If You Leave, You’ll Take Away The Best Part of Me

I can feel that you’re slowly letting go of the relationship that we built. I feel it in my bones that you aren’t with me like you used to be. And I want you to know that I’m sorry I couldn’t be the one to win your heart forever.

You were once the person I turned to for everything and now I find myself alone. I am enduring this emotional turmoil on my own and I really don’t know how we went from being so in love to being like complete strangers. I reach for you but you aren’t reaching back and that breaks my heart to pieces.

Goodbye seems like a foreign word that was exchanged between others, not us. You haven’t said it yet but I can feel that what we have is no longer what your heart craves and desires.

I want you to know how much it does hurt me to come to terms with your change of heart. Knowing that I couldn’t be enough and that I somehow let you down breaks me. I wanted so badly to be your forever love. 

All you’ve ever done is bring out the best in me and you deserve the same. You’ve made me the happiest version of myself and I love you so much for that. Why couldn’t I make you as happy as you made me?

I’ll change my ways if it means saving us.

Even the mere thought of losing you is enough to motivate me to change and be the person that your heart needs. But I know it’s not that simple. I can’t force love. I am who I am and even if I think that I have the power to change our reality, I know that’s not a possibility, but still…

I’m begging you to not give up on me.

Please give me one more chance to prove that maybe it’s possible to be each other’s other half. You’ve never given up on me before, so please, don’t start now.

I’m not ready to lose you. If I ever had to live a life without you, I think I’d lose part of myself in the process.

You haven’t left yet but I already miss you.

Conversations have grown short and texts are going unanswered. Tears are wept in the late hours of the night, where the only place you meet me now is in my dreams. I wake up and stare into the darkness, looking at a phone that has nothing new to say.

I’m completely heartbroken. I didn’t know someone’s absence could affect another human the way you have affected me. But I’m hurting. 

It’s almost like I’m drowning, trying to come up for air but it’s being denied to me. That’s what it feels like being without you.

Everyone tries to make me feel better but there isn’t anyone who can or will ever take your place.

You are the kindest, most compassionate, most honest person I’ve had the privilege of knowing and parting ways will truly break me.

I always said that I don’t deserve you and there was always a mutual respect there because you used to say the same thing to me. But suddenly, it’s like everything has changed. I’m trying so hard to save us and I just can’t prevent you from walking away.

When I lose you, I know I’ll also be losing the best part of me.

7 Ways Successful Couples Fight Differently That Your Relationship Needs

Every single couple fights, it’s just what makes love real. But there’s a huge difference between the couples who just fight to fight and those who fight to make things better for them down the line.  Because fighting when you’re truly and completely in love with the other person means staying up till 3 am, with tears running down your faces, over something that’s going to make you stronger as a couple.

So what is it that successful couples do differently when it comes to fighting? 

1. They don’t run away when things get tough.

They don’t say “I can’t” and slam the door behind them. They don’t roll over and fall asleep knowing the one they love is silently crying in bed next to them.

Sure, it could just as easily be swept under the rug, but they’re not in a relationship only for the good times. They’re okay with losing sleep if it means calming the other down.

They stay up and hash it out no matter how late it gets.

2. They listen to each other with an open heart.

They don’t talk over each other or cut the other off. They start slow and take turns speaking, voicing their own opinions and truly listening with an open heart.

And they always think before they speak because they know how much it hurts to say something they don’t mean.

3. And they acknowledge the other’s point of view.

They find it in their hearts to genuinely take a step back and understand where the other is coming from. Empathy isn’t something every single person is capable of, but sympathy is a learned behavior.

It’s something that you can resort to in times of need and it’s something that actually solves a lot of fights.

They say things like “I see what you mean,” and “I know where you’re coming from” to ease the situation.

4. No matter how upset they are, they would never tear the other down.

It’s so easy to resort to name calling without even realizing by saying things like, “you’re being a real asshole right now” and “that was a bitchy thing to say.”

They refrain from any negative names like that because, at the root of it, they love each other with their entire hearts and would never want to hurt each other with such harsh words.

They also avoid sarcasm like the plague. In the middle of a fight they are their most vulnerable, they are baring their souls to the other, and wouldn’t stab the other with twisted words while they’re trying to open up.

5. And they know how to stay calm… or at least seem like they’re calm.

The worst thing in a fight is when it starts to escalate to screaming. That’s when you know there is absolutely no control left.

They know when they have to step away from each other for 10 minutes and reconvene after they’ve organized their thoughts. They know how to put their emotions aside and say ‘’I love you, but can we talk about this tomorrow?”

And they have it in their hearts to still sleep together as if the fight never happened because their love is so strong.

6. Even in the worst situations, they always give the other the benefit of the doubt.

Everyone is just trying to do the best they can, and when in a relationship it’s necessary to realize that. They don’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions about the other, ever.

They put their insecurities aside and hear the other out with an open heart and a loving mind.

7. And they never forget at the end of the day, their hearts belong to each other.

No matter how exhausted this argument leaves them, their love never tires. One fight doesn’t stop them from wanting to be together for the long run.

Fighting has only made their relationship stronger and built to last. 

If this person is truly your other half, they’ll be willing to fight with you because if they can do that, then they’ll fight for you, too.

Stay Single Until You Find the Guy Who’s Truly and Completely Faithful

Because being faithful means, there’s no backup plan to the relationship that you’re in. You’re so invested and involved in the love that you share that it never crosses your mind to second guess your relationship or your heart. “What if this ends” is never in the back of your head, so you gladly remove yourself from all your online dating accounts.

It means going out of your way to make sure that anyone that’s interested in you knows that you’re taken, without caring if they think that you’re being rude.

Nothing gives you more joy than to show off your relationship status to others. You stop girls cold if they flirt with you because your girlfriend’s feelings are more important to you than a thirty-second ego boost you can get from some girl’s flirty intentions.

It’s never falling for the peer pressure of people or friends when being in a situation where they wanna make you part of their douchey pursuits.

It means never finding excuses to justify their shady behavior or any on your part. You simply don’t put yourself in that situation in the first place, but if by any fucked up circumstance you found yourself almost crossing the line, you are man enough to own up to it, put your loyalty in check and go above and beyond to rectify your almost disloyal actions.

Because being faithful means that you’re always honest and never lie or hide anything from the person that you love.

You take pride in the open communication that you have and cherish the fact that your girlfriend respects and trusts your individuality and independence. So whether some girl asked for your number or an ex-booty call texted you to say “what’s up,” you’re always happy to make your girlfriend the first one to know about it. Whatever you do out in the social world is never something that would offend or jeopardize your relationship, because you’re loyal to what you have and that means…

You never treat other girls with the same love and affection that you have for your girlfriend, not even your best girlfriends.

You know how to set boundaries with your personal relationships because you know the difference between being the guy who honors the love for his girlfriend, being a friend and what falls under the category of being a douche canoe.

Being faithful means you understand and respect your person’s values and beliefs on loyalty, and compromise with her even when some of those beliefs might not be your own.

Because what you have with her is the type of love that is worth fighting and compromising for and you never want to tarnish the trust that you have and have worked so hard to build.

It means that you’re aware that cheating can be physical, mental or emotional, so you stay away from risking falling into any of its categories.

You know it can be the thing that crushes your relationship, so you protect both your hearts at all costs from ever crossing that line.

Because you are with the person that you love the most, the one that makes you feel whole and that you know you’re meant to be with forever. You can’t fathom the chance or possibility of letting someone else in your heart in any shape or form…

So at the end of the day being faithful simply means, always choosing your girlfriend first, every second, every day.

Choose Me Every Day Or Let Me Go

I’m not an option, I’m a priority, so you should choose me every day.  I should be your first choice.  My heart is too full of love to not get the same love back that I give out. So if you aren’t ready for that, I need you to let me go now. If you can’t choose to love me when I can’t love myself, when I feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know what my next step in life is and when I’m being absolutely difficult, then you don’t get to keep me.

If all you want are the smiles and good times then boy do you have a reality check coming your way.

A real relationship isn’t the one we see in movies or on TV that is always perfect and never hard. It’s not a straight line, there are so many ups and downs, twists, and turns that can seem unexpected.

The true testament to your love for one another is the ability to stay.

The ability to choose the person you love no matter what comes around the bend. But if you aren’t ready for that then let me find someone who is.

I want someone who is willing to accept me for who I am every day

And if you’re up for this crazy adventure I promise to always be by your side. Truthfully, relationships only work when we’re both on the same page. It’s unfair to be the one who chooses you every day, to be the one who puts you first and to turn around and be put second or third.

I can’t promise every day is going to be easy but I can promise that it will be worthy.

I can definitely be a lot to handle at times. I’m not perfect. I’m going to drive you so many shades of crazy at times, I’m going to be extra loving somedays, and others I going to be distant. I won’t be the perfect girl every day.

I can’t promise you that every day you’re going to like me. There will be days we don’t want to see each other, we’re just hearing the other person’s voice is going to get under our skins.

There will be days that picking me will take a lot of deep breaths and you’ll feel like you’re running a marathon.

But I need you to choose me on the days that are sunny and lovey but you also have to choose me on the dark and dreary days. If you can’t do that then I’m not the girl for you.

I can promise that if you do this, my choice is fairly simple. I choose to love you daily.

Even when you’re driving me crazy with all your sports talk or when you’re paying more attention to the guys. Even when you are struggling to figure out what you want to do and when we can’t seem to agree on anything.

If you can promise to always let me be your first choice despite what is thrown at us I promise to never let the hard stuff overshadow the good stuff.

I promise to put you first. It’s as easy as that.

Your Relationship Isn’t Complete Until You’re Comfortable

Love is Comfortable?

Love is passionate and all-encompassing. But, eventually, if you’re lucky, it also becomes comfortable.


And people tend to fear this phase of relationships— where the ‘honeymoon’ ends and real life sets in. They think that new ‘comfort’ means luke-warm or dull. 


But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Comfort shouldn’t be confused with settling or giving up on the feelings that brought you together. It is so much more. 


Because, yes. Love should involve passion. But it should also involve friendship, persistence, and growth. It’s taking the time to really learn each other— the quirks, strengths and weaknesses, vulnerabilities, weird habits, and take-out orders.


It’s about learning what pushes each other’s buttons and the things that make both of you happy. It’s about being together through all of the ups and downs. It’s about finding excitement within the mundane of an every-day routine and still being able to have those life-changing moments.

Hold On To Love

It’s about holding on to the love you’ve found and nurturing it so that it is built upon a beautiful foundation of friendship.


Does that mean that your love is going to be less passionate? Depends on how you look at it. It may be calmed down from the days of not ever being able to keep your hands off of each other, or talking on the phone all night every night.

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