21 People Who Regret Waiting Until Marriage

Though it seems increasingly rare these days, there are still quite a few people out there who choose to save themselves for marriage. Whether it’s for religious reasons or just personal preference, there’s an obvious amount of sacrifice that comes with holding on to your v-card until the wedding night.

To each their own. We’re not here to judge, but if you are considering waiting until the big day, you may want to read through these Whisper confessions from people who saved themselves and deeply regretted their decision.

1. It’s all about compatibility.

2. Sometimes it just sucks.

3. Do what you gotta do.

4. Only time will tell.

5. Some people aren’t as adventurous as others.

6. Some are just stubborn.

7. The FOMO is real.

8. Size varies.

9. There’s more than meets the eye.

10. He might be a selfish a**hole.

11. Or there might be other ~issues~.

12. It can be a let down.

13. You might miss out on trying new things.

14. Sex seems like a huge deal.

15. Experience is a good thing.

16. There might not be any chemistry.

17. It’s an expensive sacrifice for sure.

18. At least you know now.

19. He might not be as sexual as you.

20. That was a close one.

21. An unfortunate discovery.

People Reveal The One Major Secret They’re Keeping From Their Partner And Why They Refuse To Tell Them

Being in a relationship with someone usually means being upfront and honest with them—usually. Sometimes, there are couples who, for whatever reason, choose to keep things to themselves in certain situations and topics. While some couples feel that everything should be up front and in the open, there are others who feel there are certain things that should be left unsaid. Maybe it’s something in their past, or, maybe it’s something that they feel will do nothing but piss their partner off—so, they keep it quiet. From the big to the small, people are sharing that one secret they keep from their significant other and, why they decide to do it.


I hate her homemade spaghetti sauce. It’s been 14 years, why tell her now?



My wife’s dad passed away less than a week after a hip replacement.

I visited with him the day he got home from the procedure and he told me everything was going well but he was scared about the blood thinner injections he would have to give himself over the next four days.

When we were cleaning out his house I found the four unused blood thinner syringes and threw them away without saying anything.



I inherited a few million from my mother who died when I was a child. I’ve mostly left it alone because there wasn’t anything I wanted that I couldn’t just get with some elbow grease.

Once my SO and I are at the cusp of doing the house-and-kids thing I will let him know so he can stop worrying about earning enough to put a down payment on a new home.



About eight years ago I discovered my wife’s sister’s reddit account accidentally. It was a variation of a username she’d used for AIM before, but with different numbers and no underscore (the numbers were a significant date to her though). There were too many coincidences in her posts for it not to be her.

She was posting on the relationship advice subreddit. Her (now ex-) husband was abusive. We’d known something was off about him, but couldn’t really put our finger on it. I created another account that I only accessed from incognito mode to send her encouragement to leave, and to ask her family or friends (but kinda steered her towards us) for help. She didn’t want to impose or be a burden on any of them (we’d just had a kid, and I make a bunch of money but we live well within our means so you wouldn’t think this based on appearances, so it was an understandable concern). I slowly, over several weeks and several different posts she made, convinced her that it’s possible her family realizes something isn’t quite right and would not consider it a burden to help her out.

After their divorce I deleted that account. Nobody will ever know that the random internet stranger who was weirdly persistent in encouraging my SIL to reach out to her family for help and leave her abusive marriage was actually me.



That raccoon you hit with the mower wasn’t fine. I beat it to death a shovel to put it out if its misery.

She was in her 3rd trimester and was very emotional. I couldn’t tell her she’d basically cut its rear legs off.



When going to the store one day my SO asked me last second to take our 3 Y/O daughter. I was already in the car so my SO strapped her in. She was oddly quiet the whole car ride and i acvidentally went in the store without her because of it. I remembered after being in the store only about 45 seconds but immedietly left the store to get her. I was so embarrased someone would notice so i went to a completely different store. Now it scares the shit out of me and even when i KNOW i dont have one of my kids i always check behind me before getting out of the car. One of the worst feelings ive ever had and even now i get sick to my stomach thinking about it.



Sometimes when I make his favorite homemade chicken tenders.. I use mayo in the dredge before I flour it…….. He would literally keel over and die if I told him this. It would ruin his favorite dinner. We both fucking hate mayo but damn if it doesn’t make a good dredge.



My wife doesn’t know how deathly afraid of being alone I am. Like…it really, truly scares me to my core. Not being alone like having alone time…that doesn’t bother me…but the idea of spending my life alone is terrifying to me. I sometimes feel like I put up with things I shouldn’t, because I love her and worry so much about being alone or having her leave me. I’ve spent nights pretending to sleep so that she won’t know that thinking about it keeps me up at night.



That I was kicked out of the army. All she and her family know is that at one point in my life, I was in the army. She’s seen my beret so I guess that’s enough proof for her.

I can’t imagine it would destroy us but I don’t just drop information like that on people.



I have a lot of reallyREALLY unusual kinks/fetishes that I will never tell my wife about. She likes to think of herself as “kinky,” because she’s into moderate BDSM, while she thinks I’m more into plain vanilla sex. She’s expressed disgust and disdain when various, more unusual sexual kinks have been brought up online, in movies or on various TV shows, and I’ve never clued her in that I share some of them.



I have a brother that’s a registered sex offender in another state. From that brother I have 7 nieces and nephews. I don’t mention it because I have no reason to be in contact with that part of my family.



My SO’s father used to always give her quarters growing up (he has since passed) and now every time someone in the family finds a quarter they think of him looking down on them… it’s sweet.

Before we moved into our first home, I snuck in and hid quarters in obscure places all over the house. She’s still finding them and she likes to leave them in the spot she found them as a reminder. It always makes her smile and I’ll never tell.



I knew my girlfriend bought me slippers for christmas a few weeks in advance, and instead of telling her I just talked more about how much I needed some slippers. It made her extra excited for me to open something that I wanted/needed so much, I wouldn’t want to ruin that memory for her.



One night I decided I wanted to take a sick day the next day and play some Doom, I had been freshly dating my then SO, current Fiancee and didnt want her to think I was lazy, so I told her I had an upset stomach too.

At the time, the company I worked for sick leave policy was that you rang up, spoke to a registered nurse, they gave some advice and logged your absence, it was pretty good to be honest.

Well as you can imagine, I wanted to sell the lie. So I rang, told them I wasn’t well and specifically had a stomach ache, she asked some questions like “which side is it on, how bad is it out of 10” etc.

I answered COINCIDENTALLY with whatever side my appendix was on, you might be able to get this going.

They said I should monitor it and call back in an hour and let them know how I’m feeling, so I did this. I rang back, said I still wasn’t well and the pain had increased. This lead to a shocked nurse who i happened to have on speaker phone at the time tell me to go to the hospital, my appendix was playing up. My SO heard and insisted she take me to the hospital. I didnt want to tell her I was lying so, off we go to the hospital.

We get to the hospital and she does most of the talking whilst I play it cool, telling them its no biggy.

They rush me in through emergency, take some blood tests and tell me that they’ll prep me for surgery.

At this point I started to question myself and realised I should’ve come clean at home, but now? Now its too late. I’m in too deep. Strap in Michaelscarnshrute, we’re going for surgery.

I stay overnight, get healthy dose of pain killers and watch The Shield all night, then the next day the cut me op[en.

I remember asking the surgeon as he talks me through whats about to happen if theres a chance of me dying. He says probably not, but the chance is never 0.

Fast forward to the next day, I dont have an appendix and my adventure to get 1 day off work results in me getting a week off work.

My partner and I have been together for 4 years and she will NEVER know.



I shut down internet whenever my SO is talking trash on CoD. Not because I mind, but because he does it in such an obnoxious way. He can go on for minutes at a time. Then he comes over to me very calmly and asks; ‘Is the internet down for you too?’



He thinks I’m allergic to salmon.

I just don’t like salmon… he wanted to make it for me on our first “cooking date” and I didn’t want to come off as ungrateful or picky so I said I was allergic.

It’s been 4 years and he still tells waiters I’m allergic so there isn’t cross contamination. Sigh.



I really didn’t like our wedding.

He loved our wedding and often brags about how close to perfect it was, better than he ever thought, etc. He cherishes that memory, but I had a pretty terrible time. Part of it was because I had to put so much of it together, me and my friends, and he just showed up and enjoyed the party. I ran every decision by him, of course – like what to eat or what kind of officiant to get, but when it came to ordering the food and finding and hiring the officiant, it was all me. I couldn’t really enjoy it the same way because I felt so responsible for everything going OK and people enjoying it.

But the biggest part of the issue is that I just remember it as a lonely experience. It was very small as we wanted it, with just each of us having our four closest friends. But all my friends were locals I see all the time, and they were mostly preoccupied with entertaining their kids and otherwise enjoying themselves at just another event I hosted. He had his friends come in from all over the country, even one from Europe, and it was such a big happy reunion for him.

As I remember it, almost nobody talked to me at the wedding. Although I am sure there was more than I remember, I know nobody gave any toasts. I don’t recall anyone even saying something as simple and acknowledging as “congratulations” or “what a lovely ceremony.” And I definitely remember at one point the officiant (who stuck around for part of the reception), whom we barely knew, looked over at me alone and broke away from his conversations to come over to me just to make some idle conversation and keep me company. I also remember standing there looking at my phone, checking some sports scores, just to keep myself entertained and look like I had something to do.

I would have loved it if we could have had a wedding that was an order of magnitude bigger. So I could have my friends and relatives who I haven’t seen in ages and only get to see when we have excuses for events like that. I bragged about our $200 food bill for the whole event, having a friend take all the pictures, and my $50 dress, but I hate the thought now of how cheap and throw away our wedding kind of was.

What really drove it home for me was that a couple who came to our wedding got married about a year later with a very similar affair (though bigger). She even wore a dress similar to mine, and she said our wedding was an inspiration for her. That made me feel better about our wedding. I knew they were having another wedding later in the year where she lived, for her friends and relatives, and I assumed that would be a smaller event just to include those folks. Later, I saw on Facebook that it was a real-deal beautiful wedding, with dancing, attendants, professional photographs, her looking utterly stunning in a gorgeous full-length gown, and dozens of amazing pictures. So, our wedding was the template for their “forget about it” wedding. She didn’t even post any pictures of the smaller wedding at all. It made me so sad.

I know people love small, inexpensive weddings here, and the idea is that anything else cheapens the love the event is meant to celebrate. But maybe, for some people, something can be too simple, too small, and maybe even too “intimate.” I wanted to celebrate with my extended family and friends – not every single bloody one of them, but maybe 20 of them. I reduced the whole thing so much to its essence that it didn’t feel like much of anything at all.

I don’t want to spoil the wonderful memory for my husband, particularly since I labored so hard to make exactly that for him.



Hmm, I did live with a man for a year – had a bit of a gay phase.

I’ve told her I was bisexual (had some man crushes, can see the appeal of Connor Mcgreggor, Jake Gillenhaal, Tom Hiddelsdon, Chris Pratt, Robert Downey Jr) but I said I’d never really gone the whole way and wasn’t thatinterested in it.

Also I was sexually assaulted and I once got an std, and I can’t taste her cooking because I did too much coke and lost my sense of smell.



She knows I spent time in a local mental institution as a child, but not why. The truth is because I don’t know either, I have a fragmented memory of my childhood before the age of 11 and basically nothing before the age of 7. I’m fairly sure I was under the care of the institution between the age of 7-9 but I only recall the name of the guy who ran the place and a day trip we had once to go bowling.

As a guess I suffered from some form of psychosis, but I’d rather not dive too deep into it and she would probably pressure me into finding out what happened. My parents never speak of it so that tells me all I need to know.



That I absolutely hate her coworker. He’s a good friend to her when they are at work and they don’t see each other outside of work, except for a couple times every few months. He likes to make suggestive comments to her though, and she plays it off as a joke. After talking to a couple of her other coworkers I know he’s not joking. I trust her 100% that’s why I haven’t said anything, but I would love to smack that dude upside his head.


h/t: AskReddit.

Employees Reveal The Dirtiest Secrets About Their Industry And It’ll Leave You Shook

Working for a big corporation or organization can be a great gig, but it can open your eyes to a lot of atrocities that go down behind closed doors. Most companies like to present a clean, eco-friendly, pristine image to the world and its customers but, in reality, they couldn’t give two sh*ts about what actually happens. And, if you knew the truth, it would probably change the way you feel about a lot of industry big shots. Recently, users on Reddit who work for big industry names have been sharing the dirty secrets no one wants you to know—so prepare to be shook.


Starbucks corporate makes us have those recycling bins in the lobby to present this green image, but most of the time all of the garbage ends up going to the dump anyway because the facility doesn’t have recycling.



Businesses offer rebates rather than cash discounts because they know the odds of you going to the trouble of mailing in a rebate coupon are minimal. Then they don’t pay the first time, because they know the odds of you complaining about it are infinitesimal. But they usually will pay off if you complain.



I work with kids at a daycare and we see babies take their first steps sometimes but we never tell the parents because we don’t want them to feel bad about missing it.



Never use glasses provided in hotel rooms, especially the bathrooms. I’ve seen those get ‘cleaned’ with the same rag that cleans the toilet and sink.



When renting a storage unit you do not need to get the insurance they offer. Even if they say it’s “mandatory”, it’s illegal to force you to get insurance. Also the rent will increase yearly, forever.



I used to work at a large national chain of bridal stores and the wedding dresses you’re trying on are never washed. We would try to spot clean if a bride got makeup or a build-up of deodorant inside, but they smelled like BO and dirt.



I worked for a very large lingerie company. When we would get returned underwear, you’d think they’d just get damaged out because nobody knows if they were really worn, but they don’t. We put them right back out on the floor.



Funeral homes are businesses, and funeral directors will absolutely take advantage of grieving people.

The most offensive to me are the cremation boxes. They’re literally just big cardboard boxes, and should cost less than a hundred dollars. But they also make really expensive boxes, and directors will say things like “grandma would be more comfortable in this”. No, she won’t, because she’s dead. Some of these boxes reach 1000 dollars, and of course are all just burned.



I don’t know that this is a secret but flight attendants and pilots don’t get paid while boarding, deplaning, and delays. So when you’re delayed and angry, so are we. We’re not making money and still have to be there.



The food on a supermarket deli counter is often stuff that’s gone or about to go past its best before date.



Professional hair color at a salon costs the salon around $6 a tube. That $40 product actually costs $10 to anyone who had a license. Salons are huge cash cows because the products are actually so cheap.



At a hospital the straight cash price discount for many outpatient tests (MRI, CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Labs, etc.) can often be cheaper than using insurance and dealing with deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and on and on.

I’ve seen test billed for thousands of dollars to insurance cost a cash paying patient less than $400.

It’s insane.



Credit companies will raise your interest rate for no reason and wait for you to call and complain to get it lowered. Check your statements and review ALL notices that come with your bill.



Almost every register nurse has what is called a blacklist of doctors she or he would not want even remotely near them should they need emergency services.

People need to take better care and precaution of who they choose to accept as their doctor.



The comforters in hotel rooms almost never get washed. They are nasty.



I worked at a sports bar and we would regularly find chicken heads or other weird parts of the chicken with the wings. Chicken wings are forever ruined for me because of the things I’ve found while working there.



In an auto shop, what your mechanic tells you may not be in your best interest, but instead what is most convenient, and what is the least amount of work to do.



Hospitals are not clean

The only really clean place in a hospital is the operating room, other than that the place is crawling with germs and whatever else has mutated on the floors and walls.



The clothes you find at an outlet (more often than not) are not “cast-offs” or overages from the regular store. There’s a whole separate entity that designs and produces clothes at a lesser quality for outlet prices.



Terrible and illegal things go on in every strip club. Owners only hire people for upper management who they have trusted for years because they all know this.



Most ‘subscription services’ will raise their prices over time because they expect you to just suck it up. Call up and politely complain about the price. Either you are speaking to someone who can reduce the price or they can put you through to a person authorized to reduce the price.



Your mortgage has been transferred so many times that the odds are that your payment records are incomplete.


h/t: Reddit, BuzzFeed.

Men Are Sharing All The Hilarious ‘Secrets’ Women Probably Don’t Know

Just as there are many things that men have trouble understanding about women, there are also several male habits that confuse the hell out of us.

Fortunately, someone recently asked the dudes of Reddit about their “guy secrets” they think girls don’t know about. The responses have been enlightening, to say the least. See for yourselves…













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17 People Share The Most Hilarious Life Advice They Got From Their Dads

    Every dad has his own true and tried life advice that he one day passes on to younger generations. Whether it’s about maintaining relationships or his secrets to success at work or even how to get out of a speeding ticket, father’s are notorious for sharing their words of wisdom.

    But in my opinion, the best guidance is the kind that seems most ridiculous. Just take it from these people who are sharing the funniest life advice they ever received from their dads.

    1. Keep to yourself.

    2. It’s just a scratch.

    3. Write this one down.

    4. Embrace your demons.

    5. Self-preservation is key.

    6. A solid piece of dad advice.

    7. He knows from experience.

    8. Follow your heart.

    9. You’ll always be a kid in his eyes.

    10. Work hard.

    11. Keep those boys away.

    12. Never be afraid to ask.

    13. Play to your strengths.

    14. Watch those allergies.

    15. He was a boy once.

    16. Don’t get sloppy.

    17. He’ll always be there to protect you.

Husbands Confess The Craziest Secrets They Keep From Their Wives

There’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. Even the healthiest relationships have their secrets, but some secrets are far worse than others.

Take these husbands, for example, who are confessing the craziest things they’ve kept from their wives and oh, boy.

1. Some have different tastes.

2. Some aren’t as happy as they seem.

3. Some have been unfaithful.

4. Others have secret side jobs.

5. Things happen when she’s gone.

6. Everyone has a hidden past.

7. Some have secret hobbies.

8. He knows her secrets.

9. He stepped out with more than one mistress.

10. His lies go too deep.

11. He has untold curiosities.

12. He flirts behind her back.

13. He thinks about her friends.

14. He hides his good deeds.

15. He fell for her best friend.

16. He’s busy without her.

17. He can’t tell her he’s unhappy.

18. He has secret fetishes.

19. He’s been trying other things.

20. He’s on dating apps behind her back.

What These Women Really Think About Men Who Are Uncircumcised

We talk about sexual preferences a lot—things we like, things we don’t like, and just experiences in general. However, one aspect that doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is circumcision.

Some people prefer their partner to be circumcised, while others could care less. Personally, I don’t feel it’s my place to judge someone for something they have no control over. It’s not like they were consulted at infancy as to whether or not they wanted to be one way or the other.

That being said, it’s also okay to have your preferences. Whisper consulted women on their opinions regarding uncircumcised guys and their responses might just surprise you.

1. People are so quick to judge.

2. It’s a dealbreaker for some.

3. For others, it’s a huge bonus.

4. It can depend on the person.

5. Some people just aren’t fans.

6. It’s not for everyone.

7. Cleanliness is important.

8. Again, cleanliness.

9. Different doesn’t have to be bad.

10. Amen.

11. Some are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

12. Don’t kick it ’til you try it.

13. Truth.

14. There’s definitely an upside.

15. Just one person’s opinion.

16. It doesn’t have to be a secret.

17. They’re a rare breed.

18. Agreed.

19. It’s not even a factor for some.

20. Others prefer their guys au naturale.

23 Of The Most Ridiculous Things Roommates Stole From Each Other

Anyone who has ever lived with roommates knows it can be a gamble. Most people have at least one horrible ex-roommate story to tell and if they don’t, it might be because they were the horrible roommate.

Some roommates are messy, some are loud, some are late on rent, and the worst ones aren’t afraid to steal from you. At least, that’s what these people discovered and they’re telling Whisper all about the weirdest things they discovered missing after a roommate left.

1. But why?

2. That’s just messed up.

3. Well, time to treat yo’ self to a trip to Sephora and send them a bill.

4. What kind of a prank is that?

5. I would be too.

6. This roommate should really sue.

7. For soda?

8. Who would do such a horrible thing?

9. Tell the doctor.

10. Honestly, who steals a fork?

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11. Jokes on her.

12. What goes around, comes around.

13. Call the police, seriously.

14. Wow, just wow.

15. Whoa there, that might be a little too far.

16. That sucks.

17. Who does that?

18. Ewwww.

19. Kick her out.

20. They’re like $1!

21. Nicely played.

22. Damn, that’s rough.

23. Nah, good job sir.

High School Teachers Are Sharing Their Dirty Secrets They’d Never Tell Their Students

Being a teacher is a lot of work—no matter what age your students are. But, when you’re teaching high school, you’re essentially teaching full grown teenagers (and some adults). While kids may be hard to control, trying to keep up with the slang, the technology, the fashion, and the drama can be exhausting. Take it from me, I actually teach high school and, it’s no day at the beach. That’s why us HS teachers have our own, dirty little secrets and habits we keep so near and dear to our hearts. Like, these wonderful fellow teachers on Reddit—I’m definitely stealing some of these.


Yes, I put you in a group with the kid you have a crush on intentionally. I’m stuck here with you 180 days a year, I want to see some drama.



Your parents are literally the worst part of my job.



I’d let you get away with so much more if you were actually a decent person who treated others with kindness and respect. Assholes rarely get the benefit of doubt or indifference.



The weed smell doesn’t magically disappear between the parking lot and my classroom.



If your parents email a teacher and argue with them, the whole staff knows. (At least at my school).



Yelling “fuck!” in the hallways doesn’t make you a badass. Teachers are yelling fuck in their heads all day long.



That we have much better hearing than you assume. We just choose our battles as it pertains to inappropriate comments. And sometimes I pretend not to see that thing you did just because I too found it humorous, and speaking to you about it would only result in me cracking up.



When you think you are being genius by getting me to talk about random things at the beginning of class instead of “teaching”, I’m really allowing it to happen b/c I don’t have enough planned to cover a full class.



Yes, we have a new seating chart… and yes, I sat you next to her because I can tell you have a crush on her. I noticed you try harder on your work when she is around, and to be honest… you two would make a cute couple 🙂



That my students are the reason why I am second-guessing having my own kids.



Please stop juuling in the classrooms that’s what the bathrooms are for.



That it’s just as weird for me as it is for you when we bump into each other in public.



I teach middle school, not high school, but for me, it’s that I know shit sucks at home. I see it every day when you come into my class. I see the tears you’re hiding, the pain behind that class clown smile, the emotional fragility behind your tough-guy persona. I know exactly what it’s like to come from a broken home. I wish I could do something, but until you come to me, all I can do is try and let you know, with a look, a smile, a subtle turn of phrase, that I’m always there for you when you need an ear, or a shoulder.



You’re unique, you’re not special. Set your goals high but understand that if you change your goals to needs, you will have a lifetime of disappointment.



The odds of you using any specific piece of knowledge you learn in high school is slim. The odds of you using some piece of knowledge from high school is near absolute and you have no idea what it’s going to be or when it will happen, so you may as well try at all of it. The biggest thing you’re going to learn is how to learn.



Your sense of entitlement is most likely acquired from your upbringing, so parent teacher conferences to discuss your grades aren’t going to do shit when the parents just blame us, despite you putting in little to zero effort.



To my freshmen, yes I always know when you didn’t do my math because you stayed up late playing Fortnite, you added me as a friend on Epic so I see that. Also the amount of homework not done in lower grades when new battlepasses come out is so coincidental.

To a specific freshman, I support your desire to become a streamer, but editing videos should not keep you away from your homework for a whole week and your friends always rat you out when you stay home/skip to make/edit those videos.

To all highschoolers I teach, you’re dumb, but I do love you guys. I’m not stupid and while I know you cheat on your homework, I don’t care since it’s only worth 10% of your grade and you’re forgoing the practice you can get before the test.



I don’t care that you came to class stoned. Just stop interrupting class, and for gods sake, don’t touch any power tools while you’re stoned.



I hate the texts as much as you do, but everyone just shrugs when I suggest changing them up! I’m sorry they made us keep that awful After book on the list, I genuinely offered to buy them all back from students so I could burn the waste of time that they are.



A lot of us probably drink, smoke, sleep around, etc more than you do, and hearing you talking about it and trying to hide it as if its something we wouldn’t know about is richly ironic.



If you are stupid enough to have filmed yourself doing something that can get you in trouble, especially legal trouble, for the love of God don’t post it online.



One of the most valuable lessons I can teach you is to fake looking busy.

If we’re supposed to be working on an assignment or reading or whatever, and you see me coming your way… At the least have a piece of paper on your desk and a pen in your hand and some shit on your paper, and then I won’t bother you. If you have nothing going on and can’t even be bothered to make it look like you’re trying, I’m heading your way.

This lesson will be invaluable with eventual bosses someday.



Yes, I do have favorite students. No, I won’t tell you who they are because that would discourage you, but yes they’re probably who you imagine them to be.



You can be unsuccessful at school but successful in life. I pretend that it is important for you to do well in my subject, but in reality you’ll most probably find your niche in life and be reasonably content or hopefully extremely happy. You might hate Maths, English, Science, but turn out to be the most amazing parent, artist, carpenter or even a mathematician, playwright or researcher. You might get the lowest scores in class and end up being the most successful of your peers. I feign annoyance, anger, disappointment. I reluctantly phone your parents, give you detentions, or write up critical reports. I have to, it’s my job. If you do well in my subject then that’s great, but if you don’t then just relax. We can’t all be good at everything.

Oh, and do you think you hate exams, tests and homework? Your mild dislike of the work is a mere candle flame compared to the hatred that burns like a million suns, that I feel when I have to fucking mark it.


21 Guys Explain Why They Send D*ck Pics

Anyone who has ever been the unsuspecting recipient of a dick pic knows how truly assaulting it can be on the eyes. Not to say the subject of the photo is unattractive, but most of us aren’t excited by the idea of some random genitals showing up in our DM’s without permission. So, why do guys do it?

Well, fortunately, several men decided to answer that exact question on Whisper and their responses might just surprise you…or not at all.

1. It’s all about the rush.

2. It’s an insecurity thing.

3. Sometimes it’s just to liven up a conversation.

4. Maybe it’s just for kicks.

5. It’s an ego boost.

6. Sometimes it’s just a couple thing.

7. It lays the groundwork.

8. It helps with low self-esteem.

9. To manage expectations.

10. Sometimes we have to turn the tables.

11. And sometimes they do it just to offend us.

12. It’s just lazy.

13. They’re hoping for something in return.

14. They assume it’s what we want.

15. It gives them a heads up.

16. Some men just need feedback.

17. Some like it when we’re mean.

18. It’s not just for you.

19. It makes them feel special.

20. It’s just for a reaction.

21. They’re fishing for compliments.

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