Hilarious Mom Who Takes Son’s ‘Monthly Milestone’ Photos Using Pizza Pies Is Parenting Goals

If you are friends with people on Facebook who have recently had children, you know that the first year of a child’s life is filled with photos, photos, and more photos. New parents are obsessed with documenting every moment of the first year—including monthly photos to showcase how much their baby has grown month-to-month. Most parents will try to use cute, creative, and adorable blocks, chairs, signs, and other overpriced items that reveal how many months old their baby is.  But, one mom has found a more creative, original, and fantastic way to document the first year of her daughter’s life and its iconic.

Photographer Dani Leigh and her mom wanted to come up with an original way to document her son, Lorenzo’s, first year on this beautiful Earth. When brainstorming, they decided they may as well eat while doing it. And, after that, a beautiful creation was born. Leigh told BoredPanda:

“I knew what I wanted it to look like in my head and while we do have a favorite pizza, I knew we would have to vary it month by month. We really just went down the menu and got whatever our 3-year-old (Lorenzo’s brother,  Charlie) would be interested in. We did allow ourselves to get our favorite white pizza three times throughout the project. It did help us branch out though and try a few pizzas we wouldn’t have probably gotten – like pesto and shrimp pizza. And we found that the BBQ Chicken pizza can now be added into our normal rotation – so good! All of the pizzas came from our favorite local place, il Forno.”

The finished product? Obviously, an epic display of adorable baby photos and delicious pizza.

Leigh added that if you’re interested in doing this for your own baby, there’s one big thing you’ll need.

 “If you are going to do pizza for your monthly photos, invest in a good pizza cutter because truly no pizza place slices their pizza into 12 slices.”

She also added:

“And invest in family photography because soon enough all your kiddos will be bigger than a pizza box.”

You can see more of Dani Leigh’s work on her social media accounts and her website, here.

danileighphotography.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

h/t: BoredPanda.

Chrissy Teigen Got Into A Fight With John Legend Over Pizza Rolls And It Was Glorious

Couples fight about all kinds of things, but some couples are honestly just funnier than others, and so are their fights. Twitter Queen Chrissy Teigen and her husband John Legend are that kind of couple. They share so much of their life together online and just about everything they do is funny, so it makes sense that their arguments (well, some of them, at least) are light-hearted, too.

Teigen, who is not only hilarious on Twitter but who you also know from her cookbooks and her modeling and her gig on Lip Sync Battle) said she wasn’t going to tweet the story of the fight, but she did anyway, luckily for us, because it’s hilarious.

It seems that Teigen was having cravings for a childhood favorite: Totino’s. But there ended up being some confusion over whether she meant the pizza rolls for which they are totally famous, or just regular Totino’s pizza, which apparently exists, but I had no idea. And neither did John Legend, who accidentally ordered Tostino’s pizza rolls instead of pizza from Postmates. And he didn’t figure out the error, even while they were discussing the preparation of the food, which they were doing in advance, because Teigen was so excited about the pizza.

This is the part where the confusion starts to become evident.

At one point Teigen seems to wonder if maybe the story wasn’t as funny as she thought, but it just made it funnier.

She explains that they are fully in a fight now.

In a hilarious and utterly stupid video, Teigen pretends she thought they should make pizza rolls directly on the rack, as if she wouldn’t be aware that they’d just fall through.


People on Twitter said Tostino’s should turn the story into an ad, but Teigen countered by pointing out that they probably don’t want that kind of endorsement.

In a final update, Teigen posted a picture of herself eating the Tostino’s pizza, with fresh tomato on top, just like she wanted. Craving met. Fight over? No idea.

Legend won’t ever make that mistake again, that’s for sure.

h/t: HuffPost

16 Definite Reasons Having Pizza Is Better Than Having A Boyfriend

There are some things in life that give us absolute bliss – a new pair of shoes, driving to work with no traffic, the smell of a hot, steamy pizza fresh out of the oven, really great sex. But, there are some things in life that are better than others. Like – for example – pizza and more pizza. While having a boyfriend is nice and all, having pizza is obviously better because – well, a lot of reasons.

1. Pizza will never talk back to you.

2. Pizza will always leave you fulfilled.

3. Pizza doesn’t make you feel guilty when you’re PMSing.

4. Pizza never disappoints you.

5. Pizza is always there when you need it.

6. You can fit a whole slice of pizza in your mouth without a gag reflex.

7. Pizza will always come in hot.

8. Pizza won’t make you feel bad for ordering it late at night.

9. Pizza will stay in or go out when you’re in the mood.

10. You can dress the Pizza up however you’d like it.

11. Pizza doesn’t get mad when you want to be cheesy.

12. Or saucy.

13. Pizza isn’t annoyed when you get sloppy with it.

14. Pizza doesn’t think you look fat in that dress.

15. Pizza doesn’t care if you want to take a photoshoot with it for social media.

16. When you want pizza, you can always have pizza.

People Are Pranking Their Moms With A Fake Picture And The Results Are Hilarious

Our poor moms. They put up with so much from us and yet so many of us still feel the need to prank them from time to time just because we think it’s funny.

In a tweet that’s gone viral, Twitter user Jordan Rutledge posted a picture of an oven in which a pizza had been placed on a now-completely-melted PLASTIC cutting board. The picture originally seems to be from Reddit, where someone wrote that their daughter was the culprit. Was she stoned, or just not thinking, or basically dumb? We’ll probably never know.

Rutledge instructed his followers to text the picture to their moms and say, “I didn’t know you couldn’t put the cutting board in the oven.” Ouch.

The responses were predictably hilarious.

Moms, we feel your pain. We just think it’s funny! Just be happy this picture isn’t actually of your own oven.

This Mind-Blowing Math Equation Will Have You Second Guessing How You Order Pizza

Let’s face it—we all love pizza. Hot, cold, big, small, we love us some pizza. When we’re ordering pizza, like when we’re doing anything that involves spending money, we’re looking to get the biggest bang for our buck. Like, if I’m going to order a pizza for $20, I want to get all $20 worth. But, are we always getting the best deal? Apparently, for years, we haven’t been according to one Twitter account and their math equation.

Account @fermatslibrary shared what they called a “counterintuitive fact” stating that one 18-inch pizza is, in fact, more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas. When you’re ordering two 12-inch pizzas, you assume it’ll equal to 24-inches of pizza, which is more than 18-inches of pizza. But, in reality, the complete area of said pizzas add up to the 18-inch pie having a greater surface area than the two 12-inches combined. Following?

Here’s a nice visual to paint a picture for you.

Mind-blown, right? All of these years, I’ve been thinking I’m getting more pizza, when in reality, I could save money and get more pizza. THE AUDACITY. Twitter, of course, was floored at this.

Even DiGiorno got in on the math lesson.

Not a bad lesson for a gloomy Monday—always trust your algebra teachers, guys, they could save you money (and get you more pizza).

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