Some of us have a bad habit of falling for the wrong guys. For whatever reason, they’re not good for us, yet we still try to justify their bad behavior with excuses. Thankfully, we’ve all got that best friend who saw it coming, and won’t let us stay hung up over that stupid boy just because he was “soooo nice when I met him.”
1. “But he’s just so hot.”
Okay, so? He’s not the only hot guy on the planet. If he’s a shitty person, there’s no amount of hotness that can redeem his bad personality. You will find plenty of hotter guys, who are nicer and smarter and richer. This guy won’t even be a memory.
2. “But I still really like him! Forgive and forget, right?”
No. He isn’t worth your forgiveness. If a guy ever cheats on you, or is just a common fuckboy, your best friend will smack you upside the head before she ever let’s you consider forgiving him. Your bestie sticks around while you’re going through this nonsense to knock some sense into you through your fuckboy delirium.
3. “He’s just going through a phase.”
Again, no he’s not. He’s just revealing his true colors at this point. Yeah, he might have pretended to be the nice guy that you met, but he couldn’t hold up that act forever. Snap out of it girl!
4. “He only acts like that because he knows I can handle it.”
Okay, that’s just plain demeaning. Your best friend reminds you that no guy will ever be good enough for you, and that you never deserve to be treated like a doormat. You can’t let yourself be treated badly, either.
5. “I can help him change!”
Nope, not gonna happen. That’s not your job, you’re not his mother. After she rolls her eyes, your best friend tells you that you shouldn’t be dating someone that you have to help raise. That’s his parents’ job, not yours. And if he needs help trying to “change” his ways, run.
6. “I am happy. Promise.”
If you have to say that you’re happy, something is obviously wrong. Trying to convince your best friend that you’re happy is never gonna fly. She can see through your lies like nobody’s business. You can’t fool her, much less yourself. So she reminds you that you can’t stay with a guy who truly can’t make you happy, no matter how much of a nice guy he his. You can’t force compatibility.
7. “There’s just no one else who I’m really interested in. I might as well stay with him.”
Cue the laughter. Your bestie will let you know that sometimes it’s better to be single and happy than taken and miserable. If you’re staying in a relationship just for the sake of having one, that’s a sure sign that you need to end it. You need to love yourself for a while, and find happiness being single.
8. “We’ve been together for so long. Why break up at this point?”
Because your relationship isn’t going anywhere. As your live-in couples’ counselor, your best friend advises that you’re not in a relationship if you’re not growing and progressing together. When a relationship goes stale and starts to stagnate, you need to end it. The sooner the better. She’ll be there to catch your tears.
9. “I’ll never find anyone like him.”
LOL no, you won’t. You’ll find someone even better. Just because you got used to him, doesn’t mean that he’s the only guy out there for you. Your best friend tells you that you need to get out more and meet new people. If you can fall for a guy once, you can fall for many more.
10. “I’m going to be alone forever and end up with 50 cats.”
Well, if that does happen, your best friend will be right there with you, and you guys can die alone, together. Because boys are stupid anyway.