26 Ladies Who Hate Receiving Oral Dish The Dirty Details About Why They Dislike It

Intimacy is an important part of any relationship and real intimacy relies on open communication. Once you’re comfortable enough with someone to tell them your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, that’s when you know you’ve got something good.

For instance, one partner may assume their counterpart enjoys oral when in fact it makes them uncomfortable and they’d rather avoid it altogether. This is a vital conversation to have.

Take it from these women who shared with Whisper the reasons why they strongly dislike receiving oral pleasure.

1. Some find it unsanitary.

2. Some people just don’t like it.

3. It doesn’t always feel good.

4. It causes a bad reaction for some.

5. It doesn’t bode well with someone who has OCD.

6. It’s something you can’t explain.

7. Prickly beards don’t feel good down there.

8. Maybe it’s an insecurity thing.

9. It’s not for everyone.

10. There was a bad first experience.

11. It can be uncomfortable.

12. It makes kissing taste different.

13. The other person might not enjoy it.

14. Some people just really hate it.

15. It’s awkward.

16. The excuse that always works.

17. All the awkwardness.

18. Regardless of the technique, it doesn’t feel good.

19. Some partners aren’t very good at it.

20. Again, not for everyone.

21. Guys aren’t always the best at it.

22. Each one is like a snowflake.

23. Some people are just givers.

24. It’s not weird.

25. All about preference.

26. Maybe it’s just not your kind of thing.

19 People Confess What Was Going Through Their Heads As They Lost Their V-Cards

Your first time is never quite what you imagine it to be. There’s no magical feeling of change that washes over you the moment you lose your virginity—it’s awkward and uncomfortable but, like anything, with practice it gets better.

At least we can find comfort in the fact that everyone experiences this graceless first encounter. In fact, some have gone as far as to tell Whisper what thoughts were running through their minds during the moment they gave up their v-card and it’s honestly amazing.

1. This person decided to keep it to themselves.

2. They’re not all winners.

3. Some are a little too quick.

4. But they try their best.

5. Some let their minds wander.

6. Some were in disbelief.

7. Others enjoyed a little role play.

8. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies.

9. Just trying to keep the volume down.

10. And it can be less than impressive.

11. This person overthought everything.

12. And this one couldn’t be bothered.

13. This question never goes away.

14. And this is extremely accurate.

15. Sometimes size does matter.

16. Good study material really helps.

17. It’s over before you know it.

18. It’s your story to tell.

19. Just own what you have.

17 Girls Tell It Like It Is

Going down on someone can be a magical unicorn ride through a field of orgasms and sheet clenching flowers.

It can also taste really weird.

After surveying almost 50 people, here are some of the best responses on what girls think their boyfriend’s dick tastes like.


“It tastes similar to my vibrator after I’ve used it” 

Tracy, 32

“My boyfriend’s dick doesn’t have a taste. It’s bland and smells like sweat.”

Noel, 19

“Fresh linen.”

Erika, 26

“It tastes like skin maybe with a light sweat taste if he’s been doing physical labor.”

Katie, 29


Brandi, 21

“I always think it’s going to taste weird but right as I put it in my mouth I remember it taste like skin… Because duh, it’s skin.”

Marianna, 20

“Honestly? Sometimes it smells like old cheese… And not in a good way.”

Brianna, 19


Tiffany, 24

“His smells are always clean but musky. It’s kinda like after sex when you nuzzle your face into the nape of his neck, where you breathe in and then kiss him there. It’s the most intoxicating smell to me.”

Ariana, 26

5 Reasons Every Man Should Invest in a Good Cologne

To all you boys out there…

No, deodorant and cologne are not the same thing.

Deodorant: I am telling you, you MUST to wear.

Cologne: I am highly suggesting you wear.

Reasons you should wear deodorant…you only need one – you stink!

But the reasons you should wear cologne…

1. It’s simply sexy

I cannot even begin to explain how alluring the scent of a musky, yet clean and fresh, cologne is on a man.

It draws a woman in quicker than a sale at Bloomingdales.

It immediately makes you ten times more attractive…and memorable.

2. It’s distinctly you

This scent is permanently attached to the mental image your girl creates of you.

If she’s at the office and catches a whiff of your go-to cologne, wafting in the air; she is sure to think of you.

So, don’t be surprised if you get a text saying, “ Miss you Babe! xoxo”

Every time she smells this scent, she will immediately think of you – and in the best light possible.

3. It triggers a memory

As soon as she smells the scent of the cologne you wore on a special evening, it will bring her back in time to that moment and place.

She will think back to your first date – walking on the beach, dipping your toes into the sand – she will reminisce on the moment you wrapped your arms around her and leaned in for a kiss.

She will remember the look in your eyes, the flutter in her heart, and the smell of your Dolce and Gabbana Sport, drifting in the summer air.

4. It leaves a trail

After a nice night, cuddling and watching a movie together, you head off to work the next morning. But, some of you got left behind…

Her pillows smell so fresh and so alluring. They smell familiar, they smell like – you.

You are bound to be on her mind before she falls asleep at night and her first thought when she wakes up in the morning.

She will only want you, back in her bed, that much more.

5. Its for the woman’s pleasure

We know that you’re not wearing cologne for the sake of your own enjoyment, but for the sake of ours.

It’s a thoughtful way to show you care and want to pleasure your girl in as many ways as possible.

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