling’s day was almost done and still nobody had done anything for her birthday. So she took it upon herself to call a friend to bring in some cupcakes for her.


She later said she wasn’t sure why she got cupcakes for herself, but she knew she was “too old for drama,” and she even gave one to the mean female co-worker.


But that wasn’t the end of her story. It turns out, some people in another department heard about what had happened to this poor woman and decided to give her some belated birthday attention.


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They decorated her desk and left her a sweet card.


And as for the mean co-worker, it seemed that she came around to the side of niceness. She even brought AppleDarling some hot chocolate and “pepermint shnoops.” (Could she mean peppermint Schnapps? We’ll never know.)


H/T Bored Panda

Retailer Worker’s Christmas Revenge Story Proves Being Petty Is The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

Anyone who has ever worked in retail during the holiday seasons can tell you that people are not always kind and patient with retail workers. While normal people are home decorating their houses and cooking with friends and family, retail workers are working overtime to ensure you can buy your holiday needs and find them easily in stores.

But, instead of being kind and patient, many customers are rude and demanding of retail employees. So, it’s only natural that many employees want to get their sweet chance at revenge on picky and annoying customers. However, not all retail workers go for the jugular. Except, one Chritmas, Sarah Bélanger Demaneuf did the unthinkable.

Sharing her story on Facebook, she said that every time she decorates for Christmas, she’s reminded of the time she was super vengeful—and, we love it.

I just can’t get into the holiday spirit until I post this. Have a vengeful Christmas y’all!!

The Star of Vengeance

This is my favorite Christmas ornament, but rather than symbolize peace and goodwill, as it should, it symbolizes vengeance and spite.

I was working at a local retail store after Christmas and all of our ornaments were reduced to 75% off. This little star was .50 cents. A terrible woman (dressed to the nines and driving a high-end Lexus, so pretty well off) came into the store and wanted 4 star ornaments, but wanted to only pay .25 cents a piece. As we weren’t at a yard sale I said no and she started arguing with me, becoming increasingly rude and belligerent. After not bullying me into caving she said “Fine! My friend works at the other store in Huntsville and she told me that all the ornaments will be 90% off tomorrow, so I’ll just come back in the morning. “I can’t guarantee they’ll still be here,” I said. And the jerk said, “There are 12 in the store. No one is going to buy all 12. I’ll get what I want, prepare to feel stupid tomorrow.”

So in an anti grinch moment my heart shrank 3 sizes and I bought all 12 star ornaments. I then called the other Huntsville store and bought ALL their ornaments. And just to be extra spiteful I bought all the star ornaments in Decatur and Florence. It was the most vengeful $30 I ever spent.

The next morning she was at the store as soon as we had opened. I had the pleasure of telling her that ALL of the star ornaments in North Alabama had been sold to one customer. The look on her face was worth every penny spent.
For years I gave the ornaments to friends and family, but I saved just one for myself.

17 years later, I still smile when I hang it on my tree.

I just can’t get into the holiday spirit until I post this. Have a vengeful Christmas y’all!!The Star of Vengeance…

Posted by Sarah Bélanger Demaneuf on Thursday, December 6, 2018

People online were loving this petty tale and wanted to commend Sarah for her job well done.

Bravo, Sarah, bravo.

25 Petty Sibling Fights You Never Quite Grow Out Of

If you’ve got a brother or sister, you’ve had your fair share of sibling fights. Maybe sis took the remote from you, or brother ate the last slice of pizza that you staked your claim to. The bonds of blood can only extend so far until it’s time for someone to catch hands. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Every sibling under the sun has these same experiences and they make for some great laughs.






























More memes:

People Reveal The Pettiest Thing Their Ex Has Ever Done And It’ll Have You Swear Off Dating Forever

Breakups can be hard for everyone involved sometimes. Other times, one person is hurt way worse than the other. When this happens, whoever gets hurt the worst wants to get sweet, sweet revenge on the person who broke their heart. While physical violence is frowned upon in society, and no one wants to go to jail, the next best thing is to be absolutely petty. What’s a better way to get back at someone who hurt you than by stealing something, breaking something, or constantly reminding them how much of an awful person they are? People online shared the pettiest things their ex has ever done for “revenge” after a breakup and the responses will really make you thankful for never having to date any of these savage souls.


My ex-husband gave me back my KitchenAid mixer but kept all the attachments.


Stole and used checks on my name,
sold my TV via facebook- all while i was moving out.

But her grand finale must be waiting for me outside my doorstep, on my birthday, with a wrapped dildo in her hand.

Two years after we broke up!

While i was living with my new girlfriend!


About a month after I moved out of my exs place he told me to come pick up some mail. As I was leaving work I told him I’d be there in 15 minutes, and he said he’d be home.

I texted him that I’d arrived and after a few minutes knocked on the door to be let in by the roommate who directed me to the back room. I walk in to him fucking a stripper he’d recently made his girlfriend, bent over a desk I’d built him. I waited for them to dress so he could give me my mail, because he wouldnt just tell me where to find it. As soon as he handed it to me I began to walk out, and he persued me saying things like “hey don’t you wanna talk?” And “come back! How have you been?”. I just said “youre disgusting” and got in my car.

Four months to the day of our breakup, he married the stripper, and is currently in the process of getting divorced. That relationship was a mistake, for sure.


After I broke up with my first high school boyfriend, he left messages on my desk with misspelled words and incorrect grammar, knowing how irritated I would be, as it was (and still is) one of my biggest pet peeves.


Moved out while I was at work one day. Took my cat, and had him put to sleep. It was petty to her.

13 Petty Valentine’s Day Gifts For The Side B*tch

It’s rare to find someone who matches your loyalty and commitment. In the process of trial and error, you come across some real duds.

Regardless of where you are at, sometimes, it just feels good to be a little petty.

Punish your man, punish the side bitch, do what you need to do to feel better this Valentine’s Day.

1. A family photo of you and your man. Just to add a little salt to the wound. She probably won’t feel much remorse, but could you just imagine how your smiling faces would get under her skin when her only pictures with him are from a Snapchat roll?

2. His phone bill. You know. For an open line of communication or whatever. Paying for his bills makes it official, right?

3. A number 2 pencil. So she always remembers her place.

4. A bag of dicks. Dozens of gummy dicks because she can never have enough in her mouth. This is a good one to have delivered to her job.

5. Even better, a glitter bombThis is clearly my go-to solution for everything. She won’t ever forget your wrath.

6. Bags of your partner’s dirty laundry. If you are going to fuck ’em, you might as well wash his dirty ass boxers.

7. A walk-of-shame emergency kit. Get creative with this one. Throw in gum, a hair tie, a pair of granny panties, and a custom t-shirt that says “I just slept with another woman’s man.” Maybe some fem wipes, condoms, and STD pamphlets as well. Just to be safe.

8. A sex toy. So she can be penetrated by something other than your man.

9. A ticket to a Valentine’s Day pub crawl. This is an opportune moment for her to find her very own boyfriend! She probably won’t go for it, but it is worth a shot. If she gets lucky, she might even be able to find a single one.

10. A therapy session. Clearly, there is some sort of underlying issue that makes her believe it is okay to pursue a man that is in a relationship. Pay for a session so she can go cry about it. Or maybe a couple sessions so she and your man can work things out.

11. A party! Who doesn’t love a good Valentine’s Day soiree? Invite all of your man’s family and friends! Bonus points if you can get her family and friends there too! Naturally, she would be the guest of honor, so don’t forget your big speech!

12. An ass beating. For those risk-takers out there, this is usually the more satisfying option. You might catch a charge, but you’ll feel a lot better after that first fist-to-face connection.

13. Your man. Because in the end, if he is going to entertain another girl, she can have him. She’ll be under the impression that he would never do the same to her and that misconception will be the ultimate revenge.

And you thought that cheater was off the hook? Think again.

Have a good laugh? Check out Courtney’s Facebook to see what she is up to next.

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