My Lisp Is Sexy My Lisp Is Cute My Lisp Is A Pain In The Assth

I’ve heard it all: my lisp is sexy, my lisp is cute, my lisp is unique…

Actually, my lisp is a pain-in-the-ass. It gets in the way, puts me in awkward situations, and generally stands to make me alone and miserable for the rest of my life.


However…in spite of all of this, I can’t help but admit that my lisp certainly makes life much more interesting and colorful. So at the end of the day, I can’t help but to fall in love and begrudgingly accept this special little part of me.


In honor of my speech impediment, here’s to my lisp and all the little quirks it brings into my life.


The struggle is real when there’s an “S” involved.

Whether it’s a phone call or a simple conversation amongst friends, if I have to articulate a particularly S-peppered phrase, I’m going to sound like a belligerent dumb-ass.


My tongue gets all fuzzy and none of my consonants are fully formed. My words fall into a slippery tangle from my lips like a spout of running water. (Even that sentence was hard to read. I couldn’t imagine saying it out loud.)

American Eagle And Aerie Have Stopped Photoshopping Their Models And We Love It

Throughout the years, women have felt insecure in their bodies and their looks. Why? As the years and decades have progressed, magazines and advertisements have featured models and influencers who are airbrushed, photoshopped, and edited to the point where they don’t even look real. No woman walks the world with absolutely no cracks, crevices, or wrinkles on their body and it’s time that we stop with the bullsh*t and start embracing women’s real bodies.

Luckily, some companies are putting the right foot forward and showing women that natural is beautiful. Recently, American Eagle and Aerie have decided to showcase models and women with no photoshop and no airbrushing. The results? Amazing.

The #AerieREAL campaign features women, not only without photoshop, but also with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and of all sizes.

They’ve also featured natural women with no edits in their underwear ads, bra ads, and swimsuit ads. Recently, one photo has gone viral on Reddit because people are shocked to see natural bodies—noticing that elbow wrinkles, and butt wrinkles, are real.

People on Reddit were leaving comments on all the things they never noticed in women—like, elbow creases. Additionally, women think the photos are inspiring and have helped them become more comfortable with their own bodies.

It’s a unique experience seeing the elbow skin creases. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture with those.


Comforting to see I’m not the only one in the world that skin thing by the bra happens to.


The more I see these honest photos, the closer I get to being brave enough to wear my swimsuit in public.


I even like that she has a bruise. Cause we are humans and bump into things and it’s normal!


Thank you Aerie and American Eagle, us women all over the world thank you.

The Battle Of Young Motherhood

I got pregnant at 16. I had my child at 17. And since then my life has never been the same. In every way possible, my princess changed my life. She has made me a better person. She made me love harder than I ever thought possible. She has made me see things brighter than I thought possible. She has made me laugh and smile bigger than any other 1 person in my entire, short, young life. She may think I’m the best thing ever, but truthfully she is.

But as every young mom knows, for every perfect day there is a bad day to go with it. Being young and being a mom is hard. It’s a constant battle between what I want to do and what I have to do. I will never forget the night of senior prom hearing someone say, “Ew isn’t she a mom now, shouldn’t she be at home with her kid.??? After 4 years, I thought the battle would get so much easier, but it hasn’t not by much at least. My child is 4, and I’m 21. I still get dirty looks. I still get told I can’t because I’m a mother and I still let myself believe it.

I will still make mistakes every day, but instead of telling me that, “mistakes happen??? I get told, “you’re a mother, you should know better.??? What? So me being young has no effect on my choice making, I should only think like a mother? Well, tell me how does a mother think? And what is a mother? Is a mother just a mother or is she something else, like, I don’t know, her own woman? Can she not slip up sometimes or is that not mother-like? So we have to think twice about what everyone else will say. We have to double and triple guess ourselves. And most young moms will say to others, they don’t think like this, but I know we do. We all do it. If we mess up, its because we “should have been more careful and wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in.???

What most people don’t get is yes, I am a mother before anything else. But I’m also young, I’m 21 years old. I like to hang out with my friends, sometimes without my kid (what a shocker). I feel like young mothers get held on such a higher level standard than middle aged mom’s because in the eyes of everyone else, “We made our bed, now we must lie in it.??? My friends love and accept my kid, most of them love her more than me. We all hang out together. Sunday brunch? Oh yes, my kid loves Sunday brunch with the girls. She drinks her lemonade out of a champagne glass and we toast. She’s as much as apart of my friend group as I am. And she’s the center of everybody’s attention.

Here is some great advice: shut your judgmental a$$ up. We are doing the best job we can. If you think you know better than we do, good. Keep it to yourself. Nobody asked you. I’m going to mess up. Sorry not sorry. I bet on everything, though, that my child is so happy and so loved and she doesn’t care that I messed up as long as I do what’s best for her and keep the Sundaes on Sundays dates.

Why Motivational Mantras Are Necessary Daily

If you want to have a fulfilling life you must stay within a certain range of positivity.  

They say the most successful people are those who rarely see the glass as half empty, even when it is completely empty.

They are positive that the turn around will always be something good versus something bad.  How do you maintain this ideology after say, a whole week of just bad luck and misfortunes?

Here are a few reasons why reading motivational phrases and quotes can keep you on the positive track indefinitely.

1. We speak things into existence.

The psychs call it positive reinforcement and it is as simple as it sounds.  If you are repeatedly told that your behavior is negative eventually, you will have lower self-esteem of how you view yourself.

On the other hand, if you are told that your behaviors are enhancing and uplifting then your confidence will begin to rise.  The same idea goes for taking positivity into your life.

Writing on the bathroom mirror is something that helps.  It is the first thing you see when you awake and your mind is clear.

Whatever you take in at this point in the day will stick with you for the remainder of the day so begin with something that will make you want to conquer the World.

It is good to read or even listen (audiobooks are good too) to very strong-willed people in the morning.

Think of it as your mental physical trainer that is shouting at you that you have 23 more hours to get it right; go out and do something killer amazing.

2. If you see it enough times you start to believe in it more. 

I see this behavior a lot with people who join congregations or any team-building environment.  It is important to go to services every week if you are apart of a faith.

They want to you surround yourself with specific influences so that you will not stray.  You can do this with yourself to keep your mind in happy territory.

The more positive reassurances you see and hear, allow you to become an overall better person.

3. Habits are hard to break.

After you have trained yourself to keep a level of affirmation and positive thoughts, it will be very hard to go back to your former thinking.

You will be a changed person and many of the problems you once faced will seem like some kind of bad joke to you.  You’ll be able to reflect on your growth in a new profound way.

4. We have bad days. 

No matter how positive you pride yourself on being, there will be days that you will blow your lid so to speak.  It could be the result of something that you have kept your mouth shut about that suddenly escapes.

It could be a run-in with someone who seems to make it their business to piss you off.  Our interactions with one another give us many reactions but when it’s a negative reaction on our part, we must not let it overtake us.

Repeating the positive quotes a few hours later or maybe even the next day resets our mind back to its normal state.  Hindsight is always 20/20 and you may even be able to see how you could have gone about it in a different way.

5. The mind is the most powerful muscle.

“It’s all in your mind” is a very honest quote but many of us don’t honestly believe that.  It is true, however.

Once you train your brain to be one way it will be set, and I have emphasized the word “training” quite a few times in this article, because it is not something that will just naturally happen more so something you have to want to happen.

We underestimate the power of our minds.

I recently saw this in myself, outside of my entrepreneurial mindset I was also struggling with weight.

It wasn’t until I began programming my brain (myself) to intake healthier foods and added workouts to my daily routine, that I got the message, being healthy is much easier than I thought it would be.

Now, if I miss a workout or eat too unhealthy for too long my body (my brain) knows that something is completely off.  It has been trained.  We sike ourselves out of many of the things we want to pursue because of fear.

Fear is the brain telling you “Hey, there’s unchartered territory ahead, BEWARE“. That’s about it though.  It is just a signal.  It is not a stop sign.

The most successful people say, the hardest part is realizing that you want something more from your life.

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