Care for Men: What Should Men Do to Improve Their Lifestyle?

Nowadays, men are becoming increasingly aware of the health issues affecting them. However, awareness by itself isn’t enough; they must adhere to a strict lifestyle in order to prevent personal and social problems. The following are some steps on how to improve men’s health.

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise has numerous benefits not only for men but also for women. For example, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in men. This disease is a serious condition that may require extensive hospitalization. Ignoring episodes of sudden chest pain or shortness of breath is highly dangerous because these situations can become life-threatening.

Regular exercise will improve a man’s cardiovascular health. It will reduce the chances of developing heart disease or having a stroke. Aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming are highly encouraged.

Anaerobic exercises such as weightlifting can also be done for about half an hour every day. Doing so will create stronger muscles that will be able to perform better in daily activities.

2. Seek To Avoid Excess Sodium

Sodium is an essential mineral in the human body. It has a lot of functions, such as helping to regulate nerve and heart activities. Sodium also plays an important role in the formation of chemicals necessary for proper functioning, such as hormones and neurotransmitters.

However, a diet that is too high in sodium can put pressure on the kidney, thereby increasing blood pressure. High blood pressure causes a lot of health complications, including heart disease, strokes, and kidney failure.

For that reason, men must pay attention to the amount of sodium they take every day. There are many foods that have high levels of sodium, such as canned foods, condiments, commercial food mixes, and snacks. Such foods should be avoided at all costs.

3. Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking is definitely harmful to health. It causes lung and throat cancer, which are the leading causes of death for men worldwide. Smokers also have a higher risk of suffering from heart disease, respiratory issues, and many other health conditions.

4. Quit Drinking

Drinking is not only bad for the liver but also for other parts of the body. Alcohol can cause high blood pressure, weight gain, and a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, like liver and esophageal cancer. Heavy drinking can also cause cognitive issues like memory loss or even diabetes. It can even lead to problems such as alcoholism.

5. Quit Drugs

The use of any type of drug has a negative effect on one’s health. For example, men who take drugs are more likely to develop a drug addiction. They also face a higher risk of suffering from a mental illness such as depression or anxiety disorders. People who use illegal drugs are also vulnerable to having a criminal record, which can lead to social issues, such as losing their jobs and families.

6. Focus on Diet

Eating healthy food is very important for a man’s health because it keeps his body energized and reduces the risk of suffering from diseases. Men must eat a balanced diet that contains the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

Eating a well-balanced diet will also help maintain a healthy weight. Men should also lessen their intake of food that is high in sugar, wheat, and fat. It can help lower the risk of obesity and other conditions, such as heart disease.

7. Improve the Quality of Sleep

You may not think about it but getting enough sleep every day is very important for your health. Sleep helps your body recover from any damage incurred during the day. It allows the brain to relax and slowly release any stress that it might have from the day before. Cognitive impairment is one of the many consequences of lack of sleep. Men can take steps to improve their sleep quality by getting seven hours of sleep every night.

The Bottom Line

It has become a cliche to say how your life can be improved by adopting a healthy meal plan, doing regular exercises, and avoiding stress factors. But the truth of the statement cannot be denied. By following some of these tips, you can achieve a new level of wellness.


Does The Lawn Mower 4.0 Leave Your Man “Scaped?” Read Our Review.

What The Heck Are They? The Scoop

Manscaped is a complete hygiene store for men so that they can look good and stay healthy down below. Manscaped offers a variety of products to trim, quaff, and man care mens most delicate parts. The Manscape Lawn Mower 4.0 is a skin-safe, adjustable, wireless and waterproof dude tool with a rechargeable battery and LED spotlight. One of our dapper dudes put it to the test. Here is his take.

What They Say

Part of the Manscaped brand mission is to create great sculpting tools for men while also raising awareness around testicular cancer. Did you know that one man gets diagnosed every day with testicular cancer? Manscape’s WE SAVE BALLS campaign draws important attention to the most common form of cancer for men ages 15-35.  Their partnership with the Testicular Cancer Society educates while encouraging early detection through self screening. They even have a ball checker app!  You read that right. Their website features an option to donate when you buy and to donate directly to the Testicular Cancer Society.

Quality Ease of Use, Packaging? Sustainable?

The Lawnmower comes in a tough as nails for boys only black box. Accessories, detailed instructions and the mower itself come all neatly packaged to help care for your “package”.  What he said “Experience was great. The product works as advertised by grooming those sensitive male areas without any problems. I used the lawnmower 2.0 before and always liked it and used it in the shower. The 4.0 worked great and seemed stronger than the 2.0 and had a nice charging station.”


Is It Affordable? What is the cost? Would I Purchase?

The price ranges from 69.99 to 89.99 USD for the different mower models. You can join the Manscaped Peak Hygiene Plan to receive products, refills and discounts. Prices start at 14.99 USD a month.

What he said “I purchased the 2.0 and have had it for close to 5 years without any issues so what you get for the price is excellent. The 2.0 would probably have lasted another 5-10 years.”


Would I Recommend ?

What he said “Yeah it’s a good product that would come highly recommended for what it is. I do think there’s no replacement for using a straight razor on the chest and nether regions for a smooth, clean result. But hitting those areas with some much needed maintenance every so often is where the lawnmower really comes handy and works great. I also use mine to trim my side burns and neck in addition to my man parts.”


The Down-low on The Downside

What he said “I wound up leaving it out without charging for a while and it goes dead or loses its power. An indicator light for when to charge would be great. Otherwise, I actually like the simplicity and limited feature set. It’s a trimmer for your balls. Other than an on/off switch what more do you need …”

Our Overall Rating 4.9 out of 5

You can purchase your Manscaped Lawn Mower 4.0 for you or a loved one, here.

Is Your boyfriend’s Beard Healthy? Signs of An Unhealthy Beard


There is no secret to spotting unhealthy facial hair, as in most cases, a healthy appearance speaks volumes about you. But for guys who take their beard health seriously, they know that it goes beyond looks when it comes to a healthy beard. For ladies looking to learn how to detect if a beard is healthy or not, they can find the tips below to be useful.



Guys with the freshest looking facial hair take their grooming seriously so that you can find a variety of tools in their bathroom or dressing table. From combs, brushes, oils, gels, clippers, razors, and other men’s grooming essentials will be visible in their apartments.


If you are out together, there is a high chance that you would get a whiff of cream or gel when you get close. If you are admiring from far, the neatly trimmed lines and straight or curly strands shouldn’t be hard to miss.


He Itches a Lot


Another sign that your man seriously needs to check in with the beards doctor is that he itches a lot around the chin. It may be nothing if it’s just an impulse, but if it continues for days, you want to let him know he needs to do something about it. There are many reasons for itchy facial hair, such as dry skin or an infection, but most time can be avoided with proper grooming.


You want to look out for warning signs such as dandruff. Itching caused by dandruff can be reduced with coconut oil, and they are other topical remedies such as balms that are equally effective.


Tough Hair Strands


Guys with tough hair strands are not the only ones who have to endure the discomfort that comes with it. Their partners, too, most likely would often get bruised from those razor-like follicles. A good quality beard oil should be able to soften the hair and reduce abrasions when you come in contact with his face. If this doesn’t help, you can always find a reliable heated beard comb that can make your beard softer and straighter – your significant other will definitely be grateful for that!


Final Words


There are many other reasons why your man’s beard is unhealthy, and if you are genuinely the caring girlfriend that you ought to be, you should point it out to him. You want to be careful about how you draw his attention to the issue. It is best to be caring and subtle in your approach. You want to get him to take his grooming seriously and not start a war.


Taking an interest in your partner’s appearance shows you care about how they look, but you want to ensure that they also like how they look. You can get them a gift of men’s essential grooming tools; with all the gear they need to look their best.

Beards Base

About The Author

Anthony Walker is founder and editor in chief at Beard Base. You will often find him rocking out a different beard style, and searching for new, improved tips and tricks for facial hair maintenance. Anthony also gives vent to his creativity by writing illuminating articles on the subject, striving to share his knowledge and reveal the simplest, yet the most effective ways for grooming your facial hair.

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