Woman Gets Dumped On Valentine’s Day After Treating The Waitress Poorly

From a very young age, my grandmother told me to pay close attention to how my significant other treats waitstaff when we’re out at a restaurant. For some, it’s a way to see someone else’s “true colors” to see how they treat those who are there to “serve them.” For others, it’s not a huge deal. In my mind—if you treat a server poorly, you’re a complete piece of sh*t and I’m not going to go out with you again. Apparently, I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Reddit user lustfulspiritanimal shared a story on the subreddit “Tales From Your Server” about one couple’s Valentine’s Day date that went horribly, horribly wrong.

Last night I was taking care of a party of 16 and a few other tables of just couples. The party of 16 was needy, but they were aware of it and remained friendly…except “Angie”…

The first incident with “Angie” was not taking her order first. I went around the table, got to her, and she let out a “jfc, about time. People are thirsty.” I continued with drink orders, walking around the table to place coasters, started walking away and heard “excuse me miss, but where is my drink???” I tell her “I haven’t left the table yet. It will be here shorty.” Her boyfriend, “Luis,” apologizes for her and I carry on with my routine.

The second incident was when Angie ate Rebecca’s appetizer (which was dropped off by a food runner). Angie’s excuse (which she uses again later on…) “How am I supposed to know what I ordered?”

Luis: “Babe, you didnt even order an appetizer.”

Angie (looking right at me): “Well this dumb bitch shouldn’t have put it in front of me if it wasn’t mine.”

Once again, apologies from Luis on Angie’s behalf.

Things like this continue to happen throughout the night. But the group is fun and I ignore it. Everyone is in conversation when I bring the checks. Luis tells me to put them next to him and he will pass them out.

I’m having a conversation with a lovely couple on their first date when Angie walks over to the table and starts yelling. “You’re so fucking lazy that you can’t even hand our checks to us. You just throw them on the fucking table. How are we supposed to know what we ordered??? You need to get our ass back to our table and quit talking to your friends and do your fucking job!!!”

The guy from the table I was talking to just looked at her like “wtf? This crazy bitch.” I’m looking at him like “I know, right?”

I tell her that I’ll get a manager and she can speak with them. I tell my manager everything and she just gets this wonderfully evil smile on her face. She tells me not to return to the table and to give the interrupted couple the employee discount and a dessert.

As I’m doing this, I look over and see Angie and Luis talking to my manager. Angie is waving her arms around like a wacky inflatable man. My manager is still smiling like a creep. Luis is rolling his eyes. Everyone signs their checks and leaves. I pick them up and see that the tips on all of them have been scratched out. I walk outside and see Rebecca #2, ask her about it, and she gets visibly pissed, and has the entire part resign copies of their checks. Luis and his brother come up to me, apologize again, and hand me $40 cash.

Then the best thing ever happens.. Luis walks downstairs to Angie. I have no idea what he said. But the entire floor heard “YOU’RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR SOME STUPID WAITRESS??? FUCK HER! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE A DUMB BITCH TOO!”

It just goes to show you—being kind goes a long way. Being rude to servers is wrong to begin with, but, who knows—you could end up getting dumped on Valentine’s Day by your boyfriend for being an absolute nightmare of a human being.

h/t: Reddit.

Girlfriend Throws A Fit After Boyfriend Proposes With Grandmother’s ‘Ugly’ Ring

Many girls dream of the day they will have a significant other bend down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage. In addition to dreaming about this special moment, many girls also have their “dream ring” picked out, too. So, when they finally do have someone who wants to marry them and they whip out a ring that is less than what they hoped for—well, all hell can definitely break loose. But, let’s be real, if you’re one of these people you’re a real d*ckhead.

One girl was called out by Redditors for being a total snob when she was proposed to by her boyfriend. In a post on social media that was shared online, the girl wrote:

While the ring is not a diamond, nor is it her “dream ring,” writing about it on social media and being ungrateful got this anonymous woman a lot of hate. In fact, people online were on the guy’s side here. Even those who agreed that the ring wasn’t their favorite still said that the girl was in the wrong for posting her complaints to social media rather than telling her man in the first place.

Hope that guy takes the ring back and runs.


It’s a terrible engagement ring (pearls are soft and should only be worn occasionally) but don’t post to Facebook about it. I hope he realizes she will be doing this with all their problems and that’s super unhealthy.


People post this sort of thing because they need to get it out of their heads, so I get it, but that doesn’t make it appropriate.


There’s nothing wrong with the ring, it once belonged to his grandmother and it was Also the girls birthstone, it has far too much sentimental value and its the thought that counts. It was a nice gesture and Its an amazing Ring.


While I don’t love the ring myself, I would tell my boyfriend that I will keep it, but I’d rather wear something smaller on a daily basis—as many of us wear our engagement rings every day. I would be flattered that it was his grandmother’s ring, but probably wouldn’t want to wear it every day. But, I’d tell that to my boyfriend—not social media.

Newlywed Discovers Husband’s Micro Peen On Honeymoon After He Insisted On Waiting Until Marriage

A newlywed whose husband insisted on marriage before sex wants to know if she’s the a**hole for feeling deceived after finally discovering he has a “micropenis” on their honeymoon.

Written by a 27-year-old using a throwaway account and shared to Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” sub, the post begins by detailing the couple’s whirlwind romance.

She had only known her 32-year-old husband for about a year before the two finally tied the knot, during which time he repeatedly staved off her sexual advances—not because he was religious, but because he was “old fashioned like that.” ???

So, we only dated for six months. We’ve been engaged for another six and just got married on Saturday. I literally just got back from my honeymoon a couple hours ago.

My husband isn’t a religious guy, he just says he is “old fashioned like that.” We got close to fooling around a couple times but it never went far. I tried, but he always stopped after it went “too far”.

Anyway, fast forward to now…

OP wants to know: Is she the a**hole for being upset? She elaborates that her intention is not to shame him, nor is it to seek any concrete advice about next steps—she just wants to know if her feelings of betrayal are justified.

Am I the a**hole for reading into this and being upset that I waited until my wedding night to find out that he probably isn’t as “old fashioned” as he says he is? I’m not going to shame him and honestly I don’t even know how I’ll broach the topic (and I’m not seeking advice).

I honestly just acted like nothing was out of the ordinary and went to town with him, but…I dunno. I kind of feel lied to.

Like a halftruth…or something was intentionally withheld from me. This was unexpected, to say the least. And if you read this far, thanks for your time.

Though there were some (jerks, tbh) who felt as though OP got what she deserved for marrying someone so soon into their relationship, most agreed that she was justified in feeling lied to and betrayed.

Redditors are convinced that the husband’s shameless betrayal signals OP has far bigger things (ha ha) to worry about in the future.

At some point, people demanded clarification of ‘micro’ to determine what that meant in terms of functionality/childbearing, etc.

OP replied.

THIS…is why you always test drive before you buy.

h/t r/AITA

Men Are Sharing All The Hilarious ‘Secrets’ Women Probably Don’t Know

Just as there are many things that men have trouble understanding about women, there are also several male habits that confuse the hell out of us.

Fortunately, someone recently asked the dudes of Reddit about their “guy secrets” they think girls don’t know about. The responses have been enlightening, to say the least. See for yourselves…













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Tinder Guy’s ‘Duck Story’ Is The Best Way To Get A Girl’s Number Hands Down

Navigating the murky waters of modern dating apps like Tinder is always a gamble. Swipe left, swipe right, get a match, and then the conversation begins. Unfortunately, a good portion of the Tinder population is less than clever when it comes to opening lines, but every now and then a creative suitor changes the game.

This guy, for example, managed to get a girl’s number off of the popular dating app in the most genius way and boys, take notes, please.

Anyone who’s ever been on Tinder knows the swiping game can be a hot mess. But every now and then you come across someone who makes all the BS worth it.

One Redditor recently shared a Tinder interaction she had with a guy who created an elaborate choose-your-own-adventure just to get her number.

And people were pretty impressed with the duck guy’s creativity.

Take notes, gentlemen.

H/T Bored Panda

19 Couples Share The Unspoken Rules That Keep Their Marriages Alive

Marriage is no walk in the park, as any married couple will attest. Choosing to spend the rest of your life with the same person is a decision you continue making every single day and it requires plenty of patience, sacrifice, and mutual respect. Not to mention, an unfailing sense of humor.

Reddit recently asked the married couples in its audience about the unspoken rules that help keep their marriage alive and their responses might just save your relationship—or at least, provide you with some pointers.

1. There’s no winning when it comes to arguments.

There’s no “winning” an argument when you’re married. You either come to an agreement somehow or you’ve both lost. A situation where one person walks away feeling discouraged, unheard, and disrespected is not a victory when you’re married.


2. Honesty is key.

Everybody always says to be honest and to communicate with each other. The extra step that is left out is to not punish your spouse for being honest. Sometimes you might hear things you don’t like, but if you punish this honesty, the communication line will close.


Woman Curses Guy Out After He Refuses To Pay $126 For Her Food On First Date

Deciding who pays on a date can be a little tricky. Historically, men on dates with women tend to pick up the tab for food, drinks, movie, etc. But times are changing, and now it’s not so automatic. A lot of people think the person who did the inviting should be the one to pay, while others are happy to go dutch.

It’s just not a given anymore that a man is going to pay for a woman on a date, which is great, because it’s actually a sexist tradition and one that makes no sense.

Recently, a man going by CuteBananaMuffin on Reddit posted screenshots of his text conversation with a woman who was absolutely furious that he didn’t pay for her very expensive dinner on their first date. He didn’t even know she was mad until he texted her asking for another date, and then she went off on him.

Since she was the one who did the inviting, our buddy CuteBananaMuffin assumed she’d be paying for her own food. Plus, she ordered LOBSTER. I mean, why do that if you’re expecting someone else to pay? That’s a lot of money. And on top of that, as he mentioned, he’s just a student. How could he be expected to afford that?

Wow, she’s living in the past if she thinks the man is ALWAYS going to pay. Come on.

Well, at least he was honest with her!

Speaking to Bored Panda, Mr. Muffin explained,

“The date was fun at first until she started talking about another guy and how much he liked him, but I thought ‘let’s eat, talk and leave’ since she’s into another guy, and it all crumbled when it came to the bill. She was shocked that I let her pay. She didn’t say anything at the time, but from her facial expression, I realized she was furious.

I usually pay for both sides when it comes to the bill, but I’m a student and I work 60 hours a week to pay for food, books etc. so I obviously couldn’t afford to pay 110 euros for her food. I asked her out again to apologize pretty much for the previous time, hoping we can go to a cheaper place so I could make up for it, but as you can see, the result was really bad…”

Reddit users sounded off in the comments and pretty much everybody agreed with Muffin.

Time for this lady to join us here in the present, where women can have jobs and pay for themselves (and even their dates if they want!) when they go out. Also, again: LOBSTER?!

h/t: Bored Panda

This Viral Theory About ‘Ferris Buller’s Day Off’ Will Change The Way You Watch The Movie Forever

If you’re a fan of ’90s movies and culture, you’ve most likely seen the cult classic Ferris Buller’s Day Off. The iconic film about a high school student who has an adventurous and exciting day off from school has long been a favorite of many. But, while the film looks—on the surface—like a regular day in which a smart, cunning, and witty teenager manages to pull off the ultimate prank on his principal, people online think that there is much more than meets the eye.

The theory, which was originally posted on Reddit by duncandy, shares that Buller actually relives the same day over and over again until it’s absolutely perfect (think Groundhog’s Day). The user points out details and plotlines that correlate to the idea that he actually does relive the same day numerous times, as he is able to obtain the “perfect” day with “years of practice.”

Hit upon a theory when watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and I was shocked I couldn’t find it anywhere on the internet. The reason things constantly seem to go right for Ferris Bueller is that he has lived this exact day countless times before a la Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow.

The biggest piece of evidence is how he is able to plan for almost all possible contingencies to make sure his plan works – the Rube Goldberg-like mechanisms that are just good enough to work on his parents, outsmarting the snooty waiter, constantly outsmarting Rooney, covering every single possible flaw in the plan (the answering machine messages, calling Rooney while he’s on the phone to ‘Mr. Peterson’). The reason every gambit he makes works is that he has had the trial-and-error opportunity to perfect his day. He’s incredibly lucky with every situation – able to catch the baseball at the game, able to sneak onto the float, able to hit the baseball perfectly onto his tape recorder at the end – and has mastered complex skills at a young age including being able to hack into his school’s computer network.

This theory also justifies his mostly live-in-the-moment, no care for consequences attitude. His fixation on getting married to Sloan is another sign of this – he’s desperate for this romance (by all accounts in its early days since the administrator isn’t sure who Sloan is dating) to have some kind of meaning because in his head, he’s been in a relationship with Sloan for years.

Thirdly, the constant fourth-wall breaking. This is a sign of the strain this time-loop has left on his brain – it has deluded him into thinking he has a constant audience that he can explain all his thoughts to. The camera is essentially his imaginary friend, a result of the trauma of reliving the same day constantly.

The theory is even supported by some of the dialogue – the moment where he looks into the camera and says ‘this is the bit where Cameron goes berserk’ suggests that he is recalling current events as a memory. Best of all, at the end of the movie when his parents come home and he’s in bed, they ask him how he ended up so perfect. His response?

“Years of practice.”

Other Reddit users chimed in with their own takes on the film and the theory—many agreeing with the idea that there could be this kind of component to the movie without us even knowing.

The theory makes even more sense when you consider that perhaps, like the actual Groundhog Day, the “point” of the loop is to make Ferris reconsider every aspect of his day and approach to life and actually achieve something by helping someone else (Cameron) and perfecting the romance in his life (Sloane)


This is awesome! It also puts a new spin on the very end of the movie where he tells everyone that “it’s over”. He’s finally accomplished the “perfect” day.


I really, really dig this theory. May I add that the day we see in the movie is his “final day” in the loop? Through his actions, he is finally found worthy by the universe to escape the loop.

Maybe it’s the universe he is talking to. Maybe his intention is being so cool and entertaining because he is trying to appease the gods (think Cabin in the Woods).

My two cents.


You could also go further and say the entire plot stemmed from this loop he got trapped. What I mean is Ferris probably went to school normally one day and from there his day started resetting leading him to realize he doesn’t need to go to the school to learn the same material so instead he devises the perfect day off, correcting his mistakes as time passes.


Woman Swallows Her Sister’s Birthday Gift ‘For Fun’ And Everyone Is Confused AF

Sometimes people do things and we can’t understand why. No matter how long we think about it, and how hard we try to understand, there are some situations that are out of our grasp and understanding of humanity. Like, this one woman on Reddit who shared her “Today I F**ked Up” story for all of the Internet to judge her upon—she decided it would be “fun” to swallow her sister’s birthday gift. What is the gift you ask? A gold ring with her sister’s birthstone.

Honestly—I’m not sure how or why this was supposed to be funny, and, others were equally confused.

Yup, I’d say that’s a huge f**k up.


19 Pictures Literally No One On The Internet Should Be Allowed To See

Umm, what did we just say?

Are you sure you want to keep reading?

Like, really sure?

These images are cursed, just so you know.

Like, imagine the weirdest pictures you’ve ever seen, then multiply that by a billion. Then ask a witch to come put a spell on it.

Still interested?

Ok, suit yourself. And don’t say we didn’t warn you.






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