The World’s a Little Blurry – Billie Eilish’s Rise to Stardom

Billie Eilish, a 19-year-old pop superstar, recently released a movie/documentary called The World’s a Little Blurry. This film documents her life starting from her first hit at age 14 and how her career only skyrocketed from there. She tackles topics like mental health, physical health, relationships, family, and so much more in the 2.5-hour special.

Not only do we see a sneak peek into her life, but the life of teenage stardom as a whole.

Billie was born in California and grew up in an intensely musical household. Both of her parents were musicians, as well as her brother, Finneas, who helps create her music. Her first song, Ocean Eyes, hit the radio in 2016 and the rest of her music soon followed. Since then, she produced a full album in 2019 called When We All Fall Asleep, Where do We Go?, which features hits like Bad Guy, xanny, and i love you. Her music is known around the world and she acts as a role model to fans everywhere.

What does stardom look like for her?

It’s not as glamorous as we think. In the documentary, we see the intense hours, rigorous training, and taxing tours. We see her grow up, get her driver’s license, watch her fall in love, go through a breakup, see how she got injured on tour… Just because she’s a musical sensation, doesn’t mean she hasn’t gone through the typical teenage things.

Coming from someone who is significantly older than her, her story is still incredibly inspiring.

I’ll admit, I even teared up during the movie. Why? We see stardom take a toll on such a young person. It’s sad, it’s frustrating, it’s infuriating, but, in the end, it’s encouraging. We also see how her family has affected who she is both as a person and as a musician. Within the first few minutes, Billie accredits her success to her family. With supportive parents and a creative brother, we see the positive energy she shares with her family.

Family has been an element of her success throughout her whole life and music career, and it shows the importance of a positive family dynamic.

We also see the physical issues that Billie has to face. Born with Tourette’s Syndrome, Billie shows her struggles with that in relation to her career. We see her go through a “tic attack” which is related to the stress and exhaustion that she faces.

Another element of Billie’s story is her relationship and breakup.

In the movie, we’re introduced to Billie’s now ex-boyfriend, Brandon Adams (stage name 7:AMP). Their budding relationship is shown through phone calls and meet-ups behind the scenes and, eventually, the couple separates due to a difference in what they wanted in the long run. Even though breakups are nothing new, it’s hard to see this happen to a young girl who is thrown in the middle of a very evasive lifestyle. It makes us hurt for her even more.

Another powerful thing we see in Billie’s movie is the physical toll that this lifestyle takes on her.

When touring, she goes through multiple injuries, especially torn ligaments in her leg from her contagious energy and dancing on stage. We see her go through physical therapy and braces and casts. But, despite all of that, Billie still brings her energy and wants to give her fans the best performance that she possibly can.

So, what’s next for her?

After multiple Grammy nominations and wins, Billie continues to make music for the pop world and it’s crazy to think that her career is really just getting started. Her new song, Therefore I Am, has hit the radios and is already known worldwide. I have no doubt that we’ll continue to be blown away by her incredible talent for making music and touching lives.

Watch Billie’s movie exclusively on AppleTV+.

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Why Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo Has Been #1 on the Billboard Charts

In the song “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo, she speaks of how her ex left her for his new “blonde girl.” She sings about the heartbreak that he put her through because she can not understand how he left her and how he is happy in his new relationship. 

There is a lot of speculation saying that the song is about Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett’s relationship because certain lyrics from the song make fans think that the song is specifically about him. Personally, I just love the song, but one aspect makes the song more dramatic and heartfelt. Because it is about Joshua Bassett. And they were publicly known to be best friends or in a relationship. He has since moved on and is in a new relationship.

I have been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo when she first started releasing music.

I think that she is incredibly talented, especially for only being 17 years old. It amazes and inspires me that she writes her own music and that she sings with so much emotion. When she sings, she is so vulnerable and specific that it makes it easier for the audience to connect and feel her pain.

I have never been in a relationship, but her song makes me feel like I have been through a breakup.

Also, I understand that she is an actress, but her emotions are so raw, so it makes her music more sensitive to the audience. She is unbelievably talented and I think that she has a big career ahead of her because she only has about three songs out and two of her three songs have been on the Billboard charts.

In the behind-the-scenes for the music video, “Driver’s License,” Rodrigo explains how she was able to use her own ideas to help make the music video the way she wanted. This goes to show just how talented she is now that the music video has over 79 million views and over 4 million likes.

Rodrigo implemented a lot of her ideas in the music to make the song more relatable and honest with her audience.

She explains how, in one clip, she uses “projections as a way to signify the memories that keep running through her head as she’s going through a heartbreak” (Rodrigo). I think that the visuals that she used for the music video were so creative because not only did she sing how she felt, but she also projected the thoughts that were running through her mind. I think she did an amazing job connecting with the audience because she was so vulnerable.

It is no surprise that the song has remained number one for weeks.

Furthermore, using the projections of her thoughts, she explained how she wanted to “capture the feeling of teenage heartbreak in the suburbs which has kind of been [her] experience” (Rodrigo). 

I think that songs are always more successful when they actually tell a meaningful story because music can be a way for the audience to release their feelings of emotion. Therefore, I think that Olivia Rodrigo did an amazing job with the song and music video for “Driver’s License” because she wrote the song with so much emotion and passion which is impressive – especially for her young time. 

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About the Author

Genesis Lee-Smith is an 18-year-old college freshman. She loves writing and seeing what other people enjoy writing about. Writing is important to Genesis because she believes it is a great way for people to connect, inspire others, educate, and give advice.

19 Iconic Albums That Turned 19 In 2019 to Instantly Transport You Back To 2000

It’s hard to believe we’re already in 2019. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday girls were jamming to NSYNC, having slumber parties, and gushing over Teen magazine. Can we flip the clock back and do a Thirteen Going on Thirty thing real quick?

Seriously though, the 2000s were a pretty iconic time for many things, music included. You’d be hard-pressed to find a 90s kid out there who doesn’t know the words to “Oops!…I Did It Again” or “Ms. Jackson”.

All of our favorite albums of 2000 are turning 19 this year as if we needed another reason to feel old. Here are the top 19 for your reminiscing pleasure.

1. Oops!… I Did It Again — Britney Spears

Believe it or not, it’s been 19 years since Britney did it again. All the more reason to blast this iconic album on repeat with the windows down.

2. Country Grammar — Nelly

Did you know Nelly was only 25 when he dropped Country Grammar? NBD.

3. No Strings Attached — NSYNC

One of the world’s most iconic boy bands, NSYNC will always hold a special place in our hearts. Never gonna say “bye bye bye”.

4. Parachutes — Coldplay

Chris Martin has been telling us to look at shining stars for 19 years now.

5. Kid A — Radiohead

Radio Head’s iconic follow up to OK Computer was dubbed one of the best releases of the 2000s by several music critics including Rolling Stone.

6. Marshall Mathers LP — Eminem

Known by its outrageously popular tracks like “The Real Slim Shady” and “Stan”, Marshall Mathers LP solidified Eminem’s presence as an artist.

7. Voodoo — D’Angelo

Yes, this is the album that houses “How Does It Feel” AKA the music video D’Angelo performed naked in. Oh, sweet memories.

8. Stankonia — Outkast

With iconic tracks like “Ms. Jackson” and “So Fresh, So Clean”, Stankonia is an indisputable staple of the 2000s.

9. Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water — Limp Bizkit

Remember Lip Bizkit? Yeah, those guys had a good run especially when they released this popular album and melted faces off with hits like “Rollin”.

10. Whoa, Nelly! — Nelly Furtado

Long before “Promiscuous”, the lovely Nelly Furtado was singing “Like A Bird” on her debut album Whoa, Nelly!

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11. My Name Is Joe — Joe

This aptly titled album by Joe gifted us with hits like “I Wanna Know” and “Stutter” and debuted at No.2 on the Billboard 200.

12. Back for the First Time — Ludacris

Before his days of driving fast cars, Ludacris was releasing triple platinum albums like Back For The First Time.

13. The Swiss Army Romance — Dashboard Confessional

Of course, we couldn’t leave a classic emo hit out of this 2000s roundup. Hence, Dashboard Confessional’s very first album The Swiss Army Romance which is not available on Spotify, FYI.

14. All That You Can’t Leave Behind — U2

Before they became Apple’s frontmen, the boys of U2 released this unforgettable album with hit songs like “Beautiful Day” and “Elevation”.

15. Rule 3:36 — Ja Rule

Years prior to the Fyre Festival catastrophe, Ja Rule was dropping fire tracks like “Put It On Me” and “I Cry”.

16. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) — Aaron Carter

Nineteen years ago, every single pre-teen girl listened to Aaron Carter on repeat until we could sing “I Want Candy” by heart.

17. Music — Madonna

Longtime showbiz queen, Madonna released Music back in 2000 and it’s still one of her best-selling albums since Like A Prayer in 1989.

18. Hybrid Theory — Linkin Park

Linkin Park blew speakers everywhere with their debut studio album Hybrid Theory that birthed iconic tracks like “Papercut” and “Crawling”.

19. Who Let The Dogs Out? — Baha Men

Yes, it has been almost two decades since the dogs were let out.

Feel old yet?

To My Father Who Wasn’t Man Enough to Stick Around

It’s been so long since you abandoned me, Dad, but people still ask about you. Most want to know how I’m doing without you, but sometimes they’ll ask how you are and I’m forced to admit I have no idea.

I don’t get too upset by the questions. But even if I refused to speak about you for the rest of my life, I’ll never be able to forget the morning you left.

I woke up and my whole world was gone.

At first, I actually thought you were dead. Weird, right? What kind of father leaves their child wondering that?

And even with all of that, I don’t hate you. You are my dad. Even if that’s the only “are” we have left.

Maybe it’s because you were a great dad. Growing up, you were my superhero and my teddy bear, always there to fight off my bad dreams.

You were my pillow when my heart was broken, my motivator when school got hard, and the one who kept me going.

You were my heart, my happiness, my absolute everything. I hope you feel the emotions behind these words because you genuinely hurt me.

Because other people don’t ever get it. They say I should be happy that you weren’t a deadbeat my whole life. And, I am thankful for the times when we were close, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ache over you every day.

I wish I could forget the day you chose to leave, but it’s burned into my memory. My life has never been the same.

I try to stay positive. I don’t want to be bitter, but it’s so damn hard.

Why did you break my heart? There was no logical reason. Many parents don’t live with their children, some get divorced and remarried but they still stay in contact. Why did you have to just abandon me?

Something in you changed and took my Dad away. Maybe it was unresolved pain or depression. Maybe it was pure selfishness. Whatever the culprit, I hope you overcome it someday.

I hope I’ll be able to understand one day, mostly for my own sake but also for yours.

Yes, sometimes I scream that I hate you and will never be okay, but I know I will be. I don’t really hate you. You’ve done something I don’t think I will ever forgive, but I’ll always love the person you used to be.

I hope you find happiness because I don’t hate you. Our relationship is marked by things you used to be, but you are always going to be my dad, that will never change.

Next time I see you, I hope I see something different in you, a smile or some confidence. Something I can’t see now. And if I don’t ever see you again, I hope you love your new life, Dad.

Because I am your daughter and I will never stop loving you. Even if you stopped loving me.

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