7 Ways Cheating is Toxic for Both You and Your Partner

Guys, it’s time that I level with you. Cheating is bad. That’s pretty obvious. But did you know that it can affect you just as much, if not more than it can affect your significant other? You probably didn’t think about that part. Well, neither did I.

Here’s why cheating is toxic for both you and your partner.

1. Your partner may never get over it.

First and foremost, I thought I should talk about your significant other’s feelings. We already know that cheating can destroy your relationship. If you choose to let your partner know about an affair or a mistaken one-night stand, you will feel the backlash for sure. If they find out on their own, which they eventually will, your relationship will take a critical or even fatal blow. If you’ve loved your SO at any time, you shouldn’t be putting them through the pain of your infidelity. That’s just cold. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be more than apologetic and wish you could take the heartache away. But you can’t, and the worst part is knowing it’s all your fault.


2. It will haunt you.

So I’m obviously not talking ghosts here, but I am talking day after remorse. It could be the next morning when you wake up next to someone who’s not your boyfriend, or it could be the day you confess. Either way, you will feel like you went through, pretty much, an out-of-body experience. It will be surreal. You may still feel the touch of someone else on your skin, or you may get chills when you think back to the moment you could have stopped it. Once you’ve cheated, you won’t forget that feeling.

3. Your partner will no longer trust you.

This is a pretty obvious consequence of cheating. But in terms of this affecting you… Your significant other, if they have chosen to stick it out with you, may begin to suffocate you.

They will question every move you make not once, not twice, but maybe a hundred times. And surprise, surprise, they still won’t believe you are being honest with them.

It’s a steep price you will pay for being unfaithful.


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