The Weight of The World Always Rest on The Shoulders of A Family’s Eldest Daughter.

There are always cheesy themes and hidden messages in movies, and TV shows. Some fake and cliche but some brutally honest and true, One message that is true and through is that…

“The weight of the world always rests on the shoulders of a family’s eldest daughter“.

She is responsible for holding the family together. I found this to be true on many, many occasions. Most recently is this past Christmas season. So recent, trust me I know. All within 72 hours of each other 95% of my family ended up with COVID, my grandfather passed away and I ended up being my little brother’s guardian for four days, all of this taking place three days before Christmas.

You can imagine my shock…

Christmas was definitely weird and hard this year, that is for sure. I won’t lie I had a bit of a breakdown in the store shopping for stocking stuffers for my little brother. I was so overwhelmed and thought I was in way over my head on this. I had never “been in charge” of Christmas before, but I couldn’t let my family know this… I had to hold it together for them. I seriously give my mom credit for always giving my siblings and I such an amazing Christmas all of these years!

Sometimes the task is somewhat simple and manageable, but other times it’s soul-crushing…

Stuffing stockings, and putting presents under the tree, that’s simple. Keeping track of your teenage brother… ahh not too difficult but defiantly not the easiest! Writing your grandfather’s obituary… that, is rough, to say the least.

I’m lucky though because I know that once all of this is over I will have my family to fall back on, and that’s exactly what happened. they were there for me to back me up and keep me level-headed after all of the craziness. I know a lot of girls don’t have that security, and that honestly breaks my heart because it’s a lot, both mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically.

Sometimes ladies like us are forced to grow up way, way too quick. You’ll learn that quickly. I don’t know… eldest daughters are built differently…

It’s almost a natural instinct if you think about it… The eldest daughter almost plays that second mother role, always protecting and looking after the littles when mom is not there. She knows she knows what to do if someone gets hurt, she knows what to do if someone is sad and you know damn well she will do anything and everything in her power to make everything right. Never underestimate the power of the eldest daughter, ever.



When Your Sister Is Both Your Best Friend And Worst Enemy

My sister is my absolute best friend and my worst enemy.

I’ll tell you why.. before you are thinking that I have no soul and that it makes no sense. She’s my best friend because she’s the person I run to when I have something exciting to tell. Any family drama I need to discuss.. she is the first person I call up. Any boy who broke my heart? Well, let’s just say she is the person they would need to avoid. Back when we were kids, we would play barbies, sing karaoke, dance in the rain, play on the swing set, talk about our future, and promise each other to be one another maid of honors whenever we got married. I wanted to be just like her and do everything she did. She was and still is the best big sister I could ever have.  I grew up knowing I was lucky.. because God chose a sister for me that could be the best friend I never had to go looking for. 


Like I said.. she’s my worst enemy too.


I have to let you know, we are only 16 months apart, so being so close in age and growing up, I wanted everything she got. And I fought to catch up with her.  I envy her, because she’s beautiful, funny, outgoing, smart, driven, and fearless. She’s my role model but also my worst enemy because I compare my whole life to hers. I don’t mean too, but because I’m the little sister something is always making me feel like I need to be just like her. I grew up and people would say your sister is awesome! She’s funny and beautiful and she’s just perfect. And I totally agreed with them. But, it bothered me because the jealousy of a little sister kicked in and I always said to myself, well I wish they said the same things about me. Your worst enemy is the person you cannot stand and that you would never imagine spending a day with them. Well.. there were  days I couldn’t stand being around her because I literally would hate that I would constantly compare the way my life and how I turned out to her.

She’s my worst enemy because I fight too much to be like her. She’s my worst enemy because I know that because I am the little sister I always have the little jealousy of wanting to have the life of my big sister. 


I’m glad she’s my best friend and worst enemy. It’s great to have days where I don’t always get along with her and we just can’t stand each other. Because of course…that’s family. We are still sisters, we fight constantly, and we don’t always see eye to eye. But, I’m so grateful that on those days that we do get along.. we can be each other’s best friends. I don’t think she truly knows that no matter where we end up in life that I’ll always be her best friend, because….

How the hell do you sum up your sister in three minutes? She’s your twin and your polar opposite. And she’s your constant companion and your competition. She’s your best friend and the biggest bitch in the world. And she’s everything you wish you could be and everything you wish you weren’t.”

Guy Gets DNA Test Results And Finds Out He’s Dating His Half-Sister

DNA tests like 23AndMe are all the rage right now. People are excited to find out exactly what nationalities comprise them, sometimes learning that their ancestors weren’t who they thought they were. One cool thing about the tests is that they shed light on a person’s family history and sometimes even help people find relatives they didn’t know they had. Only, in this case, that didn’t turn out to be such a good thing at all.

A Redditor whose user name, AccidentalxIncest, (uh-oh) sort of spells out the problem, posted in the TIFU subreddit about how his girlfriend bought them both 23AndMe kits for Christmas.

I’ll let him take from here:


Throwaway, obviously. I also made the same post over at r/23andme.

I just found out a few hours ago and my girlfriend and I are currently a mental wreck.

Quick background

My girlfriend (I’ll refer to her as Sarah) and I have been dating for a little over than a year and our relationship has been going very well. We both happen to come from the same town and met each other in college after being introduced by a mutual friend of ours.

Here’s where the FU begins to unravel

Last year for Christmas, Sarah decided to come over and stay with me at my apartment for the holidays. I also had decided not to go home for the holidays either. Plus, all my other roommates were back home visiting family, so we had the whole place to ourselves. It was perfect.

Christmas day rolls around, and Sarah had bought the both of us 23andme DNA kits. The thing is, is that we were both conceived by in-vitro fertilization via sperm donors. Both of our fathers were infertile so our parents had no choice. Deep down, the both of us were hoping to find our biological fathers through the service.

Okay, so both of them are looking to find their birth fathers.

Fast forward less than a month later to today, and both of our results are in. Sarah comes over to spend the weekend and we go through our results together on our laptops. We compare our ancestry and health reports and nothing seems off. I even found out I’m 2% Native American. All was well until we arrived at the “DNA relatives” section…

Sarah tightly holds my hand and says “I hope we both find our fathers”. Then I open mine up….

At the top of my screen, I see Sarah’s name…. “27% DNA shared…half-sister……….”

Sarah starts hysterically laughing and tells me to stop joking.

I don’t react to anything she says, and just stare at my screen in disbelief.

I then abruptly grab her laptop and open up her “DNA relatives” section. We see the same thing. My name at the top… “27% DNA shared…half-brother”

At this moment my brain just completely short-circuits…..


What a complete nightmare.

My mind starts going a 100mph and I began hyperventilating, going into a state of shock. I can’t even remember what Sarah was doing at this time.

It’s pretty self-explanatory by now, but for those of you who don’t understand how we could be related, it turns out our moms were probably both fertilized by the same sperm sample. What are the fucking odds, right? The fact that we’re from the same town certainly increased the odds but still.

6 hours later, just typing this entire post makes my body shiver. There are no words I have to express what my mental state is now. To put it in simple words: I feel traumatized. Part of me still won’t stop thinking about how much I love Sarah and then I realize our entire relationship was incest. I honestly feel disgusted standing in my own skin. I’ve even been contemplating suicide.

Sarah and I haven’t talked at all since going into shock.

Right as I’m finishing up this post, Sarah has grabbed her stuff and left my apartment a few moments ago.

I’m probably not going to respond to any of your comments/questions for now and I honestly want to be left alone in the corner of my room. I really just needed a place to vent all this.

He added a “Too Long; Didn’t Read” summary of the situation at the end of the post.

TL;DR: Former gf and I are both sperm donor babies and come from the same town. We take a 23andme DNA test and find out we’re each other’s half-sibling. Meaning I’ve been having sex with my sister for over a year. Turns out we both were conceived from the same sperm sample, go figure.

I do not give permission for my post to be used in the making of any movie, story, book, etc.

He also added three edits. The first said that he was getting support from friends and the second thanked Reddit for giving him support.

EDIT: My mates just came home and are giving me support.

EDIT 2: RIP inbox. Thank you all so much for the support. I just logged back in and didn’t really expect this post to blow up. Last night was rough. Sarah’s friend/roommate called letting me know Sarah was home. As of now, Sarah and I still haven’t talked. But after an night of thinking, I believe I’ve come to terms with what we’ve discovered. For those of you who still think this is fake (I honestly wish it was), here’s a screenshot showing our shared DNA ( I think the best way for Sarah and I to heal is to go back home (our town) and see how this all began with our families. Only then will we be able to accept the reality. I’ll post more updates as things develop.

The third edit included proof of the DNA results, for anybody who thought he was making this up.

(EDIT 2)Proof:(


Redditors did offer lots of perspective advice, which might have been at least a little helpful.

It’s understandably a pretty traumatic experience, so I think it’s best that you and your girlfriend have some time apart.

However, at some point I would recommend two things: 1. Talking to her about the results and, 2. Getting a second test done by another reputable service or medical provider. Your family doctor may even have a recommendation.

As you said, this is a pretty phenomenal circumstance. Before making any sort of long-term, final decision about your relationship, verifying the test results should be a priority.

Maybe I’m just too open minded but I don’t think you did anything wrong or disgusting. I mean it’s not like you’re actual brother and sister that grew up together.

Not saying I’d just continue or anything, but I can’t see how you could’ve known or prevented this so keep your head up ?

No children, no harm done.

Imagine you got to the point in life you decided on having kids and found out then. Compared to that this is a very happy ending and you both dodged a bullet.


What’s disgusting about incest is having a romantic/sexual relationship with someone you’re so intimately related to that you grew up with each other from birth.

In this instance they’re only half related, and likely had completely different upbringings in completely separate families. Genetically it’s still not a great idea, but morally and ethically I don’t think there’s anything here to worry about.


Well, this is quite a sticky situation. Hopefully the Reddit poster and his girlfriend/half-sister figure stuff out in a way that doesn’t leave anybody any more traumatized.

h/t: Someecards

21 Sister Tattoos You’re Going To Want To Get With Your Sister

There’s no relationship quite like the one you have with your sister(s). Take it from the youngest of three – I’m super close with my sisters and cannot imagine my life without them. They are my rocks, my saviors and sometimes – the reason I’m angry and annoyed – but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.






10 Reasons Your Big Sister Is The Absolute Best Thing That Ever Happened To You




There’s a saying that’s as old as time—you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family. When you’re stuck with someone for the majority of your life, like your sister, at times they can get on your nerves. But, the beauty of your family is that blood is always thicker than water.

Your sister is your first best friend – you live together, you grow together, you probably share more clothing, more memories, and more laughs/tears together than you have or will with anyone else.

My sister is my best friend—the mac to my cheese, the cookies to my milk, the blue cheese to my buffalo wings. Even though we are ten years apart, we have shared more real, true love than anyone else I know.

1. She supports all of your decisions, even if they’re horrible.

Your sister knows how you’ve gotten to where you are because they’ve grown up in the same family, life circumstances and environment as you have. When it comes to your life choices, they always have your back.

Sometimes, we make sh*tty decisions, and they won’t always agree, but they will be there to pick you up when you fall and fail. They’ll laugh at you sometimes, but then, they’ll rewatch that horrible chick flick you love for the 10th time and veg out with some wine and milkshakes to cheer you up.

2. She shares everything with you.

When you grow up with a sister, you get to share everything. Some people share a room, some people share clothes no matter what it is, what’s hers is yours and vice versa. When she has only one more french fry left in the bag, she’ll split it with you.

I wouldn’t even know half the music I love today if my sister and I didn’t “share” a computer together—AKA, me using her laptop when she wasn’t home and listening to her music library.

When you are really close with your sister, you’re able to open up and share your secrets, your fears, your dreams with them. These are the moments you’ll treasure forever.

3. She’s always proud of you.

We all go through milestones in our life—graduating from school, landing a job, starting a family. Your sister will always make sure you know how proud of you she is. She will always be there for the big moments—because she has to be – but also, because she wants to be.

They’re the ones who brag about you to the rest of the family before you even get a word in edgewise, being your biggest cheerleader.

4. She gives amazing advice.

Your sister probably experienced things you didn’t experience or haven’t experienced yet. When you feel lost and don’t know who to turn to, your sister will always be there for the solid pep talk and advice you really need.

When your sister is older, she’ll be able to help you navigate those tough situations you just can’t figure out.

The beauty of it is that she’ll be brutally honest with you, because, you can dead a friend – but you can never dead your sister.


25 Petty Sibling Fights You Never Quite Grow Out Of

If you’ve got a brother or sister, you’ve had your fair share of sibling fights. Maybe sis took the remote from you, or brother ate the last slice of pizza that you staked your claim to. The bonds of blood can only extend so far until it’s time for someone to catch hands. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Every sibling under the sun has these same experiences and they make for some great laughs.






























More memes:

51 Reasons I’d Be Lost Without My Sister

When God gave me a sister, he gave me a best friend for life.


1. She knows ALL my flaws and loves me anyways


2. She knows how to make me laugh harder than anyone else


3. She is the only person that understands our parents


4. She is my partner in crime


5. There is no one I would rather party with


6.There is no one I would rather watch T.V with.


7. We are so different but so much alike


8. She knows how to push my buttons


9. But I know how to push hers


10. She can make me cry with one word


11. She can make me smile with one look


12. She knows, I do not need to tell her she just knows


13. She is my permanent best friend


14. She is the person I admire the most


15. She is the strongest girl I know


16. She never lets me pity myself


17. She makes sure I never let her pity herself


18. We fight and it gets physical


19. But we always make up shortly after


20. She protects me


21. She knows my worth and never lets me forget it


22. She can read my mind


23. She is the boss of me


24. I am her weakness


25. She knows my story and I know hers


A Letter To My Sister: Here’s What I Wish For You

Being your sister is the greatest blessing life has offered me. There is no one I would’ve rather grown up and shared life with.

My love for you is the most unconditional form and I promise no matter what happens you will always have me.

As your sister I wish you would learn from my mistakes. Please never settle, you have the most beautiful soul and deserve nothing but the absolute best. I wanted to write a letter to you with an essay writing company such as domywriting to express my hopes for you. Your life is full of potential.

I wish you will always stay true to what you believe in.

I wish you will always forgive. Holding grudges can make you unhappy. Learn to forgive and let go but learn and protect yourself from getting into the same situation again.I wish you will never give up on your dreams no matter how big they are. If you wish to become president, I will be right there beside you being your biggest cheerleader because you can accomplish anything.

I wish you would never give up on yourself because I will never give up on you. Remember no matter what life throws at you, you are never alone.

I hope you will always stay true to yourself. Please don’t ever change. You are the most pure and honest person I know. In a world that’s constantly changing have the strength to be consistent.

I wish that you will always smile. Some of the hardest times in my life you were always there to listen with a smile on your face. It uplifted me and my spirits and it can do that for so many other people.

I wish you realize you have the power to change the world. You are the most ambitious and inspiring person I know. Your attitude and diligence can encourage and change so many lives.

Lastly, I wish you realize what an inspiration your life has been to me and so many others.

Everything you have done you have worked so hard for.

I love you more than you could ever know.

Love your Sis.

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