Here’s A Breakdown Of How To Play ‘True American’ From ‘New Girl’

If you’re a fan of the TV show New Girl, you know that the game “True American” is the most fun you can possibly have with your friends and a lot of booze. The game, which is shown throughout the series, is a mix of U.S. history, drinking, and fun. If you have a pretty big apartment/home, and you’re trying to mix it up with your friends, here’s a breakdown on how to play one of the best drinking games known to mankind.

1. You need at least 4 people.

You need 4 or more people to play the game. You make teams of at least 2, therefore you need 4 people to make the game work. Getting more players involved makes the game more fun.

To make teams, everyone holds up a number on their forehead with their fingers, between 1-5. The people who have the same numbers on their head are on the same team. If you don’t have the same numbers, repeat until you do.

2. You need a flat table/surface for the castle.

You need to find a center, flat piece to be the castle. This will be placed in the center of the room and the game really revolves around it. You put a bottle of liquor (of your choice) in the center of the table, and line up the beers around it like a giant X. This is the “king” and his “pawns.”

3. Set up the “game board.”

The floor is lava in this game, so you’ll need to set up spaces to stand on throughout the game. It’s like “Candy Land,” where you move spaces. The spaces surround the castle. You want to make at least 5-8 spaces on each side of the castle. Only 4 spaces touch the castle itself—therefore, if you land on this space, you get to take a beer.

4. After making teams, shotgun.

The game begins with a shotgun tipoff, so all players need a beer. The person who wins the shotgun (finishes first) screams “1, 2, 3 JFK!” The rest of the players yell “FDR.” Everyone grabs one beer and retreats to a space of their choice, excluding the four touching the castle.

The person who wins the shotgun also goes first. He/she moves one space—clockwise—towards the castle. Every turn, players decide on minigames they want to play. A minigame is played every turn.

5. Minigames.

There are three different minigames you can play.

1. The player who’s up screams “1, 2, 3” and everyone puts a number on their forehead (like you did when choosing teams). The player who picks a number that no one else has picked can move forward one space.

2. The player who’s up begins reciting a famous American quote from a famous person in history. The player who finishes this quote correctly can move forward two spaces.

3. The player who’s up names two famous American people, places, or things. The player who can name what all have in common can move forward three spaces.

6. Winning.

The game is played until a) all the pawn beers are finished and a player reaches the castle to sip from the “king’s cup.” The game is played until there are no pawn beers left. Players in the game must have a beer in hand at all times. Additionally, the floor is lava, so you cannot fall of your space.

Players who do not have a beer or fall into lava will be disqualified but can get back in the game if they shotgun a beer.

So suit up, grab some beers and a bunch of friends—and shotgun!

Bridesmaid’s Utterly Insane Email Setting ‘Rules’ For Bachelorette Party Is A Gift To Us All

If a bride, groom, or bridesmaid acts out—you best believe it’s going to get exposed on social media, and people are always down for a wedding disaster story.

The latest in the ridiculous stories about weddings comes from Imgur user UrsulaIMeanVanessa. She posted photos of an email she received from another woman in the bridal party who was invited to the bachelorette party in Vegas. Originally the Imgur user said this woman “wasn’t invited” on the trip because she’s a total “womp womp” downer, but she bullied her way into getting an invite (which seems pretty psycho on its own).

Then, the bachelorette bully proceeded to send an email filled with “rules” for the entire bachelorette party’s trip to Vegas. And, it’s absolutely f**king insane.


So, let’s break it down, shall we?

Basically, she found a church to go to in Vegas on Sunday—she even told the Pastor of the church to “expect them.”She also said that there would be “no liquor” in the hotel room at all because they could fall off the balcony and die (which sounds much better than staying with this woman anywhere). She also said that no one could have any sex on this trip—none, zero, zilch. No drugs—not even Adderall.

On top of these demanding rules and regulations, she’s also insisting that everyone in the bridal party who is attending the trip to send her $50 each, because she “plans on spending $900 on groceries—nine hundred dollars.

People on Twitter were blown away that this woman would force her way into the bachelorette party and then demand that everyone follows her rules—and she’s not even the bride!

Others said they would want their bachelorette party to be the exact opposite.

Some hoped that the rest of the party kicked her a** to the curb.

And plenty of people were dying at the language she used.

And her outrageous rules.

Some wanted to use this for actual good.

Also—the burning question we all have…

Honestly, everyone on Twitter (and everyone over here) wants to know what actually went down. Someone, please give us a follow-up.

h/t: Twitter, Someecards

How To Play ‘New Girl’s’ Famous ‘True American’ Drinking Game

If you’re a fan of the TV show New Girl, you know that the game “True American” is the most fun you can possibly have with your friends and a lot of booze. The game, which is shown throughout the series, is a mix of U.S. history, drinking, and fun. If you have a pretty big apartment/home, and you’re trying to mix it up with your friends, here’s a breakdown on how to play one of the best drinking games known to mankind.

1. You need at least 4 people.

You need 4 or more people to play the game. You make teams of at least 2, therefore you need 4 people to make the game work. Getting more players involved makes the game more fun.

To make teams, everyone holds up a number on their forehead with their fingers, between 1-5. The people who have the same numbers on their head are on the same team. If you don’t have the same numbers, repeat until you do.

2. You need a flat table/surface for the castle.

You need to find a center, flat piece to be the castle. This will be placed in the center of the room and the game really revolves around it. You put a bottle of liquor (of your choice) in the center of the table, and line up the beers around it like a giant X. This is the “king” and his “pawns.”

3. Set up the “game board.”

The floor is lava in this game, so you’ll need to set up spaces to stand on throughout the game. It’s like “Candy Land,” where you move spaces. The spaces surround the castle. You want to make at least 5-8 spaces on each side of the castle. Only 4 spaces touch the castle itself—therefore, if you land on this space, you get to take a beer.

4. After making teams, shotgun.

The game begins with a shotgun tipoff, so all players need a beer. The person who wins the shotgun (finishes first) screams “1, 2, 3 JFK!” The rest of the players yell “FDR.” Everyone grabs one beer and retreats to a space of their choice, excluding the four touching the castle.

The person who wins the shotgun also goes first. He/she moves one space—clockwise—towards the castle. Every turn, players decide on minigames they want to play. A minigame is played every turn.

5. Minigames.

There are three different minigames you can play.

1. The player who’s up screams “1, 2, 3” and everyone puts a number on their forehead (like you did when choosing teams). The player who picks a number that no one else has picked can move forward one space.

2. The player who’s up begins reciting a famous American quote from a famous person in history. The player who finishes this quote correctly can move forward two spaces.

3. The player who’s up names two famous American people, places, or things. The player who can name what all have in common can move forward three spaces.

6. Winning.

The game is played until a) all the pawn beers are finished and a player reaches the castle to sip from the “king’s cup.” The game is played until there are no pawn beers left. Players in the game must have a beer in hand at all times. Additionally, the floor is lava, so you cannot fall of your space.

Players who do not have a beer or fall into lava will be disqualified but can get back in the game if they shotgun a beer.

So suit up, grab some beers and a bunch of friends—and shotgun!

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