60 Phrases Only 90’s Kids Will Know

There’s no question: the 90’s was one of the coolest decades ever!

If you were a 90’s kid, chances are you’ve said at least one of these phrases:

  1. N’sync over Backstreet Boys

  2. Girl power

  3. “Have mercy!??

  4. I’ll be Mary Kate you be Ashley

  5. I forgot to feed my tomagatchi

  6. “Who loves orange soda???

  7. “Bop it, twist it??

  8. I double dog dare you and no chicken

  9. Look my sneakers light up too

  10. “Dear Ashley, thaaats me!??

  11. Have you seen my pencil case?

  12. What’s your screen name?

  13. My furby will not shut up

  14. You have cooties

  15. *On the phone* “Hi this is [your name] is [friend’s name] there???

  16. Don’t make me snap in z formation

  17. Step on a crack, break your mother’s back!

  18. Ask the Magic 8 Ball

  19. Light as a feather stiff as a board

  20. I have all the “Chicken Soup for The Soul?? books

  21. *At the grocery store* “Can I have a quarter for the toy machine?

  22. Ch-ch-ch-chia

  23. Who’s on the phone? I’m trying to go on the internet!

  24. Go into the bathroom and say “Bloody Mary?? three times

  25. I want to be ______ Spice

  26. Britney is better than Christina

  27. What color did you get on your mood ring?

  28. Let’s play M.A.S.H

  29. My automatic seatbelt is not working

  30. Someone put the wrong c.d. in this case

  31. “Go Home Rodger??

  32. I forgot my Neopets login, again

  33. I got it from Claire’s

  34. My walkman is skipping again!

  35. “Loser loser double loser, as if, whatever, get the picture, duh??

  36. Take a picture, it lasts longer

  37. “Fe-he-he-heeeny??

  38. I want to be a Camden

  39. “Zetus lapetus??

  40. “Boys go to to Jupiter to get more stupider. Girls go to college to get more knowledge!??

  41. *While playing manhunt* “Stop babysitting the base!??

  42. Let’s play outside

  43. “Concentration 64 no repeats or hesitations??

  44. Can I have money for the Scholastic book sale

  45. “I spy with my little eye??

  46. Do you want to get a best friends necklace with me?

  47. I call being the red Ranger

  48. “Kowabunga??

  49. “You’ve got mail??

  50. What. Ever.

  51. Wanna trade pencil toppers?

  52. I want to see inside the kaleidoscope

  53. I’ll be Mario, You be Luigi

  54. It’s not a skirt, it’s a skort

  55. “U-G-L-Y you ain’t got no alibi you ugly ya ya you ugly??

  56. UGH! I have to rewind the movie

  57. They could have both fit on the door

  58. “Talk to the hand cause the face ain’t listening??

  59. *Sung in tune* “Baby bottle pop??

  60. “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids??

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