Twenty Two Thoughts I Had While Binging Emily In Paris Season 1

Emily In Paris Season 1 was such a joy to watch. If you have not seen it yet, here is the scoop. Emily Cooper (played by Lily Collins) is a young marketing professional from Chicago. She has it all. A great job, a sweet boyfriend and a light and spirited attitude. She’s smart, pretty, funny and well, very curious. Her very cool boss lands a job at their Paris location and just like that, winds up pregnant and unable to take the job. Emily quickly jumps on the opportunity and unapologetically takes the gig for a year. Letting her boyfriend know as a sincere FYI. As it should be!

Emily cannot speak French, and has zero idea how the culture clash will affect her. But just like Alice handles Wonderland, Emily takes on Paris.

Here are nineteen thoughts I had while binging season 1 of Emily in Paris.

1.) First off, Paris. When can I go back? It is so romantic!  And can I please stay at the Hotel Costes 

2.) The colors? Emily wears such vibrant colors and I really need to stop buying so much black and grey.

3.) Many of her shoes are also brightly colored. I need some fuschia booties, stat!

4.) Parisian women over the age of 55 are all sophisticated and every dress has a leg revealing slit to it. Sylvie is so stylish!

5.) Lavender walls in an office and herringbone wooden floors? Yes please!

6.) I do miss a good french crepe. And it must be eaten while walking the Siene!

7.) They still smoke in Paris? Let it go!

8.) I think Emily is singlehandedly bringing back plum matte lipstick!

9.) Pale skin is gorgeous. Who needs a tan?

10.) A french boy who lives downstairs and is a chef? I can see why all the girls want him. And of course he is nice too. Gabriel equals Swoon!

11.) Houndstooth patterns look good on men and women in Paris. And in a multitude of colors!

12.) The beret, when worn correctly does not look touristy after all. I had no idea that was even possible!

13.) French food is the main reason to live in Paris. I can smell the herbs and French cuisine through the television. Must be paired with fine wine of course!

14.) Everyone needs a bestie. Especially Mindy — one that speaks Mandarin and can Karaoke.

15.) Should we all start wearing fancy dresses and booties everywhere? I think so!

16.) Emily has definitely moved on from her Chicago BF.

17.) Social Media is much more fun when Emily does it. I love her hashtags.

18.) How far is Normandy anyway? Thats a long distance relationship I would have tried to make work!

19.) Could Camille be any nicer..??

20.) I need this soundtrack! Poppy French Songs work!

21.) Everyone needs coworkers like Julian and Luke. Fun and they have your back!

22.) Umm Season 2 please — I must know what happens to Gabriel and Emily!

Emily In Paris Season 2 Resumes on Netflix on December 22nd. Here is the trailer.

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5 Things You’ll Understand If You’re an Old Fashioned Hopeless Romantic

Being a hopeless romantic is one thing, but being an old-fashioned hopeless romantic is different. Your ideals are rooted deep within your core, keeping alive the way you were raised and the way your parents were raised. You wouldn’t allow someone to hold your heart in your hands unless you have complete faith in them (and your parents approve, obviously).

People say chivalry is dead, but to you, it will always be alive. If he doesn’t hold that door open he can kiss his chance at taking you out goodbye. Old fashioned hopeless romantics don’t settle, they know full well what they deserve and won’t stop searching until they’ve found it.

1. You romanticize everything… like everything. 

You understand that “romance” as a concept that encompasses more than simple romantic love. It also is much more than the usual connotations and gestures of a relationship. You embrace the beauty in many other things as well, like the form of the golden leaves of fall, those pink cheeks while snowflakes fall, and the kindness from strangers. All these things give you butterflies as if you’re in love and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

2. Your standards are sky high (but in a good way).

Chivalry, love letters, roses, kisses on cheeks? There are certain elements you crave in a romantic relationship. You want your love to be kind and respectful, and be able to talk out their feelings instead of brushing them under the rug. You crave a solid relationship that flourishes and you know you won’t find that with someone who doesn’t meet those standards.

Your Partner Should Always Stand Up For You, Even When You’re In The Wrong

Your Partner Should Have Your Back

There are many times throughout your life when you are going to butt heads with other people or be judged by others. It’s not always going to be your fault, but, there are occurrences that will arise in which you are on “trial” with other people in your life. People will come at you, full force, if they think you’re in the wrong. But, who can you turn to when you feel the entire world is against you?

Who are you to go to for support and a helping hand when people would rather see you broken, beat, and bent than thriving? Especially, when we’re the ones who have screwed up.

Many times in a relationship, we turn to our partner for love and suppor. Especially when we feel as though we’re being attacked. We look to our significant others for comfort, for guidance, and for above all—support. Many question, however, what the right thing to do is if your significant other needs support, but they are the ones who are in the wrong. Does being in a relationship with someone mean always standing up for them, even if they are the ones who have f*cked up?


6 Common Problems That Feel Like ‘Relationship Killers’ But Are Actually 100% Normal

Being in a long-term relationship is, admittedly, awesome. That said, it also involves a lot of compromise, communication, and vulnerability. And, in most cases, it involves some decidedly unromantic behavior.
Continue reading 6 Common Problems That Feel Like ‘Relationship Killers’ But Are Actually 100% Normal

To The Boy I Found When I Wasn’t Even Looking

There I was, telling myself I was ready to be on my own for a while. I was tired of being hurt and putting all of my effort into relationships just to get nothing in return. I was ready to be single, to focus on myself and stand alone for the first time in a long time. Then you happened. 

All it took was one message. A simple hello and a few late night conversations and I was hooked. I could tell you were different from the start. You were nothing like the guys I usually fell for. I was not exactly sure what it was about you that had me so intrigued. All I knew is once you said hello, I never wanted to hear you say good-bye. It was strange because I went back in forth in my mind with whether or not I should message you back. This was not because I was afraid to let you in or that I feared being hurt. It was the exact opposite actually. I was afraid I would hurt you or that I did not deserve the happiness I could tell you would bring me. However, looking back now, I am so glad I sent that message and let you in. 

I remember our first date. I sat there waiting for you to pick me up questioning whether it even was a date. You never referred to it as one, in fact, you never even hinted at whether or not you liked me or had any interest in me other than as friends. That is what intrigued me the most. You were shy but at the same time, you were open and let me in. You never once hid who you truly were with me; you were your complete self from the start. You wanted to know about me, about my past, my family, my dreams, my goals in life, everything. No one had ever shown that much interest in me before. We spent most of that night talking and getting to know one another and it just felt so easy to talk to you. I never was one to open up easily, but with you, it was easy. We went to a movie that night, and I remember sitting next to you casually moving my arm closer to yours hoping you would grab my hand or give me some sort of hint at what you were thinking, considering I was still pretty confused on the whole, is this a date question. You must not have caught on to my subtle hints though, cause you dropped me off the same way you picked me up, confused.

I went into my house and analyzed that entire night trying to see if you dropped any hints that you liked me, but if you did, I could not find them. All I knew for sure was that you were different, but a good different. A different that I liked a lot and wanted to hold onto and have in my life. It was not until the next day that you casually brought up that it was our first date in a conversation that I knew what that night was. Our conversations became more frequent and more in depth until I found myself hoping it was you every time my phone lit up. I was hooked on your gorgeous blue eyes and your smile that invited me in. I wanted to know more about you, I wanted to know everything.

As the weeks went by it was clear as day that we both wanted this. I found myself falling for you a little more every day. I liked everything about you. The way you sang in the car (even though you are totally tone deaf) and got excited when you found songs we both liked. The way you would get shocked when I said I had not seen just about every movie ever made, and you insisted that we had to watch them all. The way you told your friends and family about me, and how you just seemed so excited to let everyone know about me. The way you remembered small details about me like my birthday, my love for hockey, my hobbies and the foods I actually eat (because yes, I am probably the world’s pickiest eater so remembering that can be a hard task to do). You found ways to make me smile even when I was having a bad day. I felt safe in your arms from the moment you held me tighter when I informed you about my fear of storms. Something just felt right when I was with you. Nothing has ever felt so right or easy like this before. 

You make me truly happy. I will forever find myself questioning how I got so lucky or what I did to deserve meeting someone as great as you. Someone who makes me feel beautiful and wanted every day. Someone who is handsome and sexy even when using the most embarrassing Snapchat filters. Someone who is funny and can make me laugh at any time. Someone who is sweet and caring. Someone who knows what it is like to be damaged and to have been hurt in the past just like myself, but does not let that stop them from finding happiness. I know they say that no one is perfect, but I honestly feel that you are. Or at least you are perfect for me

The future is so unclear and you never know what it may hold. However, standing here today, I hope it holds you. I hope you are the one standing next to me on the good days when I need someone to celebrate with. Like when I graduate from college, or I am offered my first job, or I place in the top ten at a tournament, or I move into my first apartment. Nevertheless, I also hope it is you standing next to me when things get hard and I need a shoulder to cry on. Like when I don’t get the job I thought I nailed the interview for, or things at home aren’t the best, or when I am sad that it is time to let go of my collegiate athlete days, or on the days where my health problems get the best of me. No matter what the future holds, I hope it holds you. I hope you are the one standing next to me through it all. Even though you have not been in my life for very long and the future scares the hell out of me I am not afraid to admit that I hope it is you

Looking back now, replying to your message was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am glad I put my fear aside and allowed myself the chance to meet someone as wonderful as you. You are the guy that most girls dream of finding and somehow I was lucky enough to stumble upon you. You treat me in a way I thought I would never be worthy of and I will forever be grateful for that. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us. No matter what it may be, I will never regret sending that message and having you walk into my life when you did. I can only hope for many years and happiness to come with you by my side.

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