This Is What Social Anxiety Actually Is, Because It’s Not Just Being Quiet At Parties

Understanding Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is far more than just being the “quiet one” at the party — the person who would rather socialize with the host’s dog than be the “social butterfly.” It’s all-consuming, chipping away at your confidence far before you’ve arrived at the party and long after you’ve left the drunken affair and settled in for the night.



It’s constantly analyzing your every word. And every action and every movement. And falsely believing that you are a collection of flaws, mistakes and ineptitude — and that your perceived shortcomings are all the world sees.



It’s fearing that you are unlovable, that all of your friends secretly hate you no matter how fervently they convince you otherwise and that your partner stays with you not out of love, but rather to save his image as a faithful lover.



It’s standing frozen in front of the phone, your heart racing as your mind battles itself. And it’s wishing that you could simply make that call without rehearsing your responses and fearing the impression you will make on the person on the other end of the line, convincing yourself to dial,and then hanging up before the dial tone sounds.


7 Ways To Tell You’ve Finally Found That ‘Forever’ Kind Of Love

When we fall in love with someone, we always want them to be the “end all, be all” of our life. We don’t want to think about every playing the field again, we never want to think about the “dating scene” again–we just want this to be the “forever” kind of love. How do you know, though? How are you able to realize that the person you are with is the person you should be with forever? It’s hard to say. Everyone’s life is incredibly different (in many ways), but there are some universal feelings, lessons, and realizations that you can have while falling in love that makes you stop and realize–”wow, I can truly see myself spending the rest of my life with this person.”


1. You completely trust them, with no strings attached.

When you fall in love with someone, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to someone. We’re allowing ourselves to risk being hurt, heartbroken, and devastated if things don’t go as planned. We’re essentially putting our emotional wellbeing and souls into another person’s hands. That’s truly an action that requires the utmost trust and value. If you’re unsure whether or not you can trust your partner, there’s no reason to even picture a future together. You should feel comfortable and at ease when it comes to your life together.

You should never wonder what they’re doing when they’re out if they’re talking to someone else, if they’re texting someone they shouldn’t be. If you ever feel the inclination you should go through their phone, texts, emails, social media–you’re not with the person you deserve to be with. The person you are meant to be with will never, ever give you a reason not to trust them. They will always be honest with you, open with you, and give you every single solitary reason to trust them. If you are uneasy about your love now, think about feeling this way as you get older–with kids involved. You should never live your life on the edge with someone.


17 Struggles Only People With Big Butts Will Understand

Having a big butt is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, women like Nicki Minaj have paved the way for us to be sexy, curvy and every man’s dream. But, it’s hard to be super happy with your behind when you have to constantly worry about how you look, where you’re going to find some pants that fit you and – you’re always looking like a girl in a rap video.

1. Every skirt becomes a mini-skirt.

No matter what size you get it in or how long it is on the rack, your big ol’ booty makes it look way, way shorter.

2. You can never find good jeans.

Whenever you find a pair you like, they either don’t fit around the butt, or they do and they’re too loose on the waist.

3. Therefore, you’re always wearing belts.

You have to get that waistband tight around your skin, so the tightest notch on the belt is your go-to.

4. Ripping pants has happened, multiple times.

Your favorite pair of jeans? Well, cherish them as long as you possibly can, it’s only a matter of time before you end up ripping them right down the middle.

5. Certain chairs just don’t do it for you.

When you’re in college or high school and you have to squeeze your butt into those attached chair/desks, prepare to have a bit of side booty hanging off the edge.

6. People can never buy you clothing as gifts.

Your pants size varies so much that people would thinkyou are 12 different people when going through your wardrobe.

7. Leggings are your best friend/worst enemy.

Whenever you wear leggings, they either are too tight where they’re see-through or, they look like spandex or lingerie.

8. You always think people are checking out your ass.

Walking in front of anyone is always nerve-wracking because you think people are always staring at your backside.

9. Any outfit looks slutty, without even trying.

Dresses always are too short, bikinis look like thongs, shorts look like underwear – it’s not our fault, it just happens.

10. You’ve heard “Baby Got Back” 10439483209483290 times.

And your friends love to sing it to you constantly.

11. You look like you belong in a rap music video.

Even though you really are in graduate school getting your masters.

12. Your plumbers crack is real…Too real.

Be careful when you bend over, your underwear always makes a guest appearance without your permission.

13. Roller coasters, airplane seats and train seats are your biggest enemies.

Don’t sit next to me on the train, I’m sorry that I take up my seat and yours.

14. People always think you can twerk.

I really, really, really have no idea how to shake my ass. I’m sorry to break your heart.

15. You always end up with one kind of guy.

“I’m an ass guy more than a boobs guy.”

16. Photos always make you look bigger than you actually are.

For some reason, your booty makes everything else just seem….big.

17. You always get compared to a Kardashian.

F*ck Kim and her fake butt.

17 Annoying Things Every Boyfriend Does On The Regular

Boyfriends really are such interesting characters. They can be so loving and affectionate one minute and then two minutes later, they are farting up a storm and engaging in the most annoying behavior that makes you question what you even see in them. Most of the time, we think they’re such adorable, handsome and wonderful people – and other times, we want to ring their neck. It’s a love/hate relationship. Sometimes, we wish they would just knock off the weird, obnoxious and annoying behavior but, they never truly do.

1. Burps out loud and farts for all to hear.

Seriously, can you not? I don’t know what boyfriend don’t get but nothing about this is funny or attractive. My boyfriend always rips wind and tries to make me smell it. Ew.

2. Over-uses weird sayings/slang all day long.

I’m sorry is that English or a cartoon language because I can’t understand you. What is “Skoo?” Are you trying to say “let’s go?” If so, where are we going? Why do you say everything is “Lit?” Why can’t you use normal people words? Get off the Internet, boy.

3. Never picks where he wants to eat.

It is highly annoying when all the pressure is put on the lady to decide where to eat. And truth be told, once I pick something he’s going to have a big issue with it. Guys always say that girls never know where they want to eat, but guys are indecisive, too. Trust me.

4. Wears his shoes while laying on the couch.

I forgot when it became okay to wear your muddy sneakers that were just out in the rain all over the white couch. Why are you so dirty? Who raised you? Can’t you f*cking take them off at the door?

5. Takes his socks off and leaves them on the floor next to the couch for like, ever.

Don’t get me started on when you finally yell at him about the shoes and he leaves them along with his socks on the floor next to the couch for a week straight. Why do the socks have to come off with the shoes? I will never understand. Your bare, smelly ass feet don’t belong on the couch either. And, can’t you put your socks in the hamper?

6. Wears the most bizarre outfits for dinner.

Not sure why you think socks over your sweatpants with sneakers is appropriate for dinner. Or, socks with flip-flops. Why can’t you wear a nice outfit for once in your life?

7. Never cleans up after himself.

Letting the dishes sit in the sink for three hours in dirty water has never been classified as washing the dishes. The bowls are still dirty being that they have been soaking in raw chicken water FYI.

8. Facetimes you instead of responding to your texts.

Texts are a lot quicker and easier especially when I am at work. I’m sorry I can’t sit at my desk and look at your face while you say nothing for an hour. Side note: long texts are the new love letters so you should probably get on that.

9. Puts his laundry in your laundry bin so he doesn’t have to do it.

There is nothing more disturbing than finding boxers in your hamper. I don’t wear these so why are they here? Please let me know. Do your own sh*t.

10. Picks up the wrong thing that you ask for.

If you ask a guy to get you something from the store, make sure you write down the name, the brand, the color, the size – everything. Guys just can’t remember. Ever.

Why would you ever think I would be okay with you being all over me around my family but nowhere to be found when we go out. PDA in front of the family should not be excessive. PDA when we go out – a little more normal.

11. Ruffles your hair just to make your bad hair day worse.

Running your fingers gently through my hair and ruffling it like I’m a rag doll are two very different things. Know the difference.

12. Forgets plans that you both made if it was made more than a day ago.

When you ask about the dinner plans you both made a few nights before and he looks at you like you are crazy. Seriously, get it together boy.

13. Uses your towel when you’re not looking.

I don’t want to use the towel you wiped your balls and your asscrack with to wipe my face after my shower.

14. Not saying anything when you are upset because “they don’t want to upset you more.”

FYI not saying anything when you know I’m mad just makes me 500 times angrier and want to chop your head off. Say something to make me feel better so I don’t flip out more. Learn to communicate like a person.

15. Doesn’t introduce you to people he bumps into at the grocery store.

There is nothing more annoying than being the girl in the background while he is babbling away with his long lost best friend from middle school. Don’t mind me here just taking up space. Nothing to worry about. I’ll just go look at these…canned peas.

16. Pretends he’s listening when he’s really not.

I know you say you are listening, but we know you are actually doing something else or thinking about something else. So, I do the “panini head test” and say random things to see if he realizes I’m saying completely ridiculous sh*t. Of course, he doesn’t.

17. Gives you his belongings to hold in your bag when you go out.

My bag is heavy enough as it is, your wallet can go in your pocket. Same with your phone. Why do I need to hold everything of yours? Maybe if you wore jeans instead of sweatpants you’d have more pockets.

Retail Workers Are Sharing The Most Absurd Things That Have Ever Happened To Them

If you’ve ever worked in retail, you know that there are a lot of downfalls to the job. Sure, you get some discounts (emphasis on some), but you also have to deal with pain-in-the-ass, annoying, complaining customers. While working retail all year round basically blows, there’s nothing quite like the hell that is working retail during the holidays.

You have to work long hours, for sh*t money—and, customers are RAGING for sales. If you can’t find the exact thing they’re looking for at the perfect discounted price—you’re as good as dead. You might as well stay home and cry yourself to sleep, because it beats crying in a fitting room, hiding from angry moms.


“I work at a drugstore. One day a woman came in and she couldn’t speak much English. All she could say was ‘clean, clean.’ The cashier couldn’t understand what she wanted, so we called a manager over. She pointed to her vagina and said ‘clean clean.’ We pointed her to the feminine care aisle and she bought three douches. She went to the bathroom and came out 10 minutes later. As she walked out, she looked at the cashier, smiled, and said, ‘clean clean.’”



“I once had a customer who came into Nordstrom with a fake gift card on his phone. He kept insisting that he used it on one of the floors to buy some clothes. So finally he burst into screaming and called us incompetent because we couldn’t make his fake gift card work.”



“When I was in high school, I worked for a discount retailer that sold home goods. We were closing one Friday night and one of my coworkers told the manager on duty to come to the glassware section to help her clean up a broken glass item. We had a display of vases and one was filled with liquid — someone had peed in a vase.”



“We were making our routine checks in our fitting rooms, and a customer hadn’t locked their door and we accidentally opened it. We found them bent over, pulling their ass cheeks apart and having a good old look at their booty hole.”



“I kid you not, someone literally took a dump right in the middle of the store. Luckily, I had just clocked out so I bolted out of there.”



“It was just about closing time, and I went to make sure all the merchandise had been put back from the dressing rooms. One of the doors wasn’t shut all the way, and I absentmindedly pushed it open to reveal a completely nude man with no merchandise in the stall with him. He had just walked in and stripped.”



“I worked in customer service for a couple of years. One day, a man brought in a toilet seat to return it. I don’t remember why he didn’t like it, but I DO remember that it was USED and it WAS NOT clean. The manager made us take it back — a used, nasty, not-been-cleaned toilet seat.”



“Some girl changed her panty liner in the fitting room and left it rolled up behind the mirror.”



“I had a customer come in while I was alone in the store, and immediately ask: “Are you open-minded?” He proceeded to tell me that he was going to be attending a fetish party and would be totally naked, but needed a place to keep his cash. I akwardly sold him a money belt. Go me.”



I had a customer trying on pants in the fitting room in my dept and the next thing I knew she was screaming bloody murder… the last person who had tried on those pants left a nasty ass dirty tampon in one of the pockets. I almost barfed I was so disgusted but I felt even worse for the lady who stuck her hand in the pocket and actually touched it.


15 True Crime Facts That Will Keep You Tossing And Turning All Night Long

While there are many people addicted to crime TV shows like Law & Order and CSI, there are those who get high off of the traumatic and terrifying stories of true crime–ones that actually took place somewhere around the world. My boyfriend is one of these people–he can binge watch true crime TV shows and documentaries for hours, feeding off of sociopaths and psychotic episodes.
Continue reading 15 True Crime Facts That Will Keep You Tossing And Turning All Night Long

17 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Have Toe Thumbs

Growing up, I’ve always been embarrassed by my thumbs. Not only are they short and stubby, but they are actually—without a doubt—toe thumbs. Some people who have toe thumbs (or clubbed thumbs) are blessed enough to have just one. I, on the other hand, have been cursed with two. Two short, stubby, toe-looking thumbs.
Continue reading 17 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Have Toe Thumbs

15+ Truths You’ll Relate To If You’re In A Serious Relationship, But Don’t Live Together

Thinking about living together with that main squeeze? When you start dating someone, part of you hopes that it’ll turn into that “big love” that everyone talks about. As you get older, and your relationship gets a bit more serious, you start to spend a lot more time together–which includes staying at each other’s apartments/houses. Of course, you think about the possibility of living together, but that’s not going to happen right away.

There are certain things that are universally true for a lot of couples who are in serious relationships but not living together yet. I promise you’ll say “same” to every single one.

21. You get offended when your boyfriend says he’s tired and is “just going to fall asleep right away.”

20. You’ve taken one too many drunk Ubers back to their place instead of yours.

19. You end up spending your weekends at your own place, but almost every weekend night at your partner’s.

18. You eventually have your own corner/drawer/section of the closet to keep extra clothes there.

17. But girls always “forget” to bring pajamas so you can sleep in your boyfriend’s big t-shirts and sweatpants.

16. You keep a few pairs of underwear at their apartment, you know, just in case of emergency.

15. After a while, you end up going to a drug store haul to stock up their apartment with your supplies.

14. Their shower now has your brand of shampoo/conditioner/soap. And, an extra razer.

13. You end up buying your partner “presents” that are secretly for you to use while you’re there–like pots and pans.

12. Your Seamless/Postmates account has two “home” addresses.

11. When you’re talking to your friends/parents, you always say you’re on the way “home,” but, they never know which home you’re talking about.

10. You know your partner’s roommates pretty well and, have probably seen them in their underwear by accident.

9. Your keys become extra heavy because you have yours, and your partners, plus your car, and your parents’.

8. You end up being a part-time cleaning lady because sometimes your partner can be gross AF.

7. You buy specific snacks just to keep there.

6. You have no problem going over there even if they’re not home.

5. You always forget where you left your phone/computer charger.

4. There have been moments where you are looking for one piece of clothing and realize you left it at your partner’s apartment–ugh.

3. You always carry around an extra outfit in your bag, just in case you crash there.

2. Your car turns into a second wardrobe.

1. You forget what it’s like to live without them and when you stay home alone, you miss sleeping with them.


Like this from Puckermob? Be sure to check out Setting Your New Year’s Resolutions as a Couple. 

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