5 ways to get ready for a fun family picnic

Summer is fast approaching and with the days warming up and the sun staying out for longer, that can only mean one thing –plenty of family picnics. Whether it’s your weekday dinner or a weekend getaway to the local park or green spot with the whole family, picnics are fun. Try these five tips to make family picnics extra fun and memorable this season.

1. Pick the right location

Unless you know the spot, it’s always a good idea to do some research on where you’re going before you head out. Some families prefer the waterfront while others like to sit surrounded by trees. A water spot can be cool and provide plenty of opportunity for the little ones to jump in and get splashing. But make sure the water and shore are safe for them to do so. If you decide to picnic in a park, you may need a permit to do so. It’s best to check with the local authorities or the park service online.

2. Pack the essentials

Before you begin to dream up all the delicious dishes and drinks you’re going to bring, consider the basic items that shouldn’t be missing from your picnic. A blanket or two make picnics comfortable and help to avoid unsightly grass stains on everyone’s clothes. With little ones they may not always be avoidable, but don’t worry. Simply follow these tips on how to remove grass stains from clothes. Take some wipes for spillages, cutlery, plates, and glasses, and a trash bag for the clean-up afterwards. An ice box is a great addition to keep drinks cooler. And don’t forget the sunscreen and the insect repellent.

3. Bring lots of beverages

When it’s hot outside, you’ll want to make sure that the whole family stays hydrated. It’s a good idea to bring a little extra when it comes to drinks even if you’ll be taking some of it back home with you. Prepare an ice box with your favorite drinks like iced tea or lemonade. Just don’t forget the cups!

4. Take lots of snacks

There are plenty of great recipes for picnic foods from sandwiches to wraps and pasta salads. But don’t forget the snacks. Small naturally sweet or salty treats make a great addition to your main course options. They’re also easier to serve than many main picnic dishes.

5. Don’t forget the games

What’s more fun than being outdoors and playing games? Picnics are some of the most appreciable times we spend together so make them count. Pack a frisbee or a ball for some quality activities in between eating. If it’s not too windy, you could try a board game. Heading to the beach? Take a beach bat and ball or other traditional beach games.

Want more inspiration to make summer fun this year? Here are 10 reasons to camp in your backyard

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Childhood Activities We Can Still Do As Adults

For many, the most fantastic memories of their childhood were created while playing and having fun. How happy we all were back as children! We did not have to worry about paying the bills, everyone looked out for us, and we were responsible for no one. Now you want to have those days back. Days when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up on the bed when you did not have to worry about how that money for your ice cream was made, days you could have all the fun with abandon. What if I told you could get a slice of that heaven even now as an adult? Oh yes! There are several childhood fun activities you could do as an adult. Let us have a look at them.

Recreate Your Childhood Picnics

Growing up, we were always excited about those picnics we had with our cousins and neighbors at the open park or by the beach. You could recreate this experience as an adult and now with more fun. Picnic gets better at the beach when you can go shirts off and jump in the sea for a swim without having to take permission from anyone, and now you are over 18 years of age, so alcohol is entirely legal. How best can a picnic go?

You should not limit your picnic activities to food and conversations; games are totally allowed. Go picnicking with your board and card games, and you could even play some adult games that you could not have played as a child. Having a picnic as an adult would be the best fun you have had in a long while. If you were one of those that would take their notebooks with you and learn in nature then you can still do the same. For example if you are preparing to take the RN exams then it’s best to take your books and let nature make your studying enjoyable. 

Riding a Motorized Bicycle

Remember how you had your first bicycle and how excited you were riding even when you still did not balance on the bike. You could have as much fun, only now with more excitement using a motorized bicycle. With a bike motor on your bicycle, pedaling becomes a lot easier, and you can achieve more incredible speed with your bicycle. Cycling becomes more fun than you have ever known when you can cycle up to 45km/h. You can spice up your hiking experience with a motorized bike, considering the power assistance that makes it easier to cycle along a hilly or rough path. And you could also organize an evening ride or bicycle race with your friends.

You Are Never Too Old to Swim

You may have gone to the pool a lot as a kid, maybe occasionally, you were even allowed to swim safely at the beach, and you thought you had the best swimming experience. It might interest you to know there is so much more fun in swimming than you had as a child. You probably did not attend a pool party playing bumper, water jousting, Toss and Splash, Pool volleyball, and many other exciting games as a child. Now you can have it as an adult and may even decide to go a little wild skinny dipping. You can raise the bar as an adult and have all the fun you want with your childhood activities. 

Amusement Parks Are Not Just for Kids

You could still have it just like you did as a child at the amusement park. This is one activity that will get you nostalgic. The rides on animals, riding on the carousels, and many more will make you feel like a child once again. The screams and chills on a Ferris wheel or roller coaster do not end with your childhood; you will still get those scary moments of the wild ride and might find yourself screaming like the child sitting beside you. As funny as it may sound, you can even ride on a bumper car as an adult, and you sure will get a water slide at an amusement park. Let us not forget our favorite cotton candy; the memory is not complete without those.


There are often game competitions at the park, especially if you are visiting during a public holiday or the festive period. You may win a prize by participating in these games. At an amusement park, the list of fun things to do is endless, and your only limitation is you.Your age does not limit you. It is all in your head, so go out there and have all the fun.

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About The Author

Freya is a Math teacher, Yoga enthusiast, and a beloved mother of three lovely daughters. She is always looking for ways to grow and help others around her thrive through self-learning, meditation, and physical fitness. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family, Freya regularly writes on topics related to self-improvement and women empowerment.

20 Emo Kid Glow-Ups That We Clearly Don’t Deserve

Everyone went through an emo/scene phase at one point in their life. Whether it was Taking Back Sunday, or those choppy cover-the-eye bangs—we all went through those few years where we edited all of our pictures with skulls and sad quotes and used way too much eyeliner for our liking. But, we all know, emo kids grow up to be bad-ass, chic rockstars. Therefore, to make you all feel better about your own emo pictures you hide in your closet, BuzzFeed users are sharing their “glow-ups” to show that we’ve all been there.








































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