10 Legit Challenges Of Being Low-Key Sarcastic

Being low-key sarcastic means not being straightforward with your sarcasm. It could either be because you prefer to keep your sarcasm under the wraps or because it’s so good that you might lose friends if shown.


Whatever the reason, being low-key sarcastic does come with its own challenges:


1. Your friends are often surprised by what comes out of your mouth…


…because you’re not straightforward with your sarcasm. At all. So in the event that you are which is usually when you’re drunk, they’re caught off guard.

2. It takes time for people to get it.

You have to wait a few minutes before the person realizes you’re being sarcastic or else they give you an awkward look. It’s why being sarcastic can be socially risky for you.

3. You love using puns…

…but not too much because you don’t want to be annoying. When you do use them, they’re very subtle and always intended.

21 Jokes For Everybody Who Can Barely Get Through The Day Without Rolling Their Eyes

Some people are filled with rainbows and sunshine. Others, however, have decided to forgo the sunshine-y goodness in favor of all things dark, twisted and just a little bit despicable. Continue reading 21 Jokes For Everybody Who Can Barely Get Through The Day Without Rolling Their Eyes

Things That Happen When You Grow Up With A Blunt Dad

For many girls, fathers are their first loves. Dads are our teachers, caregivers, and best friends. But growing up with a blunt dad is a totally different ballgame. He’s hilarious and fun, but he’ll always tell it like it is. He never had to beat around the bush when trying to teach or discipline you. If that dress was too short, he’d tell you exactly what you look like.

1. Your dad tells the best jokes and stories.

Blunt people are brutally honest. Describing life exactly as it is, with a little bit of sarcastic humor thrown in there, can be hilarious. When your dad gets started, there’s no stopping him. And there’s no escape from the gut-wrenching laughter, either.

2. He has no problem confronting you about your modesty (or lack thereof).

If you were one of those teeny sixteen-year-olds who got dressed up to “go out,” your dad made sure you were kept in line. He wasn’t terribly strict per se, but he was not going to let you out of the house in that dress. The one that made you look like a hooker. Nope, not happening.

3. He gives you the best life advice.

A blunt dad calls it as he sees it. Even if you don’t ask for advice, he’ll tell you what you need to hear. If you’re clearly miserable at your summer internship or hate your major, he’ll sit you down and tell you to look at different paths. A blunt dad won’t just sit around and support you no matter what. He’ll do that, but he’ll direct you down the path you need to take.

4. Your dad always corrected your mistakes.

If you messed up, he’d tell you. But he wouldn’t get mad and get over it. He’d teach you, and help you learn from your mess up. He’d joke and say “Ok, well that was awful.” But he’d make you get back up and try again until you got it right.

5. When your teenage boyfriends came over to meet the parents, he’d tell you his opinion with the most brutal honesty.

It was either, “that was a good kid,” or “HA! get rid of him as fast as you can.” You might have rolled your eyes and dismissed his honesty, but deep down, you know that his judgments were spot on. And thank god for that, because he saved you from a ton of deadbeat scumbags.

6. Your dad would critique your middle school group of friends and steer you in the right direction.

If you had a friend that was too loud, obnoxious, or too shy to say hello, he’d call them out on it. Albeit, he’d be polite, but you were mortified. Your dad likes people who are upfront and direct, so carrying a conversation with your little friends wasn’t too pleasant for him. If it were up to him, he’d tell you who to hang out with.

7. You were never reprimanded by your dad. He taught you how to see things in a different light.

If you broke the rules, your dad wasn’t angry or upset. He was disappointed. But he told you exactly what you did wrong, how you needed to change, and how to be consistent. And when you worked it out, your dad was first to tell you how great you are.

8. He defined the parameters of right and wrong.

Blunt people are black and white. There’s no wishy-washy grey area. So there’s no cutting corners or taking the easy way out with your blunt dad around. He’ll call you out on your laziness, procrastination, or anger. And he’ll help you through it.

9. His love for you is unconditional and pure.

Even though he’s blunt, he’s still a mush for his little girl. You know your dad loves you no matter what, and he’ll always be by your side to guide you and support you through it all.


Sorry, but Sarcastic People are Actually Smarter Than You Are

Sarcasm, as they say, is the ability to insult stupid people without them realizing it.

In some cases, sarcasm is a means of indirectly expressing aggression toward others or insecurity about oneself, as Psychology Today puts it. In other cases, it’s more of a secret shield from all the moronic buffoons in the world – a sort of a “true lie?? that listeners won’t always comprehend as being insincere.

It’s a private joke that can save you from annoying and aggravating situations, providing a respite in humor even in the crappiest situations.

So are sarcastic people just certified smartasses, or are we more intelligent (at least on an emotional level) than non-sarcastic people?

A university investigation shows that the ability to understand sarcasm depends on a carefully orchestrated sequence of complex cognitive skills in specific parts of the brain. Dr. Shamay-Tsoory, a psychologist at the Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa and the University of Haifa, said: “Sarcasm is related to our ability to understand other people’s mental state. It’s not just a linguistic form, it’s also related to social cognition.”

Her research revealed that areas of the brain that decipher sarcasm and irony also process language, recognize emotions, and help us understand social cues. So, you may not be a person who does not need homework and essay help online, but you are at least great in emotional intelligence.

Dr. Shamay-Tsoory further explained that “understanding other people’s state of mind and emotions is related to our ability to understand sarcasm.”

Sarcasm seems to exercise the brain more than sincere statements do. Scientists who have monitored the electrical activity of the brains of test subjects exposed to sarcastic statements have found that brains have to work harder to understand sarcasm. There is actually a three-stage neural pathway in our brains that enables us to understand irony.

First, the language center in the brain’s left hemisphere interprets the literal meaning of words. Next, the frontal lobes and right hemisphere process the speaker’s intention and check for contradictions between the literal meaning and the social and emotional context. Finally, the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex – our sarcasm meter – makes a decision based on our social and emotional knowledge of the situation.

According to Smithsonian magazine, a study in Israel has college students listen to complaints on a cellphone company’s customer service line. The students were better able to solve problems creatively when the complaints were sarcastic as opposed to just plain angry. According to the study’s authors, sarcasm “appears to stimulate complex thinking and to attenuate the otherwise negative effects of anger.??

So the students who recognized sarcasm had a better developed “theory of mind?? – an ability to see beyond the literal meaning of the words, and understand that the speaker may be referring to something entirely different. For example, a theory of mind allows you to realize that when your girlfriend says “nice pants?? when you have a giant hole in your crotch, she means just the opposite, that bitch.

As Richard Chin of Smithsonian Magazine explains, sarcasm requires a series of “mental gymnastics.?? Sarcastic, satirical, or ironic statements all compel the brain to “think beyond the literal meaning of the words and understand that the speaker may be thinking of something entirely different.?? Studies have shown that exposure to sarcasm enhances creative problem-solving. Thus, over time, this increased bulk of cognitive expenditure doesn’t go to waste. Chin describes active sarcasm use as a means of “mental exercise.?? Just like training your muscles, if you do 50 push-ups a day, over time, your arms are bound to be toned. So sarcasm, as a form of “mental exercise,?? or “mental gymnastics” functions the same way. Over time, that “extra work?? brought forth by sarcasm leaves our brains toned, too.

Some language experts suggest sarcasm is used as a sort of gentler insult, a way to tone down criticism with indirectness and humor. Other researchers have found that the mocking, smug, superior nature of sarcasm is perceived as more hurtful than plain-spoken criticism; the Greek root for sarcasm, sarkazein, means to tear flesh like dogs.

But that all depends on who you’re talking to. Without sarcasm, what other shield do we have from stupid people?

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