26 Photos That Will Hit Home For You If You’re A ‘Top Heavy’ Girl

There are some women out there that complain that their boobs are “too small” and they wish that they could grow bigger boobs overnight. But, then there are the ladies who pray every single day that their boobs would just shrink overnight. Big boob problems are a real thing. Any top heavy girl knows what I mean.



























h/t: Twitter

Let This Dreamboat Help You Reject All The Gross, Thirsty Men In Your Life

Any woman on the internet knows the annoyance of a guy who just won’t leave her alone, whether on social media or in real life. And, of course, there are the worst guys—the ones who send unsolicited dick pics. It’s not cute, it’s harassment.

But, because not all guys are terrible, and allyship comes in all forms, one man made himself truly useful by tweeting what look like candid pics of himself, meant to be used to deflect unwanted male attention.

Trevor Norris (@trevor_norris0 on Twitter) included four pictures of himself in a tweet that read, “Saw there was an actual market of women that needed this… so here are some pictures y’all can use to send to guys that won’t leave you alone or keep sending you unsolicited pictures. Goodluck.”


The tweet went hugely viral, and Norris, being the all-around hero that he seems to be, offered to do more for anyone who wanted one.

He then provided eight more pictures after requests came flooding in.

Norris also pointed out that a woman who is being harassed on Instagram can contact the company.

And the results were fantastic. Women were thrilled that they now had realistic-looking pictures they could send to anyone bothering them to send the message “I got a man.”



Although one problem with going so viral is that in some cases, the dudes that got the pics sent to them had already seen them on Twitter.

One mom wrote to Norris to thank him and call him a genius.

Women were so happy that he found this niche need and filled it.

And even if you don’t need them to fend off unwanted advances, you have to admit they make excellent reaction shots.

The pictures truly have so many uses.

So hey, if you need a specific one, just hit up Trevor Norris on Twitter.

h/t: Twitter: trevor_norris0, Petty Mayonnaise

18 Of The Funniest Responses To This Viral Clothing Ad Where The Model’s Shirt Is Absurdly Tight

The world of fashion is a dog-eat-dog world. To survive, you need to stand-out, either with your designs, the structure of your business, marketing, or that certain unidentifiable something that titillates the senses and gets consumers to click “add to cart.”

If you’re the men’s clothing company, Father & Sons you hire the strangest looking beefcakes you can find and garb them in the tightest possible button-downs and pants that are essentially painted on.

I mean, just look at this character.

Father and Sons

That sinewy mannequin who would make Gaston jealous is Shaun Rezaei. Look at the way his arms are literally double the size of the sleeve opening. Or how the buttons aren’t lined up at all. You too can mimic this “werewolf midway through transformation” look if you shop at Father & Sons.

How do those pants even work? How does one slip into those things? What actual size are the shirts? I’m not the only one completely flabbergasted by these designs. People have been flocking to F&S’s Facebook page to essentiallybuild a new FAQ for the brand:



Please don’t forget that Shaun, as he very publicly announces in his Instagram bio, has less than 5% body fat.


Any publicity is good publicity, right? Maybe Father & Sons are actually brilliant marketing tacticians…

Follow-up question: Do those models need a second person to help them put the shirts on? Can their arms bend enough to button their buttons? I’ll be thinking about this for awhile.

h/t: Bored Panda and Someecards


We’ve Finally Been Blessed With An Emoji To Respond To D*ck Pics

Every year, iPhone users are blessed with some new Emojis to add to our collection of little symbols that we use to replace actual text messaging and words. With every passing update, we get some incredible new cartoon symbols that will immediately become our favorites. But, this time around, we’ve got one that will change our lives for the better.

Introducing: the brand new emoji that will make its way into being your favorite emoji in the world—the pinching hands.

Coming in every skin color and style, this emoji will immediately be every woman’s favorite response to annoying boyfriends, creeps in her DMs, and unsolicited d*ck pics online. The pinching hands obviously looks like someone comparing the small space between the thumb and the index finger to the awfully small size of someone’s…nether regions.

Women online are utterly excited to put this bad boy to good use.




Can’t wait.

15 Photos That Will Make You Both Impressed And Terrified Of Ballerinas

Ballet is an undeniably stunning art form and though the most talented ballerinas make it look effortless, we know there are hours upon hours of work put into every precise movement and routine.

These photos are documented proof of all the blood, sweat and tears dancers pour into their art. Take a look for yourself and you’ll probably end up feeling both impressed and wildly terrified of these kickass ballerinas. We sure are.

1. There’s no denying that ballet is magical.


2. And though ballerinas make it look effortless…


3. It’s far from easy.

Aurelie Dupont Tumblr / Via Imgur

4. And be willing to use tools like “foot stretchers” to perfect your form.

Diva Dance Australia

5. Not to mention, some seriously intense pelvic stretching.


6. So that you can do things like this.

Becoming a Rhythmic Gymnast

7. Hours of practice will make you unbelievably strong.

So Bailarinos

8. I mean, look at those calves.

Pickled Thoughts

9. You’re practically a human spinning top.


10. Or a graceful butterfly.

Umgurbanned / Via Imgur

33 People Who Shouldn’t Have Skipped English Class In 2018

Look, not everyone is great at spelling. It’s not something we’re born knowing, we have to learn it. That’s the whole point of English class. You might never find yourself in a situation where you need to know the difference between imply and infer to make it through your life, but you will need to know how to spell.

That’s rough for people who are really lost in the weeds when it comes to spelling. These days, especially, because everyone is always texting and emailing, so it’s crucial to have a good idea of how to spell. Sometimes, not even autocorrect can help you.

Many times it’s not even the spelling, exactly, that’s the problem—it’s that people mishear words or morph them into other words. I had a roommate once who thought that idolizing someone was putting them on a “pedestool.” The correct word is, of course, pedestal, like the thing that statues are placed on for display in museums. But to my roommate, pedestool made sense because a stool is a thing people stand on.

What I’m saying is, we’re not here to judge or shame people who can’t spell. We’re just here to laugh at them.




















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