Guys Doing Naked Yoga Is Now A Thing And I’ve Never Felt More Blessed

Anyone who does yoga knows that it’s an artform that is all about positive vibes and self-expression. People who do yoga are supposed to be incredibly comfortable with themselves and their bodies as they manipulate them into stretches, poses and other positions. Yoga is supposed to make people feel powerful and “free.” And, what better way to make yourself feel completely free and in touch with yourself and all things positive than by being completely a** naked while doing yoga?

Apparently, online, it’s become a new norm for some men to do yoga completely naked. I mean – they’re outside, in nature, completely f*cking naked. I feel as though God has blessed me on this fine Friday afternoon.

Why You Owe It To Yourself To Create Magic In Your Life

You drag through life tired and uninspired, relentlessly searching for that intangible something that will transform you forever. You seek a spark that ignites into a powerful flame and adventure of a lifetime. You wait for an eternity to discover your bliss, praying for the moment life will change you.

But you owe it to yourself to create magic in your life, to kindle your own flame, to embark on the life-altering journey you seek. You hold immense power over your carefree smile, your undying laugh, the inextinguishable brightness in your eyes.

Create your own magic because you deserve to smile again. You deserve to rediscover the simple joys that blossom every day – the sun’s stunning movement across the sky, the eternal bliss of the wind rustling your hair, the carefree joy of dancing through the streets as if nobody’s watching. You deserve to feel your lips widen in excitement as you embrace life’s simple pleasures, the mystical whimsy of knowing all that awaits you on Earth.

Create your own magic because it will make you feel alive. As your own spell transfixes you, hypnotizing you in the wake of its beauty, you will rediscover what it truly means to live. You will feel your heartbeat out of your chest in eager anticipation, the thrill that reminds you that even as you suffocate under the weight of life’s dreary monotony, you are a living, breathing entity, a monolith of soul and story intertwined.

Create your own magic because life won’t change itself. As you feel the world dim around you, gripping your soul with its dark sorcery, binding you to its unrelenting will, your spellbinding strength will free you, leaving you awash in a mystical twilight haze. In the wake of your spellbinding spark, you will rediscover life’s simple pleasures: whistling as you work, stopping to smell each fragrant rose, laughing with friends as if no time has passed, immersing yourself in childlike wonder.

You owe it to yourself to create magic in your life, to refresh your soul and rejuvenate your spirit, even as life’s dark forces threaten to pull you away from the joy you long to experience. You deserve to light your spark into a flame, to summon your immense power and conjure an aura of adventure out of thin air.

This article originally appeared on Thought Catalog.

15+ Truths You’ll Relate To If You’re In A Serious Relationship, But Don’t Live Together

Thinking about living together with that main squeeze? When you start dating someone, part of you hopes that it’ll turn into that “big love” that everyone talks about. As you get older, and your relationship gets a bit more serious, you start to spend a lot more time together–which includes staying at each other’s apartments/houses. Of course, you think about the possibility of living together, but that’s not going to happen right away.

There are certain things that are universally true for a lot of couples who are in serious relationships but not living together yet. I promise you’ll say “same” to every single one.

21. You get offended when your boyfriend says he’s tired and is “just going to fall asleep right away.”

20. You’ve taken one too many drunk Ubers back to their place instead of yours.

19. You end up spending your weekends at your own place, but almost every weekend night at your partner’s.

18. You eventually have your own corner/drawer/section of the closet to keep extra clothes there.

17. But girls always “forget” to bring pajamas so you can sleep in your boyfriend’s big t-shirts and sweatpants.

16. You keep a few pairs of underwear at their apartment, you know, just in case of emergency.

15. After a while, you end up going to a drug store haul to stock up their apartment with your supplies.

14. Their shower now has your brand of shampoo/conditioner/soap. And, an extra razer.

13. You end up buying your partner “presents” that are secretly for you to use while you’re there–like pots and pans.

12. Your Seamless/Postmates account has two “home” addresses.

11. When you’re talking to your friends/parents, you always say you’re on the way “home,” but, they never know which home you’re talking about.

10. You know your partner’s roommates pretty well and, have probably seen them in their underwear by accident.

9. Your keys become extra heavy because you have yours, and your partners, plus your car, and your parents’.

8. You end up being a part-time cleaning lady because sometimes your partner can be gross AF.

7. You buy specific snacks just to keep there.

6. You have no problem going over there even if they’re not home.

5. You always forget where you left your phone/computer charger.

4. There have been moments where you are looking for one piece of clothing and realize you left it at your partner’s apartment–ugh.

3. You always carry around an extra outfit in your bag, just in case you crash there.

2. Your car turns into a second wardrobe.

1. You forget what it’s like to live without them and when you stay home alone, you miss sleeping with them.


Like this from Puckermob? Be sure to check out Setting Your New Year’s Resolutions as a Couple. 

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