Love is Love: A Guide to Celebrating Pride Month

The world is changing every day. In the modern world, LGBTQ+ acceptance has become very normalized in several parts of the globe, allowing queer people to be who they are without judgment or fear. Pride Month is a yearly reminder of the battle that LGBTQ+ individuals have been holding to be able to live their truth and love who they want, just like a heterosexual person would.

Whether you’re a straight person who’s looking forward to being an ally for their friends or a queer person that has recently come out, or perhaps it is your first time celebrating pride month, here are a few aspects to take into account to make the most of it.

1. Educate Yourself

While most people believe that Pride Month is all about parades and watching live shows during the events, it’s so much more than that. Queer people have existed for decades, and although most of them have been purposefully “erased” from the common history books, we have several heroes and icons that have contributed a lot to the cause, allowing tons of LGBTQ+ people to be able to be who they are right now. Take a look at Marsha P. Johnson’s history and learn more about why Pride Month is celebrated in June. It’s also a good idea to learn about pre-Stonewall queer history.

2. Attend a Pride Parade

When pride month comes, it’s just a matter of time before the local communities start organizing a parade. It is a common thing in most places. Not only will you be able to meet other queer people and make friends, but you might also be able to learn more about LGBTQ+ culture and how these individuals choose to express their identity and be who they are. Queer people surely make themselves visible during pride month, but the parades are the best way to be in touch with them and experience for yourself that you might have more in common with them than you think, even if you’re not queer.

3. Support LGBTQ+ Authors

Queer people enjoy more visibility during pride month. While attending the parades and events might be a fun idea, it’s also possible that you’re a bit more on the introverted side and prefer to stay at home. In this case, you can always enjoy Pride Month in your own way by reading a good book with LGBTQ+ stories or characters to learn more about them. Some good recommendations include “This Day in June” by Gayle E. Pitman or perhaps “How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir” by Saeed Jones.

4. Volunteer or Contribute to LGBTQ+ Causes

Being queer is not something that happens only during pride month. Chances are that there are tons of LGBTQ+ organizations and nonprofits in your area that you may not have heard about, and Pride Month might be a great way to get involved – especially if you’re looking forward to giving more to your community. You can donate or volunteer depending on your time and what you prefer doing. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated either way.

5. Remember to Have Fun

While Pride Month isn’t necessarily all about having fun and partying, that doesn’t mean that both ideas can coexist. If you’re feeling feisty and would like to celebrate pride month while also having fun, you can always attend a gay bar – such as the Richmond gay bar crawl​ – along with your friends or on your own, make some friends and have fun while at it – even if you’re not an LGBTQ+ person yourself!

The Bottom Line

Pride Month happens all through June. You’ll likely notice it right away since it becomes very apparent on social media. While we’ve listed some of the best ways in which you can celebrate pride, bear in mind that everyone has a different concept of what it is like “to celebrate.” Some people love to attend parades and events, while others prefer to stay at home. Both preferences are perfectly valid, and you should only submit yourself to the experiences that match your personality best.

Whether you are a heterosexual ally or a queer person, Pride Month can be an excellent way to celebrate humanity, individuality, and identity.



Proud of Pride: An Open Letter To My Cousin


I am the first to admit that I was probably once judgmental of people’s lifestyles. However, I have to thank my cousin for giving me so much to be proud of and for teaching me to be truly tolerant.


First I want to thank you. You are a truly amazing person with a beautiful heart and that I feel like at some point I took for granted. I wish I had been a better person to you when we were younger. Someone who you felt safe to share things with. Although I know that now we do not talk very much I hope you know how proud I am of you. And I know that your journey has not been easy. I am sure that you have been faced with a lot of judgement, however, that did not keep you from living your truest self. I think that is one of the bravest things that I have ever been able to bear witness too.

Next thing I want to tell you, I love you!! And I love you so much and have so much respect for you. And I want you to know that I may not have been someone who you could have gone to before, but I am someone who will sit with you and listen if you need someone. I want nothing but the best for you ever day. And I hope this is something that you know. Because I love you and I am always here.

But I also want to ask for your forgiveness and your grace. I know that there where times that I was probably not supportive. And I know that there were times that you probably felt judged. I am sorry for these time I am sorry that I was not the person that you needed me to be. And I am sure that it would have be nice to have one of your childhood best friends to be there for you and I am so sorry that I was not that person for you. I should have been. Because I fell short, I am sorry that I was not in a place that you needed me to be. But I am here now, present and ready to be the listening ear whenever you need me.

To Those Loving someone through Their Pride Journey:

Be tolerant: The world is full of enough hate. Be the person that is safe, safe for someone to talk to. We are all going through a journey just because theirs is different than yours does not mean that you have to be judgmental. Even if you do not understand, listen. You never know you might learn something new. Let others teach you and allow yourself to grow as a person. Finally just remember that we all have things that we are working on, no one wants to be judged for their pride journey.

Love them: Again the world is full of hate, so be the one who says, “I don’t care who you are I still love you.” Our friends and family in the pride community have enough that they are up against, don’t be one of their battles. Be an ally. No, you may not always agree with their life choice, but maybe they don’t agree with yours. But, we can all still love each other for who we are.

It is my hope that our climate will become one that my children will be able to grow up in and see how far we have come as a people. One that used to be ruled by hate and intolerance, to one that is very loving and accepting. I hope that we can quite dehumanizing people and accept them for who they are. That way we can keep moving forward.

For me, I vow to be an ally and a safe place.

Enjoy pride month but loving yourself and those you love.

Stay Safe!

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The Sacred Bond Between Gay Men and Straight Women

Long, long, long ago an ancient pact was made that bound gay men and straight women in friendship. It has triumphed throughout the decades and it’s a truly extraordinary and unique connection.

We’re meant to help each other, build each other up and dance together– a lot. We complement each other.


Straight women need gay men to be completely honest with us. 


Who else is going to tell you that your new sunglasses make you look like a 90’s mom and NOT in the cool way?

For some reason when it comes from them, you don’t feel insulted, but appreciative that you have such an honest friend.

We would be honest with them too, but honestly they dress great on their own and don’t really need us for anything except moral support.


There is no competition.


When you’re out for coffee you may both notice a universally attractive guy and slyly smile at each other and raise your eyebrows in a seductive manner, but when it comes to the guys you date, you’re just after different things.

He’s after gay guys and you’re after straight guys, but even beyond that you probably have vastly different tastes in men. It always works out that way in the mysterious way of the ancient bond.


Pride Month: Fighting For Love This Month And Always

It is Pride Month. And Love is Love.

Love lies with us all. We all deserve to find the love that makes us feel on top of the world. I have to admit that I did not full understand why people fought so hard for something that just seemed to be so natural. However, being in love opened my eyes. Now, more than ever, I understand fighting for who you love because there is nothing that I would not do to be with the person that I love. 


It is interesting (not in a good way) to know that America has always been fighting for the right to love. To love whoever we choose to love. We can look back sixty plus years and know that a black man could have gone to jail or be killed for expressing their love for a white woman. Now here where are in 2020 seeing that people are still being denied the right to love the person who makes them feel whole. 


Bring the B! Quotes To Rock LGBT Pride Month

Commemorating the Stonewall Riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969, Pride Month recognizes the impact LGBT people have had around the world. Take Pride!

Just because you’re in the middle of the spectrum doesn’t mean you’re off the rainbow. 30 snippets to pre-game for Pride Fest!


1. “I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is really a problem when I’m walking down the street…??? – Angelina Jolie



2. “I think people are born bisexual. It’s just that our parents and society veer us off into this feeling of OH I can’t……but it’s a beautiful thing.??? – Billie Joe Armstrong



3. “I had no idea I was gay until I actually kissed a girl.??? – Heather Peace



4. “I think it’s exciting to try anything you possibly can??? – Juno Temple



5. “I would probably list myself as mostly straight, but who knows? I think defining yourself as 100% anything is kind of near-sighted and close minded.??? – Josh Hutcherson


Let There Be Pride And Let It Begin With Me.

Editors Note: This post was originally published in 2016, Show Pride this month and every month, because Love is love.


October 1, 2016

The first time my friends and I have ever gone to a Pride event.

As a straight, white, female I guess you could say I’m privileged, or spoiled, and I guess, to an extent, you’d be correct.


I was fortunate enough to grow up with a mother who let me think for myself and form my own thoughts and opinions on the world, and one thing I’m a supporter of is the LGBT community/movement.


In my mind, Love is love, and everyone is deserving of love and acceptance.


This is what my first experience of Pride was like….


Pride has to be the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed.


To me, it seems like all of the evil that has happened this year, in the LGBT community, and beyond, never happened. Even if only for a moment in time, everyone was so friendly and excepting.


It’s truly a beautiful thing for people from all walks of life to come together and support the LGBT community.


No one fought anyone, no one said anything negative to anyone.


It’s like I was in a whole other world. Since I don’t go to that area of town ever, I was a little apprehensive, but that was immediately lifted once the events began. Everyone was friendly.


It really made my heart so happy to know that so many people do support the LGBT community. That as a city, community, state, we can learn to come together and support love and acceptance. It’s a beautiful thing when people can be in a place of peace and be who they are and who they were meant to be.


Everyone should experience pride at least once in their life.

Let there be love, and let it begin with me.

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