Explore 10 Best Photo Editing Tips to Make Professional Photos


No doubt that everyone around the globe has skills and talents of their own. Yes, being a photographer is natural and sometimes god-gifted, but being a professional photographer is indicated as a little tricky as it takes a lot of hard work to be the one. For professional photos, you need to use BMI (Bitmap) images, as they have a higher resolution as compared to PNG. Thus, professional photographers use an online PNG to BMP converter to turn PNG into BMP (bitmap) image file format. Well, if you people are interested in receiving more professional photographs with devices of your choices and editing these photos like a pro, then this informative post works best for you!

Well, explore the 10 best photo editing tips that help you to make your photos look professional.

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1. Natural Vs Artificial:

We all are familiar with the most saying term that “Natural is best”, but do you think that it even applies here! One thing to remember is that always aim for a BMP image format that stores two-dimensional digital images with both monochrome and color. When it comes to professional photography, stick with a free PNG to BMP converter online that helps you to convert regular PNG image files to BMP in instant. However, to edit photos, you ought to capture them first. Yes, we are indicating the lighting. You should have to always prefer natural light over artificial ones just because when you editing photos and do not focus on perfect lighting, nobody will be interested in your photographs.

There’s no need to make over-editing and keep the lighting be natural always, especially where things become possible. When it comes to editing, we over increase brightness, and it will lead to artificial photos.


2. Sharpness:

Focus is the essential parameter that is always required to do something legitimately. Well, the same thing is applying here as well. If you need to make your photos look more professional, you should have to keep focus. You consistently ought to set the perfect focal point to attain sharp photographs. When it comes to sharpness, you have to consider BMPs rather than regular PNGs, no doubt that bitmaps are huge files, but they have no loss in quality. However, you could now easily save PNG as BMP raster image file without losing quality by using the best PNG to BMP converter online. To get beautiful outcomes, you should get an ideal focal point right now.

Offshore Clipping Path reveals that sharpness is the best way to make your photographs look more professionals. During editing, you should stick with sharpness as it works best.


3. Cleaning Photographic Accessories:

The primary and crucial requirement to live in the professional photographic era is cleaning. If you people are trying to capture professional photos, you simply have to clean your photographic accessories. No doubt that we use different devices every day, and there are few reasons due to which we can’t clean them. If you want to attain clear photos and avoid blur ones, then it’s best to clean your camera lenses with the assistance of soft clothes. Well, right after cleaning your glass before capturing, there will be not at all any blur issues while editing them. Also, we highly suggest you use BMP (Bitmap) raster image instead of PNG because BMP is specifically best for professional frame capturing and doesn’t affect quality. Thus, it’s best to make grip on an online PNG to BMP converter that is only designed for converting PNG to a bitmap image file.


4. Editing Apps/Software:

Yes, we do not at all forget about the best editing software and apps here. So, no matter which device you are using right now, it’s might be android, iPhone, or any professional or non-professional camera, you still require some best editing app/software to attain your desired outcomes. Explore a tip of some useful app as well as software that assists you to edit your photographs like a PRO!

For Android User:

• Google Snapseed
• Photo mate R3
• Aviary

For iPhone User:

• Adobe Lightroom
• Photoshop Express
• PicsArt Photo Studio

For PC User:

• Adobe Lightroom
• Adobe Photoshop
• ON1

And, if you aim to convert PNG to BMP image files on Mac, Windows, Linux, or smartphones, then account online PNG to BMP converter that helps to turn PNG into BMP without reducing the quality.


5. Minors Should Be Focused:

Well, if you people want to edit your photos like a PRO, then you ought to commence with focusing on minors. Yes, minors are always ignored by individuals, and even it reduces the beauty of any picture. You can even see that many individuals over-edit their captured photos. If you people do not want to make your photo unappealing, then you ought to avoid over-editing. However, BMP (bitmap) image format is best, and even they do not at all reduce the quality even if they edit repeatedly! Thus, people often convert PNG to Bitmap files using an online PNG to BMP converter and then edit to maintain the quality of the original file. Remember that you should have to focus on basic editing that includes:

• Warmth
• Contrast
• Shadows
• Highlight adjustments

Well, it noticed that overdoing these all-essential edits will impact your image severely.


6. Right Effects for Right Photos:

If you people are not professional photo editors, then there’s no need to worry! Yes, now you can readily choose splendid effects for your excellent photos. The only thing that you people are required to make is that you choose attractive effects and some creative filters just because it is something to get the attention of your audience.

If you are decided to edit some scenery that you recently captured, then you should choose some effects that are categorized for landscapes. And, if you people are writing some person’s picture, then you ought to focus on face editing. Also, if you people aim for printing images, then stick with BMP format rather than PNG image. No doubt that both are raster image file types, but BMP generates better results for printing. You can also have the opportunity of converting PNG single or multiple images into BMP by using a free PNG to BMP converter for free.


7. Practice:

It is well said that “Practice makes a man perfect”. This term is true as the more you practice editing, remember that the more you people are going to be professional. If you are interested in photography or even want to edit your photos like a pro, then you ought to work for it. You should have to practice it whenever you get time.

You even could stick with some photo editing software and even learn its tricks in your leisure time. You ought to practice the tools of that particular software. And, if you indulge with image conversions, then ahead to the online converter free and open-source site that not only provides you with the best PNG to BMP converter but also has different free image converters that do quality conversions in instant. It is not such a requirement to edition your PC. If you don’t have a PC or even you don’t want to use it, then simply account with any editing app and begin practicing tools for it. Once you commence practicing, you will become a master within no time.


8. Observe and Experience:

Yes, observing and experiencing are referred to as the critical tricks to edit your photos like a PRO. You ought to keep your editing photograph and experience the first thing, place, or anything that you people have captured. You should have to try it more attractive and colorful sometimes. You always have to use BMP image format as it supports various color depth, color profiles, alpha channels, and optional data compression. If you have regular PNG images and want to attain these mentioned parameters, then it’s best to turn them into Bitmap format with the natural assistance of an online PNG to BMP converter.

You should have to focus on the quality of the edited photograph. Remember that quantity does not matter at all here. Typically, if you post a bunch of images, then it’s clear that most of those images are failed to get attention. So, it’s crucial to focus on quality instead of quantity. Remember that editing at the beginning is not an easy task, but it pays you a lot if you work for it legitimately.


9. Keep The Original At Secure Place:

No doubt that we all make a lot of mistakes, but it is also clear that we can cover ourselves before making it. We all begin editing original photos rather than saving them before editing. That’s the patent reason why we lose originals, and if editing fails, we don’t have any backup. So, you should have to make sure to store your original photographs safely before editing them. Save your original files device-independent bitmap (DIB) file format rather than PNG because BMP doesn’t require any graphics adapter to display image data on several platforms such as Windows and Mac. And, if PNG to Bitmap conversion is your concern, then thanks to an online PNG to BMP converter that does all for you in seconds.


10. Saturation:

Well, if you people are failed to click colorful photos like a Pro, then don’t fret as we have a simple solution for this. You can simply use the saturation tool in your photo editing app. It is the thing that makes your images more colorful. But again, you should have to avoid over-editing your captured photographs. Also, BMP is best to store digital images with high saturation instead of regular JPG or PNG. Even you can change PNG to BMP with help of the best PNG to BMP converter and then apply saturation for better outcomes.

Remember that the results of using saturation can be artificial, and even the face starts to look unnatural. You ought to account for every single feature of photo editing software or app within the limit. This will provide you with a natural and professional look to your photograph.

In a Nut-Shell:

In today’s technological era, editing is not as daunting as it seems. Just stick with the suggested essential tips that will assist you to edit your photographs like a PRO!

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About The Author

Anna Steve is an accomplished writer. She is too conscious for writing about marketing/business stuff and always ready to include the information that conveys her experience about the relevant stuff. She succinctly describes her publishing success and wants to provide stunning marketing strategies that help her clients increase brand awareness and much more!

26 Photos That Will Hit Home For You If You’re A ‘Top Heavy’ Girl

There are some women out there that complain that their boobs are “too small” and they wish that they could grow bigger boobs overnight. But, then there are the ladies who pray every single day that their boobs would just shrink overnight. Big boob problems are a real thing. Any top heavy girl knows what I mean.



























h/t: Twitter

Let This Dreamboat Help You Reject All The Gross, Thirsty Men In Your Life

Any woman on the internet knows the annoyance of a guy who just won’t leave her alone, whether on social media or in real life. And, of course, there are the worst guys—the ones who send unsolicited dick pics. It’s not cute, it’s harassment.

But, because not all guys are terrible, and allyship comes in all forms, one man made himself truly useful by tweeting what look like candid pics of himself, meant to be used to deflect unwanted male attention.

Trevor Norris (@trevor_norris0 on Twitter) included four pictures of himself in a tweet that read, “Saw there was an actual market of women that needed this… so here are some pictures y’all can use to send to guys that won’t leave you alone or keep sending you unsolicited pictures. Goodluck.”


The tweet went hugely viral, and Norris, being the all-around hero that he seems to be, offered to do more for anyone who wanted one.

He then provided eight more pictures after requests came flooding in.

Norris also pointed out that a woman who is being harassed on Instagram can contact the company.

And the results were fantastic. Women were thrilled that they now had realistic-looking pictures they could send to anyone bothering them to send the message “I got a man.”



Although one problem with going so viral is that in some cases, the dudes that got the pics sent to them had already seen them on Twitter.

One mom wrote to Norris to thank him and call him a genius.

Women were so happy that he found this niche need and filled it.

And even if you don’t need them to fend off unwanted advances, you have to admit they make excellent reaction shots.

The pictures truly have so many uses.

So hey, if you need a specific one, just hit up Trevor Norris on Twitter.

h/t: Twitter: trevor_norris0, Petty Mayonnaise

Woman Shares Photos Before And After Anxiety Attack And It’s So Powerful


Having an anxiety attack is one of the scariest and traumatizing moments for many people across the world. For those who don’t suffer from anxiety, trying to explain what it truly feels like during an anxiety attack is pretty hard. For one, we can’t control anything–not our breathing, not our thoughts, not our bodies. It’s hard to describe exactly what it truly feels like to be in the midst of an anxiety attack because we sometimes go completely blank. But, when you feel it–goddamn do you feel it. For those who do suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, it’s even harder to open up about the issues we face. One woman on Facebook is opening up about her own anxiety struggles by sharing very harrowing and raw photos online–and, many people are appreciative of it entirely.


Amber Smith of Rugby, England went pretty viral last year when she decided to share a “before and after” photo on her Facebook page. Today, transformation photos are a regular occurance–as we see weight loss transformations go viral on social media, even “glo-ups.” But, Smith decided to share a before and after photo of who she is pre-anxiety and what she looks like during an anxiety attack. The photos are eye-opening and deep.


Along with the photos, she shared a deep, meaningful, and honest caption saying:

God knows why I’m doing this, but people need some home truths..

Top picture: What I showcase to the world via social media. Dressed up, make up done, filters galore. The ‘normal’ side to me.

Bottom picture: Taken tonight shortly after suffering from a panic attack because of my anxiety. Also the ‘normal’ side to me that most people don’t see.

I’m so sick of the fact that it’s 2016 and there is still so much stigma around mental health. It disgusts me that so many people are so uneducated and judgemental over the topic. They say that 1 in 3 people will suffer with a mental illness at some point in their life. 1 in 3! Do you know how many people that equates to worldwide?! And yet I’ve been battling with anxiety and depression for years and years and there’s still people that make comments like ‘you’ll get over it’, ‘you don’t need tablets, just be happier’, ‘you’re too young to suffer with that’

FUCK YOU. Fuck all of you small minded people that think that because I physically look ‘fine’ that I’m not battling a monster inside my head every single day.


Someone actually said this to me one day ‘aren’t you too young to be suffering with anxiety and depression? What do you actually have to be depressed about at your age?’ Wow, just wow.

It’s Time To Stop Slut-Shaming Women For Feeling Themselves Online

It’s 2019 and women are all over the world preaching about equality, empowering one another, and women’s rights. More often than not, I find that women feel more comfortable speaking up and speaking out when other women are being held down from their liberties and freedom. But, as quick as we are to speak up against injustice against other women—we’re equally as quick to judge them for the way in which they live their lives.

When it comes to social media, we have the ability to get a taste of other people’s lives through words and photos. Obviously, people choose how they want to be seen on social media by deciding which photos to post and what to write. Women, for example, like to post photos in which they look and feel their best—obviously. And, if they choose to do so in poses that may seem provocative to you or outfits that seem revealing to you—who said it’s your business to comment on it?

So often, women will post photos that make them feel empowered and strong—and, if that means embracing their sexuality and their bodies, then it does. Why is it your problem if another human being decides to post a photo they like on their social media profile? Is this photo physically harming you in any way? Is it affecting your life in any shape or form? More likely than not, the answer to these questions are both “no.” Therefore, it’s not your place to judge them, comment on the photos, or “report” them for any reason at all.

Part of the women’s movement is not only about equal rights and taking “back” certain liberties from the patriarchy, but it’s taking back female sexuality from men, too. For so long, men have used women’s bodies for their own consumption. From TV shows to advertisements to film. I was in undergrad when I read about Laura Mulvey and “the male gaze.” The male gaze, in media theory, is “the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts and in literature, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the male viewer.”

By judging women for embracing their sexuality and taking back their sexuality, we conform back into this pre-women’s right’s movement notion of objectification of the female body. That, women, are only showing their body off for the male consumption and not for their own confidence, happiness, or pride. We perpetuate the mentality of the patriarchy and the mentality that a woman is only put on this earth for men.

It’s time to stop allowing women to be judged and labeled as something derogatory because they are happy and confident in themselves and their bodies. In fact, in this new era of the “empowered female,” it’s time we stand up for each other, instead of bringing each other down. I’m sick and tired of someone viewing another woman on Instagram and—due to the outfit she’s wearing—call them a “slut” or a “whore.”

These words have consequences and, in fact, are perpetuating a male-dominated culture of holding down women and allowing them to solely be known by these male-ego centric standards. It’s time to put an end to it. Stand up for your fellow sister, no matter how she chooses to live her life.

22 Pictures That’ll Make The World Suck Less For A Few Minutes, I Swear

If you haven’t noticed, everything is terrible. The polar bears are emaciated, bees are dying at an alarming rate, and oh yeah, the President might put us in a nuclear Armageddon at any moment. This world is doomed.

Before you reach for a brown paper bag to hyperventilate into, just take a moment to look at these photos and remind yourself that life isn’t so bad, after all. Continue reading 22 Pictures That’ll Make The World Suck Less For A Few Minutes, I Swear

15 Photos That Will Make You Both Impressed And Terrified Of Ballerinas

Ballet is an undeniably stunning art form and though the most talented ballerinas make it look effortless, we know there are hours upon hours of work put into every precise movement and routine.

These photos are documented proof of all the blood, sweat and tears dancers pour into their art. Take a look for yourself and you’ll probably end up feeling both impressed and wildly terrified of these kickass ballerinas. We sure are.

1. There’s no denying that ballet is magical.


2. And though ballerinas make it look effortless…


3. It’s far from easy.

Aurelie Dupont Tumblr / Via Imgur

4. And be willing to use tools like “foot stretchers” to perfect your form.

Diva Dance Australia

5. Not to mention, some seriously intense pelvic stretching.


6. So that you can do things like this.

Becoming a Rhythmic Gymnast

7. Hours of practice will make you unbelievably strong.

So Bailarinos

8. I mean, look at those calves.

Pickled Thoughts

9. You’re practically a human spinning top.


10. Or a graceful butterfly.

Umgurbanned / Via Imgur

33 People Who Shouldn’t Have Skipped English Class In 2018

Look, not everyone is great at spelling. It’s not something we’re born knowing, we have to learn it. That’s the whole point of English class. You might never find yourself in a situation where you need to know the difference between imply and infer to make it through your life, but you will need to know how to spell.

That’s rough for people who are really lost in the weeds when it comes to spelling. These days, especially, because everyone is always texting and emailing, so it’s crucial to have a good idea of how to spell. Sometimes, not even autocorrect can help you.

Many times it’s not even the spelling, exactly, that’s the problem—it’s that people mishear words or morph them into other words. I had a roommate once who thought that idolizing someone was putting them on a “pedestool.” The correct word is, of course, pedestal, like the thing that statues are placed on for display in museums. But to my roommate, pedestool made sense because a stool is a thing people stand on.

What I’m saying is, we’re not here to judge or shame people who can’t spell. We’re just here to laugh at them.




















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