22 Times Your Roommate Saved Your Life

College ain’t always easy. But if you’re lucky, your roommate might also be one of your best friends in the world. And that makes things a whole lot easier. She saves your life on the regular, and you can’t thank her enough:

  1. She agreed to go out with you, even though she’d already settled in to watch The Mindy Project in her pjs, because you needed your bestie to be your wingman and/or emotional pillar.
  2. And then she totally didn’t complain when you ditched her for that cute DJ the second you got to the party.
  3. She let you have the room later that night, after you’d dragged her out and then ditched her. Bless.
  4. But when you just needed to stay in for the night, she was right there with you to make nachos and combine all your blankets into a mega fort.
  5. All those times she made you laugh so hard you might have peed a little.
  6. She let you borrow that perfect dress when you just had nothing to wear. Well ok, she forgave you after you borrowed her dress without asking first. That’s what best roommates are for.
  7. She also forgave you for all the make-up, shoes and granola bars you “borrowed.” And for that one time you accidentally wore her underwear for a full day.
  8. And She understands that you need to live-text her second-by-second updates to get through awkward social situations.
  9. She also understands exactly what your texts mean, even when it’s just the nail-painting emoji ten times in a row.
  10. She was psyched about Facebook stalking the cute DJ with you, even though she had a paper to write, because your hypothetical love life is more important to her than school.
  11. When she took the time to be your mom. Whether that meant getting you medicine, or cupcakes, or just plain telling you to stop whining and get over it.
  12. And when you couldn’t get over it, she was a shoulder to cry on. Always.
  13. When she gently explained that your fringe crop-top looked heinous and you were not pulling it off.
  14. She routinely forgave you for being an undisciplined slob and leaving your crap on her bed.
  15. All the times she let you vent. About your evil professor who hates you, about your acapella group drama, about boys, boys and more boys—she was always ready to listen.
  16. All the times she offered you spot-on, thoughtful advice, and never accused you of reading too much into text messages.
  17. And then when you ignored all her advice and ended up in tears, she never said “I told you so.” Not right away, at least.
  18. She was your biggest relationship cheerleader, even when your beau was hanging out in your room way too much.
  19. But when things went sour, she was the first to tell you that DJ guy was a total douche, and that she’d always known you deserved better.
  20. She took care of you when you were trashed. She didn’t laugh when she caught you rocking out to The Spice Girls. Basically, she never let you feel embarrassed when you were around her.
  21. When she totally covered for you. If you needed to pull an early exit, or get a clingy guy off your trail at a party, she was always there to be your bodyguard/mama bear/fake girlfriend.
  22. All those times she was just the best best-friend-roomie anyone could ever ask for. She let you be you, and she made sharing a tiny space an amazing bonding adventure. Let’s hear it for all the life-saving roommates out there.      Header Image Source 
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