Thoughtful Ways to Put Yourself First This Fall

Fall brings a lot more responsibilities when it arrives. You must prepare your kids for a successful school year while balancing your schedule and leaving those lazy summer days behind.

It can be challenging to prioritize yourself during this busy time, but you certainly should.

Ditch the guilt of sometimes putting your needs before your family. If you are unhappy and unfulfilled, you won’t be able to help your kids to the best of your ability. Being kind to yourself can boost your happiness and make everyone feel better.

Here are some thoughtful ways to put yourself first this fall.

Make Mornings Less Stressful

Mornings can be hectic when you are trying to prepare for your day and get your kids ready for theirs. Making breakfast, gathering school necessities, and remembering all the day’s activities going on first thing in the morning can be overwhelming and exhausting, even after a good night’s sleep.

Get some extra time for yourself by waking up earlier than the rest of your family. You can prepare certain things the night before to help mornings run smoothly. Plan clothes and lunches the night before to make things easier for everyone in the a.m.

Set Personal Boundaries

Boundaries are essential for your happiness. Use them to block off time that is yours alone. You can set up a particular time during the day that you dedicate purely to yourself. Maybe you enjoy reading for an hour or getting some exercise. Make sure everyone in the family understands your scheduled time off and respects it, even if you have to disappear into your room behind closed doors.

Go on Date Nights

Being a parent means you may not get time with others you love and care for. Therefore, planning date nights with your significant other or friends you haven’t had time to see is vital.

Couples need time to discuss things other than their kids. It is easy to forget what your life was like without children, so having time to decompress and recharge your relationship can be a great way to put yourself first. Consider going out for dinner, taking a walk or planning a fun game and snack night after your kids go to bed. Put it on your calendar and make it a priority as often as you need to.

No matter what seems suitable for you, spending time with people you care about is sure to boost your happiness and make you feel more content with your life.

Schedule Self-Care and Hobbies

It may seem like a no-brainer, but taking care of yourself can get put on the back burner while being a parent. Adding small things into your day, like a nighttime routine, can give you that extra boost of feeling like you are caring for your needs. If you find it difficult to do this, schedule a getaway to be sure you nourish your mind and body. The time away could be exactly what you need.

You may squeeze in time to restart your hobbies or pick up new ones. Take classes on things you always wanted to try or get back into doing the things you used to love. No matter what it is, there is time to take care of yourself while parenting.

Remember You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

As much as you want to be the parent that makes everyone in your life happy, it is unrealistic. Holding yourself to that expectation is unhealthy because it is impossible to do that when everyone has different needs. There is always going to be someone who is not happy with certain decisions.

Remember, you can ease stress by not making it your mission to keep everyone happy. It is ultimately up to you to keep yourself happy first. Having this mindset can remind you that putting yourself first is a priority.

Just Say No

Sometimes turning down plans or extra work is exactly what you need. Overexertion can result in burnout, which can lead to more problems in the future. You may come to resent the activities or work you continuously pack into your schedule. It is not bad for you to put yourself first and protect your mental health.

Evaluate Your Emotions 

Another great way to put yourself first is by evaluating your emotions. Do this when things build up or set time aside to check in with yourself. Understand why you feel the way you do and separate the thoughts and feelings from each other. Take a moment to be sure you are doing OK before continuing your busy day.

Make Yourself a Priority

Spending time bending over backward for others can make you forget how to prioritize yourself. It is possible to take care of yourself and the rest of your family, too. Find joy in your life by finding the perfect balance this fall and not getting overwhelmed by this busy season.

About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 

Actionable Ideas To Relish Your Downtime Every Weekend

If you are a busy professional, you will surely realize the value of weekends. The sheer feeling of skipping the commutes, deadlines, and workplace politics brings immense happiness. Even WFH professionals and stay-at-home moms love the break when they need not worry about the morning rush and timetables. You can do things at your own pace or even enjoy doing nothing at all. The weekend downtime can be therapeutic, provided you use it creatively and without feeling guilty. Let us share some actionable ideas to relish your free time


Sleep an hour more

Sleep deprivation is common in adults, no matter how hard they try to stick to the eight-hour rule. You may lose a few hours of it every week due to stress, unhealthy habits, and outings. Utilize the weekend to sleep an hour more and make up for the missed time. But avoid being lazy as staying in bed the entire day is the worst way to spend your free time. Just get enough to recharge your energy levels and feel refreshed.


Declutter your living space

You can spend your weekend decluttering your living space to make it lighter, healthier, and happier. A small spree done frequently is enough to keep your home beautiful and save time and energy on a big project. Assessing the stuff you do not need also encourages minimalist living habits. You are less likely to buy unnecessary stuff when you feel the pain of purging.


Indulge in self-care

Pampering yourself is perhaps the best way to relish your weekend downtime. Plan a spa session at home to start the morning on a positive note. Ask your partner to pamper you a relaxing massage. Following it up with a cannabis session is a great idea, as it sets you up for deep relaxation. You can even search where to buy my weed online to order your stash for doorstep delivery if you do not want to step out. Try edibles for sustainable relief, or pick a concentrate for potent hits.


Skip the to-do list

To-do lists are great for organizing your day as they enable you to keep track of time and tasks. There is hardly a chance of missing out on anything, regardless of how busy you are. But not having a to-do list can be the best way to enjoy your leisure time on the weekend. Commit to experiencing the joy of free living once a month, and pick things without a plan. Go for a walk, hit the road, or invite your partner for an impromptu date.


Get a digital detox

You cannot manage without technology and devices throughout the week, but unplugging during the weekends can do wonders for your well-being. Get a digital detox for a few hours to recharge your mental wellness. The world won’t fall apart if you miss the news or stay off your phone and social media for a while. Step out without your device, and enjoy the sunshine and birdsong.

Enjoying your downtime can be a therapeutic practice if you are thoughtful and creative. Follow these tips to relax and have a good time during the weekend.

I Love You, But I Love Me More

It’s 3 am and I’m laying here, wishing things were different. Knowing both of us are forever going to be changed. I wish I didn’t have to feel this lonely. And I know that things are not gonna be different if something drastic doesn’t happen. And also knowing that a drastic thing is gonna happen in just a few short hours. 

I wish last week you’d have taken this more seriously. That you would have listened to me. Since you didn’t, the only thing I can say is … I love you, but I have to love me more. I have to heal and grow. And I am so sorry that it means that we cannot be us right now. I do hope that you  understand. 

All I really wanted two hours ago was for you to fight for us. And when you said nothing and I rolled over, you didn’t even reach out to put your arm around. Because it was in that very moment thatI knew, that you weren’t going to. That we lost our connection.

In the spirit of not ruining all of the fun that you so desperately want to have, I’m going to see myself out. No, really, it is all fine–  I’m just going to go home. At least that’s my plan tonight as I lay here wondering if we have a future and wondering if you’ll ever understand. Because I lay next to you with tears in my eyes and you have nothing to say! But that, silence, that cold silence, spoke volumes, validating my decision to go. So, again I hope that you can understand. 

I know this isn’t going to be easy for you. And that you need me to be the bad guy. The one who ripped your heart out in front of the rest of the world. Ok, that’s fine. I just hope that you will one day understand that I just needed more from you. That I needed to be your priority. And that I expected  you to do what you said you would do, and not just the sacrifices that you felt like doing. I think I my may be in your way, so now I know it’s time to step back and let you grow up. 

I hope that you can understand that I know that is what you need. You need time and space. I get that. I only hope that when you realize what it is that you need for yourself, not too much will have passed. Otherwise, we will continue to slip too far away from each other. You see, I always said that I would always be your cheerleader, and I will. I wish you nothing but love and happiness, even if that means it is not with me. Because of this, this love, that I have for you. Your cheerleader is gonna sit on the sidelines quietly while you talk over your next play. I just hope that you can understand! 

I’ll leave you with this. I love you so much it’s literally killing me thinking of what’s to come in a few short hours. The tears streaming down my face are because I know how much this is gonna hurt. Believe me, this breakup is the last thing that I ever wanted to do. And all I can cling to right now is the hope that you understand that is more for you than for me! I hope that you figure out what you need. I am forever rooting for you, forever your cheerleader. 

Forever my love,


Why You Have to Make Time for Self-Care

Work, everyday tasks, and numerous responsibilities can all build up to stress, anxiety, and even panic attacks. If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, it’s quite possible that stress is the main culprit. Also, chronic stress can lead to anxiety, which, in turn, might result in panic attacks. So not addressing the issue of stress and not dealing with the problem, as you can see, can create more issues and more serious problems.

To prevent all those stress-related issues from piling up, you need to take a break. Shut down that computer, leave your phone aside and schedule some me-time.


What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is a general term that describes everything you do for your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It can be something as little as not checking your emails before bedtime because you know it’s going to disturb your sleep. But self-care also involves more important decisions like taking that vacation or even leaving the toxic job you’ve been working for years. Essentially, everything that’s going to bring that much-needed balance to your life can be considered a self-care treatment or a decision driven by self-care.


The Benefits of Self-Care

Even though self-care can look different from one person to the next, the benefits of practicing it are the same:


Improving Your Mental Health

Mental health has been quite a popular topic in recent years, and rightfully so. We overwork ourselves in order to achieve more, when in fact taking a step back can have more benefits than pushing ourselves to the edge. So reading a book, having a hot bath, or simply taking a walk is sometimes all it takes to be more prepared for the battles that await.


Keeping Stress and Anxiety at Bay

As we already mentioned at the beginning, stress increases the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Taking some time off to relax and de-stress will allow your body to repair itself so that you can think straight and make better decisions.


Boosting the Immune System

The immune system plays a vital role in defending the body against diseases. When our immunity is compromised because of burnout or extreme exhaustion, things can go sideways. Taking care of your diet and exercising regularly can boost your immunity and prevent illnesses like cancer and heart disease.


Enriching Relationships

When you feel good, you glow. You bring the best version of yourself wherever you go. For some people, taking care of yourself can look like a selfish, self-indulgent act, but it’s never about that. It’s just filling your own cup before you can pour into someone else’s – simple as that.


Practicing Self-Care

There are so many ways to practice self-care and incorporate it into your everyday life. Here are some ideas that we chose for you:


Exercise Regularly

Research has shown that regular exercise increases the levels of serotonin in your body, which improves mood and energy. So staying fit, healthy, and energized will help you feel your best, and the focus is on the physical activities that make you feel good.

Don’t go to the gym if you’ve tried it long enough to know you hate it – instead, look for a group class, dancing lessons, or a sport you’ll genuinely enjoy participating in. You can even include friends or family members in this routine of yours. Maybe swimming or a morning run would suit you better. The important thing is that you do what you love, so taking some time for it will never be a problem.


Challenge Your Mind

Just as you train your body, you should train your mind. Learning something new or pursuing a new hobby can keep your mind engaged and sharp. You’ll meet new people and engage in new relationships, and who knows where that can lead to. Not to mention it’s going to boost your confidence and improve your self-image.


Practice Mindfulness

Being conscious of our feelings makes it easier to process them in a healthy way. You can do that by meditating, journaling, and practicing positive self-talk. Being kind to yourself and to others can help you be more aware of your own power. Practice gratitude and always be thankful for the little things in life.


Eat Healthily

Food affects your mood, and that’s a fact! Everything you incorporate into your daily meals will have a positive or negative impact on how you feel. Healthy food not only gives you fuel for exercise but also lowers the risk of chronic illnesses. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast, and slowly introduce some new unprocessed foods to your body and see how it goes.


Make Sure to Get  Enough Sleep

Sleep affects both your physical and mental health, so you can’t skip this one. People generally need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and it’s very important to go to sleep and wake up at the same time. You need comfort and routine to keep a healthy circadian rhythm, so invest in a good mattress and crispy sheets, turn off your phone at least 30 minutes before sleep (no scrolling), and sail into slumberland.


Learn to Say No

Of course, this had to go on the list, because most of us often accept things that are not good for our mental health in order to avoid conflict. Although we’d rather say no to something being asked of us, we accept just to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, but we end up hurting ours. It’s important to check within yourself how you feel about certain things, and if you’re not feeling good about it, just don’t do it. You’re only human – you can’t make everyone happy, but you can make yourself a (happy) priority.


In Conclusion

Whenever the world seems like too much, it’s time for you to take a break. “I don’t have time for self-care” should be seen as an issue of its own. You would find the time for your best friend if they were in trouble, right? So you should always be there for the person that is always there for you – no matter the situation – the magnificent YOU.

About The Author

Sarah is a life enjoyer, positivity seeker, and a curiosity enthusiast. She is passionate about an eco-friendly lifestyle and adores her cats. She is an avid reader who loves to travel when time allows.

Simple Ideas For Looking After Yourself Better 

We all know that looking after ourselves is important, but sometimes it can be hard to find the time or energy to do so. Here are some simple tips that you can easily integrate into your daily routine to help you feel your best. Give yourself a few moments each day to focus on taking care of yourself and you’ll soon start to see the benefits!

Start jogging!

A lot of people think they don’t have time to go for a run, but even just 10-15 minutes a day can make a big difference to your energy levels and overall well-being. This is because exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. So, if you’re feeling down, a quick jog can be a great pick-me-up.

Make time for breakfast

Skipping breakfast might often seem like an easy way to save time in the morning, but it’s actually not doing you any favors. Starting the day with a truly nutritious meal will give you sustained energy levels throughout the day, so you’ll be able to focus and be productive. Also, eating breakfast has been shown to help with weight control. So, make time for a healthy breakfast each morning and you’ll soon start to see the benefits.

Get a fun hobby

When we’re busy, it’s easy to just stick to the same routine day after day. But this can be really draining, both mentally and emotionally. A great way to break out of this rut is to start a new hobby that you enjoy. This could truly be anything from painting to hiking – whatever gets you excited! You might be into playing online slot games at sites like jackpotcity. Whatever your passion actually is, make sure that you pursue it and you’ll soon start to feel more fulfilled.

Take a break from social media

Social media can be great for staying connected with friends, but it can also be a huge time-suck. If you find that you’re spending hours scrolling through your newsfeed each day, it might be time to take a break. This doesn’t mean you have to delete your accounts – just take a few days off each week to disconnect from the digital world and focus on the things that are really important to you.

Start a sleep routine

If you’re not getting enough sleep, it can have a big impact on your energy levels, mood, and overall health. That’s why it’s truly important to make sure that you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. One way to do this is to establish a nightly sleep routine. This could involve things like taking a hot bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music before bed. By doing this, you’ll start to associate bedtime with relaxation and you’ll find it easier to fall asleep.

Get a personal trainer

Working out can be a great way to boost your mood and energy levels, but it can be hard to stay motivated on your own. If this is something you struggle with, consider hiring a personal trainer. This is a great way to have someone who will hold you accountable and help you achieve your fitness goals. Plus, they’ll be able to give you helpful tips and advice on how to stay healthy and active.

10 Ways to Enhance Your Health This Year

It can be hard to keep up with your health between taking your kids to school and work. However, there are simple things you can do to improve your daily routine. Here are 10 ways to live a healthy lifestyle this year.

Drink Plenty of Water 

You may have a glass of water with meals, but remember to continue to drink it throughout the day. Men need to drink about 15.5 cups of fluids a day and women need 11.5 cups to stay healthy. Staying hydrated helps you maintain a normal body temperature and lubricates your joints. It also helps to flush out waste.


If you don’t like the taste of water, add in some fruits or vegetables to increase the flavor. Infuse in some lemon, lime, fresh berries, or cucumbers. Another simple way is to replace sodas with water. It increases your water intake and reduces the number of calories you consume. Also, if you forgot to drink because you’re so busy, set reminders on your phone.

Get Enough Rest 

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential in allowing you to function the next day. If you’re sleepy, you will be less alert and more forgetful. You may also feel more easily irritated, which can negatively impact your relationships. So, you want to make sure you’re getting at least 7-9 hours of rest.


One way to sleep better is to wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends. You also want to turn your phone off before bed and do something relaxing.

Be More Active 

Physical activity is important to keep your heart healthy and strengthen your bones. Regular exercise also helps with weight management, reducing the risk of diabetes. You want to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a day.


One of the easiest ways to work out is by walking. Head to your local park and walk around the trails. Getting fresh air allows you to receive vitamin C and boosts your mood. Plus, you can turn walks into family bonding time. Another quick way to get exercise is by taking the stairs. You can even multitask by running on the treadmill in front of your favorite shows.


Try Some Light Stretching

Stretching isn’t just for before a workout. It can help to loosen up your muscles and improve flexibility. Tense muscles can cause high blood pressure and stiff arteries. Starting your morning with a simple stretching session can help you relax. Consider trying the side lung stretch, which works your inner thigh.

Eat Your Breakfast 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy to get through the rest of the day. Consider going for a nutritious meal with plenty of fiber and protein. Eggs are easy to make and rich in protein. It can also fill you up faster, so you’re less hungry during the afternoon.

Take Care of Your Mind

Your physical health is essential, but don’t forget about your mental wellbeing. With all the stress of life, it’s critical to take some time for yourself. This doesn’t have to be a big thing either. It can be a few minutes when you’re having your morning coffee or right after you put the kids to bed.


One way to clear your mind is through meditation. It can decrease anxiety and promote creativity. In addition, it can make you happier and help you discover your personality. Mediation also has physical benefits, such as reduced muscle tension and headaches. Yoga, journaling, and exercise can also help you clear your head.

Make Homemade Meals

Life gets busy, and sometimes cooking isn’t an option. However, when you have the time, it can encourage you to eat a more nutritious meal. Many restaurant foods are high in sodium, sugar, and fat. Plus, you can save money by staying in. For example, people in Arizona spend about $2,7095 per year dining out.


When cooking your meals, make sure you have a good mix of protein and vegetables. Consider making a chicken parm stuffed pepper for your next family dinner.

Spend Time With Loved Ones 

Spending time with friends and family can improve your mood. Also, having social connections is vital for your well-being. It can lower anxiety and depression and increase your self-confidence. They also have physical health benefits, such as living longer. So, consider catching up with a friend or family member during your next lunch break.

Brush Your Teeth Gently

While most people know to brush their teeth regularly, they may not do it properly. Brushing too hard can irritate your gums and cause tooth sensitivity. Instead, brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water. You also want to limit your acidic food intake, which can cause tooth decay.

Be Mindful of Your Posture

Many people sit for hours to do work or watch television. The average adult sits about 6.5 hours a day. Sitting for an extended time puts strain on your back. When sitting at your desk, straighten up your back and put your feet flat on the floor.


You also want to raise your monitor to eye level to avoid neck strain. Make sure to have a comfy chair with good lumbar support as well. Then throughout the day, remember to get up and walk around during your breaks.

How to Stay Healthy 

Your health should be a top priority. The good news is there are simple ways you can improve your health. So, follow these tips to live a healthy lifestyle today.

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About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find herin a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 



Dear Five-Year-Old Self

Dear five-year-old self,

You didn’t know that bills were going to have to be paid and that learning to drive would come about so quickly. 18 came by quickly. How you wish you could eat crappy food without guilt and run around in day camp without the worries of high school bullying and work drama.

Dear five-year-old self,

You never thought a chronic illness would come about and that you would become disabled. You didn’t think that you would actually get to be an adult and you would have to make choices. You didn’t think that life would go by quickly and that you would have to outgrow Bratz dolls.

Dear five-year-old self,

You had best friends in elementary school but didn’t know you would grow apart in middle school. You didn’t think appearance and popularity would be important until you realized how mean kids really could be. You didn’t know studying could be so hard and just trying to fit in felt like an extra task.

Dear five-year-old self,

You didn’t know the anxiety of adulthood would come about and that the work world would really be something to become an activity on a daily basis. You didn’t know that pressure and drama would occur from college and that innocence of youth was taken away as you realized you had to grow up.

But listen, five-year-old self,

You didn’t know how much you would accomplish as you got older. You didn’t know how smart you were when you achieved academic awards and good grades in high school and college. You didn’t realize how resilient you were when you had to overcome a disability and the adversity and harshness that the world would throw at you for being disabled. You didn’t think you would find love but a boy loves you just the way you are.

You thought as a five-year-old that life would be smooth which was not the case but as you grew up you learned to make choices for yourself and learn how to care for others.

You overcome being fired and laid off from work and being discriminated and bullied against for your disability. You made mistakes you admit and lost friends along the way but you have learned lessons that have made you into a better person. You have become strong and realized to put yourself first and focus on self-care. You have realized that love and laughter are important for happiness and to not stress the small things.

Dear five-year-old self,

Tell your older self to relax and breathe once in a while and to stop overthinking. Tell your older self to give yourself credit for the things you have done and to not beat yourself up over the mistakes you have made. Learn to always overcome fights with parents and loved ones as you continue to grow into a better person each day.

Dear five-year-old self,

Give yourself a chance to let your 27-year-old self be happy and smile. You’re doing the best you can.

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About the Author

Molly Rose lives in PA but is originally from NY. She wrote for Odyssey Online in 2017 and has now started her journey with Puckermob. Molly is getting her Master’s degree online in Human Services at Capella University. She is an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Quality Time: 5 Ways to Spend Time on Your Own and Relax


Sometimes we all just want time to ourselves, time to relax, and time to recharge. There are many benefits that come from spending time on your own and relaxing, such as improving your relationships, making you more empathetic, and improving your creativity. But it’s important to remember that doing so doesn’t necessarily mean that you are being antisocial or don’t enjoy being with other people.

Join a Retreat Program

There are so many different retreat programs that you are able to attend which can help you relax, and are a great way to spend time alone or meet new people, one such retreat is the Iboga Retreat. Retreats can help you to get away from the stress of daily life or sometimes a more specific stressor and focus on different areas such as stress management, relaxation, and wellness, so whichever area you are wanting to improve there is a retreat program for all. Some allow you to spend more time in nature which is also a great way to relax as it has been proven to have a calming effect on people. These retreats are also traveled that you will feel comfortable taking on your own even if it is something that you normally feel anxious about.


Curling up with a good book is one of the most common ways to spend time by yourself and relax. It is a great activity for when it’s raining outside and because there are so many different genres, it appeals to a wide variety of different people. Reading a book allows you to travel to far-off locations without having to spend a lot of money or time. If you are looking for a way to relax through travel when you don’t have the time or finances to do so, then reading is the perfect activity to do by yourself.

Taking a Bath

Another great way to relax is to take a bath. You can turn your bathroom into a sanctuary; maybe have some candles lit for a calm environment through sight and smell, have your music playing on low, and maybe a book or something that you enjoy doing as you soak. Some of these elements may not work for you, but with a little bit of experimentation, you will find what is best for you. A lot of people also enjoy using special bath bombs to make the experience even more relaxing by releasing a specific scent or turning the water a different color. Taking a bath is definitely a popular solo activity for relaxing.


When thinking of exercise, it is easy to think of it as the complete opposite of relaxing, however, try some low-impact exercise to relax and spend time on your own. For example, a walk is a popular method of relaxation because not only are you taking time away from whatever is stressing you out, it allows you to take in the nature around you. You could also use a waist trainer to improve posture as part of your workout plan. Another form of exercise that is a great way to spend time on your own and relax is yoga as it encourages you to focus on your breathing, and if you want something that can also be done in a class this is the exercise for you.

Listen to Music

Listening to music is one of the most common ways for people to relax and it is very easy to do on your own with headphones. It can be a great way to block out the world by simply putting your headphones in and playing your favorite songs so that you can’t hear anyone or anything else. Another way that this method can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere is to play ambient music and close your eyes.

Final Words

There are so many different ways that you can relax and enjoy spending time on your own, some will appeal to you more than others, so it may be a bit of trial and error to begin with. But remember, whether it is blocking the world out by listening to music, disappearing into the pages of a good book, or doing some calming exercise, there is something for everyone.

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How To Avoid Toxic Situations Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Toxic Situations To Avoid For Each Sign

It is no surprise that Astrology explains many aspects of our lives based on our Zodiac signs, such as our preferences and compatibility, destructive occasions. Toxic situations are different for each sign, and in order to understand them, one can start by reading Astrological books for beginners, such as “The Private Lives of the Sun Signs” and “The Astrology of You and Me”. Another way to dive deep into each sign is to take a look at astrology websites like Cafe Astrology or Horoscope, which are run by Astrologers. You can also consider taking a look at the brief info on horoscope signs, and have a deeper understanding of why certain situations are considered toxic for different signs.

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Taking on the leadership role means taking on stress from other people. Aries need to create better boundaries and to be firm. Avoiding toxic relationships by working with people that are efficient and sensitive to others time and energy. When it comes to dating, an Aries needs a partner that trusts their leadership abilities and who listens to their needs. In return, an Aries will show support for their partner and be willing to go the extra mile for the one they love. They just need a partner that does not take advantage of their work ethic, loyalty and kindness.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus are always willing to play along with others until there are specific things that they do not disagree with. It is truly important for a Taurus to be heard. Especially when they are asking repeatedly for the same things. In short, a Taurus does not ask for much. So when they do, they deserve respect. A Taurus needs to schedule time for self-care and insist on space. Because a Taurus has a tendency to take on more than they can handle, boundaries must be set in work and romance to avoid toxic situations.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The toxic part of being a Gemini is that they are so hard on themselves. Their inner dialogue makes them their worst advocates at times. Being a good partner to a Gemini means hearing them out. And giving them the space they need to improve themselves. You cannot really upset a Gemini by being hard on them, because there is nothing that you can say to them that they have not already said to themselves. Encourage a Gemini to take space, and to figure out what they want. They are goal oriented and want to be the best version of themselves. A Gemini will always be a great listener, and not place judgement. Doctors and Lawyers and Social Workers are a Gemini’s ideal career path.


Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

All a Cancer wants is a happy family and a happy home. A Cancer can fall into a great depression if they are not given the room they need to brood, breathe, ruminate, dream and sleep. Cancers love a good home cooked meal, so that is the way to their heart. A tidy house and creative space is important to a Cancer. So declutter that closet often and avoid people who are all over the place.


Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Leo’s are up for a great time, and they love to win. A Leo is happy for last minute invites out and is usually the plus one to that unusual party or outing. Leos take on a lot though and they will go until they are out of steam completely. So a Leo needs to be on a schedule so they get enough sleep to recharge their batteries. A Leo likes to know what is next on their schedule if possible, so a planner is a must have item for them. Because a Leo needs to avoid emotionally heavy partners who ask too much from them because a Leo will take it all on which can lead to a toxic situation.


Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

The best part about a Virgo is their ability to spot errors and color within the lines. It is also their downfall at times. The Zodiac sign always striving for perfection in themselves and in others, they can appear harsh at times. A Virgo needs permission to relax and take a break. They are best suited with partners that know when to work and when to play. Accepting their own flaws and flaws in others and letting things be a little messy is healthy for the perfectionist Virgo.


Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

The mission of a Libra is to constantly strike a balance. And because of this trait, it is difficult for them to make decisions. Libras are usually better off working solo or under a strong leadership role where they have guidance and know their objectives. A Libra needs to challenge themselves by making decisions regularly to break the pattern of being slow to choose what they want and need. Learning to trust their choices and being with partners who also trust their ability to do what is best for themselves will empower the scale based Libra to go after what they want.


Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Passionate Scorpio always knows what they want. And they usually go for it. What can stop them is being around negative, narcissistic people who do not have the same drive and optimism that they do. A Scorpio needs to be able to cry and vent so that they can move past whatever is bothering them. Because, despite how upset they get, Scorpios have a strong work ethic, are extremely loyal and smart and genuinely care about the people they love. Scorpios do well in a leadership role but they can do great under strong leadership. A Scorpio can be very empathic and can enable their partners bad habits So it is best for them to steer clear of partners with addictive personalities or those with drug or alcohol problems.  A Scorpio needs to take long vacations in order to reset.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

This is the sign with the most to offer their partner but the least awareness of that fact. A Sagittarius loves being generous and kind to their partner. So being with a partner that truly appreciates them is all they really need to feel love. A Sagittarius can constantly reinvent themselves, so a career path for them could be a zig zag of short term careers. By allowing themselves to explore opportunities in love and in career and with lots of travel, a Sagittarius will find happiness in the journey.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

A patient sign that is fiscally conservative and thrives on positive affirmation, Capricorns are extremely sensitive. They like to socialize! A Capricorn should avoid negative people that are always telling them what is wrong. They avoid toxic situations by focusing on their strengths and staying goal oriented. Capricorns are easy to please. So be the type of partner that encourages them to enjoy the little things in life.


Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Wherever the wind blows for the Aquarius, the wanderlust follows. Solo travel, romantic travel, and call me anytime and I will be there kind of friend. The Aquarius has a problem not judging people and situations correctly. So it is best for the Aquarius to always have that friend who they can run things by to keep themselves out of trouble. A conservative partner can do wonders for an Aquarius. Letting them be the spontaneous one in the relationship while also helping them stay grounded. An Aquarius does best as an entrepreneur that can set their own schedule. Because time for them is as the wind blows…


Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Two fish swimming in opposite directions. Emotional, dreamy and the adult of all the Zodiac signs. A Pisces thrives on intuition. Things have to feel right for a Pisces to go there. A Pisces can thrive in a work environment that is playful and less strict. It is important for a Pisces to be organized, so a Marie Kondo closet makeover is a must. Post it notes and a planner sound great to a Pisces but likely tasks will be accomplished based on desire to tackle. So expect procrastination from your Pisces partner when they just don’t want to do something. Avoid getting too far behind, Pisceans by setting daily goals to tackle just a few specific things each day. A great partner for a Pisces is someone who keeps their voices down, and never demands anything. Asking politely to a Pisces goes a long way. Because Pisces are empaths, they need to avoid toxic situations. So be careful not to date arrogant douchebags. Finding someone who cares about their wellbeing and respects their desire for wellness and self care.


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Foot care: 5 steps to have and keep your feet soft

Taking care of our looks, it is easy to overlook the parts of our body which we keep covered. Feet are the part of our body which is more often than not hidden, and, being the furthest to reach, the hardest body part to take care of. It is common knowledge that taking a walk has a great influence on our body so that Australia has many hiking trails that are a popular weekend activity. Here is a quick list of tips to put the feet care in your busy schedule!


1: Wash thoroughly every day

The most basic, yet the most important piece of advice you will get – wash! Go in details and soap every nook and cranny of your foot. While showering also be careful to keep your feet in the water as long as you can, to let that water soak the dry skin and the dirt under your toenails. Then scrub with a body scrub, a pumice stone, or a pedicure file. Remove all of the dried skin, paying special attention to heels, big toe, and the skin just under toes. Afterward, when drying with a towel also do not forget to carefully dry your feet to avoid fungi or bacterial infection. Great feet care prevents many issues!


2: Do not skip moisturizer

After a long day, a refreshing and much-needed shower, and after all the face and body skincare, who wants to use an additional special cream for our feet? In order to avoid getting a new dry patch, you should at least spread the body moisturizer down to your toes. Everyday care will show the results pretty fast, and there will be no need to worry about cracked heels or painful toenails. Cracked heels are only one of the issues of the dry skin on the feet. The skin that human skin sheds naturally, the sock fibers, the dust, and the dirt will make a long-term problem if there is dry skin to attach to, especially under nails. If you truly do want to avoid moisturizer every day, maybe you should try some DIY scrubs which often have oil to keep your feet soft or simply use thicker moisturizer.


3: Cut your nails the right way

Regularly trim nails, and keep them short, but not too short. Nails that have been cut all the way to the skin can deform your nail, or be a spot for bacteria growth. Always cut straight, with no curved lines to keep your toe and nail plate clean and healthy. When it comes to filing, use the file only to soften the nail edge, avoiding the curvatures and picking too much under the freshly shortened nail. If you go to the professional to get a pedicure, ask for a straight across the cut and in an unfortunate case of a small cut to disinfect it right there and then. Do not ask for a nail polish if your nails are cracked, thickened, smelly, or crumbling – you won’t hide it!


4: Examine and train feet often

Don’t you wish to give your feet a short massage after a long day of having them stuck in footwear? Please do! Stretch them, squeeze them and give them a good look. You will feel better and check if they truly are good-looking. What that means is to check feet for the places you feel more pain than usual, if you have dry calluses, if your toes are swelling too much or if they are looking anything out of the ordinary. Anyhow, you should know when it’s time to go to your local podiatrist and get checked. As Fairfield podiatrist’s team claim, the early diagnostics with correct treatments have the best outcomes (with no deformity left). Looking after your feet is like looking after your teeth – a short annual checkup and you’re good to go for a while.


5: Wear properly fitted shoes

Those shoes that you wear every day have to do a lot with the current state of your feet. The shoes that fit you well should not be chosen solely for the purpose of being trendy or fancy for the occasion (although we wouldn’t blame you, we are all in the same boat). Fashion trends come and go, but the care put into wearing comfortable shoes will prove with long lifetime mobility. Improper fit can give you blisters that can get infected, while long-term wear can bring deformations and thick calluses. To keep your feet dry and healthy, wear shoes made of leather or another breathable material to allow air circulation. If prone to excessive sweat of feet, look for shoes made of mesh fabrics for maximum breathability. Looking for nice and comfortable is the best option. Foot care is only one part of self-care after all!

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About The Author

Maggie Holmes is a passionate blog writer who is extremely keen on writing about fashion, lifestyle, pets and technology. Her exclusive hobby is to surf the net to find amazing articles that can inspire her with some fresh ideas for article writing. She loathes being a common person who wastes her time. Follow her on Twitter.


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