Girls always joke on social media about having a “sugar daddy.” If you’re unaware, a sugar daddy is an older guy who seeks “companionship” from a younger woman in exchange for money, clothes, cars, etc. Sometimes it’s just companionship, other times it’s…other stuff. But, there are plenty of “sugar babies” who are perfectly happy going to dinners, events and other outings with older men in exchange for a nice gift/payment. More power to you, ladies, you get yours. While it can be a great situation for all parties involved, sometimes it ends badly for everyone. One Twitter user, @JayAFoolBro told the story of his cousin and her sugar daddy and – the ending…well…just take a look.
When we hear stories about people’s “crazy exes,” at first, we’re skeptical. But, the more we hear about their psycho ways, the more we realize it’s safer to never date anyone at all, ever, than to end up in a relationship with someone who is this crazy. Twitter user @Hoemar___ took us on a journey of ridiculous twists and turns when he decided to share the story of his psycho ex with all of his followers.
Language is not set in stone; it’s continuously changing and evolving. It’s marvelous how new words come into existence and old words take on new meanings. And we’re all for it! But there are some words that just get used way too much. It’s like overexposure with celerities—someone skyrockets to fame and is seen everywhere, constantly, until the previously adoring public gets sick of them.
These words have weaseled their way into our daily lexicon and refuse to go away. They have become household words used by your mom, and they are just no longer cool. They’ve overstayed their 15 minutes of fame and they need to pack up their little bindles and be on their way. Sorry, words.
1. Lit
Lit used to mean kinda drunk, but then it morphed into meaning anything that’s wild fun, like parties. As of 2019, let’s try to come up with new ways to describe our parties because lit is played out.
2. Bae
Bae is technically short for “babe.” What’s with all the shortening of words? Are we really that busy?
3. Feels
As in, having “feels” or worse, having “all the feels.” It’s okay, people, we can throw that “ing” back into the word, we’re not saving all that much time by cutting it out.
GOAT is an acronym for Greatest Of All Time. But truly, how many things can be the greatest? Not many, that’s how many. This expression is way too overused.
5. This
The word “this” is, of course, a completely necessary word, a definite article used often, with no problems. You want “this” outfit, you don’t want “this” hamburger that’s been sitting on the floor for 10 minutes. Fine. But over the last few years, “this,” preceding a link or a tweet and posted on social media, has become a way for people to express that they endorse or second something. And it also very annoying, mainly just to how overused and lazy it is.
No, Kween. NO. Bad! Stop saying that. TV, tweets, Facebook, memes, everybody just stop saying it.
7. Yoked
Yoked is used for someone who’s super muscular and beefy. It comes from the yoke that’s put around the next of oxen when they’re pulling something. Unless you are talking about one of those Budweiser horses, though, let’s just go back to saying “cut” or “fit” or just anything that is not “yoked.”
8. Same
It was cute for a while, but now it’s got to go. We were doing just fine with “same here” or “me too” or even “ditto” like in the movie Ghost.
9. Shook
Shook used to mean really shook up, but now, thanks to internet usage, it barely means anything anymore. People are “shook” by just about anything, good or bad. That’s when you know a word has to go.
10. Big d*ck energy
This was a fun lil’ moment in time when the world became, thanks to Ariana Grande, cognizant of the size of comedian Pete Davidson’s, um, member. For a little while, everything was “big d*ck energy,” but now that phrase is tired and has used up all its energy. Thank u, next.