I Want To Be The One Whose Heart Beats Perfectly With His

We always talk about the kind of love we think we deserve, and what it takes to get it. Perhaps we should be focusing on how we’re going to love someone. You see, when it comes down to it, I want to be the one whose heart beats perfectly with his.


The kind of love that makes a person feel like home, a safe haven and protector of their secrets. I want to be nervous before dates, worrying about making sure they have a good time and I want to soak in every emotion that goes with it.


I don’t expect them to try too hard to impress me, I’ll want them to be themselves and I want to let myself be me because that’ll be the best person to love them.


Once I find that person I will love them with every fiber in my soul because it’s not only what I do, it’s what they deserve. A day won’t go by that you won’t know that I care, and you’ll never have to second guess my feelings for you. There won’t be any worries about my motives because they’ll be clear.


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