8 New Years Resolutions For The Big-Hearted Overthinker

This New Years Resolutions post was originally published in 2016 and the meaning is so true, especially for this year. So we updated it out of gratitude and thanks to the writer. Enjoy!

Everyone always makes New Years resolutions each year, and few ever actually follow through with them. For over thinkers who have big hearts, we rarely have time in our busy lives to work on ourselves, but remember, when you’re in a plane crash, the first person you need to put the mask on is yourself. You can’t help others if you’re injured. This year, try these 8 things.


1. Practicing self-care.

You’re always so busy putting everyone else first that you forget to take care of yourself. Take some time to decompress, reflect on things, and relax. You deserve it.


2. Accepting life for what it is.

You are constantly searching for reasons behind everything. Unfortunately, sometimes life just sucks. There’s not always an answer or a solution. It’s important to understand that some things are best left alone while you wait for better things to come along.

3. Ridding yourself of toxic people.

Sometimes no matter how much you love people, they’re not meant to be in your life. People can be brought into your life to teach you a lesson, but aren’t meant to actually stay. Don’t break your own heart by keeping people in your life who don’t deserve to be there.

4. Do something spontaneous

You overthink everything, rarely ever doing anything without thinking it through first. Let loose, think of something fun and just do it. Don’t think twice. Thank me later 😉

5. Be proud of who you are.

We are all human and there is always room for improvement, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not something to be proud of. You are a work in progress and you are beautiful in all of your imperfections. You are one of a kind. Embrace it, love it, take pride in it!

6. Learn how to set healthy boundaries. 

You have such a big heart, and because of that, some people will suck you dry. You don’t have to take on more than you can handle, it’s okay to say no! And remember, no is a complete sentence, it requires no explanation.

7. Develop an optimistic thought process. 

Once you start to think more positive, your days will become brighter. There is always a positive for every negative. Work on trying to draw on that. Wake up everyday and tell yourself “today will be a good day.” You’d be surprised how far that kind of mindset can take you.

8. Become a little less reactive. 

Every action does not deserve a reaction. Sometimes your silence can speak a thousand words; not everyone deserves to get a rise out of you. Choose your battles, learn when to hold your tongue and when it’s necessary to speak your mind.

2021 can be an amazing, life changing year for you if you let it be. Change takes time, so if you can’t get it down one day, try again the next. You can become a healthier, happier you. And I have faith that you will.

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