Unique Gifts for New Boyfriends on Valentine’s Day

For when you’re scrambling for a gift that says “I like you” without screaming “I love you.”

Here’s the deal: you got into a new relationship a month before Valentine’s Day and now you don’t know what to get your new boyfriend. Been there, done that – actually, currently doing that. Valentine’s Day shopping is hard enough without that odd pressure of getting someone you’re still getting to know a decent gift. But have no fear – I’ve got some things that might just save the (holi)day.

For the Adventurer

Scratch Map – $26-40

Outdoor Safe Smart Wristband – $25

Portable Campfire – $28

Travel Stub Diary – $15

For the Fitness Junkie

Fitness Dice – $19

Fitness Massage Cube – $29

Bamboo Garden Cork Yoga Wheel – $65

Wooden Hand and Palm Roller – $15

For the Drink Connoisseur

Whiskey Wedge and Glass – $25

Beer Chilling Coasters – $35-45

City Skyline Beer Glasses – $28

BottleLoft – $30

For the Foodie

BBQ Blends Rub and Sauce Kit – $45 ($25 on sale)

LED Grilling Tool Set – $40

Mesh Grill Bags – $22

Global Hot Sauce Gift Box – $45

For the Arts-Lover

Birth Month Guitar Pick – $25

At Home Movie Critic’s Chart – $20

At Home Pottery DIY Kit – $58

What to Watch Streaming Decider Dice – $18

For the Sport Fanatic

Land Shark Golf Ball Marker – $29

Baseball Park Map Glasses – $35

Home Plate Doormat – $34

Anatomy of Sports Coasters – $45

For the Romantic

Date Night Bucket List – $20

Back to That Night (Custom Sky Glassware) – $54

Homesick Candles – $34

Long Distance Message Mug & Coaster – $34-60

For the Wellness Enthusiast

Caffeinated Soap – $18

Natural Beard Care Set – $29

Blue Light Blocking Reading Glasses – $30

Mindfulness Dice – $19

For the Kid at Heart

Game of Phones (game) – $12-25

Murder Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle – $19

Wall Pong – $60

Puns of Anarchy (game) – $35

Wherever you are in the relationship, whether it’s just the beginning or a long time in, these gifts will hopefully work for your man for Valentine’s Day. Some of these products may also be on sale, depending on when you purchase them.

Take the pressure off of Valentine’s Day and whatever you think it should be. Celebrate in a way that is special between you and your significant other and remember: if the gift is coming from you, they’re bound to like it, no matter what it is.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

5 Things No One Tells You About Moving In With Your Significant Other

From sharing expenses to always having someone who loves and supports you by your side, living with your partner can have plenty of benefits for both of your lives. And considering the financial and emotional hardships we were forced to endure during the coronavirus pandemic, more couples are now moving in together than ever. However, not everyone might be aware of all the implications of such an important step. Living with your partner represents a significant new chapter in your lives, which is why you should think about all possible aspects before finally deciding to take the leap.


To that end, here are some important things no one will tell you about moving in with your partner you should take into consideration:


1. Your reasons for moving in should be clear

Before making such a big step, it might be wise to consider your reasons for wanting to move in with your partner first. When it comes to younger couples living in larger cities, most of them decide to move in together primarily in an effort to save on rent, especially after the economic uncertainty of the pandemic, only to later realize that they weren’t quite ready to take their relationship to that level.

To prevent such an occurrence, it might be a good idea to consider your motivations, especially if you’re in quite a fresh relationship. If you know your partner, as well as their friends and family, very well, if you already have some shared routines established, if you feel fully comfortable with your significant other, and if you truly want to invest in a relationship with them, then moving in together is the only logical next step.


2. Your finances have to be openly discussed

Having a conversation about finances in advance is another aspect of moving in together that shouldn’t be overlooked, as it’s vital for your shared future. So, start by talking to your partner about your budget for the move itself, and then decide how you would like to pay the rent, monthly bills, as well as any other shared daily expenses.

It might also be wise to talk about combining (or not combining) your incomes, as well as possibly opting for savings together, or even investments you’d like to make in your new home. Don’t forget to have a conversation about the general way in which you budget and spend your salaries either, as coming to an agreement on spending habits might help prevent any future money issues and arguments.


3. Professional help will be necessary for the move

Once you’ve found an ideal place and talked things over with your partner, the next step would be to finally move in together. However, considering all the challenging aspects of moving for the first time, such as careful planning and organization, you might require the help of professionals who will take care of these stressful tasks for you, while being mindful of the safety implications of the current pandemic situation.


This becomes especially important when moving to a more distant location, as doing your research and hiring a reliable long distance moving service might be the only way to ensure the safe transportation of your items. What’s more, having professionals who can not only move your belongings, but also help to pack and carry any essentials, will undoubtedly relieve some of the moving day stress, allowing both you and your partner to feel more positive about the entire experience.


4. The overall look of your home should be talked about

After you’ve managed to seamlessly move in thanks to professional help, the next chapter of your life begins. Now is the ideal time to start talking to your partner about how you imagine the life in your home to look like, from the interior decor to the food you eat, and even the way you will celebrate future holidays.

Don’t be afraid to go into the smaller details either, such as tackling the issue of taking the shoes off at the entrance or deciding how often you will deep clean your home. Agreeing on these aspects isn’t only important for a harmonious relationship, but also for your health and wellbeing, especially during such an uncertain time as the pandemic.


5. You must have a conversation about future expectations

The final aspect to consider might be the most important of all, and that is the future of your relationship. Is getting married and having children one of your priorities? Do you have a good healthcare and support plan set in place in case the pandemic affects you and your partner?


Discussing your future expectations and a potential timeline for your relationship is incredibly important. This will allow you to make compromises, come to certain conclusions, and create a clearer picture of your future, allowing you to be on the same page when starting a new life together.


While the process of moving in with your partner for the first time might be filled with unexpected circumstances, the tips mentioned above will allow you to prepare ahead of time, and turn your move into a smooth and pleasant experience.

7 Ways To Tell You’ve Finally Found That ‘Forever’ Kind Of Love

When we fall in love with someone, we always want them to be the “end all, be all” of our life. We don’t want to think about every playing the field again, we never want to think about the “dating scene” again–we just want this to be the “forever” kind of love. How do you know, though? How are you able to realize that the person you are with is the person you should be with forever? It’s hard to say. Everyone’s life is incredibly different (in many ways), but there are some universal feelings, lessons, and realizations that you can have while falling in love that makes you stop and realize–”wow, I can truly see myself spending the rest of my life with this person.”


1. You completely trust them, with no strings attached.

When you fall in love with someone, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to someone. We’re allowing ourselves to risk being hurt, heartbroken, and devastated if things don’t go as planned. We’re essentially putting our emotional wellbeing and souls into another person’s hands. That’s truly an action that requires the utmost trust and value. If you’re unsure whether or not you can trust your partner, there’s no reason to even picture a future together. You should feel comfortable and at ease when it comes to your life together.

You should never wonder what they’re doing when they’re out if they’re talking to someone else, if they’re texting someone they shouldn’t be. If you ever feel the inclination you should go through their phone, texts, emails, social media–you’re not with the person you deserve to be with. The person you are meant to be with will never, ever give you a reason not to trust them. They will always be honest with you, open with you, and give you every single solitary reason to trust them. If you are uneasy about your love now, think about feeling this way as you get older–with kids involved. You should never live your life on the edge with someone.


People Are Admitting The Dumbest Things Their Significant Other Has Ever Done And…Just Wow

We all do stupid things in our lives—no one is perfect. Sometimes, we make mistakes that we can easily recover from. Other times, our partner will never, ever let us live down the dumb, outrageous, stupid things we do and say. Isn’t that what love is about, anyway? Good thing there are places like Reddit who ask our partners to share these very stories and embarrass us all for the rest of our lives. Good thing my boyfriend doesn’t use Reddit much—or I’d be f*cked.


She told me she only waxes her legs, because if you shave one hair, then it splits and two grow back in its place…



I asked him to plant a baby tree in the back garden. The next day I saw it and thought it looked strange. Walked up and it had been planted upside down. He thought the roots were tiny limp branches. Laughed for days.



We bought a new car. She asked me if I changed the settings to Spanish because it said ‘Ajar’ on the dash when the door was open.



As I’m in labor with our daughter, my husband asks “Do you want her to have an innie or an outie belly button?” Weird question, but whatever. So I tell him I don’t mind either way, both are cute. And then he says “Yeah, but when the Dr asks, which should we pick for her?”

He thought when they clamp the umbilical cord, parents tell the Dr the type of belly button they prefer. He’s really smart, I promise.



When my wife and I started dating in the mid 1980’s she knew I was a huge fan of David Letterman. She said she had a huge surprise for me as she had tickets to see Letterman at a local venue.

I was confused since David Letterman did not tour. I looked at the tickets she purchased and they were for the old 60’s band “The Lettermen.”



One time my husband called me at work, “Babe, you’re gonna be mad, I made a mess but don’t worry I’ll fix it!” I didn’t even ask, just sighed, because he is basically Lucy from I Love Lucy. When I got home a little bit later it was to a living room COVERED in gray powder, my husband completely filthy with a trash bag and broom and a super panicked look on his face. Turned out he’d decided to help around the house and wanted to clean the fireplace, he’d just decided the best way to do it would be to stand in front of it with a trash bag and use the leaf blower to blow the ashes in.



My boyfriend as we were looking up at the beautiful night sky.

“Wow, there’s so much we don’t know about the universe. Like where the stars go during the day. Are they still there? If not, where do they go?”

He was dead serious.



My favorite memory of my parents is going to some fast food joint, through the drive thru. Mom is driving and giving our orders to the cashier. Just as she finishes my dad casually says “To go” my mom, and she turns back to the cashier and says “To go.” Two seconds of buffering later and she slaps my dad full on in the chest, who is laughing fucking hysterically. Dont think we’ve ever let her live that down.



I showed her how to crack an egg by tapping it against another egg and she thought this meant any amount of force would be absorbed by only one egg and smashed two eggs together spraying yolk everywhere.



My girlfriend in college attended my graduation and afterward says to me, “Man, there were a lot of people with the name ‘lawdy’.”

Each time someone was given their degree, it was announced whether they were graduating “cum laude” or not. My girlfriend thought America’s largest family graduated from university with me that day – the Lawdy family (and they all looked unrelated.)



My husband and I were at Canadian Tire and they had tiny examples of tents (basically looked like they were made for barbie dolls) and the pricing for each underneath. He turned to me shocked and asked, “why are these so expensive for such tiny tents?!”.



As we were driving along the road we saw a horse with its head over a gate. We slowed down, she opens the window and says “Mooooooo.”



I love my husband but I have watched him empty a vacuum cleaner bag into a wire wastebasket.

I, on the other hand, am frequently unable to remember common words and have to resort to saying things like “The box you put stuff in to make it cold.”



My boyfriend thought that a sushi roll was a cross section of a raw eel.



She ate cold turkey to try and quit smoking.



Tried to make baked potatoes in the microwave for the first time. Wrapped them in tinfoil. Came to ask me why there were lightning bolts in the microwave and why was it getting very hot.



We were driving one day and were stopped at a red light. She’s looking at a sign and the following exchange occurs:

Her: “What a dumb name for a street!”

Me: “Huh? What street?”

Her: “Bone Marrow Drive? Who would name a street Bone Marrow Drive?”

It was a sign for a local bone marrow drive that would be taking place, not the name of the street. We still talk about it to this day.



Now ex girlfriend from high school. Her power had gone out in the neighboring town. She called crying saying she had so much homework to complete. I said to drive to my house since I still had power. She yelled at me saying “how dare you attempt to get me to drive! How do you expect me to do that… my headlights won’t work!”



nothing too dumb. I have a fan with different settings labelled L M H for how fast the fan spins.

She was looking at it and told me she set the fan to ‘Large.’



He is super grossed out my periods, when I asked him what he would do if we had a daughter he replied “I just won’t change her diaper that time of the month.”



A now ex but we were trying to dirty talk and couldn’t think of the word “clit” so instead he said “tiddly bit” I was laughing so much that we couldn’t continue.



In high school, my girlfriend said, “Do you know what I just realized? There’s no state that starts with the letter F!”

We went to school in Florida.



On the phone trying to describe where we are to her parents:

“We are behind the car that’s in front of us.”

I lost it.



Wife was getting in the car to take me to work

Started shouting at me to hurry up then it dawned on her she had got in the passenger side by mistake.



“The hardest part of writing a check is you have to write in cursive.”



I work at a school and received a candle as a gift one year for christmas from a parent. They were known to be hippies and set in their lifestyle. My boyfriend picked it up and said “wow, what hipsters, they even got a candle made in Mexico. It says soy candle!!” The candle was made from soy wax, it did not say “I am candle” in Spanish, much to his disappointment and my delight.



My fiancee was setting up for my 30th birthday at a bar. She was blowing up balloons with her mouth and taping them to the wall on the outside deck the bar had. She asked me, “why aren’t they floating up?”



For some reason, when she’s done watching a video she doesn’t pause it or close out of the window; she just shuts her laptop. This has twice resulted in her scandalizing a quiet lecture hall with the sound of porn resuming at full volume.

And she gets off on some wacky shit.



My husband called me one day with a wild story. He said he sharted and wanted to see if there was poop on his ass so he stood on the toilet and spread his ass cheeks while looking in the mirror to see the damage. Then, from him standing on the toilet seat he broke it. He fell to the floor and said he saw pubes and started puking. After all that I asked him why he didn’t just wipe his ass like a normal person but he insisted he had to look at his butthole.


h/t: Reddit.

Woman Gets Dumped On Valentine’s Day After Treating The Waitress Poorly

From a very young age, my grandmother told me to pay close attention to how my significant other treats waitstaff when we’re out at a restaurant. For some, it’s a way to see someone else’s “true colors” to see how they treat those who are there to “serve them.” For others, it’s not a huge deal. In my mind—if you treat a server poorly, you’re a complete piece of sh*t and I’m not going to go out with you again. Apparently, I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Reddit user lustfulspiritanimal shared a story on the subreddit “Tales From Your Server” about one couple’s Valentine’s Day date that went horribly, horribly wrong.

Last night I was taking care of a party of 16 and a few other tables of just couples. The party of 16 was needy, but they were aware of it and remained friendly…except “Angie”…

The first incident with “Angie” was not taking her order first. I went around the table, got to her, and she let out a “jfc, about time. People are thirsty.” I continued with drink orders, walking around the table to place coasters, started walking away and heard “excuse me miss, but where is my drink???” I tell her “I haven’t left the table yet. It will be here shorty.” Her boyfriend, “Luis,” apologizes for her and I carry on with my routine.

The second incident was when Angie ate Rebecca’s appetizer (which was dropped off by a food runner). Angie’s excuse (which she uses again later on…) “How am I supposed to know what I ordered?”

Luis: “Babe, you didnt even order an appetizer.”

Angie (looking right at me): “Well this dumb bitch shouldn’t have put it in front of me if it wasn’t mine.”

Once again, apologies from Luis on Angie’s behalf.

Things like this continue to happen throughout the night. But the group is fun and I ignore it. Everyone is in conversation when I bring the checks. Luis tells me to put them next to him and he will pass them out.

I’m having a conversation with a lovely couple on their first date when Angie walks over to the table and starts yelling. “You’re so fucking lazy that you can’t even hand our checks to us. You just throw them on the fucking table. How are we supposed to know what we ordered??? You need to get our ass back to our table and quit talking to your friends and do your fucking job!!!”

The guy from the table I was talking to just looked at her like “wtf? This crazy bitch.” I’m looking at him like “I know, right?”

I tell her that I’ll get a manager and she can speak with them. I tell my manager everything and she just gets this wonderfully evil smile on her face. She tells me not to return to the table and to give the interrupted couple the employee discount and a dessert.

As I’m doing this, I look over and see Angie and Luis talking to my manager. Angie is waving her arms around like a wacky inflatable man. My manager is still smiling like a creep. Luis is rolling his eyes. Everyone signs their checks and leaves. I pick them up and see that the tips on all of them have been scratched out. I walk outside and see Rebecca #2, ask her about it, and she gets visibly pissed, and has the entire part resign copies of their checks. Luis and his brother come up to me, apologize again, and hand me $40 cash.

Then the best thing ever happens.. Luis walks downstairs to Angie. I have no idea what he said. But the entire floor heard “YOU’RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR SOME STUPID WAITRESS??? FUCK HER! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE A DUMB BITCH TOO!”

It just goes to show you—being kind goes a long way. Being rude to servers is wrong to begin with, but, who knows—you could end up getting dumped on Valentine’s Day by your boyfriend for being an absolute nightmare of a human being.

h/t: Reddit.

Going To Bed Angry Is Better For Your Relationship In The Long Run

It’s a universal truth that every couple argues. Some couples argue a lot, some couples argue a little – my boyfriend and I argue more than we do anything else. But, overall, every couple goes through their own problems from time to time. There is no such thing as a “perfect relationship,”—everyone has their sh*t.

When we argue with our SO in our relationship, we’ve been socially constructed to solve the problems that come about right then and there—never giving ourselves a break or time to process any thoughts or changes. We’ve been told that if we truly care about our relationship, we’ll fight tooth and nail to make it work and make it better. We have to find a way to figure it out and we have to do it right then and there.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “never go to bed angry.”

Basically, that saying is as old as the nature of love and marriage. As time has progressed, society has progressed. We’re constantly on—working, running around, trying to do everything in the small frame of 24 hours that we have. We don’t usually have time to decompress and relax. When we have long days, we yearn to come home to our SO and enjoy our time with them, getting that “break” we truly need.

When that break ends in explosions and fights, it’s almost impossible for us not to get frustrated. The real issue is that society tells us, when we argue with our significant other, we should do whatever we can to solve it and not let ourselves leave without solving the issue at hand.

People think that if you stay up all night long trying to solve problems, it proves some big notion that you care about your relationship enough to lose sleep over it and that means your relationship is strong and resilient and rainbows/butterflies/sunshine-y great.

I call bullsh*t.

When you fight with your SO, it’s healthy to go to bed angry.

I’m serious. Think about it like this—

When you fight with your SO about something important, it takes a lot of energy out of you to argue back and forth with them. Many of times when you disagree, it’s more than just a little thing – there’s a lot of depth to your argument which means, there’s a lot to talk about. The more you talk, the later it gets.

Ever stay up talking to someone super late at night and realize after a while, you stop making sense? You start to become so overtired that your mind is working on overdrive, you start to get foggy and it’s super hard to think clearly and maintain a solid thought process.

If you’re arguing with your SO, you’ll want to have your foundation solid and strong – but, if you argue into the late, late hours of the night, you’ll probably end up making things worse not better. You’ll be so exhausted that your argument will start to sound insane and your mind will start to clutter.

Now, if you choose to sleep on it, instead of arguing all night long, it’ll help in many ways. By allowing both you and your SO to “sleep on it,” you give each other time to process the argument and what happened/what went wrong. Many of times, this allows you and your SO to better understand the other’s argument and stance, which means, you may come into the next conversation with a new, compromising and calm perspective.

As well, you’ll have a clear head and a better sense of your emotions – you may decide you and your partner can agree to disagree and move on from the argument at hand. You may decide that there are ways to meet in the middle and make both of you happy. But, you wouldn’t have realized all of these things at 4 a.m. after you’d been fighting for five hours.

So, if you find yourself disagreeing with your SO and it goes on into the late night – give yourself a break. Get some rest, sleep on it, allow yourself to detox from the arguments and get some rest. I promise you in the morning, you will thank me.

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