His Soul Is The Fire My Heart Needs

“You’re the light of my life, you’re the fire in my heart when I’m lost and guides me back home. Every star in the sky shines brighter when you’re at my side. You are the light of my life” 

I thought my heart knew what real love felt like but I was so wrong. I met you and my heart was exposed to a whole different level of love. Being with you is pleasantly intoxicating because the love that you share with me is the kind that helps me see the beauty in imperfection, including my own imperfections, allowing me to see a better world, a better me and I just can’t get enough of it

I could not for a second imagine that someone could have such a hypnotizing effect on me.

You show me that loving is something you do, that actions are better than saying “I love you” and you make it a point to show me how much I mean o you through actual effort. You make my needs your needs, you make my happiness your priority.

The Heartbreak Of Realizing He’s Not Your Soulmate After All

I guess I was naive to fall for him thinking that he was my soulmate. I really wanted him to be the one to ignite the light in my heart but I was so wrong. Every part of my being felt so connected to him and attracted to his smile that I went for it without giving it a second thought. It was so easy and beautiful to love him that I couldn’t possibly be wrong about him.

I made him my priority because at the time it felt that our relationship had potential and he was worth giving him my unconditional love. At first, it all came effortlessly, he was as focused on me as I was on him and we both started building something special. Every second spent together felt like an eternity and I was consumed by his love as I’ve never been before.

I’d like to believe that we both had the best intentions when we decided to give us a chance.

We both felt that we could be good together, but as our relationship progressed, things got complicated. We started fighting a lot, what used to be effortless became strenuous. It’s almost as if the intensity of our love turned upside down overnight.

When he least expected it, he bailed on me and gave up on what we built like it meant nothing. It was shocking and so hurtful to see him walk away like he was escaping from a nightmare. No explanation, not a chance to talk things over and reevaluate our situation. He just disappeared and shattered my heart into a million pieces.

You Have To Choose Me Everyday (Or Leave Me)

A female perspective of “Choose Her Everyday (Or Leave Her),” by Bryan Reeves:

I spent two years getting badly hurt by a guy who stayed with me but never fully chose me.

He did want to be with me. He wanted to choose me. Falling in love is not a choice – choosing them every day once you do it. But falling in love is an instant connection, it’s unexpected – I met him and we just talked and I noticed the way his lips curved when he smiled and the color of his eyes and all at once I knew I was either lucky or screwed. Two eyes and a heartbeat. That’s all it took.

Unfortunately, as happens often with young love, our ignorance of how to truly love quickly created chaos in our relationship. I could see in his eyes that he would sometimes wonder if there was another woman out there who was easier to love, and who could love him better.

As the months passed and that thought played more and more through his head, he started to appreciate me and less and less. Eventually, he stopped choosing me – and we both suffered. Love never dies a natural death. Love requires you to choose the person you fell in love with, again and again, choose to make an effort for them. And he just didn’t. Not enough.

He stayed with me. He just stopped choosing me. That killed me inside.

Choosing me would have meant focusing every day on the things I was bringing into his life that changed him. Realizing that I fought with him at inopportune times because my anger was fueled by my passion and emotions for him. I cared. I loved him. I loved all of him. We didn’t just hang out. We played. We were silly and ridiculous and alive.

I was the only one who could challenge him – make him better, I couldn’t stop loving him no matter what he did. I was the only person who he ever fully gave himself to – I wiped his tears as he spoke about his dad, whispering in his ear that everything will be okay.

To be fair, towards the end of our relationship, I didn’t fully choose him, either. I was rage-fueled, vindictive, I often hurled awful insults at him – like fireworks our chemistry combusted, leaving us burned and confused.

But only after did he realize that I was that angry because I didn’t feel safe with him. I wanted him to wake up and realize that I was worth fighting for. That these so-called ‘options’ were nothing more than an illusion, that it was all bullshit – just his ego talking. That someone might be easier to love – but it would never satisfy him. Because what we had wasn’t easy – it was extraordinary. And I knew how rare that was.

Sadly, he didn’t understand this at the moment – he only realized it when it was too late. He was too focused on my anger, insecurities, demands, and other aspects of my strong personality that wore him down. I could feel him not choosing me, so it brought out the worst in me. Eventually, my biggest fear came true – he abandoned me, sabotaging our relationship, shattering my heart.

I’ll never be with someone who doesn’t choose me again.

If you’re in a relationship, I urge you to ask yourself this question:

“Is my partner choosing me today?”

Are they appreciating you, making an effort for you? Because love is not enough. Staying with someone is not enough. They have to choose you. 

And you can’t make someone choose you, you are only responsible for yourself. If the person you’re with doesn’t understand that a true connection is once in a lifetime, that it means something, that you have to fight for it, let them go. Because you never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready.

If they have one foot out the door, unable to see what is right in front of them if they think easiness is good, that there’s something better, that the more chances they have, the better, let them go.

Because only an extraordinary person can appreciate and choose the extraordinary. Make room for that person, the person who deserves all of your magic, the person who will eagerly choose you every day.


105 Sweet Love Notes For My Person

Love Notes … for you

Write Them Down

Push aside the chocolates and the cookie cutter gifts you’re used to buying and telling them in an old-fashioned note how much they mean to you.

It’s something that won’t expire and they’ll be able to hold onto whenever they’re feeling sentimental and want a nice reminder of how much you care.


1. You’re the only one I want to be around when I’ve had a bad day because you always make me smile.


2. I love you more than I love chocolate and that’s A LOT.


3. I’d share my pizza with you anytime.


4. I love you even when you leave your shoes everywhere and I almost fall to my death.


5. When you get out of the shower you smell amazing, it’s a mix of clean and of you.


6. The smell of your cologne makes me dizzy but in a good way.


7. Your hand is the only one that fits perfectly around mine.


8. Home for me isn’t four walls and a roof, it’s two arms and a heartbeat.


9.  I love that I can call you whenever and you don’t miss a chance to pick up.


10. It would be terribly wrong to let the day end without telling you how important you are to me.


11.  Love the fact that even though you hate taking photos if I ask you’ll take one with me.


12. And you never care if I go into your closet and steal a sweatshirt, knowing that I don’t plan on returning it.


13. Every moment we’re apart I’m impatiently waiting for the next when we’re together.


14. You are my favorite hello and hardest goodbye.


15. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.


16. I love you more because you love me when I can’t love myself.


17. I never understood why girls talk about butterflies until you came along.


18. You make me smile for no reason, just one look and I look like a smiling idiot.


19. Don’t think you can use this to your advantage but you’re the only guy I’d make a sandwich for.


20. It just wasn’t your looks that won me over, those were a wonderful perk but I fell for your personality.


21. You love me when I least deserve it and I never realized that is when I most need it.


22. If you let me even though I couldn’t be your first I’ll be your last everything.


23. You’re my favorite, favorite what you may ask, my favorite everything.


24. When nothing seems to be going your way know that I am always by your side.


25. I think our relationship is best when neither of us are wearing pants.



Pick me. Choose me. Love me.

“I lied. I’m not out of this relationship, I’m in. I’m so in it’s humiliating because here I am begging…You choice it’s simple. Her or me. And I’m sure she’s great. But Derek, I love you, in a really big way. I pretend to like your taste of music.. I let you eat the last piece of cheesecake. I’ll hold a radio over my head outside your window, in an unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. Pick me. Choose me. Love me.” – Grey’s Anatomy

Pick me.

I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me. But, I have this feeling there is still something there. And if there is, I don’t want to give up on you or us.  I’ve never been one to beg or plead. Attention isn’t something I have ever had to seek, in others. I’m not one to try too hard.  I’ve always believed, if I have to try that hard, it’s the other person, that probably isn’t worth it.

But with you, every rule in the book doesn’t apply. I’ve completely lost myself to all of this. I don’t care how much of a fool I appear to be. I don’t care if you think I’m crazy. Because you’re right, I’m crazy about you.

So I ask you to stop everything else with anyone, who might be in the picture. I ask you to pick me. Do it today. And I will pick you every day, from this day forward. Because you have never been a choice, but rather the only thing, that has ever made sense in my life. I didn’t have to pick you. My heart did.

So I’m standing here before you, begging and pleading to pick me because I don’t want to know what a life without you, is even like.

Choose me.

We all make choices in life, some little choices impact things here and there. But then there are those big choices, like choosing which road to go down. And it is the course you choose, that impacts your future and your life forever. Some choices are easy, others come bearing pain because eventually, someone prevails in the choice you have made. I hate that someone will get hurt in this, but I hate more that it could be me.

I’m asking you to choose me. And I may sound desperate. In fact, I know I do. But here I am putting it all on the line and holding nothing back. I want you and only you. I want us. Choose us today and forever.

Because I’ve only ever envisioned a future with you. And of the things that don’t scare me about my future, is if you are standing beside me.

Love me.

While our heart chooses who we love, we make the choice to stay in love, every day. Because love doesn’t just happen, but you work to keep that flame alive.

I’ve never questioned you, I’ve never questioned my love for you. I’ve only ever wanted you because you just seem to make so much sense in my life. I want you. I want you more than anyone. And if it’s not us in the end, I don’t know if I’ll be okay. Because I’ve only ever wanted us to make it. I just can’t seem to accept a story where it isn’t us in the end.

I know you are conflicted and it won’t be easy. The best things in life never are. But if you choose me, I’ll make it as easy as I can. If you choose me, I promise to love you, every day.

It’s only ever been you. And I have this feeling it’s always going to be. We always find our way back to each other, so instead of fighting it, I’m asking you to fearfully take my hand, as I do yours, and let’s see where this thing can take us.

Let’s see if we have it in us, to be that story people write. I want us to be the example others want to follow. Let us be that couple that makes everyone gag. Let’s live in our own little world, where the only thing that matters is each other. Because you are the only thing that has ever mattered in my world.

I want you. Not just want. I need you. Because the only thing that has ever made sense in my life has been you.

I want us to make it. And I pray we do. So here I am standing in front of you, playing every card I have, asking you to be mine. Now and forever.

“It’s not hard. It’s painful. You know what to do. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in so much pain.” -Grey’s Anatomy

Choose Me Every Day Or Let Me Go

I’m not an option, I’m a priority, so you should choose me every day.  I should be your first choice.  My heart is too full of love to not get the same love back that I give out. So if you aren’t ready for that, I need you to let me go now. If you can’t choose to love me when I can’t love myself, when I feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know what my next step in life is and when I’m being absolutely difficult, then you don’t get to keep me.

If all you want are the smiles and good times then boy do you have a reality check coming your way.

A real relationship isn’t the one we see in movies or on TV that is always perfect and never hard. It’s not a straight line, there are so many ups and downs, twists, and turns that can seem unexpected.

The true testament to your love for one another is the ability to stay.

The ability to choose the person you love no matter what comes around the bend. But if you aren’t ready for that then let me find someone who is.

I want someone who is willing to accept me for who I am every day

And if you’re up for this crazy adventure I promise to always be by your side. Truthfully, relationships only work when we’re both on the same page. It’s unfair to be the one who chooses you every day, to be the one who puts you first and to turn around and be put second or third.

I can’t promise every day is going to be easy but I can promise that it will be worthy.

I can definitely be a lot to handle at times. I’m not perfect. I’m going to drive you so many shades of crazy at times, I’m going to be extra loving somedays, and others I going to be distant. I won’t be the perfect girl every day.

I can’t promise you that every day you’re going to like me. There will be days we don’t want to see each other, we’re just hearing the other person’s voice is going to get under our skins.

There will be days that picking me will take a lot of deep breaths and you’ll feel like you’re running a marathon.

But I need you to choose me on the days that are sunny and lovey but you also have to choose me on the dark and dreary days. If you can’t do that then I’m not the girl for you.

I can promise that if you do this, my choice is fairly simple. I choose to love you daily.

Even when you’re driving me crazy with all your sports talk or when you’re paying more attention to the guys. Even when you are struggling to figure out what you want to do and when we can’t seem to agree on anything.

If you can promise to always let me be your first choice despite what is thrown at us I promise to never let the hard stuff overshadow the good stuff.

I promise to put you first. It’s as easy as that.

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